The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )
Sieg Heil aus Longview, TX
Greetings from the National Socialist Movement in Longview, Texas


When you search the German phrase "Sieg Heil" the most common result suggests that this phrase means "Hail Victory" but as with all things, we should always look a little deeper. The word Heil is old, it was used in Roman times where heil meant "health." The Romans would toast or greet each other with the word – as an example, "Hail Cæsar" which in this case is more of a wish; a wish of health, prosperity, luck and so on to Cæsar. So the word essentially means wishing health and prosperity upon someone, as in "Heil Hitler." Sieg also has an interesting etymology, similar to siege (a military assault) or an attempt to overpower, just as it was used in Roman times. To claim that sieg directly translates to "victory, triumph" may be a bit dubious, but I suppose this is a fairly accurate translation. Of course I am in no position to offer advice here, but I personally think the NSM might adopt and use the phrase "Sieg Heil" more often – especially as a rallying cry, or alternately use a more modern, Americanized phrase, such as "For the WIN!" or something, used in entirely the same context. Currently, most members of the NSM use a tokenized (or codified) phrase, "eighty-eight" which is synonymous with "Heil Hitler," as a greeting or salutation. But this to me has always been somewhat cringy, like watching Handsome Truth say "Swedes" when he really means "Jews" on youtube, in order to avoid censorship. However the HH code (88) is now a solid part of National Socialist culture and is widely accepted and used. However I believe that since we are Nazis, since we are Americans, there should be no need for us to disguise or encode our speech, we hide our opinions from no one. ? I have a German friend who is currently exiled from Germany (facing a lengthy prison stay if she were ever to return, due to her beliefs in supporting the former National Socialist organization) who signs all of her emails "Heil Hitler." I personally love it. ?

That would be awesome also I wish people on our side would be more open about there political beliefs in there personal/public lives in general. We need to normalize ourselves and let people know we exist in real life not just on the internet or on TV. We are real people fighting for a real cause and we shouldn't be ashamed about it. WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS. Heil Hitler


In reply to by Anthony (not verified)

Adding my two cents to agree with this. No matter what the f other might say, we are fighting for the future of humanity and white people everywhere.

We are the fucking good guys.


In reply to by Anthony (not verified)

Socialism is just an utopia, which will never be reached in real life. I'd like you to reconsider your utopian ideology and read Mises and Hayek. That's really it.


In reply to by RightLibertarian (not verified)

Marxist socialism and National Socialism are two completely different political ideologies. Marxism first emerged in the 18th century, whereas National Socialism emerged in the 19th. Marxist socialism advocates for the equal distribution of wealth across all races and social classes, whereas National Socialism is focused only on building pride in the unique abilities of the Aryan race, rather than solving the age old unsolvable problem of wealth inequality between the races. National Socialism does not see individuals as interchangeable ants in a colony, but rather embraces their unique and superior abilities as Aryans. These superior traits were exalted in Nazi Germany, in an appeal to individual pride. German racial superiority of the Master Race was reinforced by scholars like Friedrich Nietzsche, who first observed and then proclaimed that Germans were clearly the superior race. Germans eagerly wanted to take part in nation-building projects, because of their feeling of patriotism and their pride in being part of the fatherland. In contrast, Marxist socialism encourages public participation in national projects by stressing the importance of belonging to the collective, rather than operating on individual or racial strengths. National Socialism makes use of corporatism (an authoritarian political ideology, which advocates the organization of society into corporate groups) to bring together workers and entrepreneurs. Unlike Marxism, National Socialism permits the private ownership of national resources and production processes. In Nazi Germany, foreign corporations like IBM and Ford were not nationalized when Hitler became the Führer. Marxism is forever doomed to failure, because eventually everyone who is working (for example, pulling the wagon) becomes jealous of those who are not working (i.e., riding in the wagon) so they stop pulling and start riding, which ultimately results in a complete and total collapse of the economy, just as we are seeing play out now in Marxist socialist Venezuela.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Well, Marxism is stupid, I agree. Not every type of socialism is banning ALL private property. You would like to make at least some factories to be owned by the state, which is very bad to the economy. Some variants of socialism, like yours, postulate nationalization of "key" industries and economic paternalism, by that I mean the state watching the economy all the time. I also want to say that some of the non-Marxist socialist parties in the US also postulate that. So, I didn't confuse anything with anything.


In reply to by Anthony (not verified)

Get a grip dude...Your racist rants and antisemitism are
Absurd...Race is a construction used by
one group to oppress another group; it's
not a scientific concept...Incidentally,
Evolution selected against Cracker babies
in Africa...white cracker babies couldn't
adapt to an environment of high
intensity skin cancer, so
eventually disappeared.

As for your antisemitic rant, Judaism is a
religion, NOT a RACE! Your lilly white ass
could convert to a Jew tomorrow if you wanted
...Maybe you should try it!


In reply to by Sane Human (not verified)

"Race is a construction used by one group to oppress another group" Oh, you mean the way the lamb oppresses the lion? Or can that not happen, as the lion is superior to the lamb? Science today is 100% politicized. White people globally have reverted back to the time of Galileo, because "feelings" supposedly. We can't allow the sub-humans to feel bad about themselves. Like it or not, race and gender are factual realities, these current political trends toward delusion in these areas, notwithstanding.

"Evolution selected against Cracker babies in Africa" White people did not evolve in Africa, but rather in Europe, as a separate species.…

"Judaism is a religion, NOT a RACE!" Israel's rabbinical courts begin to recognize DNA tests proving Jewishness. If you are genetically different as a Jew, then clearly Jews are a different race (or even species).…

"Your lilly white ass could convert to a Jew tomorrow if you wanted" Becoming a theological Jew is not easy, just as they describe in this Israeli newspaper. Becoming a biological Jew is of course impossible.…

So I have easily demonstrated how you are demonstrably WRONG on every point. Congratulations on proving to everyone how much social justice kool-aid you are willing to drink.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

The bonobo genome was compared with African and European human genomes.
The X/A ratios define the ratio between the X chromosome and the number of sets of autosomes in an organism. Effectively, the X/A nucleotide diversity within the complete genome.…
The African X/A ratio overlaps with bonobo while the European does not.
Africans and Europeans are not the same species of hominid.
Originally, Europeans were defined as Homo Sapiens and Africans as Homo Africanus. This was changed many years ago due to accusations of racism.
I am not a racist but I am a scientist. Eventually, common sense and truth will prevail, just not any time soon.

Webmaster note: I edited this comment to make the image visible.


In reply to by Sane Human (not verified)

There are many ethnic jews that do not practice any religion (i.e., secular jews). Practicing Judaism doesn't make one ethnically jewish. Marilyn Monroe converted to the religion, Sandra Bernhard is ethnically a jew.
Jewish ANCESTRY is required to immigrate to Israel, that is the sole criteria, there is no religious requirement.
The jews are a mixed race people. The particular admixture varies and distinction is made based on the main genetic contributors e.g., Sephardic, Ashkenazic, Mizrahi etc. (signifying Arabic, European and Asian admixture respectively). The proportions of admixture in any particular jew varies greatly. Jews are the epitome of a mud race and they have always endeavoured to reduce everyone else to that same undesirable state.
Also, societal constructs based on race are evidence for its existence not against it. Societal constructs based on something that doesn't exist called religion. A person's religion cannot be determined from DNA.

I have a question about the ranks of the NSM. Some members have SS tabs and ranks, some have NSM tabs and ranks and them some have no tabs at all. How does the NSM do ranking and do you promote members and what for? Just really curious about this, thanks for any answers I might receive.

Each member should have two collar tabs. The NSM tab means they are effectively in the SA. The SA will wear their respective rank tab on the opposite side of the NSM tab. The ones that have SS tabs are Security squad members tasked with my security and wear their rank opposite of their division tab as well. The ones that have no tabs simply have not completed their uniforms yet.


In reply to by Burt Colucci (not verified)

Thanks for the response Commander. I assume that members are promoted based on merit and time in the NSM? Also are there any badges or medals awarded to members and are they permitted for wear on the uniform?


In reply to by Burt Colucci (not verified)

Commander Colucci it would be an honor for you and your troops to come to my state where these fucking liberals like to hang out and do drugs like a nigger at and show them you guys are not playing around, I was hoping you could also get it on video too to put on Bitchute. I enjoy watching you guys talk down to those niggers who can suck their bananas for all I care. If there is anything I can do for you if you want me to send you money in order for it happen or to come into agreement. sieg heil

I look on the computer this morning and I see all these niggers coming out acting like hairy apes beating on their chests. Like what is so wrong about the kid dressing up as a Ku Klux Klan member? Now they want to try and expell him, this is the result of what our children will look like when they are taught under communist teachings. They become a true symbol of hate and not want to be proud of who they are, the Niggers are just pissed that they were not born white and instead want to teach white kids to hate other white people. Its also because of this fucking Jews trying to rid of the white race. White Power!

Every Nationalsozialist should own and wear a Stahlhelm, the M1934/M34 Ordnungspolizei Stahlhelm is the cheapest original wartime Stahlhelm you can buy on ebay, it's lightweight, it provides good protection and it looks very similar to a Allgemeine-SS Parade Stahlhelm. they're usually $150 - 300 without decals and $200 - $600 with decals.

Here is some rare German marches that have been censored to oblivian because it's "Hate Speech".

Deutschland Erwache - Die SA
Durch Gross Berlin Marschieren Wir - Die SA
Hitlerleute - Soldatenlieder
Volks Ans Gewehr - Die SA
Leibstandartenmarsch-SS Adolf Hitler - Soldatenlieder
Heil Hitler Marschlied - Soldatenlieder
Hakenkreuz Am Stahlhelm - Horst Wessel

Ay das racis yo yooz cant be sayin shizz like dat becaus i finna pop yo ass an i finna shoot da homies on da block an go rape yo momma an yo granmamma cuz she racis too an we finna riot cuz a crackhead was coaght by da police an killed das racis yo das police brutaltity an sheeiiit so they finna get defunded cuz we burnin da citys an sheeiiit an cuz das racis

In america and south africa white people are getting killed and attacked groups like blm , and antifa are the main reason anti-white attack are happening white people are going extinct we need to fight back against these commies anti-white thugs we need to take back america and take back europe we need to save south africa we must stop the extinction of white people we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white childrens and white family


In reply to by AltRightNation… (not verified)

Alt Right Nation is speaking the truth, we must not allow them to kill off Western people/ countries USA etc , they are taking us out our women in ways that look natural or Domestic violence that is not registering in media as something we need to think or worry about.

Brownies over populating taking out Western people aka white people, are also creating climate change, we are o the Brink of extinction with them overpopulation and killing off western people and their countries.


In reply to by White World (not verified)

Brownies are not wearing African wear trying to make Blacks change what the USA is, wearing old clothing and trying to make a new USA, like some white organizations , but they are killing off white people everyday and every way that is going undetected, dropped down old Water wells or oil wells, feeding to alligators, killing and burying in water ways, forests etc.. poisonings, kidnapping and killing, will you be next, someone you know?

The image above; Greetings from the National Socialist Movement in Longview, Texas. It would appear that the average IQ, for those in the image, is well below average.


In reply to by xRoundhead (not verified)

Overuse of commas shows you are of low IQ .

We have 139 members now in our new Gab NSM group. I have been posting on Gab since 2018. When the 'purge' occurred a few months ago, we had 4,500 members in the Gab National Socialist Group. Not exaggerating. Gab is (or was) a powerful link to the outside world. The Jew does not like that. Incidentally, before the Gab 'purge', the MAGA and Stop The Steal groups had over 420,000 members combined. So the Jew ISN'T PARTICULAR - "They are going to call us (all) Nazis regardless".


In reply to by reynolds (not verified)

Okay, still growing slow but sure. But Gab is shadow-banning. The only ones who will read your posts there will be NSM Gab Group members. Click on "Post to timeline", then "National Socialist Movement". Gab CEO Andrew Torba has it all figured out, and we really can't blame him too much cause the JEW has TAKEN OVER your country. Not a joke my friends.


In reply to by reynolds (not verified)

Almost 160 members and keeping up with another new Gab group - The Patriot Front with 180 members. Found out that if you are shadow-banned on Gab, the only way you are going to get views is by joining a group.

I was wondering what the age requirement was to join the NSM if there is one.


In reply to by John (not verified)

"I was wondering what the age requirement was to join the NSM if there is one."

You must be 18 years or older and must send in an application along with $100

As an Eastern European, I can say gypsies equal most negroes. Gypsies are savage primitives who do not have a job and live off social support. Gypsies are the negroes of Europe. They should be deported back to India, all of them. Statistics say 60% of gypsies are in jail. Why? Because of their savage brain. Gypsies are cleptomaniacs. Since 15th century they steal other people’s property. I fucking hate them and hope they will be deported once and for all.

Somehow Eddie McBride has been angry lately. He prob needs to take some medications. As much as he loves to get angry, he nerds to chill the fuck out when speaking to someone who has autism.


In reply to by fascism forever1488 (not verified)

I'm autistic and I have no trouble with Eddie. And as far as I can tell, he has no trouble with me. Eddie is a great guy, you should try to work things out.

Webmaster well he blocked me on Gab and started calling me names. He hates me now. Eddie does not seem to be a real friend at all, unless you were to communicate with him for me. He will know who I am here telling my the hate comments I said about him, overall no hate here.


In reply to by fascism forever1488 (not verified)

Well, try to work it out on your own. Eddie is a good man and a strong leader. It's clear to anyone that NS is the core of his existence. We don't need any unnecessary in-fighting, that's what the Jews want. The Jews try to foment angst among pro-Whites, so that we will fight and destroy each other, while they laugh and laugh. Just another example of Jewish mind control. Let's not let the Jews win this time. We are better than that.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Honestly both Eddie and his wife are both dicks. If I went protesting with the NSM I would help along but also taunt the 2 of them. IDK if the commander would condone that but either way they both suck ass for what they said to me on Gab.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Huh, interesting. I guess saying dicks does not make any since at all. Me and Burt are good buddies I like him, overall I am prob gonna be taunting Eddie and his wife at protests. I hate Opposable Nazis, I like Nazis

Opposable Nazis- A Nazi that appears to be on the same side as you but happens to become your enemy while working with them.

Webmaster I may need your help being talked to.

Wow, going out there in public no masks and some of you no glasses at all, freely showing your face? y'all must really want to get arrested. The type of activism you promote is the EXACT activism Hitler did and got arrested for. So he turned to the media, and hence Mein Kampf was written. Public/street activism without showing your face is dangerous. You could get your fellow comrades put in jail for that. Especially in times like these. I know for a fact that Dr. Joseph Goebbels would agree, seeing how he's the Propaganda minister of the 3rd Reich. Also the screaming and yelling isn't gonna attract a new audience (not that anyone would actually want to join given the recent history of the organization), if anything the screaming and yelling would scare them off. Not making them want to join. Also no one's gonna take you seriously if you're just screaming "fuck jews" and "nigger". I mean I'll give credit where credit is due. At least you're trying to spread the message, but you're doing it in a way that makes you look unprofessional and clown-like. And your main counter argument is "well what organization are you apart of". Why do we need to be apart of an organization for our opinions to be valid? It doesn't seem to me like something out of true national socialists. More like feds in costumes. Also there are plenty of ways to do activism, media activism is one of them. I'm not saying that I support keyboard warriors and larps. Always just saying shit to be haha funny on the internet and not actually knowing why or supporting the idea you're trying to promote. That is just plain stupid. What I do support however is people spreading the message safely and not being stupid about it. Like for example: I post articles and such on Gab and Telegram. I was making such an impact like Martinez Perspective, (who by the way is a great example of media activism) that my channel got banned, deleted. That's how much of an impact I made just by posting articles on Telegram and gab. People have also attacked me on Gab because of how much of an impact I made. In all fairness, I think national socialists in general should be more so doing similar things to Martinez and less "street" activism. All that's gonna do is harm not only you, but your comrades as well.


In reply to by Racist Raven (not verified)

This street activism, waiving swastikas and screaming Nigger/Kike garnered international media attention, bringing so much traffic to the website, I literally had to DOUBLE server capacity to handle it all.

How is what the NSM are doing, not working? At least two strong new members that I know of, signed up and became members on the spot in Orlando. The NSM has recently started new chapters in Australia and New Zealand.

How is this not working? It seems to me that street activism is the ONLY thing that IS working.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

That's still not proving my point wrong. gaining media attention isn't always a good thing. The jews run the media so they're obviously gonna paint you guys in a negative light, just for your ideology. That's not something to be aiming towards. Or it is, but all I'm saying is, is that street activism got Hitler arrested, and in Mein Kampf he talks about propaganda as a way of spreading the message. Art, media!!! something that ALL national socialists should be doing. Seriously look up Martinez Perspective in Telegram. He's a great influence and amazing for national socialists to go by. I'm not saying carbon copy him but get some inspiration from him, like me. Hence why I post articles and such to Gab and Telegram!!!!!


In reply to by Racist Raven (not verified)

> That's still not proving my point wrong.

Yes it is. The event in Orlando produced worldwide media coverage depicting the NSM as a group of neo-Nazis waiving swastikas and chanting anti-Semitic slurs, who began stopping cars on the road displaying Jewish license plates, dragging these Jews out of their cars, beating them and pepper spraying them. That was the Jew media's claim. Titillated by this outrageous claim of Jewish victimhood and because Americans love doing what they are told NOT to do, many would sneak over and take a peek at our taboo and forbidden website (which the Jews had expected to be taken DOWN well before their news report). There they find evidence on the website which DOES NOT MATCH the claims made by law enforcement or the media. That alone is HUGE! So what happens now, when people discover those who rule over them are liars with a hidden agenda? They will join the NSM! They even form new chapters around the world – all of which actually took place as a result of the events in Orlando.

This same type of reverse exploitation of the negative Jew media is what got Donald Trump elected as President. The Jews would tell their lies, then people would discover the truth – time and time again. The Jews don't own the Goyim mind completely it seems, this is proof. And they will own less and less Goyim minds as time moves forward, as the NSM grows to become an unstoppable political movement, starting with this website which (try as they might) the Jews can not make go away! The Jews have graciously shown us all our weaknesses, one-by-one, which we have subsequently armored to perfection. THANK YOU JEWS! However, the Jews MUST now make this website go away, so only their lies can be heard – not their lies followed by the truth, which severely harms their credibility.

> all I'm saying is, is that street activism got Hitler arrested

So what? What price must we pay for freedom? What price did our forefathers pay? Wasn't their cost much higher than simply a fraudulent criminal charge, one which is easy to disprove in court? Now keep in mind, the court is given the responsibility of proving GUILT without subterfuge or cheating. This website has been (for months) displaying evidence which proves INNOCENCE (at least for Commander Burt, who only did the right thing). The evidence on this website depicts that NO laws were broken UNTIL the Jew shoved Grandpa head first into the ditch. That's when Burt and the others reacted in self defense of an elder, who was just assaulted. To date (and there is a daily ticker above, counting the number of days Orange County has gone without justice) where no charges have been made against the Jews who committed what you may agree to be a felony assault of a person age 65 or over. The whole world will be watching this case unfold and if it turns into a typical Jewish kangaroo court (which it likely will) again, the whole world will be watching. Under no circumstances will the Jews come out smelling like a rose on this one – and they know it. The only options available to the Jew is for cutting losses, how much are they willing to lose for this boondoggle, just some of their hegemony – or to lose it all? In some way yet to be announced, the Jews and their supplicants in law enforcement WILL be held accountable for their actions and inactions.

> Seriously look up Martinez Perspective in Telegram.

All I could find was a no-content page under however I also found an Odysee account with this great video of a powerful New York Jew, foolishly outing the anti-White Jewish agenda.

And I also found this example live stream, which I agree is very good.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

So I guess you're not a true Natsoc!!!
Also if I just got into National Socialism I would:
A: look into Telegram and Gab so I could talk to people online about what it truly means to be a National Socialist
B: I'd do my own research!!!!! The Greatest Story Never Told and stuff like that
I mean what if I don't feel ready to join such a massive organization with A MASSIVE TARGET ON IT'S BACK!!!!!
this whole organization is probably just a trap, because you seem to love the feds to the point of giving member info to them!!
Also I don't disagree with you at all about the whole thing in Orlando!!! Burt was not in the wrong and that kike was, it's obvious. It's not fair at all to Burt and the other two members who got arrested, that the kike was set free so to speak. But at the same time however that will spark an interest in the FBI and they will start knocking on your door, asking you what you've done or whatever.
I'm just saying if you're gonna do street activism DO IT SAFELY!!!!! Wear a mask and glasses to cover your faces so that others don't know who you are!!!!
I'm looking out for my brethren!!
Like what 131 does is a perfect example of safely doing street activism!!! So in a way you could use that against me, saying "oh this group does street activism and they're not getting caught so to speak!! But at least they play it safe and wear something to cover their faces with!!


In reply to by Racist Raven (not verified)

Because out of every other group out there, only the NSM walks the walk.

> I don't feel ready to join such a massive organization with A MASSIVE TARGET ON IT'S BACK!

I will agree, it is rough, being the trail blazer. The NSM is the ONLY pro-White trail blazer actually getting worldwide press coverage. If you disagree, NAME ONE OTHER.

> you seem to love the feds to the point of giving member info to them!

That is a lie, as that would be impossible. The NSM does not ask for or keep any member information. To become a member of the NSM, all that is required is you give us a single name, it doesn't even need to be your real name, just something we can call you. One of our members is named "boneface" and another "grandfather" just to show you how this works. We also need some form of contact method (such as a phone number, email address or what have you). That's it! You choose how little or how much, how real or how fake the information is you share with the NSM. This provides nothing useful for the feds, who quite literally are opposed to everything the NSM is doing (demonstrably so) and obviously would never want to work with the NSM in any capacity. The NSM has no reason to despise or fear the feds, as the NSM is a 100% LEGAL political organization. It may not be everyone's political alignment, but in America, we have our rights just as the left has theirs.

> that the kike was set free so to speak.

Not set free, never even investigated. Oh the feds, the prosecutor, the sheriff and the DA have all seen the evidence showing Newstat is guilty of assault upon an elder. They don't care, because he is a precious Jew. They wouldn't even accept the criminal complaint from the victim (Grandfather). The most important aspect of all this is how the NSM website is clearly DEMONSTRATING this Jewish hegemony in America. A small minority has all the power and operates above the law. Jews rule America! Jews OWN law enforcement! Everyone can see that, especially now. Justice in America is largely Jewish.

> that will spark an interest in the FBI and they will start knocking on your door

That did happen in Phoenix but it did not happen in Orlando. There was no federal investigation of anyone associated with Orlando, nor should there have been.

> if you're gonna do street activism DO IT SAFELY!

If you're doing it legally (as the NSM always abides by the law) then you have nothing to fear and no reason to hide. Showing your face and being proud of who you are and what you represent is a powerful feeling. Cowering in fear and hiding who you are is, well, the opposite of that. It is a loathsome feeling, like you're some kind of criminal. Only LEGAL political organizations will gain a foothold in the USA. Criminal gangs never go very far, politically. Nobody will ever vote for a masked criminal.

> at least they play it safe and wear something to cover their faces with!

If they are doing things which need face covering (from surveillance cameras and what not) then they are criminals and the NSM does not want to associate with them. As you have seen, the NSM associates freely with the GDL who are a motivated religious group. They also don't cover their faces (well, the leadership does not, most of the members do not as well). But neither the GDL nor the NSM care if you choose to cover your face, we lead by example and don't. Masks are for criminals and the NSM/GDL are not criminals. But any member of NSM or GDL who wishes to hide his face may do so, it is as they say, a free country. ?

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Who was the leader of Germany during WWII? (just his last name)