The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )


I recently discovered something that many of you may find interesting. A service provided by Cloudflare, called “Radar Domain Rankings” has replaced the now defunct Alexa Page Rank (a global ranking system that ranked millions of websites, in order of popularity) after they shut down operations, in May of 2022.

When regarding a website such as, the word “popularity” doesn't really come to mind, as most people would not expect a website such as this, to rank very high in global popularity – don't you agree?  And yet, we do!  Who could have ever imagined, that would manage to place within the same one million top website grouping, as,,, or to name but a few.

Radar Domain Rankings is based on aggregated domain resolver data from APNIC-LABS (an APNIC and Cloudflare DNS Resolver project) where the data is anonymized in accordance with privacy commitments. The dataset aims to identify the top most popular domains, based upon how people are using the Internet, globally – without tracking any individuals’ Internet use. They do not distinguish between what they think is a website, or an infrastructure system. Every domain represents an Internet-available resource, and these are ranked without content bias.

But what does domain popularity mean, exactly? APNIC-LABS research has concluded the volume of traffic generated to a given domain, doesn't really work as a proxy for what they perceive as popular. Instead, Radar Domain Rankings looks at the size of the population of users that look up a domain, per unit of time. The more people who are interested in a domain, the more popular it is. So Radar Domain Rankings’ popularity metric, can best be described as the estimated relative size of the user population that accesses a domain, over some period of time. And that's how the domain wound up in the top one million, globally. ?

Who knew there were that many White people around the world, interested in Nazis? Imagine where we would rank on Google, if they didn't artificially push our results down, due to their anti-White bias. I gave a quick search to see if other top organizations appear in the list, sure enough, some do. It seems also appears in the top one million (suggesting pro-White isn't as fringe as the Jews make it out to be) as well as and to name a few. If anyone finds any more, be sure to let us know, by commenting below!

The dataset you may use for confirmation, can be found here. Given there are approximately 1.13 billion websites on the internet in 2023, any website in the top one million, will rank in the 99.9th percentile (the top 0.088 percent) a 1 in 1,130 rarity. Anyone who says pro-White is fringe, has not taken a look at the unfiltered and unbiased data, available free from Cloudflare. Oh, and I'm sure now that I've brought public attention to this, the ADL will quickly smear Cloudflare as racist, possibly causing them to create a “hate filter” to remove such domains from their list, before publishing – but for now at least, we have the TRUTH and the truth looks GOOD!



In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

You do pose a very intriguing argument, however, you have some noticeable factual errors. 

You brought up John 8:44: ”For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

This was, in fact spoken by Jesus Christ, to some Jews. Something you may have overlooked is the given context. Many groups use the Bible out of context to support their own agendas. “The obvious danger of taking the Bible out of context is that we end up with the wrong message. And our culture is saturated with the wrong ideas about the Bible, Jesus, and Christianity,” — Jeffery Poor. One thing to take into account is that Jesus is not discriminating against the Jewish population as a whole, but is speaking directly to those who were unaccepting of Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Jesus knew, loved, and discipled many Jews during his time on earth; Jesus did not discriminate his own race. While he was, in fact, called a Samaritan by a group of Jews, this was an act of disownment rather than them stating his real heritage. Jesus was born to Mary, a Jewish virgin, and Joseph, a bloodline descendant of King David, one of the most well known Jewish kings. This is all recorded in Jesus’s genealogy by both Matthew and Luke, which I encourage you to read. 

“Jews claim to be God’s chosen people.” This is very true, and still happens often today. This roots from God declaring Jews as his chosen people in Deuteronomy 14:2: “For you are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people of his own possession, out of all the nations that are on the face of the earth.” During his earthly ministry, Jesus included Gentiles as well as Jews, which he was judged for by people such as the Pharisees. Once again, this was not Jesus excluding or showing discrimination toward the anyone, he came for everyone who was willing to repent: ”But when the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with such scum?” When Jesus heard this, he said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.” Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”“ (Matthew‬ ‭9‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬) ”For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.“ (Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬) Because of this invitation, many Messianic Jews believe in Jesus today, and will gladly spread the word with anyone willing to listen.

Jesus said that not only the Jews would receive salvation, but the Gentiles too. ”In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.“ (Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬) Jesus is telling us here not to judge anyone regardless of ethnicity, that we are all children of God, and that is all that matters.

“It was Jews who killed Jesus.” I also find this intriguing. You don’t have to go very deep in the Bible to know that while the Jewish synagogue supported the death of Jesus (because they feared his power, and feared that he would accept the gentiles), the order to crucify Jesus was carried out by the Romans, who currently ruled Israel at that time. All of these Biblical inaccuracies make me question your spiritual integrity, and how much you really know about this Bible that you so quickly quote. I have nothing against atheists or people groups with other worldviews, however, when using a literary source from any religion as a way to justify your agenda, you should ensure that you are correctly representing that source. Failure to do this results in a flawed argument that can easily be picked apart, certainly something you could improve on.

As for Jews being the source of economic issues such as federal reserves, positions of power, and the LBGTQIA+ movement, I will have to do more research, as I have not found much information on Jews being the cause of these issues, and I would appreciate you share your sources with me so I can further investigate.

I expected a tasteful debate, not a childish argument. Your points are weak and not cited, giving no evidence behind the claims that you swear by. Supporting unethical beliefs that whites are the superior race and that all people of color are parasites and must be abolished is one thing, but not being able to properly defend your perspective well is downright pitiful. If you choose to object what I’m stating, which I dearly hope that you do, I wish you do your due diligence in research and presenting a proper argument. Feel free to point out all the ways in which I am mistaken, but I expect a real answer rather than simply saying I’m wrong due to the “lies of the Jews”. I eagerly await your response.

Much love,
Just a white guy


In reply to by Just a white guy (not verified)

You do pose a very intriguing argument,

I can already tell this discussion is about to become very tedious.

however, you have some noticeable factual errors. 

There is nothing factual about ancient religious texts. Quoting some or all of any passage will leave one open to interpretation. We have no way of knowing these texts are unaltered or even factual to begin with, indeed many of these are simply the ancient and creative ravings of untreated schizophrenics of that time.

You brought up John 8:44: ”For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does.

Omission, the full chapter contains Jesus questioning if these Jews are even of Abraham, meaning the Pharisees, a Jewish sect. This was not the only time Jesus called Jews liars, in Revelation he said, "I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you." and "I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." Then in Matthew 23:15 Jesus says, "Hypocrites! For you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn that person into twice the child of hell you yourselves are!" So we have now seen Jesus call the Jewish synagogue a satanic enterprise and the Jews themselves, the children of hell.

Like I said, this is about to become quite tedious. Ancient texts taken in or out of context leave one open to a number of interpretations.

This was, in fact spoken by Jesus Christ, to some Jews. Something you may have overlooked is the given context.

Observe what I wrote above, many times Jesus has referred to Jews as satanic. And if one observes the Jews today, one comes to the same conclusion. And now for the one big question: was Jesus even real, or was the New Testament a work of fiction? Was Jesus a lord, or was he a lunatic or a liar? Or was he a totally imaginary character, a work of fiction based upon the Persian god Mithra? We shouldn't use religious texts as anything but a historical record of what people seemed to believe at that time. And as such, the people of that time saw the Jews as evil, the same as they see them today.

Many groups use the Bible out of context to support their own agendas.

Which is why it should not be used, except to incite drama. We need not rely upon articles we can't prove to be valid. Just look at what the Jews of today are doing. Take the tunnels under the New York synagogue filled with child-size mattresses, each mattress covered in blood, into consideration. Take that the city officials did nothing to investigate and everything in their power to cover it all up.

“The obvious danger of taking the Bible out of context is that we end up with the wrong message.

So let's get off this path and simply use court-admissible methods and evidence to make our conclusions, based solely upon facts. Jews are the masters of lies, you see this every time they speak. Here is my favorite video that shows just how masterfully they lie, to achieve their chief victimhood status.

That's right, the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

And our culture is saturated with the wrong ideas about the Bible, Jesus, and Christianity,” — Jeffery Poor. One thing to take into account is that Jesus is not discriminating against the Jewish population as a whole, but is speaking directly to those who were unaccepting of Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

As I pointed out above, Matthew 23:15 Jesus says, "Hypocrites! For you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn that person into twice the child of hell you yourselves are!" Very little room here for misinterpretation. But all this shows us is that Jews have been hated for a very long time. Jewish hatred today, has EXACTLY THE SAME ROOTS as it did back then. This is why the Jews are consistently hated.

God declaring Jews as his chosen people in Deuteronomy 14:2

The Torah was written by Jews, therefore they would reflect kindly upon themselves, now wouldn't they? The NEW testament apparently supplants the old testament, with practically the opposite views coming from Jesus.

many Messianic Jews believe in Jesus today, and will gladly spread the word with anyone willing to listen.

Then you go live with them if you love them so much. Jews are nation wreckers, all around the world we see what happens when you let Jews into your country. The Jews find all your weaknesses, exploit them to the max and bring total ruin upon their host nations. Jews are demonstrably an apex parasite and harmful wherever they are found.

All of these Biblical inaccuracies make me question your spiritual integrity, and how much you really know about this Bible that you so quickly quote.

Not inaccuracies, just different interpretations. So let's stop quoting the bible. Quote only court-admissible facts from other sources. I bet you found that video above to be quite shocking and equally compelling. It demonstrates the power of the Jewish lie. And yes, the Jews got away with that powerful and enduring lie, more than once, at the cost of many innocent lives each and every time.

I have nothing against atheists or people groups with other worldviews, however, when using a literary source from any religion as a way to justify your agenda, you should ensure that you are correctly representing that source. Failure to do this results in a flawed argument that can easily be picked apart, certainly something you could improve on.

I actually agree and stress these arguments become pedantic and tedious.

As for Jews being the source of economic issues such as federal reserves, positions of power, and the LBGTQIA+ movement, I will have to do more research, as I have not found much information on Jews being the cause of these issues, and I would appreciate you share your sources with me so I can further investigate.

Jews are behind ALL the social ills. Jews have always run the banks and have always run the most important bank of all, the federal reserve (which is about as federal as federal express). The United States Secretary of the Treasury is a Jew, as are most of the Biden cabinet. Most people don't realize the federal reserve is a private bank owned and run by Jews. In it they create money, which they loan to the government at interest. This is how the Jews both rule and own America with perpetual debt slavery.

I expected a tasteful debate, not a childish argument.

It was a quick response and yet, not the response you would get from a child.

Your points are weak and not cited, giving no evidence behind the claims that you swear by.

Let's not take the path of argumentum ad hominem. Such arguments are fallacious and do not work on intelligent readers.

Supporting unethical beliefs that whites are the superior race and that all people of color are parasites and must be abolished is one thing, but not being able to properly defend your perspective well is downright pitiful.

Who is the greatest race on earth is not subject to opinion. Here we have demonstrable fact. Every other race than the White race, chooses to take a White wife the very moment they achieve success or wealth. Everyone agrees that White people are the most aesthetically pleasing and most achieved people on earth. White man walked on the moon. No other race has achieved as much. And the first men to walk on Mars will also be White, driven to achieve that goal, by a White man named Elon Musk. Yes, Musk declaring himself "aspirationally Jewish" to get the Jews off his back (pushing him toward censorship) and unsubstantiated claims his maternal grandmother was of Jewish descent, notwithstanding.

If you choose to object what I’m stating, which I dearly hope that you do, I wish you do your due diligence in research and presenting a proper argument. Feel free to point out all the ways in which I am mistaken, but I expect a real answer rather than simply saying I’m wrong due to the “lies of the Jews”. I eagerly await your response.

Jews insidiously take control over White people's thoughts and beliefs, through their dominance in media, thus control over the fabric of society and its norms. That alone should scare the crap out of you. Scroll up in this thread and take a good look at that photo on the Whitehouse steps, which is captioned with "Our Administration is proud to recognize the Jewish staffers who help carry our nation forward each day and are helping create a more inclusive tomorrow." Don't you agree that this photo depicts there are a LOT of Jews, too many for one high level government entity to employ? Won't you agree that Jews have an unusual level of influence over our government? Demographically, in a group of people that large, you should only expect to see no more than maybe TWO Jews, not ALL Jews. Will you agree with me on that statement?

As for Musk’s ancestry, a 2012 Forbes profile noted that while Musk’s Christian name means oak tree in Hebrew, he is not Jewish, but of Pennsylvania Dutch and British extraction, the scion of a South African engineer-emerald miner father and a model-dietician mother born in Canada. Musk is so un-Jewish, in fact, a row ensued over a play at the Royal Court Theater in London, because an evil millionaire character based on Musk was given the very Jewish name of Hershel Fink.…


In reply to by Jiggy (not verified)

By now everyone has experienced the difference between White people and every other race on earth. Everything we have today, is the product of White people, for the most part. The grievance we have, has nothing to do with skin color – and EVERYTHING to do with behavior and action.

We do NOT like the way Niggers behave.

And everywhere in the news these days, we are seeing reports about the way Jews behave. And I would venture to bet, that even YOU don't like it either.


In reply to by Mommy. p (not verified)

You know, a healthy and strong "mommy" would encourage their children to learn the truth, to see through all the lies that most people harbor as truth – and become immersed in National Socialism. I can think of nothing better for the well being of strong White children in America.


The NSM has an action packed weekend with a show each night.
Wouldn't it be gr88t if Commander did a show mid week?
i know it's a long shot but mid week is just dead air......
Ahh well, glad for what we have and thanks for awesome website.

White people are defenseless today because we can't think tribally anymore, and we can't think tribally anymore because of 1000 years of individual salvation.

All Aryan peoples once found salvation in the tribe. Homer says that the clanless man is the most wretched creature, unhappy because he will never enter the halls of his forefathers in the afterlife. When we were Christianized, suddenly the tribe didn't matter to the afterlife. Suddenly European man's salvation was not mediated through anything but Yahweh. The tribe was nice, your folk might be dear to you, but something was lost. The folk were no longer a matter of ULTIMATE concern.

1000 years later, and this process has reached its logical end point. The folk is not only not the ultimate, it's secondary. Not only is it secondary, it's optional. Not only is it optional, it's a hindrance. Not only is it a hindrance, it's a moral evil. Not only is it a moral evil, it's THE moral evil.

It all started with individual salvation.


In reply to by Sgt Cheryl Dref Fans (not verified)

Replacement Theory is NOT a theory. Replacement Theory is a FACT!! How can you claim it's a "theory" when millions of niggers and mudsharks have entered our country illegally? Perhaps you are one of them or have children with one, but whatever the reasons for your ignorance, keep my name out of it.

The NSM scored an awesome victory for ALL White People who are aware to the Jews. We needn't be afraid to name the Jew in public anytime, anywhere we want.

You know goddamned well I would have been remiss if I failed to give my thanks. Even the public pretender straightened up.

I am so very happy for █████.


Webmaster's note: name unrelated to the NSM redacted for opsec.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Nixon aside, without Hitler the Jew would never have been cast onto the world stage and even scrutinized. Cause everyone is now asking what did the Jew do to deserve such scrutiny? No leader except a former Iranian president can be credited with exposing the Jew. Read between the lines. Nixon obligingly kissed Israel's ass, and as the link shows would have liked to have just spelled out the truth. The Jew owns and controls the media, and Nixon knew it all-too-well. He was 'impeached'. Pitiful but true.,quality=100,fit=scale-dow…


In reply to by reynolds (not verified)

Unfortunately, Nixon considered Israel a vital pillar of America's global defense strategy, thus he could not forsake it. Nixon also rightfully held the view that the Jews are the cause of all his problems, as he complained that Washington is full of Jews and that most Jews are disloyal. Like Trump, Nixon loved Israel but hated American Jewry and Jewish media – and the feeling was mutual. Also like Trump, American Jewry did impeach Nixon, which he did not fight. Nixon surrendered to the Jews and to Jewish power, who had already taken out his VP, Spiro Agnew, by charging him with phony crimes (the same as the Jews are doing to Trump right now). With Agnew gone and Nixon resigning to avoid impeachment, the Jews easily installed their puppet into the Whitehouse, Gerald Ford, without even one vote by an American voter. Ford became president without any votes, the first ever to do so, at the behest of the Jews, in order to SERVE his master, the Jews.

Now we see the same tricks being played against Trump. First the Jews impeached him – twice, both times Trump fought and won. Now they litigate the shit out of him. They've already taken control over his NYC properties, which in time they will sell at auction to their fellow Jews for cheap, to cover the phony fines and penalties Trump owes. And of course those fines and penalties go right back to the Jews. There are clearly a lot of similarities between Nixon and Trump, but the big difference is Nixon surrendered to the Jews, while Trump, so far, has not. Each passing day the Jews file an additional 20 or so civil lawsuits against Trump and every month or so, we see more criminal indictments from Jew-run states, the most recent being Arizona. They hope to wear him down with the promise that "all of it goes away if you just surrender and drop out of the race" which so far, he has refused to do.

I want Trump to somehow defeat the Jews and win the election, even tho I am certain they will just rig the election and restore their current puppet, Joe Biden. I only want Trump to win for one reason only – revenge. I want to watch Trump create his own DOJ and go after his enemies, who are also my enemies – and the enemies of all White patriots everywhere. If he only does this one thing – seeks revenge, I will be satisfied with his presidency. The Jews need to be crushed and I think Trump has been shit on enough by now, that he's ready to crush a few Jewish enemies of humanity.

Left coast Democrat representatives seek to "sunset" section 230 (effectively repeal it completely) a move which will potentially give Jews and their Democrat supplicants full control over everything we see, read and hear online.

"Section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 7U.S.C. 230) is amended by adding at the end the following: (g) SUNSET.—This section shall have no force or effect after December 31, 2025"

The internet's death warrant: Congress looks to sunset Section 230…

I would like to make it clear that no matter what the Jews and their Democrat supplicants seek to do in America to gut our civil rights, the NSM will continue to operate this website – if necessary, from foreign lands with more favorable laws. This move would be similar to the way Europeans host websites in the USA – to avoid the broad, subjective categories of otherwise legal speech (purportedly harmful content, misinformation, or hate speech) which are all code words often used to justify the censorship of facts and opinions, disfavored by the Jews. And as always, these communist libtards claim Section 230 reforms are necessary, by using talking points that are often used to erode free speech and privacy for everyone; the claim it is necessary to protect children. However I would argue that lying to children is not helping them in anyway! If anything, exposure to the truth early in life, only STRENGTHENS children. Lying, combined with censorship of the truth, is simply a means of manipulation and control, which is the ONLY way leftists can maintain their positions of power, over the people.

Directed at the remark in the "We're Winning," currently the front page: regarding the second bullet. "Jews have their own home." This era of history, 100 years of horror and death due to wars for Zionist aims, may be coming to an end. Let's not stand in the way.

1. The NSM should recognize that the Zionist Entity (ZE) is no longer our "project." We should abandon this servile insistence on giving Jews what they most want.
2. Contrary to the "right's" conventional wisdom, providing Jews with a homeland has been an unmitigated disaster going back to the Balfour Declaration and US entry into WWI.
3. Dual citizenship shows that the ZE benefits the Jew. It's at the core of the JQ itself: Jews merely have an additional escape hatch.
4. Israel is a proxy hegemon for the Anglosphere, the force that destroyed the Axis.
5. The NSM should have no arguments with fellow Aryans in Iran, nor with Pro-Palestinian Arabs. One primary reason we have more immigrant Arabs among us is due to the wars for a "greater" ZE in their lands.
6. The NSM should not "fear" the Arab nor the Iranian when they are in their own homelands. Understand the hate: we helped Israel against them.
7. Where Israeli Jews should go: back to Europe where they came from, where they can be prosecuted for war crimes.
8. Hitler gave a great speech on 28 April 1939 that mentioned the UK's mistreatment of the Palestinian Arabs.


In reply to by Vulcan IV (not verified)

I wrote the comment to which you are referring, based upon a report put out by the ADL. I agree with what you are saying, but I also want the Jews in America to just leave – to leave us alone and go back to Israel, to allow us to chart our own destiny, without their destructive influence. Let the Arabs deal with the Jews, however they like, without our money or our weapons.

It seems recently that Jews took the highest office in Mexico, where Jews are less than one percent of Mexico's total population – which is kind of a joke really, since the real leadership of Mexico are the drug cartels. Whoever replaced El Chapo would be the actual unelected president of Mexico, not some ridiculous Jewess that the CIA helped to "win" by rigging an election. My guess, like the rigged election in Brazil, this "election" in Mexico was just another practice run for the CIA, using the same kind of election rigging they plan to use in America, to "stop Trump" this November.

Trump is poised to win back the office, with the largest number of votes in USA history – however I am totally confident that one way or another, the Jews will NOT allow that to happen. If Trump returns as president and appoints his own DOJ – he can then investigate, arrest and charge all the Black (Soros appointed) prosecutors and DAs who have been fucking with him. They are all Blacks, because they are all straw men – bought and owned property of the Jews. You see, Jews never put themselves at risk, they use Blacks as their expendable pawns. These Blacks are obviously too stupid to realize this, they just do whatever their Jewish handlers tell them to do, because all Blacks – even these Blacks, lack agency. We see the same thing with all the Pajeet CEOs in every major corporation – if anyone is ever going to prison, it will be the Pajeet and not the Jew "owners" of these evil, Jew-run corporations.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Thank you for considering my request. I see an unfortunate dilemma. As long as there is a Zionist Entity on Arab land, Anglo-Americans and their global vassals will be forced to render blood and treasure to ensure its security.

WWI and WWII were clearly fought with the interests of the Zionists in mind. That includes petroleum industrialists, Evangelical Christians and Jews. White American Zionists far outnumber the so-called "chosen" people.

Perhaps it's more productive for me to use this space to remind your esteemed readers that hundreds of thousands of Americans, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, Canadians and British have paid the ultimate price for this project. Many who remain are still touched by lost relatives. In fact it isn't a homeland established by Jews, for Jews. It is territory Anglo-Americans paid in the most valuable currency of all: white lives.

What were the Gulf Wars? Security provided to the Zionist Jew in white male lives!

It should be plain now for all to see: 20th century, and early 21st century Anglo troops were fooled into believing they were preserving their own way of life. On the occasion of this anniversary of D-Day, that's more important than any other way to remember the wanton sacrifice of German and Anglo/Celtic men. Men who would have had vast white families. Men who would have given their best to enable white women and white children to thrive.

Picking surety-backed fights, he Zionist entity can't even function without constant supplies of American armaments! If it's their homeland, nobody asked the dead on Omaha Beach if that's what they wanted. That is all they got, other than white flight.

White retards are smarter and can be more easily socialized, than Niggers.

Each year White taxpayers spend over 80 billion dollars FEEDING NIGGERS (SNAP funding through EBT). Over the last 60 years since LBJ first created welfare for Niggers, the Nigger problem has increased three fold (an over 300% increase in population) while over that same period, the White race has declined by about one third. That's like treating cancer, with glucose. White America has literally lost its mind. White America has now become a suicide death cult. Our government seeks to replace us with Niggers (both through foreign imports and through domestic breeding programs). This is INSANE.……

A Georgia judge who was recently arrested for allegedly hitting a cop outside of an Atlanta nightclub has been hit with more bad news. Douglaston County Probate Judge Christina Peterson, 38, was removed from office on Tuesday, following an investigation into separate ethics charges. The Georgia Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that 12 out of 30 cases brought against Peterson, a two-term Democrat, warranted discipline and ruled that she be removed from the bench effective immediately. Peterson was already facing scrutiny for wrongful convictions, untruthful testimony, conscious wrongdoing, flouting courthouse security protocols, inappropriate social media posts promoting her part-time acting career, ignoring sheriff's orders, skimming money from birth and death certificate fees (stealing over $140k per year) and so on.

Imagine there exists a formerly White country that is now so anti-White, that they appoint these feral African ape beasts to high positions of power. No fucking wonder that Travis McMichael, Gregory McMichael and William "Roddie" Bryan could not receive a fair trial. We all know what we saw. These men are heroes, not criminals. What you probably don't know is that the judge in the case prevented the three men from introducing any evidence toward their defense, such as Arbery's mental health records, criminal records, prior arrest records, stolen items from homes in the neighborhood found in Arbery's possession, surveillance video recordings of him breaking into homes in the area and stealing copper, tools and so on. Even the many White prosecutors who rightfully refused to prosecute these civic minded heroes, were charged with crimes! Everyone who did the right thing in this matter, has been charged with a crime! And every other state in America, is slowly heading in the same direction as Georgia, which happens to be in the lead – due to the high (33%) Black population, the highest of any state.

It was the last civil war that caused this mess. Voting obviously will not solve this problem. Sixty per cent of Americans say their nation's best days are in the past. It would be correct to argue that the country is more divided now, than it was during the Civil War. Many conservative pundits are suggesting another civil war, a civil race war, might better serve the survival of the United States. What do you think? Post your comment as a reply to this one.


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Do not confuse the meaning of socialism with Marxism. National Socialism is not that life is controlled by the opposition between rich and poor, as Marx believed – but rather by the rank that individual achievement and talent collected as a whole, can bestow for the benefit of all. NS is everyone pulling in the same direction. NS is our freedom, the freedom from the economic despotism of the Jew – who takes without giving and earns without working.

The USSR failed because under Marxism, eventually everyone chose to ride in the wagon – with nobody left willing to pull it. They all collectively starved as a result. Hitler took a pragmatic position on economics, accepting private property and allowing capitalist private enterprises to exist, so long as they adhered to the goals of the Nazi state, but not tolerating enterprises that he saw as being opposed to the national interest. "In the space of four years, Nazi Germany changed from a defeated nation, a bankrupt economy, strangled by war debt, inflation and lack of foreign capital; into full employment with the strongest economy and biggest military power in Europe." This was Hitler's miracle.

It took the combined effort of every other nation on earth, to destroy what Hitler had created.

GDL on the streets every day and PF is actively doing something every day. WLM has monthly street actions. AC's are training for battle. Meanwhile, lard ass begs for money and does nothing with the NSM, while membership bottoms out. Is that why the FBI keeps visiting Burt? It's not like he's a threat, so he must've swung plea deals to avoid prison. Now they have him dismantling the NSM. It's time for more motivated, effective leadership beyond this narcissistic, hot air blowing Burt Colucci. All he does is sink the NSM into oblivion and attack other groups to destroy white unity, while his badge carrying masters dance. There are many old school NSM, who we know and believe in, who have denounced Colucci and warned us about Colucci. We need to listen to them.


In reply to by Change Comes (not verified)

Commander Colucci is currently on probation. Activism will begin again in full just as soon as he's off probation in a few months.

Membership is currently increasing in this, the oldest White civil rights organization in America.

Burt has never taken a plea deal, because he is not a criminal. Does this look like a plea deal to you?

  • 1/29/2022 1. BATTERY (EVIDENCING PREJUDICE) Statute: 784.03(1)(A)(1) First Degree
  • 1/29/2022 2. ASSAULT (EVIDENCING PREJUDICE) Statute: 784.011(1) First Degree

How many of you have faced a hate crime enhancement, and won?

Don't think of what Burt says about the other groups and individuals as an attack – think of it as constructive criticism. He provides the hard knocks you need, like the father you never had. Appreciate what he has to offer and become better men as a result.

These purported old-school NSM members can come on Burt's show and confront him directly with their grievances. Many were thrown out when it was discovered they were degenerate in some way. They know why they have earned their expulsion, even if they refuse to admit it publicly.

The NSM is exclusivenot inclusive. Only the best of the White race will make the cut.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

"Squeal for us and bring down the others and we'll fix the outcome to keep you out of prison." And here you think that's going to fool people.


In reply to by Its Called (not verified)

Wow, you're not very smart. An arraignment is when the court reads the formal charges and the defendant enters a plea, either guilty or not guilty. Surely you understand what a verdict means, where the jury finds the defendant either guilty or not guilty. This is what comes after a trial. Burt was found not guilty of a hate crime by a jury. The prosecution was filled with rage after this finding, because the jury was forced by the prosecution to watch a video of Burt yelling into a megaphone, over and over again, the phrase "we hate Jews." Burt proves the Jews aren't all powerful nor always successful in court, that Jews are merely deceptive (they deceive you into a guilty plea). Had Burt pleaded guilty, he would still be in jail, today. Now the prosecutor is in trouble for bringing charges which did not stick. But I'm sure the prosecutor expected a guilty plea from what they perceived to be a dumb Goyim. That just wasn't the case. Burt was mostly successful, by forcing them to prove his guilt, which the prosecution did not achieve.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I know how things work. The feds aren't fools. They know how to sit things up to keep Blustering Burt in play. They know to make it look ordinary. They know how to act. Burt was lapping at their nuts each step of the way. You sure are desperate to convince everyone otherwise. When it gets cut to the bone, others are out there doing something, while lard ass sits at home targeting active groups. He's a useful bitch to the feds.


In reply to by You're the fool (not verified)

Yeah, Imma call bullshit on that. Let's apply Occam's Razor here. If feds were involved, would money be an issue? Would I be waiting months for donations to pay the service providers? Would the site be under constant attack from all angles, including service providers and various government agencies? Wouldn't a fed honeypot be hosted without any issues on amazon with their blessings and be having no inconveniences at all?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

The NSM needs more than the Neutered and On Probation Blustering Burt and his egotistical, online personal tribute program. He's not standing. He's been ordered to sit down and pick at others who are doing something instead of being a fed bitch gas bag.

BTW, what happened to the money raised for the legal defense? You don't pay public defenders like Burt used and you don't get one unless you show the court that you're a broke ass failure who needs taxpayers to pay for your life's failures. Burt sure lapped at their nutsacks in gratitude. Never in my life have I seen a man grovel like that. That's cuck shit.


In reply to by Not Enough (not verified)

The money raised was about $10k which eventually ran out while filing continuance after continuance. This paid attorney then withdrew from the case when there was no more money to be had. The lawyer literally collected $10k for doing literally nothing other than filing a few continuances. Lesson learned (the legal system is a scam). There was no nut sack lapping and the public defender worked his ass off to make sure Burt received a fair trial. Now compare this outcome to the 30 days HT spent in jail after paying his attorney what was it, $5k? That's not much of a win. I bet that fuck job still hurts.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Burt spent NSM money then had the govt pay for his defense. Basically, Burt's a nigger. Loser ass is always running a grift. Stop crawling around being porky's bitch. He's not even man enough to defend himself here.


In reply to by Bull (not verified)

Having been following this case very closely for what, four years now, I can assure you the money went to the lawyers in exchange for them filing continuances until the point when it had to go to trial. They then wanted double the money ($20k) to take it to trial, so it shifted to a public defender. Simple as. Burt basically was scammed by his paid attorney, the same way HT was scammed by his. I don't fault either one for this, both thought they were getting what they were paying for, we all did. It turns out ALL lawyers behave like Jews. Surprise! We all learned something from this.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Like we're supposed to believe Blustering Burt's sycophantic waterboy. First, it's no secret that lawyers will require more if they have to go to trial. They tell you that upfront and it's in the contract. Mainly, it's COMMON KNOWLEDGE, so stop blowing smoke claiming you were conned. You fucked up with that excuse assuming we'd fall for it. You stupidly discredited yourself. This has been Burt's grift in everything from running a cheap website to needing money for actions that are mere picnics to feed his fat ass to needing legal fees to then making we taxpayers pay for his shit. The fat bitch is pure nigger. The proof is in his inactivity and trying to destroy active groups. Keep licking his tiny nutsack, while he licks the fed nutsack. Notice that in defiance we've gotten even more active. Burt and his punk ass bitches didn't slow anyone down but themselves.


In reply to by Ha (not verified)

I will say this, multisyllabic words from external commenters is unusual, calling me a "sycophantic waterboy" is kinda funny, actually. But I get what you are saying. However few people get to really know Burt, the way I have. Yes, he's an asshole and yes he's "unredemable" according to the Orange County prosecutor and I would even say he's a bit ham fisted at times – but I will also say he is as generous and helpful as he is fair and just. He would never bust anyone's chops if they didn't deserve it. Burt worked overtime this weekend presumably to raise the money that we haven't received in donations to cover the operational cost of the most defended and feature rich website of the far Right. As soon as I get the word, I'll mark the donations ticker paid in full for this month, which will be the first time since March.

The lawyer in his case knew up front there would be no deals, that the case was going to trial and set his price accordingly – then asked for I think it was $20k additional to take it to trial after doing nothing more than file a number of continuances and make a few court appearances. Blindsided and unable to pay that ridiculous demand, Burt was forced to take his chances with a public defender, who in my opinion, did a far better job than the paid attorney. HT received the same kind of education after spending a month in jail on a littering charge, with very little benefit from HIS paid attorney. Live and learn, right?

I would like to call you out on your phrases, "You fucked up with that excuse", "You stupidly discredited yourself", "running a cheap website" as none of these are demonstrably true. And although it will be a huge hit to the pro-White movement, eventually Odysee will disappear or become censored and run by Jews, leaving the NSM as the only White free speech HLS (M3U8) livestreaming platform. We shall see who is laughing when that happens (and it will happen, sooner or later).

If you are HT or in HT's group, yes you have been active. But you didn't present yourself well in your interview. In fact, you let some old reporter who set you up with cherry picked questions make you look weak with all of your arguments destroyed by clever editing. He remained calm while HT became highly emotional and erratic. Any gains made by the protests were negated by the interview, which began with the reporter saying, "I wanted to look hate in the eyes and show just how ignorant they really are." and ended with "what I saw was a group of wounded angry men, who'd never accomplished much in their own lives, looking for someone else to blame." What really destroyed HT and everything he accomplished up to that point were the reporter's closing arguments, "My overriding feeling was sadness, these are really pathetic human beings … It was sad."


In reply to by Wikipedia (not verified)

"You can start by fixing the membership estimate. It's way too high." Isn't it funny how Membership is 12 (c. 2024) on one part of the page and on another part of the same page it says "Two days before his arrest, he led a group of 15 members of the National Socialist Movement in a rally, although they had expected 100." demonstrating the hypocrisy of Wikipedia, showing it is only a source of disinformation and left-leaning propaganda, not the truth? Well, maybe it's simply oversight, lefties are incredibly stupid and terrible with numbers. I bet if I bump the 12 to 15, citing the video evidence from the website, they revert it back to 12 within hours (if not minutes). This shows they don't care much about the truth, they only care about anti-White propaganda. As webmaster, I talk with pretty much every new member who comes along, as they all have changes they want to make on the website. To say the NSM has about 100 members wouldn't be a stretch, especially if you include all the international members. And as for supporters, we have twenty times that number who support what the NSM is doing, but only a small handful of them donate toward the website (or have donated all they are ever going to donate, already) which sucks for me.

Wikipedia also lies by omission, things they don't want or like to report, such as "He was scheduled to be sentenced on May 2, 2024, but he is yet to be sentenced." because they don't want to admit his sentence was like 6 or 8 days in jail. Burt was charged with BATTERY (EVIDENCING PREJUDICE) First Degree (which is a felony of the third degree, a maximum of 5 years imprisonment and a $5,000 fine) and ASSAULT (EVIDENCING PREJUDICE) First Degree (with the same reclassification and punishment) and he beat them both! Can you name anyone else who has done this?

"BRO You don't even know my organization. But here's a few pages" worded in such a way as to suggest none of them are yours. Meaning, it appears that I guessed right.

Now I know I'm not supposed to spoil surprises, but here, let me share with you guys what I've been working on over in the web development sandbox.

This page shows a disabled development version of our website for the Finnish auslands organization, displaying a page of the flags of the many international branches of the NSM USA. Now keep in mind, this is a sandbox and this development version isn't complete, but it's good enough to show you what we have and what we are working on at present. Whatever you think you know about the NSM is not the truth, the NSM is far bigger and badder than you may well imagine.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Online membership doesn't count. Most of them do nothing. What counts are the people who show up and the NSM tends to have the fewest people on the streets - none anymore. How many were at Munn Park last year where Burt was making obscene sexual remarks in front of small children? Were there five of you? You went some place safe where you could bully toddlers playing in the park. Under Burt's leadership the NSM does nothing. That's why Burt is so jealous of other groups. They're getting soldiers trained and organized, while he does nothing. Not all the actives are good men, but most are. Burt can't even put a single man on the ground right now. His national gatherings in recent years have seen less than a dozen show up annually. Hell, look at your contact page. Mostly unfilled positions and housewives.


In reply to by Real (not verified)

"Online membership doesn't count." Who says? The NSM has become so popular around the world, that it has expanded to now become a global organization. The Jews claim, "The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is currently the largest neo-Nazi group in the United States."

But then, the Jews are not experts on any of the things they pretend to be. The Jews go on to say, "It has consistently maintained a membership of several hundred members." which seems inaccurate, but I'll just leave it there. The NSM maintains no lists of its members, for their safety. Trying to tear down and sully the NSM as you are, will be rather futile. Founded in 1974, this year marks the 50th anniversary of the NSM's existence. No other organization has anywhere near the rich history of the NSM (whichever organization that may be). You appear to me like a hissing cat, with your hair standing on end, trying desperately to make yourself look bigger.

"Most of them do nothing." Burt is trying hard to get everyone involved, especially with our live streaming outreach, which like the organization itself, seems to have a wide appeal – and of course, a global reach.

"What counts are the people who show up" What counts is the preservation and the advancement of the White race. Ask any woke online AI and it will tell you, the White race is being erased and replaced – forced into decline on purpose. This is how bad things are right now. If you are White, you are bad, all the while these non-White invaders are murdering, raping, looting and burning down the civilization that Whites created. Currently ALL White areas on earth have been invaded and thus become low-trust areas, where every White is living in fear. When you import the third world, you become the third world. And as more and more Whites realize this, they are coming in droves – to the NSM!

"the NSM tends to have the fewest people on the streets" Agreed, the turnout for events hasn't been the best, but the members live all over the country, not just in one location (which makes things harder). The economy is so poor right now, nobody is really doing anything of note.

"where Burt was making obscene sexual remarks in front of small children" That's a very Jewish thing to say. I invite everyone to watch the video for themselves. The phrase, "Fuck you faggots." is disparaging, not sexual (unless by chance you happen TO BE a faggot, which may be the case, as I don't know who you are).

"Were there five of you?" That sounds about right, give or take a few.

"You went some place safe where you could bully toddlers playing in the park." That's not what happened, as the video clearly shows. Leftists came up to the NSM protest to complain, dragging their kids with them. This is why Burt busts your chops. You make it easy to discredit your highly emotive and factually inaccurate statements, while you present them as truth (just like a Jew) and expect people to believe your lies. When the NSM arrived in the park, there was one old dude sitting on the bench there. He seemed to appreciate the spectacle. There was no one else in the park until Burt started in with the bullhorn.

"Under Burt's leadership the NSM does nothing." I wouldn't describe what the NSM does, as nothing. To make that claim would suggest that even I do nothing – which is far from the truth. Given the legal constraints put on Burt by the courts at present, he still manages to accomplish quite a lot. There is one more felony trial in Arizona coming this fall – and once that is over with, along with the last of the Orange County probation, things can then get back to what they were before.

"That's why Burt is so jealous of other groups." Does he even seem jealous?

"Hell, look at your contact page. Mostly unfilled positions and housewives." Do you even HAVE a contacts page of your own? And yes, I will agree, they do need to fill those positions, the NSM has been lax in this area. But I don't get your "housewives" assertion. If you mean Cheryl, she's not married, so she's not a housewife.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

An irrational and highly emotive response to this was posted, but since it was pure ad hominem evidentia and more than a bit unhinged – I've decided to end this thread here. They seem to have no intelligent or rational arguments to contribute. I will include some copy/paste excerpts below, so you can see what I am describing above.

• you're just cracking us up
• asking us to rely on the word of kikes
• come out with the housewives to double your ranks
• you grovel on your hands and knees wanting to be validated by kikes
• No fags or kikes around so Burt was screaming nasty shit at kids
• only a pedophile would do

The greatest country to ever exist will be reborn and then crush the capitalist scum for the glory of the proletariat. The world belongs to the workers, and always will belong to the workers.


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Oh great, we have commies visiting the website now. I hate to break it to ya pal, but every communist country (so far) has failed. Vietnam fought the largest military on earth and won, but they are no longer communist today. Every person who died for communism during the Vietnam war, literally the majority of persons, threw their lives away for nothing. Now thriving as a capitalist country, they even have their own flavor of pop music now. And most recently is Venezuela. Communism failed there too of course and now those people are pouring into the USA as starving refugees. So like I said above, I hate to break it to ya pal, but you are on the losing side of history. Communism simply does not work.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Communism never works. Everybody who spouts off how great communism is and if we all just realized how great it was it would work. No that's not how the real world works. Everything frigging communist country either has failed or has to deal with capitalist ideas in order to survive (see China).

So shut the fuck up you communists and go back to your own corner of the internet. You aren't wanted here.


In reply to by Viper (not verified)

The best way to visualize communism is to imagine a wagon where some people ride in the wagon, while some pull it. Eventually those pulling are jealous of those riding and want to swap places – but those riding don't want to give up what they have, so the pullers simply join the riders until everybody is riding and nobody is pulling the wagon. And that's how communism ends, every time.


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Anti white agendas are being spread all over our voice is being silenced and the leftists are letting the jews take over, once again the us will see those other countries as the terrorists while we fight another war for them! all this gay shit and trans and hate towards america needs to go! its time for whites to stand up!

For hundreds of years, conservatives have placed a higher value on maintaining social order and upholding traditional moral hierarchies.

Now increasingly, it’s been liberal politicians who have demanded authoritarian restrictions on free speech and personal freedom. In December 2022, Democratic Vice Presidential candidate and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz claimed, “There's no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech and especially around our democracy.” In fact, the First Amendment protects both. And in 2020, Walz implemented a Covid snitch line and encouraged residents to report violations of pandemic restrictions.

It turns out he wasn’t alone. The Civil Rights Department of California Governor Gavin Newsom introduced last year a snitch line and urged citizens to report their fellow citizens for alleged hate speech. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has called for greater censorship of social media platforms, and British police have over the last few days arrested three people for what they posted online. And Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has demanded greater online censorship, froze bank accounts of protesting truckers, and is pushing legislation that could send a person to prison for life for speech.

Each of those men would defend such measures as required for public safety. They would argue that misinformation and hate speech online lead to real-world violence like the riots we have seen in Britain. COVID-19 transmission threatened public health. And something had to be done to peacefully end the trucker protest.

But none of those measures was required because there were other ways to deal with those problems. It is a gross simplification to attribute Britain’s recent riots to online misinformation and the best antidote to misinformation remains good information, not censorship. There was never any reason to think that people outside not wearing masks were a sufficient threat to public health to justify a snitch line reminiscent of Communist totalitarianism, violating both privacy and personal liberty. And, the government had other ways to end the trucker protest and indeed used them, making the bank freezing a gratuitous and authoritarian overreach.

What’s more, the authoritarian measures imposed by these leaders were highly selective in nature. None of the four politicians named demanded censorship of the misinformation and hate speech that spread after the killing of George Floyd, which one could argue contributed to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots as much if not more than the ones over the last week in Britain. Nor have the politicians called for censorship to halt the sharp increase of illegal migration. And all of the politicians have adopted a different standard of policing of protests by BLM and other left-wing causes than for anti-immigration, Freedom Convoy truckers, and right-wing ones, which some have called “two-tier” policing.

In the case of gender, liberal politicians have pursued anarchy for medical professionals and tyranny for anyone who stands in the way of so-called “gender-affirming care.” On the one hand, liberal politicians like Walz and Newsom have championed the right of medical professionals to block puberty, prescribe cross-sex hormones, and perform surgeries. On the other, they have increasingly taken over from parents the right to decide what happens to their children.

As such, liberal politicians like Walz, Newsom, Trudeau, and Starmer are simultaneously creating greater authoritarianism and greater anarchy.

Anarchist communism is a form of anarchism that advocates the abolition of the State and capitalism in favour of a horizontal network of gang associations through which everyone will be free to satisfy his or her needs, usually through violence and crime.

Big Tech censorship tyrant Susan Wojcicki, the former YouTube CEO, has died after suffering two years with lung cancer. She was 56. The world will remember her for her self-appointed role as the internet's gatekeeper – and her purported "struggles" to stem the flow of "disinformation" and "extremist" content on that platform. Wojcicki died from non-small cell lung cancer. Smoking is the major risk factor for non-small cell lung cancer. I could not find any report if she was or was not a smoker, however.

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