The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )

You've seen the lies – THIS IS THE TRUTH!

This individual told reporters “I’m literally Jewish and I got attacked, assaulted, pepper-sprayed, spit on, you name it.” … “Called disgusting slurs just because of my religion,” but does that claim match what you see in this video? The actual victim was an elderly veteran, 74 years old, who was shoved head first into a ditch by this person, because he didn't agree with his political commentary. This individual, who lied by omission to reporters (as to his role in the altercation) should actually be charged with aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older. But you and I both know, this will never happen! We all know about the extreme anti-White, pro-Jewish bias in the so-called justice system – currently owned and controlled by the Jews, which is only one of the many reasons for our protest and political activism that day.

Feb 4 2022 · The Orange County Sheriff's Office has published a tweet, detailing the arrest of Commander Colucci, along with two other members of the NSM.

They claim, “We will not stand for hate,” a statement which completely confirms the POLITICAL NATURE of these high profile made-for-TV arrests. Hate is purely subjective and varies from person to person. Finnish professor Kai Murros reminds us, the greatest achievements of the human race, have all grown out of hate. Hate without violence is also legal; Americans have a legal right to hate anyone they please, especially in the case of the NSM, where we cite the many reasons for this hate. The Orange County Sheriff's Office effectively confirms they have become a political (rather than a law enforcement) agency, one which does not exist to uphold justice – but rather to further their own liberal political agenda; of granting ever increasing privilege and rights to those who did not earn, thus do not deserve extraordinary rights and privilege. This clearly is not true of everyone within the office, but is certainly true for those at the top. How far they will take this injustice, is yet to be seen. However I stand on my previous assertion, that no charges will ever be filed against the Jewish individual who instigated the violence, when he perpetrated the violent assault upon an elder, an act which was motivated by political grievance and racial bias, clearly depicted in the video above.

We have been waiting, now ? days for the Sheriff's Office to take action against this Jewish instigator of violence, as depicted in the video above. So far, they refuse to charge this Jew with any crime. The Sheriff's Office contemptuously declines prosecution. So why would they do this? Speculating such motivation with an unethical preference to Jews is easy. The office of Sheriff is an elected position. Jews control all major aspects of news and information. As such, Jews and Jews alone, decide the probable outcome of most elections, by steering the electorate to vote the collective Jewish will, through the use of their hive-mind media control. This explains why every politician, regardless of party affiliation, places the Jews and their needs above everyone and everything else, both during their campaign for office, as well as after. So how does this sit with the oath of office, where a Sheriff swears never to betray personal integrity, character, or the public trust? Where they will always maintain the highest ethical standards and uphold the values of the agency in which they serve? Not very well, unfortunately. But really, what choice do they have? Without the full approval and support of the Jews, they will never serve any community as an elected officer of the law. This is the situation that every elected official, not just the Sheriff, must deal with. Maybe now you understand this slavish devotion to Jews and Israel, that ALL our elected officials seem to share.

The reason there will be no charges is clear. The instigator of this violence is Jewish and everyone in the world knows that Jews Rule America – and as such, Jews are above the law, as they OWN the law. Everyone on earth knows this, but no one ever dares to say it. The NSM recognizes the incredible hypocrisy of our government, proclaiming the absolute equality of all their citizens, while granting unconditional power and privilege, to an elite minority of Jews.

On Saturday, January 29th, deputies interviewed David Newstat (the Jew shown assaulting the senior citizen above) and after listening to his claims, were all set to arrest several NSM members, until they reviewed the video you see above and concluded that no arrests of NSM members would be made. We know this to be true, as no arrests WERE made, that day. They also said they were likely to charge David Newstat with battery of an elder, as they had inadvertently become witness to a felony (and thus were compelled by law to act). Six days later, the tables have turned. With the help of the Jewish media, the criminal is now the victim. Three members of the NSM have been arrested, charged with a hate crime and are pending trial, yet David Newstat has never been charged with any crime. This is what Jews Rule America looks like folks. If one of the intended goals of this NSM protest was to prove Jewish hegemony, we have achieved it. Apparently, politically desirable injustice is all that Orange County will deliver, for now. The purpose and scope of this webpage, is to call them out on it! We provide the sunlight needed, to disinfect this unjust leftist corruption, which is ruining our Republic.

Be sure to download this video and share it everywhere.

Because the Jewish media is not going to share or promote this truth. So it is totally up to you.



In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

The answer is right at the top of this page.

Quote: "Without the full approval and support of the Jews, they will never serve any community as an elected officer of the law. This is the situation that every elected official, not just the Sheriff, must deal with. Maybe now you understand this slavish devotion to Jews and Israel, that ALL our elected officials seem to share."

Every politician, regardless of party affiliation, places the Jews above all other special interest groups for one simple reason: Jews Rule America! Jews own most of the media and thus the Jews own the collective minds of the voters. It's just a simple fact, politicians simply work within the confines of this Jewish structure. The Jews, through their media, literally tell the majority of voters HOW to vote and what to think! We see this every election cycle, as the Jewish media works in concert to successfully sway every election. Every politician knows this. Every politician is thus required to suck the collective Jewish cock, especially around election time, if they want to be elected. Jews also own the money – every official at the Federal Reserve (where money is created) is Jewish and always has been. This means if you want money, you are beholding to the Jews. Wallstreet is as everyone knows, majority Jewish.

Because of this, the stranglehold that the Jews have on American politics is astounding. And yet, few White Americans even give a shit. They see Jews as fellow Whites – which Jews are not! Jews are a tribe of Jews, first and foremost. Jews only do, whatever is best for Jews! Jews care very little about the wants and needs of the filthy Goyim. Which is precisely why the government always gifts MOST of every resource, especially tax money, to the Jews, especially to Israel. This explains why you are suffering right now – and the Jews are not, as they continue to transfer to themselves, all the property and wealth from the Goyim that they can! Jews trade worthless paper for real assets.

Soon, Jews will not only rule America, but Jews will also OWN most of America's assets – as Jews are right now printing money, gifting it to themselves and using it to buy up all the most important physical assets, leaving the Goyim with (what is soon to become) worthless inflationary money, the value of which will soon be completely destroyed by the coming period of hyperinflation. Just look at what the Jews have done at the FED!

Jews do love money, but Jews are currently creating and then getting rid of money at rates we've never before seen, because the Jews know money is about to become absolutely worthless. So they create it and spend it now, while they still can. Jewish wealth acquisition agencies, such as Blackrock, are using this newly created money to buy up everything of value in America. Their plan is simple, the Jews create the money, buy assets, then ride out the hyperinflation (as the value of the assets will keep pace with inflation) then convert these assets back to whatever form of money replaces the U.S. dollar in the future, if they even need to.

Jews love having Goyim paying them rent, so just get used to it, you filthy Goyim. And if you have money right now, get rid of it. Buy hard assets, just like a Jew. Because if you see rats running off of a ship, you better run with them! The value of money is currently being eroded at the highest pace we have ever seen, by inflation! It doesn't take a genius to know that a global Jewish hyperinflation is forthcoming!


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

The subversion of this government has been going on for over 200 years. The federal reserve is a private bank funded by the Rothschild family. These jews have manipulated our dollar for their financial gain while bankrupting the American government. This is why jews have been driven out of every country they have settled in.


In reply to by Joachim (not verified)

Jews way more than just "manipulate" the dollar. The FRB Jews literally create money, recently over 400% more than has ever before existed, then steal it. This is why there has never been an audit of the FED – and anyone who petitions for an audit, is summarily destroyed, politically.

Unfortunately in America, the Jews own the government, so they will likely never be driven from the United States.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Yes the jews own the federal reserve bank and they print money from thin air. There is no gold backing their currency.
This won't continue and in the words of Hitler, " the whole rotten system will come crashing down ". We are near that point in America.
This has been planned and orchestrated by the Rothschild family and their followers like soros.


In reply to by reynolds (not verified)

Yes , the Rothschilds, Soros and schwab are the vermin behind the federal reserve bank. Their plans involve a worldwide economic crisis that will starve hundreds of millions of people. Agenda 2030 will prove these plans .…

Webmaster note: I edited this comment to add everything below.

This article is worthless, as it doesn't tell us anything more than he was a "victim in a deadly Walmart shooting." Unless you're like me and willing to wade through the reeds, you'd never know the whole infuriating story, because no single news agency has the guts to put it all together in one place, so we might learn the whole truth. For example, they failed to report that the man featured above, Adam Lee Black, 35, from Columbus, Ohio, was a hero – a typical White man doing exactly what typical White men do (the right thing). Doing the right thing around a Nigger of course, cost him his life.

The Nigger who killed him tried to steal a big screen TV from Walmart. Adam attempted to stop him. The Nigger, a felon in possession of a firearm (of course) pulled out a stolen handgun and fired, killing Adam and seriously wounding an employee. Why? "B'cuz dat wut dey do." Police tracked the suspect to a Middletown hotel, where he was arrested after police said he jumped from a first-floor window and tried to run, while throwing away the handgun. Adam Black, who worked as a security guard, had just moved to Cincinnati about a month ago and was expecting a baby with his fiance. He was in the store shopping for appliances for their new home at the time. Adam was clearly civic minded and just wanted to do the right thing, which ended up costing him his life. Adam died a hero. The judge surprisingly set bail for this vermin at $5 million, an amount his public defender called excessive and unconstitutional, vowing to challenge the bail amount in the 12th District Court of Appeals. I'm fairly certain the bail will be significantly reduced by these largely Jewish courts and this (literal monster) will be released to kill again. The Nigger was already out on a $200,000 bond in a separate armed robbery case from six months ago. Where does a Nigger who steals TV sets get that kind of bond money? ($20,000 cash for the bondsman) The same public defender in the earlier case, is representing the Nigger in this case as well, of course earning his frequent Nigger miles.

This is the vermin suspect.

This is who he reportedly killed.

Because Jews own the media, stories like these never make the national news. It's up to us to tell their story.

• America doesn't have a Nigger problemAmerica now has a NIGGER CRISIS!


In reply to by Joachim (not verified)

This is just a side note. Am I the only one who sees this? Look at that Nigger's eyes. To me they appear dead, lifeless, without any twinkle or spark, no indication of life. Niggers have dead eyes! And once you see it, you can never unsee it. This is true of ALL Niggers. When I look into the eyes of a Nigger, it's like looking at the eyes of a corpse. Their eyes are dull, dead and completely lifeless. It's almost as if Niggers are soulless demons. Dr. Livingstone (more than 200 years ago) hypothesized that Niggers were not created by God, but rather a product of the Devil. Christianity states that Niggers are cursed by God, in Genesis, the first book of the bible. This is known as the curse of Ham. What good are Niggers and why are they given so much preference in everything today, when they have rightfully been completely undesirable for centuries? Clearly the Jews are using Niggers as a deadly genocidal bioweapon, while promoting them heavily, to strip all remaining traces of dignity and pride from White people. What is wrong with White people today? Why are White people going along with this "diversity and inclusion" insanity, which (for us) only brings misery and death?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

As you can see from this one case , murder and crime are the only thing these vermin bring to society. They don't contribute anything. This is why they must be sent back to Africa. Even the Africans hate these parasites.


In reply to by Joachim (not verified)

Immutable genetic differences are the cause. Immutable – meaning no matter what you do, you can not solve this problem. Niggers are to hominids what pit bulls are to races of dog. Whites are most similar to border collies. Nothing in this world is equal. Wishing for Nigger equality does not magically make it so. Civilization was created by Whites – but is destroyed by Niggers. Guilt on the part of Whites, perpetuates this.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

you are so insane! you should print your delirious rant on a tshirt & wear it to a skatepark (i bet tgere isn't a skatepark within a hundred miles of the corporate pig feed field you "live" in).


In reply to by 99bananas (not verified)

I don't understand your skate park reference, skate parks are White. Granted, you may see one or two Blacks at a skate park, rarely, certainly more than you see at a swimming pool, but Blacks are generally fearful of both skate boards and water. But in response to my claim about dog races, that is easy to prove. Here's how I've done it. First, I went to a data source that is owned by leftists (our enemy) which would be Wikipedia, so you can't claim conservative bias.…

Then I pulled the data shown and using a small AWK script which sorted and counted the dog breeds involved in these attacks, I produced the list shown below. I was actually surprised to see one Border Collie listed, but reading about the attack, the dog was simply sharing a home with 2 American Bulldogs and a Neapolitan Mastiff. I seriously doubt the Border Collie had anything to do with the attack. There are other cases of guilt by association listed there, such as Rottweiler, pit bull, Beagle, and Labrador Retriever – however I doubt in that case, the beagle or Labrador had anything to do with it. Below is a sorted list, the number of fatalities, followed by the dog breeds involved. You can clearly see what tops the list. The more violent races of dog will become that way, because of immutable genetic behavioral differences between the many races (breeds) of dog. And what is true in one animal model is likely true in another.

99 "Pit bull"
38 "Rottweiler"
9 "Siberian Husky"
6 "German Shepherd"
6 "American Bulldog"
5 "Chow Chow"
5 "Bullmastiff"
3 "Pack (canine)"
3 "Boxer (dog)"
3 "Alaskan Malamute"
2 "Wolfdog"
2 "Pit bulls"
2 "Perro de Presa Canario"
2 "Mixed-breed dog"
2 "Labrador Retriever"
2 "Great Dane"
2 "Golden Retriever"
2 "Doberman Pinscher"
1 "Weimaraner"
1 "Schnauzer"
1 "Pomeranian (dog)"
1 "Old English Sheepdog"
1 "Neapolitan Mastiff"
1 "Mastiff"
1 "Malamute"
1 "Jack Russell Terrier"
1 "Husky"
1 "Great Pyrenees"
1 "German shepherd"
1 "Dachshund"
1 "Catahoula Bulldog"
1 "Border Collie"
1 "Blue Heeler"
1 "Beagle"
1 "Australian Shepherd"
1 "American Staffordshire Terrier"

Reading through that Wikipedia article, I do find it interesting – in most cases, the dogs which are "guilty by association" with the known violent races of dog (i.e. sharing the same home with them) are euthanized right along with the obvious killer dogs. Dogs clearly do not have any rights or justice, whatsoever.

My city (and county) are both blue (liberal leftist) and voted several years ago to ban Pit Bulls. At the city council meeting, prior to the referendum, I was allowed to speak on behalf of pit bulls (supposedly). I named off a select list of reasons they gave for banning the pit bull, then asked what if we applied this exact same reasoning to Black people? The room (mostly White) exploded with anger and I was aggressively escorted out of the building by an angry deputy sheriff. The reason there was anger is simple, it is because what I said was true. Black people are the pit bulls of hominids. Had I said anything else, like Asians for example, people would be struck with bewilderment, followed by laughter. This suggests that the overwhelming majority of White people, even in my blue city, are on the same side as the NSM – only they are just too cowardly, to openly admit it.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

You dared to speak the truth and the communist liberals hate you for saying it. They must have their violent subversive minions just like Lenin did in 1917. The result will be the destruction of this country just like Russia. Same bolshevik ideology and subversive jews in control.
The same group that is waging a war on Russia and Putin.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Very good point Lt!
Genetics was invented by our ancestors in Germany, which made me think...
When was the last time a mudskin country pioneered a scientific field?
I'm drawing a blank myself but those jews must have a better memory than me because there's a diversity hire in every Doctor's office and computer lab.


In reply to by Covenant (not verified)

Nigger kind have never developed their own written language, nor a system of numbers. Any spoken languages they have developed, when analyzed, show exactly how unintelligent their race might be. The exorbitant cost of "die-versity" is seen in the loss of productivity and lower success rates in any industry or profession that is required by federal law to hire Niggers. These indices show us that Niggers truly are a CANCER upon the White race.


In reply to by Joachim (not verified)

Niggers gonna nig. This whole story exemplifies how FUCKING WORTHLESS Nigger kind is in America and how PROBLEMATIC for civil society they have become! There is no REASONING with a Nigger, they thrive on grievance.

Niggers lie, then cities are burned to the ground. In this case, the Nigger lied about having a gun and threatening officers with that gun. Evidence shows otherwise. Another JUSTIFIED police shooting of an ARMED Nigger suspect.

And the rioting angry Nigger packs could care less about the truth.

in the past few years we been dealing with these political and cultural problems.., i hope we reunite once more in the coming years...
note: i used to be on telegram i had to delete it for personal reasons...
my parents perhaps...
anyways sieg fucking heil!!!

what i meant was reuniting every sensible white person as a whole kinda like what hitler did in germany... the niggers will never understand what's going on... it would be shocking if they ever did...
but if we was to ever reunite with the nigger there would be a chance that they would stab us in the back in the end...

I am from Turkey (I have Greek and Bulgarian ancestry) and zionists and their globalist gang destroyed my country by alienating us from our European and Mediterrenan origins. I want this shitty zionist globalist system to end. I want to join you guys and give my voice.

I am so excited and looking forward to seeing and hearing both Daniel Burnside, also known as Norse, and Harry Hughes,our eyes and ears on the border . I have to say that the site was looking rather dismal and endangered up with no one hosting any shows. We all know that Commander Burt is tied up with 2 different legal cases and also works,so he doesn't have time to come on like he would want to. But,that being said,I can't wait to see the platform take off and become more powerful than it ever was before. Hail the NSM, and all of it's members,and hail our coming victory over the Jews in control of our country.14/88


In reply to by Blue1eyed4devil (not verified)

I am excited too. For months I have been complaining that I'm paying for server capacity that goes unused. That's money which could be better used elsewhere. We have a livestream server and a separate vodcast server built to handle just the video (and soon, audio) media outreach and all that costs money, whether or not they are being used. It seems nobody wanted to make the switch to video and resisted, so Commander Colucci forced the issue and now we have outreach media being produced once more. I hope people give positive feedback to let our talented NSM members know just how much their presentations are valued. Norse did a great job with his first video performance, letting him know this, will motivate him to continue.

Hopefully now that we have something to show for our efforts, I can start asking for donations to help pay the monthly expenses. Building what may be the most durable NS website in history was not cheap, we had to do a lot of things that most websites don't have to do – like building multiple, redundant exit nodes and a ridiculous number of nameservers, just to keep these Jews and Antifa transqueer faggots from fucking everything up! We appear to be in good shape now, but this is not cheap to operate – and it sure would be easier for me, if we could raise at minimum $350/month to cover my expenses, both now and for the past several months. That would lift a huge financial burden off my back, to have regular donations (earmarked for the website) coming in. ?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I do believe that Norse did a fine job on his first video. He is old school,so I understand his reluctance. But his dedication and wisdom is unmatched. As far as donations go,I understand. Every site out there attached to our movement all receive donations to help keep them going . I believe also that once everything is finally running smoothly,this site could be the standard bearer of all white nationalist websites. Keep up the good work,it doesn't go unnoticed. 14/88


In reply to by Blue1eyed4devil (not verified)

Yes, Norse was spot on and delivered a highly persuasive presentation. However it would have been better if he were in uniform, all these presentations should be done in uniform IMHO. This is the kind of content the NSM needs. It also sums up my own personal goal for the live media outreach program – to take tools dominated by Jews (such as video) and use them to OUR advantage. I had been pushing from the start, for an upgrade to actual free speech, censorship-free video – but Commander Colucci resisted that idea with the "if it isn't broken, don't fix it" approach. Then his hand was forced, the NSM was deplatformed and I could go either with audio or video, I chose video (but will eventually add audio as well). There has been much resistance to video. However as the talented (former Blogtalk) hosts get used to using video, they will come to like it as much as everyone else, which is partially why I haven't (yet) brought the audio-only media feature to fruition. If I did that, we'd never get the video going. We can't reach the White masses with audio only. Blogtalk all together has maybe one million users in total (similarweb says 719 thousand users). Youtube has billions (similarweb says 35 billion). If you want to be successful, you need to do what successful people are doing – and that would be presenting your arguments, using video. ?

Thank you Blue1eyed4devil for the kind words, most people have no idea what Herculean efforts are required and how much money is needed to keep this website online. All donations to the NSM are currently going to the legal fund, meaning my costs keep accruing. To become the online standard bearer of White Nationalism is a laudable goal. ? I hope I prove worthy. However, the Jews are if anything, relentless in their single-minded desire to knock us offline, by any method or means available. They have found every missed vulnerability – regardless of how minute and exploited it to their advantage. We have always recovered (and always will, you fucking Kikes) from every one of their attacks, all of which only make us stronger and serves to educate me on how to defend ANY website from a presumably well financed attack. I can't thank the Jews enough for this ruthless and brutal education in cybersecurity. I can now confidently claim that I am a master in website uptime, something that I deservingly earned. The NSM website may at this point finally be STABLE at last – and we may be able to EXPORT OUR TECHNOLOGY TO OTHER PRO-WHITE ORGANIZATIONS, WHO NEED US. So if anyone out there needs my help, just let us know.

And lastly, Thanks Jews! I could not have learned what I have learned about cybersecurity, without your help. Just like an antibiotic resistant pathogen, you created me – and now that I have described myself in those terms, you will NEVER be able to get that image out of your mind. ?


In reply to by Blue1eyed4devil (not verified)

My comrades and fellow race warriors here in the NSM continue to set the standard for the White civil rights movement! You will not find a more explicitly and active pro- White organization. 88

Discovering the Thumbprint of Globalism.

Webmaster note: I edited this comment to condense about 6 similar comments into one. The NSM does not endorse any particular religion – our focus is on preserving the White race from a planned, forced eradication and extinction by globalist “elite” Jews. I think it's safe to assume that most members of the NSM see Jews as literal demons.

Read the Naturalization Act of 1790. Our forebears knew what would happen if we gave up on our racial standards. And so it has happened.

In the days following that demoralizing Juneteenth anachronism, just remember the common sense that we had then. Repeat: 1790!

For those who haven't heard about 1619, this is what the creators say:

The 1619 Project is a long-form journalism endeavor developed by writers from The New York Times & The New York Times Magazine. Purpose: , “to reframe the country's history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contribution of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.


In reply to by Skyhammer (not verified)

Let's examine this narrative by giving it a more modern corollary. It's time we reframe the country's history by placing the consequences of mechanized agriculture and the contributions of the John Deere 770 Series Cotton Harvester at the very center of our national narrative. If that sounds ridiculous to you, that a cotton harvesting machine somehow has more than only an ancillary role in our Republic, so should the 1619 project. Niggers are demonstrably so worthless, that they were the first biology that was completely replaced by a much more efficient machine.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Very well stated. But I'm working backward from those hope-worthy Americans who believe the founding principles weren't racialist. It's time to shatter their illusions. Most would reject the 1619 project outright as have you, but many can't escape its entrapping principle that God sees all 'men' as equal. The founding fathers knew the difference between a harvesting machine and a human.


In reply to by Skyhammer (not verified)

The best way to determine if the Founders were or were not racialist, is to look at the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first immigration act passed by Congress after the Constitution was ratified. It was signed into law by President George Washington. It states, "any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof, on application to any common law court of record, in any one of the states wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such court, that he is a person of good character."

So clearly, to become an American, you must be White and you must be of good character. It did NOT include the "brown wretched refuse of our teeming shore, the tired, poor, huddled masses" that the French inscribed upon the Statue of Liberty. Our founders knew that demographics are destiny. Mix too much piss with your milk and your milk becomes piss. Currently, America is about half piss. America will only survive if it remains a majority White Republic. America will only thrive if it once again becomes a monolithic White society. Our founders clearly knew this (and they stated this).


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Hi webmaster; I agree with all your points. And the only thing
I saw in your comment that was inaccurate was ,"that the French
inscribed upon the Statue of Liberty" Actually that plaque (which needs to be removed from the statue) that was put on the Statue Of Liberty did not come from France. It was added later. And the inscription was from a "poem", from a JEWISH "poet", named Emma Lazarus.


In reply to by Wesley Hay (not verified)

Thanks for the correction, I should have known that JEWS were involved in any wish to bring to America "your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, the homeless, the tempest-tost" and other such assorted trash. You keep your genetic garbage in the turd world, I want America to remain White! I have also confirmed you are indeed correct, Emma Lazarus was born in New York City, July 22, 1849, into a large Sephardic Jewish family. "The New Colossus" is a sonnet by American poet Emma Lazarus (1849–1887). SO! VERY! JEWISH! She wrote the poem in 1883 to raise money for the construction of a pedestal for the Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World). In 1903, the poem was cast onto a bronze plaque and mounted inside the pedestal's lower level.

It was taught in school that the Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States. This was never the case. Originally, some French sculptor wanted to build a statue of a robed female fellah (an Egyptian peasant) bearing a torch at the entryway of the Suez Canal in Port Said, Egypt. Only one small problem, the Egyptians didn't want it, so they recycled the project into what ultimately became the Statue of Liberty, which is now installed at New York Harbor. America was never the first choice destination for this statue – America was just willing to take it.

I have to completely commend Eddie and his fearless allies for taking the initiative and courage to represent all of our folk on the streets of Montana. At first I thought there would be more people,with them. I mean that is the mark of a leader,to stand upon foreign territory and wave that awesome flag of the NSM completely outnumbered for sure if a mob would have tread upon them.Fearless Eddie stood his ground and deserves,along with the other two, the utmost respect and gratitude to hold down the fort for all of us struggling with the survival and advancement of our people. Sieg mother fucking heil brothers and sisters. 14/88


In reply to by Blue1eyed4devil (not verified)

Much appreciated! You can make it happen in your state too! Talk to Lt. McBride and set it up brother. I look foreword to seeing your demonstration! 88

Hello from the National Socialist Japanese Workers Party and the
Asian Master Race.

Currently Jews and Non-Japanese people are infiltrating our government, the "Constitutional Democratic" party (Jewish Ran) is gaining seats, Our current prime minister Fumio Kishida supports BLM and the jews.

We need support from the friendly Aryan people to regain our Country from Jewish influences and re-educate the brainwashed population.

It should also be remembered that such Jews as Albert Einstein, Leo Szilard (Spitz), Edward Teller, Eugene (Jeno) Wigner, and Robert Oppenheimer brought us the atomic bomb of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Thank you, The Sun Shall Rise Again. 天皇陛下万歳
Please visit our English website if you have time


In reply to by Covenant (not verified)

Just a reminder, Hitler considered the Allied Japanese to be "Honorary Aryans" and Japan admired Germany’s respect for military might, expansion of territory and Hitler's charismatic leadership. Germany and Japan developed a growing mutual admiration between the two nations that was evident in their cultures. Germany and Japan both considered each other to be great global superpowers.

I am from Scandinavia, more specifically Norway.
Us Scandinavians were the most purest of Aryans, We went the voyage on Longships to Iceland, Greenland, Vinland and Hjaltland, but it had to end in 1130.

We were liberated by Germany in 1940, the Vikings rose again, and fought for the Aryan race in France and Judeo-Communist Russia. But it had to end in 1945.

After 1945, Scandinavia was occupied by Communists, which tried, and are currently trying to suck the Aryan blood out of Scandinavia, We were once the proudest of people, but immigration, intermingling with niggers and jewish influence has ruined Scandinavia, But it is not too late to go back.

We will take back our land from the Judeo-Communists, The Aryan race will revol,. in America and in Germany, and in Scandinavia.

Hei Seier!

Does the NSM still sell merch?


In reply to by Reichsupporter208 (not verified)

If they are Christian, remind them what Jesus thought of the Jews who murdered him, saying that Jews are of their father the devil (John 8:44) right before the Jews murdered Jesus in a most horrible way - first they bestowed him with a crown of thorns, a gift for "the king of the Jews" then death by crucifixion. Twice in Revelation, Jesus referred to the Jews as the Synagogue of Satan. I don't think Jesus himself could have been more clear on the subject.

We also have this.

But the best way for anyone to learn is to just let them become seriously harmed by the Jews - that's how I learned. The Jews themselves taught me to hate them, the same as the savage Niggers taught me to hate them as well. And that hatred is obviously deep, as the suffering I have received from both is deep. That which does not kill us, only makes us stronger - both the Jews and their vicious Nigger pets have rightfully earned my deep and everlasting hatred.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Irregardless of WHETHER OR NOT you believe in the Bible, the FACT IS these words were written centuries ago. Those who wrote these words were influenced by events around them. And you can't blame Hitler or "anti-Semitism" for something written over 1,400 years ago. WHY were these words written folks? Could the webmaster reproduce this meme?

Webmaster's Comment: This is Jesus, speaking to the Jews.

Webmaster's reply: No worries. ? Note: image had to be replaced, as it was deleted from Gab.


In reply to by reynolds (not verified)

In no uncertain terms, Jesus states that the Jews are hateful enemies of God and are, in fact, the spiritual children of the devil. He refers to murder, resistance to the truth, and lies—all of which were part of His earlier criticism of these demons. This is not a soft, timid response on the part of Jesus. This is an open, overt rebuke delivered against Jewish religious leaders who are leading Christians to hell (Matthew 23:15). Contrary to the so-called Judeo-Christian typical caricature of Jesus being a weak and fragile mystic, passages such as these clearly prove His ability to present a righteous strength, by calling out the demon Jews for what they really are—the progeny of Satan.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

No Jesus was NOT a limp wrist hippy faggot.
Rev: 2:23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

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Who was the leader of Germany during WWII? (just his last name)