Behavioral characteristics common in Black people
Lack of empathy
One of the most noteworthy and detrimental behavioral characteristic of American Blacks, is a near or total lack of empathy. In response to another person's feelings, they may come across as cold, unfeeling, callous, overly critical, or harsh. Most of us have observed countless times, where Black people never feel any remorse for anything they've said or done, even if it caused a great deal of pain and suffering. Black people don't seem to realize how harmful their actions are. It seems as though they simply don't care that their actions might hurt others. The stereotype of anger and hostility in Black people dates back to the 1600's. Yet we are taught that these stereotypes about Blacks are wrong. However, you don’t ask a toddler for directions, nor do you ask an elderly person to help you move the sofa – this is because you stereotype. Stereotypes are nothing more than derivatives of observed group averages. The ability to stereotype becomes essential for accurate decision-making, which equates with survival, as stereotypes are usually accurate. The idea that stereotypes are accurate should not be surprising to the critically minded reader. Stereotypes are conceptualized in our minds as schemas, which we use to represent external reality. Schemas are only useful, if they are accurate. We are often required to act fast with only partial information, to avoid risky situations, which is why all people rely on stereotypes. The impulse to stereotype is not a cultural phenomenon, but an evolutionary adaptation. Practically every White in America today has experienced the typically condescending, threatening and aggressive behaviors of Blacks.
Pathological lying
Black people are often characterized as having a lifelong history of lying, for which apparently no ability to tell the truth can be discerned. While a majority of lies are goal-oriented and told to obtain external benefit, or to avoid punishment, i.e. "dindu nuffins," when it comes to Blacks, lies often appear purposeless, often self-promoting or damaging of others, which makes the behavior even more intolerable. Most of the lies told by Blacks are easily verifiable to be false by higher intelligence Whites. Lies generally are unhelpful to Blacks in any way and often harmful to them, yet told by them anyway. Even prominent and successful Blacks are not immune to this behavior. It is difficult to comprehend why Blacks would repeatedly tell lies that could damage their credibility and put them in trouble with the law, or other administrative bodies. Is this lying behavior completely within the control of Blacks? Lying in all races is a common trait, the act of making an untrue statement with the intent to deceive. With Whites, we see this more commonly on the Left, however Blacks are noted for their frequency of lies and the apparent lack of benefit derived from them. The magnitude, callousness, or consequences of the lying are irrelevant to Blacks. Even when there appears to be an external motive for their lies, they are so out of proportion to the perceived benefit that most people would see them as senseless. One might conclude from listening to Black "Rap" lyrics, that the lying behavior appears to be more of a gratification in and of itself, where the reward is internal, perhaps unconscious to Blacks, whereas with Whites, the expected reward is almost always external. The debate over the ability of Blacks to recognize their own lies as false has dogged law enforcement for decades. Integral to the debate are questions about the Black ability to think logically or rationally. It has been observed that Blacks believe their own lies to the extent that the belief may be delusional, or may be referred to as "wish fulfillment," either impulsive or unplanned, i.e. "we wuz kangz." These revelations have raised doubts about a Black's ability to fully control their lying behavior. The relative purposelessness of the lies, excluding the tangible and financial benefits of false accusations, or false incrimination, along with the repetitive nature of the lies, have a negative consequence to a Black's reputation and potential livelihood. This only further encourage doubts about a Black person's ability to control their own lying behavior.
Disregard for right and wrong
Black people generally have no regard for boundaries, rules or laws. Black people often lie, cheat, steal, break laws and are in constant legal trouble – as they find themselves in and out of jail for minor to major crimes. Blacks seem to totally disregard wrongdoing, they don't even bother to consider the short or long-term consequences of their actions. Black people display a distinct inability to connect their deleterious actions with negative consequences. According to a White ethical model, crime occurs whenever wrongful acts bring pleasure rather than guilt or shame to the offender. However Black people appear unable to make decisions based on ethical terms. Lacking ethical principles, Black people often do whatever comes naturally to any wild ape and thus make decisions based solely upon self-interest, failing to understand or appreciate the interests of others, or the community at large. The White ethical view sees crime as placing one's own self-interest above the interests of others. Any short-term gain from committing a crime is outweighed by understanding the wrongfulness of the conduct and the harm it causes to the victim and to the community. Therefore, the typical White person refrains from criminal behavior – because, all factors considered, it does not bring a White person much pleasure. Black people appear to have deficits in inhibitory control, which leads to the conclusion that Black people lack any biological ability for moral understanding. If this is not true, then Blacks do understand the distinction between right and wrong, but do not care about such knowledge, or the consequences that ensue from their morally inappropriate actions. Either way, it becomes obvious that Black people do not make the same kind of moral distinctions as White people, when it comes to evaluating a moral dilemma and thus have no place in civil society.
Superficial charm
In addition to their more severely negative behaviors, Black people often come off as being somewhat charismatic and charming, a glib charm, the tendency to be smooth, engaging, slick and verbally facile. They may use humor, flattery, boastful self-importance or flirtation to achieve some form of personal gain. In other cases, they might use these techniques to get someone to do something that's harmful to themselves or to others. Black people are able to use their chameleon-like charm to cut a wide swathe of destruction through anyone and anything around them, leaving a wake of ruined lives, both Black and White, in their path. Simply put, if you are clueless about "charming" Blacks, you are doomed to become their next victim. This is true for both White individuals as well as Black. Be especially wary of the unusually amusing and entertaining conversationalist Blacks, who are always ready with a clever comeback and who are able to tell somewhat convincing stories that always cast themselves in a positive light. Blacks can be very effective in presenting themselves as being likable, especially when they are not – don't let yourself be fooled. Black people don't see their chameleon-like behavior as problematic, thus they see no reason to change their behavior to conform to White societal norms, something which they do not even agree with. Always remember who and what you are dealing with. Don't ever confuse the grandiose self-importance seen in Blacks, for confidence. Even seasoned police officers can, on occasion, be taken in, conned, and left bewildered by predatory Blacks – who are genetically adept at ruthlessly exploiting White weaknesses.
Black people tend to act first, without considering the consequences. They appear to have nothing on their minds, beyond this exact moment. With Blacks, it's all about the here and now. They do not understand that their actions have consequences beyond this immediate moment. Such behavior is always associated with undesirable, rather than desirable outcomes. Blacks might regularly engage in life-threatening activities, without considering their own safety, or the safety of anyone else involved. This impulsiveness or sense of immortality, combined with a total disregard for consequences, puts Black people at a high risk of death, addiction to illicit substances and dangerous behaviors such as gang warfare and gunfights. Abuse of substances such as drugs and alcohol, can break down inhibitions which especially in Blacks, will lead to even more egregious impulsive behavior. White people will also engage in impulsive behavior from time to time, especially when young, as it is not uncommon to see impulsiveness in White children, who have not yet developed self-control. But as we mature, White people learn to control these impulses, while Blacks remain just as a child. Impulsivity in Black people should not be confused with compulsion, defined as an irresistible urge to behave in a certain way, especially against one's own conscious wishes – where one recognizes a behavior as abnormal, yet can do nothing to stop it. A Black person will act without inherently recognizing that the behavior is in fact abnormal. Black people routinely take actions which are poorly conceived, prematurely expressed, unduly risky and inappropriate to the situation – these often result in dire consequences. This lack of premeditation, reflection and a failure to plan before acting becomes an unfortunate personality detriment found in Black people. It is here where one begins to question whether Black people are even self-aware, whether they have been biologically programmed by nature to be self-aware, at least in a way characteristic of modern humans. Eugene Valberg, Ph.D., philosophy, is a liberal Ashkenazi Jew who spent thirty years living with and teaching African Blacks. He spent that time observing both their behavior and use of language. He arrived at a theory which explains various aspects of their lives, by which we might be shocked. He identified – through behavior and use of language – that Blacks have difficulty with abstract concepts and therefore are conceptually impoverished. This could explain why Blacks have a different understanding of morals from Whites, as well as a documented lack of motivation, are more prone to violence, are less likely to maintain machinery or even purchase insurance policies, among other things essential for living in a modern civilization. In this speech he claims "I observed early on that Blacks generally lack self-consciousness." As you watch this video, I think you can agree that for clearly immutable biological reasons, all Blacks when viewed through a White lens are depraved, lack morality, gleefully laugh at and are amused by murder, gleefully rape without remorse and so on. Statistically, for rapes involving multiple offenders, (i.e., pair or gang rapes) Black-on-White rapes are more likely than White-on-White rapes to be committed by multiple offenders. Interracial rapes are also more likely to involve young Black offenders and offenders who were strangers to the victim. For stranger rapes, multiple Black offenders are more likely than lone Black offenders to rape Whites. Black rapists acting in groups will disproportionately select White victims. Equally, analyses indicate that interracial robberies are more likely than intraracial robberies, to involve multiple offenders. The presence of accomplices seems to embolden Black offenders to attack White victims. These immutable and characteristically common Black traits are tied to conceptual deficits, a lack of agency (experiencing impediments when trying to make sound decisions) and most notably, a lack of self-consciousness.
We've all seen the daytime TV shows featuring fat Black women who drag dozens of Black men on stage, desperate to determine which one of the many "be da baby daddy." Usually it's none of them, which demonstrates the incredible sexual promiscuity of the typical Black female. Impulsive behavior in Blacks, tends to lead to reckless sexual behavior. Black people are the most at risk of engaging in impulsive sexual acts in general, even more so when they are experiencing intense emotional responses following violence or crime – or when they are disinhibited by drugs or alcohol. Intense anger, fear, jealousy, or other emotions may lead Blacks toward impulsive sexuality. Of all the races, Blacks are the most prone to promiscuity and impulsive sex – the act of intentionally having multiple sexual partners as well as having casual sex on a whim. Blacks also exhibit a greater sexual preoccupation, have earlier sexual exposure, engage in casual sexual relationships far earlier, report a greater number of different sexual partners, as well as engaging in homosexual experiences, such as "down-low" and "no homo." In addition, Blacks appear to be characterized by a greater degree of high-risk sexual behaviors, a higher likelihood of having been coerced into sex, experienced date rape, being raped by a stranger, as well as increased contraction of sexually transmitted diseases. In 2018, American Blacks accounted for 42% of the new HIV diagnoses in the United States, despite being just 12.1% of the population, expressing a 6.5 times higher death rate (16.3) as compared with 2.5 for Whites. The rate of reported chlamydia cases among Black males was 6.8 times the rate among White males, gonorrhea cases were 7.7 times higher, syphilis was 4.7 times higher and congenital syphilis was 6.4 times higher. While the rates of TB have been cut in half over the past decade, the rate of TB in American Blacks is over eight times higher than the rate of TB in Whites. Clearly, substantial behavior-related sexually transmitted health disparities exist between the races. Overall, we see the psychology relating to sexual behavior in Black people appears to be characterized by both impulsivity, as well as by victimization.
Black people often act as if they're above those around them. In addition to acting extra confident, they may also be condescending or easily irritated, feeling "disrespected" by others, especially those who disagree with them. Black people currently report the highest levels of self-esteem of any racial group in the United States. Yet government programs exist to boost this already high self-esteem in Blacks, likely taking it to excess – encouraging arrogance and a false, grandiose impression of self-worth. Arrogance is characterized as having an exaggerated sense of self importance or ability. Black people often believe that they have nothing to learn from others and thus become know-it-alls. Blacks often dismiss anyone holding opposing views, believing that facts grounded in evidence aren't relevant to any argument and fight hard, often employing violence and aggression, to show others that they are wrong. Blacks simply won't listen to opposing views. Black people also love to talk about themselves, a lot. They brag about their supposed achievements, skills and abilities, often ignoring anyone around them. Black people generally seek the spotlight and try to make others feel less important. Black people often use condescending language, are loud, talk over people and display aggressive body language that demonstrates a lack of interest in anyone other than themselves. Blacks seem to have a strong sense of entitlement and a demanding character. Black people actually believe they are of superior intellect, in spite of exhibiting the lowest possible scores on the reading and writing sections of standardized tests. These marked language deficits can be any specific deficits in lexical semantics, syntax, or pragmatics, or a combination of multiple problems. Also, throughout all of recorded history, there has never been a legitimate Black mathematician. African tribes historically have never on their own, developed a written form of their language, nor have they ever developed a system of numbers.
Black people are often found to be psychologically and verbally abusive. They often physically harm people without any consideration of the resulting injuries to the other person. Verbal abuse might include insults, deprecation, negative statements which are made in public or private, with the sole intent to cause humiliation. Emotional and psychological abuse can often be just as extreme as physical violence, which may also occur. Black people often resort to physical violence, which can vary dramatically in both frequency and severity. It is typical for Black people to use physical violence, or threats of physical violence, in order to maintain power and control over others. Black violence and intimidation doesn't always manifest in specific ways and may include many different abuses, employing a multitude of different methods to exert power and control over their victims. Physical and sexual assaults, or threats to commit them, are the most common forms of violence perpetrated by Blacks. In every part of the world where they have been involuntarily migrated, Black people are overwhelmingly involved in aggression of all kinds, including both intraracial and interracial violence and homicide, where Blacks tend to socialize themselves in criminal gangs or as simple bands of violent thugs. Everywhere where Blacks are allowed to coexist with civilized Whites, Black men are responsible for the majority of all forms of homicide, including familicides (the killing of family members) where Blacks are involved in the majority of cases. This is especially true with interracial couples. Black men are also the victims in the majority of all homicides, nearly always at the hands of other Black men. The Jewish media is remiss in reporting this truth, but quick to report every time when this is not the case. Black aggressiveness is, first and foremost, due to genetic factors, explaining the genesis of Black aggressive and violent behavior, from a purely African evolutionary perspective. Black men have the highest hormonal testosterone levels of any hominid, which is directly responsible for inducing aggressive and violent behavior. Black people are, irrespective of gender, heavier, more muscular and in many ways stronger than other races, they have denser and heavier bones, their jaw is more massive, their reaction time is shorter, their visual acuity is sharper, their muscle-to-fat ratio is greater, their heart is bulkier, their percentage of hemoglobin is higher, their skin is thicker and more callous, their lungs are bigger and so on. In other words, everything that made Blacks the most suitable race for hard manual labor, makes them more suitable for violence and aggression. Largely unreported by the Jewish media, the majority of serial killers in the U.S. are Black. The majority of mass shootings in the U.S. (incidents involving multiple victims) involve both Black perpetrators and victims. This statistical reality is equally valid in most countries where Black people are found, regardless of geographical location or size. When you analyze other dimensions of violence – such as animal cruelty and abuse, example 1, example 2, example 3 – we find in a majority of cases, Blacks are the perpetrators. Factors such as these, including braying laughter while committing these sadistic and cruel acts, makes one painfully aware that there are many unsettling problems with Black people.
Low intelligence
Racial differences in measured cognitive ability have been consistently found, ever since intelligence tests were first invented. Dispute over the meaning of these differences is largely responsible for the controversy surrounding intelligence testing today. The Black mean IQ is commonly cited as 84 IQ points and the White mean as 100 points, with a Black-White IQ gap of 16 points. A person is considered intellectually disabled if they have an IQ of less than 84 points, with half the Black population falling within that range. This means that intellectual disability is thought to affect about half the Black population. Inequality of endowments between the races, be it beauty, speed, even intelligence is a factual reality. Trying to pretend that genetic inequality does not exist has led to disaster. Trying to eradicate inequality with artificially contrived outcomes (equity) has also led to disaster. Low IQ is a strong precursor to poverty. Low IQ raises the likelihood of dropping out before completing high school. Low IQ is associated with persons who are unemployed or remain idle by choice. Low IQ correlates with a low probability of marriage and higher rates of illegitimate births. Low IQ increases the chances of chronic welfare dependency. Low IQ increases the risk of criminal behavior. These conditions will limit a Black individual's adaptive behaviors, such as self-care or managing money – skills necessary for day-to-day life, such as being able to communicate effectively, interact with others, and take care of oneself. It is easy to correlate low IQ with behavioral, emotional and communication difficulties. Any intellectual disability, combined with language impairment, be that reading, writing or speaking, foretells the probability of poor outcomes in adulthood. IQ scores are for the most part genetic and thus immutable, representing innate intelligence. The ranks of the cognitively deficient are disproportionately filled by Blacks. Intelligence is destiny and intelligence is largely a product of our genes.
Intentions of others
Starting in childhood and extending throughout all of their lives, the majority of Blacks tend to show marked deficits in Theory of Mind, or the ability to interpret the beliefs, intentions and emotions of other people. This deficit undermines the Black individual's ability to interact in socially normative ways. This deficit (or impairment) is reflected in a diminished ability to take the perspective of others. It is generally argued that a diminished ability to interpret the beliefs, intentions and emotions of others will undermine an individual's ability to interact in ways that are generally considered appropriate and adaptive, for any particular social context. Disentangling the relative contributions of such deficits from those of say, more general cognitive deficits, which are common in Blacks, is obviously extremely difficult. This is why a study was conducted to test for this developmental disorder in two groups of children: White children and Black children. The study involved showing the children a play, involving two puppets. They were shown the first puppet putting a shiny rock in a basket and then leaving to go for a walk outside. While the first puppet was out for a walk, the second puppet moved the shiny rock from the basket, to a box. When the first puppet came back, the child was asked where will the first puppet look for the shiny rock? All of the White children said in the basket, because that is where the puppet left it and could not know it had been moved. Most of the Black children however, gave an incorrect answer, that the puppet would look where the Black child knew it to be, inside the box. Only 20% of Black children provided the right answer. Studies such as these demonstrate the core failure among the majority of Blacks, to develop diverse desires, beliefs and the fundamental working knowledge essential for effective social function in an advanced civilization. The implication that Blacks fail to develop a concept that other people have minds of their own – and that their thoughts and beliefs are sometimes different from their own, is the crux of Black/Black as well as Black/White conflict, as only White people can make the necessary automatic interpretations of events, while taking into consideration the mental states of other people, their thoughts, desires and intentions, in order to predict or explain their actions and to posit their intentions. Many Blacks are unable to understand that mental states can be the cause of – and used to explain and predict the behavior of others.
Behavioral characteristics common in Black children
Poor social skills
Many negative behaviors seen in Black adults, are also common among Black children, at an age where they are still learning about and adapting to social norms. While many of these behaviors are also seen in White children from time to time, conduct disorders among Black children are often the most profound, the most detrimental and the most uncorrectable. Black children often exhibit poorer social skills than that of White children.
Rule violation
It's normal for all children to test boundaries, before understanding the consequences. They typically express this by running away from home, skipping school or not coming home on time. However, White children stop doing this once they realize it will get them into trouble. Black children often continue to break rules, despite understanding the consequences. As they grow older, their rule-breaking behavior might involve more extreme things, such as drug use, theft or armed robbery.
Black children often display consistently destructive behavior that can often be extreme. This includes spraying graffiti on walls and buildings, breaking into people's homes, stealing property or starting property fires. Again, some of these behaviors, such as playing with lighters, are generally common in all children. However, Black children continue doing them even after learning about the dangers their behavior poses, both to themselves and to others.
Casual conduct of Black children (what might be considered "play" by White children) often involves acts of verbal or physical aggression, which can range from mild to severe. These acts might include physical violence, such as punching, kicking, face stomping of other children, using weapons such as knives or guns, insulting or humiliating their peers, injuring, torturing, or even killing small animals, as well as forced sexual activity with their peers. This aberrant behavior is especially dangerous for any child, because it can lead to early legal problems that can impact their education and follow them into adulthood.
While most children dabble with finding different ways to get things they want, Black children consistently lie or steal from others to get what they want. As with Black adults, they may act unusually sweet or charming in an attempt to get their way. Again, this isn't an uncommon behavior in all young children, but most children quickly learn that this behavior hurts others and only results in their own punishment.
Poor educational performance
The majority of Black children experience substantial limitations in intellectual functioning; reasoning, learning, problem solving, lacking an ability to learn, reason, make decisions, and solve problems – as well as lacking adaptive behavior, which impacts their performance in education. Black children represent the largest numbers in special educational programs serving those with mental deficits, a fact often accounted for with accusations of racism. Black students on average, score the lowest on tests and receive lower grades, as compared with White students. In adolescence, most Black children fail courses and will drop out of school, while those which remain may progress through school, but generally do not excel. Meanwhile, society blames racism and poverty, or the effects of discrimination and prejudice, for this deficit. It is not racism or poverty which causes low intelligence – but rather genetics itself, as the primary cause.
It becomes painfully obvious that Black people are a unique sub-species, one which is rife with harmful or detrimental characteristics, most of which are best suited only for survival in Africa. Blacks clearly are not suited for living in modern civilizations. Not every Black person exhibits all of these negative traits, but all Black people will exhibit some.
Empathy, meaning the recognition and understanding of the state of mind of others, including their beliefs, desires and particularly emotions, seems absent in Black people. This is often characterized as their inability to "put themselves into another person's shoes" or to see the harm or pain that they are causing to others. Black children seem to have particular difficulties with tasks requiring the ability to understand another person's thoughts, because Blacks have difficulty in accurately interpreting the intentions of others. Blacks see every motivation of White people the same as they see their own, as evil. This explains why Whites, no matter how kind or considerate we may be toward Blacks, our motives are always seen as racist and our actions as intolerant bigotry.
Generally, White children display more advanced social skills, greater adaptability to new situations and greater cooperation with others. As a result, White children are typically well liked by society, while Black children are most often despised, not for the color of their skin, but for the content of their abysmal character. Black children are often socially rejected by their White peers, as they are unable to socialize effectively in a moral and healthy manner. When we do see Black children accepted by their White peers, it is most often being forced upon them, rarely do we find such behavior as a matter of choice. Most White parents live in constant fear of being called racist, thus go along with the Jewish plan and force racial integration upon themselves and their children. It is my impression that most White adults do not automatically believe in racial equality, they simply do what other people are doing, or agree with what they perceive to be the safest and least racist path to take. State mandated segregation appears to be the only workable solution to this unfortunate and unworkable paradigm, that we now find ourselves in. The only political party which could ever secure such legislation, would be a Nazi party.
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