The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )


I recently discovered something that many of you may find interesting. A service provided by Cloudflare, called “Radar Domain Rankings” has replaced the now defunct Alexa Page Rank (a global ranking system that ranked millions of websites, in order of popularity) after they shut down operations, in May of 2022.

When regarding a website such as, the word “popularity” doesn't really come to mind, as most people would not expect a website such as this, to rank very high in global popularity – don't you agree?  And yet, we do!  Who could have ever imagined, that would manage to place within the same one million top website grouping, as,,, or to name but a few.

Radar Domain Rankings is based on aggregated domain resolver data from APNIC-LABS (an APNIC and Cloudflare DNS Resolver project) where the data is anonymized in accordance with privacy commitments. The dataset aims to identify the top most popular domains, based upon how people are using the Internet, globally – without tracking any individuals’ Internet use. They do not distinguish between what they think is a website, or an infrastructure system. Every domain represents an Internet-available resource, and these are ranked without content bias.

But what does domain popularity mean, exactly? APNIC-LABS research has concluded the volume of traffic generated to a given domain, doesn't really work as a proxy for what they perceive as popular. Instead, Radar Domain Rankings looks at the size of the population of users that look up a domain, per unit of time. The more people who are interested in a domain, the more popular it is. So Radar Domain Rankings’ popularity metric, can best be described as the estimated relative size of the user population that accesses a domain, over some period of time. And that's how the domain wound up in the top one million, globally. ?

Who knew there were that many White people around the world, interested in Nazis? Imagine where we would rank on Google, if they didn't artificially push our results down, due to their anti-White bias. I gave a quick search to see if other top organizations appear in the list, sure enough, some do. It seems also appears in the top one million (suggesting pro-White isn't as fringe as the Jews make it out to be) as well as and to name a few. If anyone finds any more, be sure to let us know, by commenting below!

The dataset you may use for confirmation, can be found here. Given there are approximately 1.13 billion websites on the internet in 2023, any website in the top one million, will rank in the 99.9th percentile (the top 0.088 percent) a 1 in 1,130 rarity. Anyone who says pro-White is fringe, has not taken a look at the unfiltered and unbiased data, available free from Cloudflare. Oh, and I'm sure now that I've brought public attention to this, the ADL will quickly smear Cloudflare as racist, possibly causing them to create a “hate filter” to remove such domains from their list, before publishing – but for now at least, we have the TRUTH and the truth looks GOOD!



In reply to by CRITICAL PODCAST (not verified)

webmaster: noun; the person who maintains a particular website. I basically built and manage this website from the ground up – and I maintain/secure the infrastructure required, in order to give the NSM a strong voice. It is literally one of the most difficult websites in the world to keep online, just as you might well imagine (in this vehemently anti-White, Jew-ruled, anti-free-speech society that we live in today). The things I say tend to make the Jews in power quite unhappy, to say the least – but unfortunately for them, they are now powerless to stop me and have been powerless for quite some time. ?

Just as you suggest, I do think critically and speak freely, a concept of thinking which began with Socrates and the Socratic method of questioning. As a child, I became a voracious reader of Voltaire, agreed strongly with his criticism of Christianity and advocacy of freedom of speech. The same criticism was true of another philosopher, perhaps my all-time favorite, Friedrich Nietzsche, who wrote: Ich verurtheile das Christenthum, ich erhebe gegen die christliche Kirche die furchtbarste aller Anklagen, die je ein Ankläger in den Mund genommen hat. Sie ist mir die höchste aller denkbaren Corruptionen, sie hat den Willen zur letzten auch nur möglichen Corruption gehabt. Die christliche Kirche ließ Nichts mit ihrer Verderbniß unberührt, sie hat aus jedem Werth einen Unwerth, aus jeder Wahrheit eine Lüge, aus jeder Rechtschaffenheit eine Seelen-Niedertracht gemacht. (I condemn Christianity; I bring against the Christian church the most terrible of all the accusations that an accuser has ever had in his mouth. It is, to me, the greatest of all imaginable corruptions; it seeks to work the ultimate corruption, the worst possible corruption. The Christian church has left nothing untouched by its depravity; it has turned every value into worthlessness, and every truth into a lie, and every integrity into baseness of soul.) Diese ewige Anklage des Christenthums will ich an alle Wände schreiben, wo es nur Wände giebt, – ich habe Buchstaben, um auch Blinde sehend zu machen… Ich heiße das Christenthum den Einen großen Fluch, die Eine große innerlichste Verdorbenheit, den Einen großen Instinkt der Rache, dem kein Mittel giftig, heimlich, unterirdisch, klein genug ist, – ich heiße es den Einen unsterblichen Schandfleck der Menschheit. (This eternal accusation against Christianity I shall write upon all walls, wherever walls are to be found – I have letters that even the blind will be able to see… I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough, – I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race.)

Christianity is antithetical to the Jewish teachings of the Talmud. So in order for the Jews to enslave and control the White race, they needed to first subvert their religion. The idea of the Judæo-Christian first appeared in print in 1941 by English writer and Marxist Communist, George Orwell. The idea to promote Judæo-Christianity to underpin American politics and law has been part of the "American civil religion" since that time. In truth however, Jesus hated the Jews. In the New Testament, Jesus hated very few people, but he said the Jews were "of their father the DEVIL" and "liars and deceivers" so it was no small achievement for the Jews to deceive modern Christians into believing Jews are their moral betters. Jews also claimed Jesus was one of their own – but this is not the case. Jesus was a Samaritan, not a Judæan. Unlike the dark and ruddy Judæans, the Samaritans had sandy blond hair, fair skin and blue eyes.

To continue with what I was saying, to round out my education, I also read as many books and articles as I could find by H. L. Mencken, whom I consider to be the greatest of American philosophers (tho he never called himself one). I like to build upon a strong foundation, as you can tell. If you forge your podcast from these same ideals, it should be an enlightening listen. You didn't share a URL to your podcast archive, however I found something called "The Critical Podcast!" on Spotify. However when I try to play one of your podcasts, I get "Spotify can't play this right now." It's a React (nodeJS) website, currently generating many errors in console. So I found your twitter where you say, "Our podcast been CENSORED by Patreon for doing the unfiltered and unbiased content that you love. This is a sad day for us here at thecriticalpod."

If you need help regarding censorship and free speech, as well as building a robust livestreaming platform of your own, free of any censorship – a platform better than anything else out there, one that you and you alone control (and for small money) then I'm your guy. Check out our live audio player at the bottom of the main page, that same technology (or better) and absolutely unrestricted speech, could be yours as well. Video or audio (take your pick) or even both. You are now in our camp, having experienced first hand the monetary punishment for going against the will of the Jews. Our Bill of Rights prevents the Jews from doing to us, what they have already done to Europe, Canada and Australia (things such as arresting people for tweets). This is why the Jews instead resort to economic warfare, as Jews control our money. It is the only weapon they have, other than the corrupt Jewish civil courts.

Have you listened to the audio archives of Cheryl Dref (available on this website, in the audio archive section at the bottom of the main page)? I think she would have a blast as a guest on your show. The NSM commander Burt Colucci might want to be featured as well (or at the same time).

It looks to me that should Trump be allowed to win this election, that eventually the truth will come out, the American people will see just how corrupt the Biden family was and how corrupt our federal government has become, with all these deep state agencies trying to cover this up.

Everyone should read this report.…

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, R-Ky., implores all Americans to read this House report: "I hope they read the report. There are footnotes all throughout this report," he said. "We have the receipts. We have bank records. Bank records don't lie. We have emails. We have sworn deposition testimony from the people that were involved in laundering this money. This was a scheme, a scheme to take money from bad people and bad countries, to try to help them get out of trouble."

"Look, this family has been selling access to Joe Biden for over a decade. I don't think any American should be OK with the leader of our country's family peddling access to him in turn, for massive profits to the tune of tens of millions dollars."

"Joe Biden's legacy should be he's the most corrupt president in the history of our nation."

I however am not optimistic that Trump will be allowed to win. The deep state blob and the Jewish hegemony that rules over it, are literally at stake. The Jews and their (mostly Black) supplicants in power, will move heaven and earth to protect that power and to make sure Trump is not sworn in on January 20. That means we could see massive amounts of fraud before and during the election process, the same as we did in 2020 – only this time, necessarily far worse, just as a number of reports are starting to surface now.

For example, A U.S. District Judge (who just happens to be female and Black) ordered Virginia to restore thousands of illegal voters, after they had been lawfully purged from the state's voter rolls, since those voters were found not to be U.S. citizens. Then just hours ago, the Supreme Court in a vote that was 6 to 3 along political lines, with liberal Jewish, Hispanic and Black Justices dissenting, ordered Virginia to maintain its purge of these individuals, citing they were ineligible to vote, due to their lack of citizenship. It should piss all of you off that the involvement of the SCOTUS in this matter, was even necessary.

Another example just days ago, roughly 2,500 fraudulent voter registration forms were dropped off at a Lancaster County Pennsylvania Board of Elections office. These voter registration forms arrived at their office in two batches at or near the deadline for submission. Thankfully, the fraudulent voter registration forms have been identified and contained, as the Lancaster County District Attorney's Office is investigating the nature and volume of this fraud. But that raises the question, how many have actually gone through, undetected?

And finally, if the election is not successfully corrupted by the Jews (or not corrupted enough to change the outcome, as was the case in 2016) we could see something happen during the time between the election and the January 20 inauguration. There are 76 days between November 5, 2024 and January 20, 2025 – a lot can happen in seventy six days. I obviously will not detail everything that might happen, as the enemies of humanity do read this website and will conflate any hypothetical theories as prosecutable direct threats, an unfortunate result of the weaponization of the Department of Justice. But I will give you all one extremely major issue to contemplate. Will the deep state save itself by starting a nuclear world war three between nuclear armed NATO states and Russia, Iran and North Korea? Well, these oligarch Jews who rule over us are literally betting their lives that they will – while YOU are literally betting your life, that they won't.

I personally, don't want to be any part of that bet! We know that historically the deep state blob has always been found to be doing, what they accuse the Republicans of doing. The deep state blob accuses Trump of wanting to start a nuclear world war three, when in truth, Trump brought world peace (with the Abraham Accords). Obama unilaterally disarmed our superior nuclear arsenal, downblending the plutonium into MOX fuel for nuclear reactors in France, preventing us from quickly building any new bombs. And given his wealthy lifestyle today, it appears Obama (like Biden) may have been paid by our enemies to do so. Today we do not have a strong nuclear arsenal, only just over 800 warheads, while Russia possesses over 5,500 nuclear warheads as of 2024, the largest confirmed stockpile of nuclear warheads in the world, with approximately 500 poised at the ready to be launched by submarine, which is more than enough to completely destroy the nuclear NATO Europe (Turkey, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands) and America, if he chooses to do so. We are now at DEFCON 2 folks, regardless of what the Jews might tell you with their Jewish media lies.

Am I the only one who is concerned about this?

I am about to be put out of business, as the most effective free speech webmaster in history – and yet, I am overjoyed by this video, for reasons stated within. Enjoy hearing what our president-elect is planning for us all.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said, "This earns President Trump a space on Mount Rushmore." and I could not agree more. Recently Nancy Pelosi introduced a bill to consume the final remaining space on Mount Rushmore, with Joe Biden's likeness, for no other reason than to block Trump from being able to use it.

I however don't think this will take place, given the House Oversight Committee evidence of treason against the entire Biden crime family. All we need is a new DOJ willing to actually bring an indictment. Soon we shall have that new DOJ and then the retribution really begins.

In time, the NSM should be able to dismantle our expensive and complex free speech network and start livestreaming on youtube, with our website hosted on godaddy! Won't that be amazing? Godaddy is currently the most censored webhosting provider and youtube is the most censored livestreaming provider.

You guys are rather scary with the attack vectors you are deploying. I am especially wondering what might be in the restinpeace.php payload, if you were ever successfully able to deploy it. But the PHP tricks you are trying, such as 69.php rm -rf shows me exactly what you want to do. You want the website wiped out completely! You are really intolerant assholes, you know. I would never do this to your leftist faggot websites, which only shows us all how much better we Nazis are, over you Communist shithead dick-licking faggots. I could report the IPs doing this stuff to you know. I'll leave it up to the readers as to whether or not I report your transgender queer asses to your cloud provider. Not that it would matter, as the left can do whatever they want without punishment. If I tried that right back against you, I would be charged with crimes. That's just how the two-tier injustice system works.

Edit: I decoded your payload, one line of which is <title>File Uploader</title> which is cute. A web shell with shell_exec how handy. But the menu part of the web shell is in Turkish. So am I to believe Turkish hackers want to destroy our website? Why? That doesn't make any sense.

"So prepare for the coup of the century
Prepare for the murkiest scam
Meticulous planning, tenacity spanning
Decades of denial is simply why I'll be king
Undisputed, respected, saluted
And seen for the wonder I am
Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared
Be prepared"
I am a Rational Jew who wants to take over the world, using my innate Jewish Powers. I applaud this wondrous website that I stumbled on. It, in the most delightful way, divides people by race. By all means do so. A nation divided by skin color or by religion is a piece of cake. You know, me and twelve of my Jewish Billionaire Friends took over California three years ago. They are such racists! Dividing people by DEI is so helpful.
Now what I really hate are those cuckservatives, who insist on treating people equally! How horrid! They won't let me conquer the world. Oy vey! If these horrid Christian Nationalists keep insisting on treating people as if they were really created in the image of God, I'll never conquer the world.
So, please, continue. Divide everyone based on skin color. A nation united under the banner of one country, or, worse, one religion, is unconquerable.
Thank you.
The Jew Who Desperately Wants To Conquer The World.


In reply to by A jew (not verified)

"using my innate Jewish Powers" The only power the Jew has is the power of deception. It dovetails nicely with White gullibility. Otherwise, the Jew is one of the weakest parasites on earth – unable to feed itself, the Jew exists as a parasite, the same as their Nigger pets. You need us, we do not need you!

"me and twelve of my Jewish Billionaire Friends took over California" Jews have killed California. More people are leaving than are coming in. The only ones coming in to that shit hole are illegal aliens living in tents and pooping in the street. Jews love to live in these cesspools they themselves create.

"treating people as if they were really created in the image of God" You have that backward. God was created by man, in the image of man. God is in essence, an imaginary friend. Agree with this or not – it still remains true. If there really were a god, there would not be parasitic Jews and Niggers (or fleas, ticks, lice and so on). Yes, I did just place the Jew and the Nigger in the same class as fleas and lice.

"please, continue. Divide everyone based on skin color" We don't divide, we reject. Nazis reject people on basis of race – and as such, on their racial (genetic) behavior. Nazis only want to be around fellow White people.

"A nation united under the banner of one country, or, worse, one religion, is unconquerable." Country and religion are irrelevant – all that matters is race. You can move to another country and change your religion, but you can not change your race. And only a race united becomes unstoppable. A united White race can not be conquered. That is our goal, this is how we will win – and defeat the wicked and treacherous Jew.

Hello gentlemen, I am curious enough to ask that is Chinese is allow or not allow because I don’t see any topics about Chinese a lot throughout discussion but I’m curious enough wana know what’s your perspective on them as NSM members.


In reply to by TruFolk (not verified)

I don't even need to defer to an NSM member to answer this one, even tho I see this question as a likely troll. The NSM is just as it says at the top and bottom of every page, "America's Premier White Civil Rights Organization" and as such, you must be White, act White and want to support the survival and prosperity of the White race to become a member. I would suggest you create a similar organization for your own race – however the Chinese currently outnumber Whites significantly, so you're not in any danger of extinction. The Jews are working to systematically eradicate the White race, because we are the biggest threat to their survival as a parasite. The Jews see the Chinese as a future host – possibly even for potential use as slaves. Beware of the Jew. They ARE coming for you. Look what they have already done to South Korea and are starting to do to Japan. China is next!

I am so happy that Trump won the election instead of Kamala. As mentioned you should be White, act White and act in the interests of your country. Us White people have been made to feel guilty about being White and this has to stop. Trump will show us the way. I may get backlash for this and I don’t care! I have nothing to hide. My email is █████████ if you want to attack me but I will fight back for sure!

Webmaster note: I redacted the email address in case it doesn't belong to the author.


In reply to by Erin ██████ (not verified)

I understand your reasoning of redacting the emai but I am just tired of people trying to make me feel bad by being White. These leftists trying to force their own agenda down our throats. We are just tired and sick of this!


In reply to by Erin ██████ (not verified)

I'm just keeping you safe Erin, because if the surname you are using is real, you are likely a beautiful Irish girl, who doesn't deserve to be doxxed – and have your life made difficult for years to come. The enemies of humanity (Jews) see to it that no opportunity provided to them, ever goes to waste. They seek to make as many severely punished examples as they can, to send a message and force other Whites to think twice before standing up for their own race.

There is also of course, the possibility that you are trying to get someone named Erin ██████ doxxed, as some form of revenge. Since we don't require email verification, there is no way of knowing for certain, which is the case. Forcing people to create accounts and verify email on a website like this, actually prevents people from engaging in frank and honest discussion – out of fear there are enemy spies with access to that account information, seeing who these people are, then going after them for their "incorrect" political beliefs.

Here's an idea for you. Why don't you call into the Commander's livestream show, it's (relatively) safe to do this – and we take extensive precautions to protect people's identity. Then you can say whatever you want, to a relatively large audience of like minded people around the world, people who share your "incorrect" political views. If you contact the Commander (Burt) by sending either a text message or email address, he can then add you to his notification list, so you will receive a notification when he's next on live. Because of his schedule, these times and days tend to vary, so requesting notifications would be best, as that way you won't miss it.

Then you can just call in and become part of the show, saying whatever is on your mind – as obviously we are a 100% free speech platform. ? You will find his phone number for voice or text, as well as his email address, by clicking the "Contact" tab at the very top of this website. I hope you join us on the next broadcast. ?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I appreciate your concern. I think people, even Jews will find it hard to locate me from just my name but maybe I’m just being naive. I want to reassure you that I’m not trying to get anyone doxxed. I have no time for any of that stuff.

I’m actually white South African and not Irish. Since the end of Apartheid in my country I feel that my country has gone downhill. I don’t feel safe walking down the streets at night due to all the black men just looking at me. Crime and corruption is rife in my country since the Blacks took over! It was Ronald Reagan who vetoed the Comprehensive Apartheid Act which levied economic sanctions against the Republic of South Africa. He was over ruled by both the House and the Senate. It marked the first time since enactment of the War Powers Resolution in 1973 that Congress had overridden a presidential foreign policy veto.

So I know full well what happens if you don’t try to speak out against what will be detrimental for your country!


In reply to by Erin ██████ (not verified)

"even Jews will find it hard to locate me from just my name" Erin is not a common girl's name in Suid-Afrika – a few Afrikaner girl names that I have encountered include Aletta, Amanda, Anna, Catharina, Charlize, Dalena, Elandri, Elizabeth, Elmarie, Elzebe, Engela, Eva, Ezelda, Francina, Gertruida, Hanneleen, Hanneli, Johanika, Johanna, Laiken, Liandri, Lilanie, Lizelle, Magdalena, Magriet, Maria and so on (not to run through the entire alphabet) en ja, ek praat Afrikaans, waarom dit baie eenvoudig is. Some time ago, many years ago now, I built one of the most popular social media websites used by White Afrikaners, a site which I obviously won't name here of course. For you see, "Webmaster" wishes to remain anonymous.

"I want to reassure you that I’m not trying to get anyone doxxed." Then why is the IP address you used to post your message, from Dubai (United Arab Emirates) assigned to a cloud VDS/VPS server located in that country? Note that someone could be using the VDS/VPS to innocently provide you with VPN or Proxy services for hire, that's common. And as a courtesy, I'm not going to drop rule that CIDR block assignment, as I have all the other VPN addresses I have encountered so far, those which have been used by hackers trying to penetrate our website. Innocent unless found guilty I say. But the remaining number of available VPN addresses in the world (which can still reach our website) must be few, as I have already dropped tens of thousands of blocks. Also, I can't say that I recall ever drop ruling any from Dubai before.

"I’m actually white South African and not Irish." No White in Suid-Afrika is from there, most are Dutch, the rest are French, English and German boer colonizers who began arriving at the Cape around the late 17th century. An Irish name might suggest your family arrived late, perhaps the 1950's or 60's which was a great time to arrive. And there is now a pride in being a White South African and claiming South African heritage, as the Blacks try to claim that it is not and never was your home. It is not their home either. Only the Khoikhoi can claim they were there first, where maybe only a hundred thousand Khoisans are today living across southern Africa. Everyone else, including most of the Blacks, are immigrants to those beautiful lands (and beautiful they are indeed – the climate there is just gorgeous).

"Since the end of Apartheid in my country I feel that my country has gone downhill." You think? Nothing has destroyed South Africa more than the end of Apartheid and the beginning of Black rule. Prior to that, South Africa and Rhodesia were two of the most desirable places to raise a happy and healthy family on earth. This isn't even close to being true today.

"Congress had overridden a presidential foreign policy veto" What the Jews have done with economic sanctions to South Africa, makes me sad just to think about it. A once nuclear superpower (having tested an atomic bomb on Prince Edward Island) under the leadership of de Klerk, was then one of the most desirable places to raise a family (while under Apartheid). But now it is a corrupt failed state run by Kaffers (Niggers). Most people don't know how gentle the climate is there, with predictable and gentle rains – and how fertile the vast lands. That is what makes it a great place to raise a White family (but only under Apartheid).

"if you don’t try to speak out against what will be detrimental for your country" Do you think there is any chance of saving the hundreds of years of White heritage there? I honestly don't. Many (but not all) Whites go along with the anti-White discrimination. They put up with the violence and crime. It has become a living testament for everything we say on this website about abhorrent Nigger behavior. And it is true, the United States is not far behind.

It is important to give thanks, remember that even in clown world we have things to be grateful for. This year I give my Thank you to everyone here in the NSM because I am grateful to be fighting the enemies of humanity with all of you. Do not be discouraged by the jewish multicultural lies of the harvest celebration. Every culture smart enough to put seeds in the ground and practice animal husbandry has a harvest feast. Our various traditions for harvest span thousands of years. Subhuman cannibals who barely " hunter gather" do not have anything to celebrate on the eve of winter. It is possible that a few white people with their greatest Achilles heel - empathy- may have fed some poor starving shitbags in the same way you might feel bad for a stray dog, I can see it going down that way. It is Europe which brought plough, seed, wheel, husbandry, the horse, irrigation and much more to a land of wild beasts, certainly not the other way around. Thanksgiving is our day, like all good holidays. Go have pie!

Is there any non-archaic scientific evidence for white supremacy? As someone who lives and works with lots of blacks, I don't find their intelligence or cognitive ability to be lower and the 68-IQ figure seems absurd and impossible to me. Neither do I find East Asians, South Asians, Middle Easterners, Pacific Islanders or American Natives to be less intelligent than White Europeans.


In reply to by ?! (not verified)

"Is there any non-archaic scientific evidence for white supremacy?" Of course, intelligence testing. Even the Raven's Progressive Matrices (an IQ test designed to get around supposed racial bias in IQ tests) correlates well with the standard IQ testing results. There are no cultural, math or language questions in the Raven's test -- just picture puzzles. Match the pictures correctly and score big. However with this test, Blacks still test poorly.

But the best argument of all to validate White supremacy, is achievement. What is the greatest achievement of mankind? To go where no man has gone before. White man walked on the moon -- and he did it in 1969. No other race has ever achieved the same, even now. Another argument could be White colonialism. Whites colonized all the other races on every continent of the world, which proves White superiority. If Whites were inferior, the reverse would have taken place.

"I don't find their intelligence or cognitive ability to be lower" You are clearly lying. Clearly. Everyone who has spent time around Blacks are appalled at their unpleasant demeanor and lack of just basic intelligence. Blacks do poorly in school because they are biologically ineducable. Blacks will NEVER fit or function well in Western society. Wherever they are found, that area is in decline. Always.

"Neither do I find East Asians, South Asians, Middle Easterners, Pacific Islanders or American Natives to be less intelligent than White Europeans." Name one thing they have that Whites didn't have first. You can't. All the greatest innovations have been White in origin. China simply copies Whites. Blacks can't even do that very well. Even the "best" Blacks, when compared with just average Whites, falls way short. Some people (like yourself) are impressed by Blacks, because you unknowingly express the bigotry of your low expectations. You don't expect much, so you are not disappointed.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I have lived in other countries, and travelled to, or through, a number of others.
Subjectively I would have to agree that Blacks just don't have what it takes to match Whites, and the 'best' Black (an oxymoron statement at best) nearly approaches the worst White. One can see that anywhere, if one allows themselves to be unburdened and unshackled by the political correctness which has permeated and diluted society.
As a White I can get trashed for called out a Black ... it's racist, it's unacceptable, it's blah blah blah
So why are Blacks able to freely criticise Whites, without similar retribution?
Any White gets trashed for calling a nigger a nigger, but listen to the gutter trash rap-crap they pass off as music. Fully of nigga this and nigga that, my nigga and hiss nigga. This crap they do full of nigga bullshit and encouraging violence against Whites.
Fuck me. Why can a nigga call another nigga nigga, and it's ok, but if a White calls a nigga a nigga they're vilified?

Why nearly?
Let us not forget that it was the Chinese who gave us gunpowder, moveable block printing, the compass, and so on.
At one point one could argue that during those early dynasties China were ahead of White civilisation.
Then they fucked it up by stagnating, and the Whites went on to colonise the rest of the world, including China.
The rest of the world, including China, now copies what they see in the Western White as something to aspire towards.
But China is like a nest of ants -- collectively they can manoeuvre en masse, and make a far more formidable opponent than the lowly Blacks. As a side note even the Chinese look down at Blacks.

Look at how far we've come, in such a short space of time.
It was only 120 years ago that the Wright brothers made their historic heavier-than-air flight, and now we're heading towards space.
What an enviable achievement the White brain has accomplished.

I came here after reading a post about South Africa, by someone called Erin.
What a total fuck-up Sth Africa has become since handing it to the Blacks.
What was once an enviable place to live has become a hellhole of crime and dysfunctionality.
Any country which was once governed by Whites has turned to shit without Whites in charge.

> There has been this insistence, even by the more level-headed in the MSM, that Hegseth sexually assaulted someone.

That's because they FEAR him. This is what fear looks like. This is how fear manifests.

> The guy's slut past is BEYOND and SHAMELESS. Like, outrageously so, and workplace-impacting.

Let's just ignore for the moment that Hegseth is exactly the type of leadership our military needs right now – and instead, let's focus only upon the salacious accusations hurled at him by the Jews. If we do that for long enough, maybe we can agree that what we really want and need as leadership over our military – would be another anti-White homosexual, like Milley. An all homosexual, transgender army is precisely what we need for national strength. How do you say "I surrender!" in Russian, Chinese, Korean, and Farsi? That's the only military training our queer transgender non-White faggot army will ever need.

Crystal Mangum, the former exotic dancer who accused three Duke men’s lacrosse players of rape in 2006, igniting a national firestorm, now says she lied about the encounter.

“I testified falsely against them by saying that they raped me when they didn’t, and that was wrong. And I betrayed the trust of a lot of other people who believed in me,” Mangum said on the web show “Let’s Talk with Kat,” hosted by Katerena DePasquale.

All Niggers lie, all the time. Niggers are incapable of telling the truth, unless they have something to gain. This Nigger is only admitting to lying now because she hopes it will earn her an early parole after stabbing her Nigger boyfriend to death, then claiming once again to be the victim. I say this Nigger liar should be promoted to HONORARY JEW status!…

Nobody seems to care about the real victims in this case, David Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann, who were expelled and lost all hope of ever regaining what they had. The charges forced the cancellation of the team’s 2006 season and even coach Mike Pressler lost his job and became a frequent victim of vandalism in the aftermath of the accusations. Just like the Tawana Brawley rape hoax and the Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax, every supposed Nigger victim is a liar, with no exceptions. Niggers are always the perpetrators, never the victims. Remember that!

"Amazon workers strike across seven US delivery facilities over labor contract; locations include four in California and one each in New York, Georgia, and Illinois." Isn't it curious to note, that these ALL happen to be the most Nigger-infested, Jew-run communist shit-hole states in the Union? I hope Amazon fires them all and replaces them with solid White people who are more than willing to work for the money that is being offered.

I recall years ago, when a large tire manufacturer went on strike, the workers claiming they weren't making enough money, yet had more than enough to order pizza deliveries to the strike line. The tire manufacturer after a while had enough of this stupidity and fired the striking workers, hiring the pizza delivery drivers to fill their jobs. The pizza delivery drivers were ecstatic, as they were now paid more than 4 times what they earned delivering pizza, while receiving many benefits. The tire factory was happy, as they paid these new workers less than half of what the union workers were being paid, but kept the benefits the same. The union workers, now unemployed, went on to become pizza delivery drivers, earning less than a quarter of the money they formerly earned, while losing all of their benefits. And I laughed and laughed at each and every one of those greedy Marxist striking workers. They deserve exactly what they received (an education in economics, a lesson learned hard).

Unions are run by Jews and promote nothing but cronyism and communism. Collective bargaining is communism. This is why Hitler outlawed communist labor unions and collective bargaining, instead allowing workers to join the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF), which became the national labor organization of the NSDAP. Collective bargaining and the right to strike were abolished, while pay scale and working conditions were regulated fairly by NSDAP officials. This was as close to utopia as the White race has ever achieved. German workers became the most productive and prosperous during this period, that the world had ever seen.

On January 6, Vice President Kamala Harris will be required under the 12th Amendment, to certify the election results, naming Donald Trump as the winner of the office of the Presidency.

the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted; The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President

Under the Constitution, Vice President Kamala Harris is president of the U.S. Senate. Under the Constitution, the Senate president presides over the proceedings that determine the next U.S. president. Had the Democrats not amended title 3 of the United States Code, The Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act of 2022, she could do what Mike Pence was supposed to do in 2020 – and reject the slate of electors presented to her – and assume the office of President for herself, by presenting and certifying her own slate of electors. Provisions enacted into law in 2022 by the Democrats, changed the role of the president of the Senate, while presiding over the electoral vote count. The president of the Senate is now limited to “performing solely ministerial duties” with “no power to determine, accept, reject, or otherwise adjudicate or resolve disputes over the proper certificate of ascertainment of appointment of electors, the validity of the electors, or the votes of electors.”

Oh the irony.

It will be most enjoyable to see the look of humiliation on her face.

This coming January 6 meeting of the House and Senate in the House of Representatives at 1:00 pm EST can't come quickly enough. Just   from now, we will all be able to watch (and enjoy) this ritual humiliation event, live on TV. ?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Okay, so the humiliation was not what I had anticipated. The closest that she came to showing humiliation was to claim that she was upholding democracy (by simply doing her job). I had rather hoped that she would have shown up drunk, just to give us something to talk about. So instead, I give you this to enjoy. And yes, she really said this (but in a different setting) and yes, most people suspect she was drunk.


Well, they got what they wanted, the first criminal prosecution of a Republican former U.S. president and the current president elect. Donald Trump is now a convicted felon, he has lost his right to vote as a citizen in most states, he has lost his right to own a firearm in every state and he must now turn over his DNA to the State of New York. His reputation is forever tarnished by a lie (which was their goal all along, to discredit and to smear) as he is now stigmatized by the label felon, by an unjust and totally corrupt legal system that is run by Jews, only for the benefit of Jews, one that attempted to use the incredible power of the law, to change the outcome of an election. Yes, American Jews HATE Donald Trump that much! Perhaps a better word might be fear, the Jews fear Donald Trump that much. And as we all know, they failed, both with their lawfare attempting to end his campaign – and with their ability to rig elections in any meaningful way, after their unfortunately successful 2020 election fraud, which bankrupted and ruined our country.

The majority of voters saw right through these Jewish lies and the amount of voter fraud that did take place was insufficient to change the outcome (i.e. too big to rig). This just shows the level of depravity the Demoncrats truly have – and the willingness they show, to burn America to the ground, both figuratively and literally in liberal California right now, just so they may rule over its ashes. The United States is not okay. Normalcy and health are being repudiated, while degeneracy and sickness is being lauded. Everything bad is called good, while everything good is called evil. We have entered into what amounts to Weimar Republic conditions, as we are being ruled over by Jewish pedophiles.

Donald Trump made a statement at his sentencing.

“American voters got a chance to see and decide for themselves whether this is the kind of case that should have been brought. And they decided. And that’s why, in 10 days, President Trump is going to assume the office of the president of the United States.” — Defense lawyer Todd Blanche

“This entire case against President Trump has been a politically motivated and contrived witch hunt aimed solely at preventing him from returning to the White House. It was never about the facts, and it should have never been brought in the first place. The judge grossly perverted the American legal system by manipulating existing law in a purely partisan effort to convert a bogus misdemeanor charge into a felony. Judge Merchan and the deranged prosecution have done untold damage to our justice system.” — Speaker of the House Mike Johnson

“The Radical Democrats have lost another pathetic, unAmerican Witch Hunt. After spending tens of millions of dollars, wasting over 6 years of obsessive work that should have been spent on protecting New Yorkers from violent, rampant crime that is destroying the City and State, coordinating with the Biden/Harris Department of Injustice in lawless Weaponization, and bringing completely baseless, illegal, and fake charges against your 45th and 47th President, ME, I was given an UNCONDITIONAL DISCHARGE. That result alone proves that, as all Legal Scholars and Experts have said, THERE IS NO CASE, THERE WAS NEVER A CASE, and this whole Scam fully deserves to be DISMISSED. The real Jury, the American People, have spoken, by Re-Electing me with an overwhelming MANDATE in one of the most consequential Elections in History. As the American People have seen, this “case” had no crime, no damages, no proof, no facts, no Law, only a highly conflicted Judge, a star witness who is a disbarred, disgraced, serial perjurer, and criminal Election Interference. Today’s event was a despicable charade, and now that it is over, we will appeal this Hoax, which has no merit, and restore the trust of Americans in our once great System of Justice. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” — The 45th and 47th President Donald J. Trump

At this point, I only want to see one thing from Donald Trump's Department of Justice: REVENGE! I want to see every member of the JEWdiciary involved with this lawfare bullshit to be lawfully tried for their crimes, convicted and sent to prison, for literally doing what they accused Donald Trump of doing. If they can do this to Donald Trump, they can and eventually will do it to you as well! This has to stop NOW!


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Does anyone remember the last time the Jews did this same lawfare trick to a sitting president? You see, what the Jews did to Trump is not new. The last case like this that I remember, was Spiro T. Agnew, who at the time of his election in 1968, publicly held a centrist reputation and was apparently tolerated by the Jews. Once vice president however, Agnew had moved far to the right and would spearhead attacks against the administration's Jewish enemies. The majority electorate of course LOVED Nixon/Agnew, myself included and the election of 1972 allowed both to be re-elected for a second term, defeating Senator McGovern by the largest landslide win in U.S. history. The Jews of course tried to cheat that election, but failed – as the support of Nixon/Agnew was just too great (i.e. too big to rig).

That's when the Jews began their lawfare, using the Jewish courts to get exactly what they wanted. Beginning in 1973, Agnew was investigated by the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland, on suspicion of criminal conspiracy, bribery, extortion, and tax fraud. Sound familiar? This began long before the Watergate scandal that took down his running mate, Nixon. Agnew consistently maintained his innocence, so they just kept piling on more and more charges and indictments. Does that also sound familiar? The Jews then offered a sweet plea deal, in which Agnew would receive no fine and no jail time, if he would agree to resign. So Agnew pleaded no contest to a single felony charge of tax evasion, he too became a convicted felon and resigned from office per the plea deal.

Nixon was then forced by the Jew-run Senate to replace Agnew with the House Republican leader, Gerald R. Ford – who was born Leslie Lynch King (both his biological mother and father were Jewish). Agnew then spent the remainder of his life blaming Zionist Jews for forcing him out of office. But that was before the Internet, when Jews controlled everything in print, so his message went largely unheard. The Jews had thus successfully placed an unelected Jew in the second highest office in the world. The next step for the Jews of course, was to simply get rid of Nixon, allowing this Jew appointed, crypto biological Jew to become president – and usher in horrible things like the "global human population control" agenda in 1975, a policy which among many other bad policies, led to his election defeat by Democrat Jimmy Carter in 1976.

Elsewhere on this website, you can listen to Nixon candidly (and privately) speaking the truth about the Jews, about how they run everything in Washington, how you can't trust them, how they are disloyal to America and so on. You too will become a fan of Nixon, once you learn the truth. The only thing I didn't like that Nixon did, was to cancel the Apollo program. It was Nixon's distrust and hatred of the Jews as to why they brought lawfare against him and to remove him from office as well. What has happened to Trump is not new – there are still many old and politically savvy boomers like myself, who have seen all of this before. And the Jews will keep right on using the courts they own, to sabotage America and burn it right to the ground if need be, just so they can rule over its ashes. Who knows what else the Jews are going to do to Trump and Vance over the coming 4 years.

Webmaster edit: I was certain that I posted this audio clip here before, but now I can't find it. Here it is below, along with a transcript. The participants are Richard Nixon, Bob Haldeman, Ron Ziegler and it was recorded in the office of the president on July 05, 1971.

00:00.000 --> 00:12.008
<v President Nixon>: All of the Jewish families are close, but there's this strange malignancy now that seems to creep among them. I don't know, the radicalism.

00:12.009 --> 00:26.967
I can imagine how the fact that Ellsberg is in this must really tear a fellow like Henry to pieces, or Garment, you know. Just like the Rosenbergs and all that. That just has to kill him. And you feel horrible about it.

00:26.968 --> 00:30.006
<v Ronald Ziegler>: Couldn't be a guy by name of Snyder.

00:30.007 --> 00:30.898
<v President Nixon>: There ain't none.

00:30.899 --> 00:34.529
<v H.R. Haldeman>: It would've been a Rosenstein that changed his name.

00:34.530 --> 00:37.733
<v Ronald Ziegler>: It is. Right. It's always an Ellsberg or <v unclear>.

00:37.734 --> 00:52.181
<v President Nixon>: They're all Jews. Every one's a Jew. Gelb's a Jew. Halperin's a Jew. But there are bad- Hiss was not a Jew. So that proves something.

00:52.182 --> 01:03.200
Very interesting thing. So few of those who engage in espionage are Negroes. Very lucky that way. And good.

01:03.201 --> 01:19.100
As a matter of fact, very few of them become Communists. If they do, they either, like, they get into Angela Davis, they're more of an activist type, and they throw bombs and this and that. But the Negroes, have you ever noticed? There are damn few Negro spies.

01:19.101 --> 01:22.117
<v H.R. Haldeman>: They're not intellectual enough. Not smart enough.

01:22.118 --> 01:23.255
<v President Nixon>: It may be.

01:23.256 --> 01:25.790
<v H.R. Haldeman>: They're not smart enough to be spies, they're not intellectual enough-

01:25.791 --> 01:32.875
<v President Nixon>: The Jews are born spies. You notice how many of them are? They're just in it up to their necks.

01:32.876 --> 01:37.884
<v H.R. Haldeman>: Well, got a basic devious abil- deviousness, that-

01:37.885 --> 01:46.275
<v President Nixon>: Well, also, an arrogance, an arrogance that says- that's what makes a spy. He puts himself above the law.

01:46.276 --> 01:51.302
Other than spies for the pay. I'm talking about the spies that do it because of idealism.

History has known worse moments, but never has it known such insanity; never have people been so blind to the lies and corruption, and never did I think all this could ever happen anywhere in the world, let alone my own country. I wish that there will be peace, but we cannot let this go on for much longer; sooner or later our resistance must become more proactive if it is to be of any use. Do not be disheartened! We are awake, we are strong together - do not let them scare you, and know that we scare them, that their military grade psychological operation failed to convince us, that we saw clean through billions of dollars' worth of propaganda - ''news'' as they call it - and always remember that we are America's first and last line of defense, that whatever shit they throw at us next, we will be ready, we will not let them daunt us, and in the end, we will be victorious. Remember, there cannot be courage without fear; and that we are not afraid to act when needed most. Remember the Alamo; remember the dream that was America, birthed out of Revolution - remember that we will not go down without a fight.

God bless America.

The CIA took him down, the main reporter covering Watergate was a former high-level intel operative, who they suddenly dropped onto the media. Nixon challenged the CIA for assassinating JFK, but do keep in mind, he took our currency off the gold standard. I suppose each and every coin has another side.


In reply to by Frank Wolfe (not verified)

If by "the main reporter covering Watergate" you mean Bob Woodward and his handler Carl Bernstein, a Jew" and if by "CIA" you essentially mean "the Jews" as the agency was created by and for the benefit of Jews, then you have it correct. At the heart of everything rotten in this world, you will always find a Jew.

This morning, I was talking with a friend, and half jokingly, I toyed with the idea of incorporating the national lottery into the election, – that way, you wouldn’t even have to make voting mandatory, - as it should be- citizens would flock to it; and as it's now a competition, you have a legitimate reason to ban mail-in ballots, number all the ballots, and mandate voter ID.
It actually makes sense.

Advancing that conversation, hoping Trump will bring forth the constructive change within our country we desperately need, which, sadly, I doubt the powers that be will let happen; I brought up crypto, as the antidote to CBDC, reminding my friend that the Federal Reserve is an imposter, leeching our country, controlled by the elites and not responsible to the People; and furthering the fascinating system of the blockchain, I recalled an earlier comment on this site, regarding using the blockchain as a secure voting system.
Interesting idea.

Back to crypto, while like holding gold and silver is a good idea, knowing fiat currency to be a joke, and sadly, the petrodollar going down the drain, I prefer the reassuring fact of holding guns and ammo, not to mention being able to repair everything I own [expect this my, anyway}, which is indispensable to the right of owning property.

These are interesting times, to say the least, and whatever happens next, and how we choose to react, will decide the fate of this nation.

God bless America

And not covid, as a real, insidious threat to our race and the world we inhabit. These are the ones responsible for the greatest crimes in our history - World War I, the Great Depression, the Communist takeover of Tzarists Russia in 1917; they profited immensely off all the ensuing disasters and conflicts, created in the wake of the destabilized world they created. But out of all this death and destruction, their wrath, we arose; they inadvertently created us, allowed the Aryan uprising to come forth, loud and proud - they fear us, and they will never defeat the legacy of Hitler, that grand past we inherited and stand by. We have a vision for the world, and are not afraid to make it true; we are the cure to this evil world the Jewish conspiracy has invented, we are strong, we are many, while they are few; they are scared.

God bless America.

Only we, the People, can save it. That is our right, and we shall be victorious, we shall return justice to this world.

Special Counsel David C. Weiss wrote, "Calling those rulings into question and injecting partisanship into the independent administration of the law undermines the very foundation of what makes America's justice system fair and equitable. It erodes public confidence in an institution that is essential to preserving the rule of law." … "Politicians who attack the decisions of career prosecutors as politically motivated when they disagree with the outcome of a case undermine the public's confidence in our criminal justice system. The President's statements unfairly impugn the integrity not only of Department of Justice personnel, but all of the public servants making these difficult decisions in good faith. As Judge Scarsi stated in response to these remarks: The President's own Attorney General and Department of Justice personnel oversaw the investigation leading to the charges. In the President's estimation, this legion of federal civil servants, the undersigned included, are unreasonable people. The President's characterizations are incorrect based on the facts in this case, and, on a more fundamental level, they are wrong.

The outcome in this case, especially with Biden saying, "No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son," clearly demonstrates that we have a two-tier justice system and this has always been the case. I'm happy to see Weiss forcefully call out the injustice we all see here.

However, sometimes a presidential pardon is necessary for actual justice, such as on August 25, 2017 when Trump pardoned Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was criminally convicted of disobeying a liberal Democrat female federal judge's order to stop detaining individuals suspected of being in the U.S. illegally. Arpaio willfully ignored the federal judge's order and continued to do his job, which is the right thing to do, since the federal government was NOT doing their job. He was convicted and faced up to six months in jail, prior to being pardoned.

You may read the whole Special Counsel report here.…
Titled: Report on the Investigation Into the Criminal Conduct of Robert Hunter Biden

While I doubt the Deep State will allow Trump to get in, if he goes, and if he shows us he is true to the MAGA statement, and I like to think he is genuine. Biden's pardoning all these cronies responsible for the mess they've made out of our grand nation and its people like mad, however, as we know, Biden's administration is illegitimate in the first place, and these mock-pardons are as illegal as they are Unconstitutional, and if Trump can barge through the roadblocks the radical left throws at him, that's the most viable way to cut through all their lies and to deploy some real justice unto those who caused us all such inexcusable harm. Now this is when we NEED a Nuremburg Trial, for we are in desperate need of Justice, and if in the likely situation the world falls apart - we are capable of providing it and are determined to do bring it forth, with a vengeance.

Make the Jews pay for what they've done to us.

God Bless America

America is unique – but of course; however, it is unique in the world owing to the fantastic creation of its Founding Fathers. They had an idea, a bright shining idea, and look at what it became.
Their prototype system inspired the world, which sooner or later plagiarized its governmental operation, gradually establishing varying degrees of democracy across a changing, opening world.
It wasn’t a Democracy originally, in fact, this was the very system they feared it might become, the very tyranny, what was to them monarchy, they sought to destroy, and what very few people, indeed, most Americans, are unaware of, is that the stars and stripes had to stand under a Constitutional Republic if it was to be true, if all the dreams and hopes it represented, if the freedoms and liberty it honored were to be real, if there was to be Justice – if there was to be America.

The main thing about Republic – you can only have it if you can keep it.

There is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, in the words of Benjamin Franklin; this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism as other forms have before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.

What a dream the Founding Fathers possessed, and oh, what a nightmare became.

Explaining that Hitler fought communists to conservatives is like teaching math to niggers.

The biggest thing that I want from the Trump administration, is revenge against the Nigger puppets and their Jewish handlers who persecuted him via lawfare. It appears now that I am going to get my wish. "Turning lawfare on its creators is not about revenge. It will serve as a deterrent to prevent future abuse and will restore public confidence that justice is even-handed. Individuals who have carried out lawfare have not only destroyed faith in our legal system but also may have violated the law. A federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 241, prohibits conspiring to “injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate” a person exercising constitutional rights or privileges. Clearly President Donald J. Trump had constitutional rights and privileges to run for office and govern, not to be imprisoned for contrived crimes, and not to be deprived of property based on abuse of federal and state justice systems. According to the Biden administration’s own theory, preventing a candidate from running and assuming office also deprives supporters of their rights to vote."

Prosecute The Architects Of Trump Lawfare For Election Interference…

I'm tired of this shit. I'm tired of the white race getting shitted on by everybody and everything. The United States has gone downhill over the past decades and we need to return it to the country that it should be where White men stand up for their race instead of worrying about what everybody else thinks.

I've been debating what to do about it and after looking over the website and its information (your 25 points speak to my fucking heart!) I'm looking to join the NSM as a full time member. I know I can do a payment from the front page of the website but i want to make sure that I follow everything that needs to be done to join. It's time to stand up for my race and after years of ignoring it, I finally understand what is at stake.

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Who was the leader of Germany during WWII? (just his last name)