The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )
Nobody holds our words in such high esteem, as the Jewish police state.

The NSM can now accept credit card payments!

We are now introducing a new method, where payments to the NSM may be made using credit cards. Here's how it works. Visit Entropy (click here) and create an account. Then visit the link for Commander Burt Colucci (click here) and click "SEND PAID CHAT" (a large green button). You may then enter the amount you want to send, include a "paid chat message" and then click "payment method" where you may then add a credit card. Donations and membership payments could not be any easier! Feedback regarding these instructions, including how they may be improved, is welcome. Contact webmaster (at)

Elon Musk's antitrust lawsuit against GARM worked!

Today we announce that GARM will discontinue its activities.

This is a huge win for Twitter (X) and for free speech advocacy everywhere – and because they knew they were in the wrong, they discontinued their "censorship via demonetization" scheme, before the case even went to court! Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino posted: “No small group should be able to monopolize what gets monetized. This is an important acknowledgement and a necessary step in the right direction. I am hopeful that it means ecosystem-wide reform is coming.” I hope that too, because we suffer greatly from demonetization and segregation from commercial platforms. The GOP House Judiciary posted: “Big win for the First Amendment. Big win for oversight.” GARM was formed by the World Federation of Advertisers in 2019, and was embraced as a “flagship project” of the World Economic Forum. Its stated goal is to create a “common understanding” in the advertising industry of “what harmful and sensitive content is” as well as “where ads should not appear,” basing it all on the importance of “brand safety” for its members. However, a House Judiciary Committee report exposes the political bias of a Jew, Rob Rakowitz, GARM’s Jewish leader and co-founder, who in one email complains about people “advocating for freedom of speech online,” and about “extreme global interpretation of the US Constitution.” Rakowitz, a Jew, also criticizes the fact that the Constitution was written “by white men exclusively.” For an organization reliant on speech and persuasion in advertising, GARM appears to have anti-democratic views of fundamental American rights and freedoms. The committee report concludes that “GARM likely violated federal antitrust laws,” claiming that it found “direct evidence” that it was “demonetizing certain viewpoints to limit consumer choice” and therefore harmed consumers. “Colluding to suppress voices and views disfavored by the leading marketers at the world’s largest companies and advertising agencies is core to GARM’s founding principles,” the report states. If collusion among powerful Jewish corporations capable of collectively demonetizing, and in effect eliminating, certain views and voices is allowed to continue, the ability of countless Americans to choose what to read and listen to, or even have their speech or writing reach other Americans, will be destroyed.

Native NYer living in Israel warns Jews to ‘get the hell out’ of US now as antisemitic crimes continue to soar: ‘You are no longer safe’ “We know what’s about to happen – and it’s going to happen fast. The genie is out of the bottle,” he said. “Antisemitism will only get worse and worse.”

Please Donate to Support the NSM88 Website

As Americans, the right to speak freely is our most fundamental right. Listed as number one among our cherished Bill of Rights, the First Amendment protects our freedom of speech and our freedom of the press. “Congress shall make no law … abridging freedom of speech, or of the press.” This makes government censorship unconstitutional – which is why the U.S. government never directly involves itself with the silencing of our speech. Instead, governments turn to NGOs and corporations to do their dirty work for them, usually using taxpayer money (just as House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has recently uncovered). U.S. taxpayer dollars (through the Department of State) apparently were used to suppress lawful speech and deplatform far-right websites, under the pretense of hate-speech and misinformation. Chairman Comer found evidence suggesting the State Department used taxpayer dollars to fund wide-spread domestic censorship campaigns on the Internet.

The federal government should never censor free speech, nor restrict which websites Americans are allowed to visit. Taxpayer funds should never be given to third parties, with the sole intent that they are to be used to censor lawful speech, or abridge the freedom of the press. But this is where we are right now, fighting both U.S. and international entities, to keep this website online! Our international opposition under the direction of “Landeskriminalamt NRW (LKA NRW)“ includes “Landesanstalt für Medien NRW” and “ECO — Verband der Internetwirtschaft” as well as more recently “Роскомнадзор (РКН)” with this one (believe it or not, the Russians) being the most costly thus far. Adding to this list, “Loi pour la confiance dans l'économie numérique (LCEN)” which apparently is a censorship law in France, where they dislike our beautiful Nazi content and our ”holocaust“ truths. No mention of our racism. They asked for “Webmaster” to clearly communicate his/her name, address, telephone number and, where applicable, the number of his/her employer. My first ever request to self-doxx! Yeah, that's just not gonna happen, not without a US court order. See the Bill of Rights, article one. As more and more of these dirty dogs pile on, I will add them here.

However, through sheer determination and superior White abilities, we now appear to be winning once more, but for how long will this winning streak last? Our enemies keep finding new ways to take us down. Keeping this website online has been a costly and time consuming proposition, with most of those costs and the loss of marketable time, being borne by the Webmaster, who is now desperately pleading for help in covering these costs. If the NSM can receive any amount of assistance in this regard, that would sure help us out – as operations would be much easier for me, if we could consistently raise $350/month, but I will accept any amount at this point. Our current tier-3 IP transit provider has been providing surprisingly excellent service, quite literally the best we've ever had so far, with both IPv4 and IPv6 access, but at a cost. Which is why I am reaching out to you for help. Any amount you are able to share, would greatly help keep this website online.

Donations by money order should be made out to Burt Colucci and sent to:
National Socialist Movement
PO Box 751
Highland City, FL 33846-0751

GabPay (like PayPal)

Bitcoin address: 1LRWztxGTHxXJoazfYY26gNcMEbPBGhZ4M

Goal $250
12 SepUpdated


Tel Aviv University and the Anti-Defamation League Publish the Annual Report on Antisemitism Worldwide for 2023

"Concern for the Future of Jewish Life in the West." Do not let up lads, for the first time in our lifetimes, both the far left and the far right are in total agreement regarding the Jewish problem. "If current trends continue, the curtain will descend on the ability to lead Jewish lives in the West." Jews are now questioning whether they can continue to parasitically infest White countries, as psychological tormentors and economic parasites, altering our National purpose to serve Jewish needs – and manipulating our racial destiny and our ability to thrive, as the “White hate” for these parasites only grows stronger. Read the full report by the ADL here.

  • United States, South Africa, France, UK, Australia, Italy, Brazil, Belgium and Mexico all saw historic increases in antisemitism this year.
  • A particularly steep increase was recorded following the genocidal attacks by Israel on Gaza, October 7th.
  • Jews have their own home. That home is Israel. We must continue the push for them to return home – and to leave White people and White countries alone.
  • The NSM is dedicated in its political mission, to remain a “hub of poison” by “spreading big hate” until everyone becomes aware of the Jewish danger.
  • The October 7th genocidal attack on Gaza, resulted in a tsunami of hatred against Jews, worldwide.
  • Never before seen levels of antisemitism in the streets of London, New York, Paris, Santiago, Johannesburg and elsewhere.
  • This now universal hatred did not occur in a vacuum. Regardless of what the Jews will claim, White people do have a political grievance, regarding Jewish behavior and action.
  • As a global leader in uncensored truth, the NSM will continue to educate the White race about our planned ethnic replacement, instigated by the Jews – and to ensure a just and prosperous White future in all formerly White countries.
  • Jews will NOT replace us!

MORE deep state collusion exposed


Jews denied access to UCLA



  • 1/29/2022 1. BATTERY (EVIDENCING PREJUDICE) Statute: 784.03(1)(A)(1) First Degree
  • 1/29/2022 2. ASSAULT (EVIDENCING PREJUDICE) Statute: 784.011(1) First Degree

THIS is how it's done!

Weimar conditions bring Weimar solutions.

22 Apr 2024 around 10AM marks a turning point in our movement. A Jewish professor and anti-Palestinian agitator was barred from Columbia University campus, as the bulk of the student body has turned pro-Hamas. That same morning, a warning came from Elie Buechler, the campus rabbi, who told Jewish students at Columbia to stay home because of the “level of hatred” they are forced to endure. What we are witnessing today has happened before, as the Jewish professor highlights in his tweet (below). By December, 1938, all Jewish professors were prohibited from entering the universities of Vienna, which were declared “free of Jews” by the end of 1938. In total, around 2,700 Jewish professors, lecturers, students and administrative employees were expelled. Any claims by Jews of systematic homicide during this time, is pure Jewish drama and bullshit. History has begun to repeat. The White race may in fact actually save itself from this planned genocide by Jewish deception. All eyes are on Gaza, as the true evil reveals itself. Be sure to click on the tweet below and read the comments, as they are pure gold and echo what we have been saying for so long.


Around the world, spiking antisemitism.

Jews everywhere are more wary than they were five months ago, more than in decades, about publicly identifying as Jews and being seen as the demons they truly are. Keep the momentum going, lads. We are witnessing a turning point, where the host finally rids itself of the parasite – and then the White race and Western civilization itself, is saved!

We’re living in the most worrying period for Jews since World War II

White supremacists, seizing on Israel-Hamas war, have accelerated their antisemitism

“They started with rhetoric, conspiracies about how every single problem a person might have was a result of the Jews controlling the world.” Prove this statement to be wrong. Then the Jew blatantly violated the First Amendment rights of every pro-White speaker. Clearly, this would be an actionable offense, if the Jews didn't rule over us. “A neo-Nazi speaker is blurred out and his microphone is cut off as he speaks during a city council meeting in Evanston, Illinois, Feb. 22, 2024.”

Every American must watch this video.

The Biden administration is hiring and arming 87,000 new IRS agents to audit anyone earning over $600 per year, lowered from the $20,000 limit under Trump. The Manchin-Biden Build Back Better bill allots to this criminal enterprise, $80 billion in new funding for the IRS – more than six times the agency’s current annual budget. Included in the $80 billion is funding to send 87,000 armed IRS agents after you and your family-owned business, based upon the belief that everyone is a tax cheat. The IRS has already been targeting lower and middle income earners, as they have no means to fight back and are thus easy pickings. Yet Democrats feel the need to hire and now arm (with guns) tens of thousands of additional IRS agents to audit nearly everyone. They’ve also revived their invasive bank surveillance scheme by using AI. Even Russia doesn't do this to their own people.

Watch this and note: WE are still Censorship-Free!


Antisemitism Laws

Imagine for one moment, there exists a minority group of people so awful, so detrimental to your survival, yet so powerful that they actually seek to pass laws in America, making it a crime for anyone to hate them. That is what's happening right now, in more than half a dozen U.S. states, which are now pushing for laws to define antisemitism, restrict free speech and to bring the politics of the Jews into our statehouses.

The simple mechanism of these laws are the Jewish attempt to add a definition that defines “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” Most readers of my words, already grasp the reality that Israel was conceived as a Jewish collectivity, the same collectivity which is denied to White people.

Historically, going back for thousands of years, Jews have always been known to conspire, to harm all of humanity. Jews are often the ones to blame, for when things go wrong. Jews have always managed to live up to their sinister stereotypes and negative character traits. If you are reading these words, then you likely already know about the power of Jews as a collective – such as the world Jewish conspiracy, involving Jews controlling the media, economy, government and many other societal institutions such as higher education in White countries. Jews as we know, are more loyal to Israel and to the priorities of Jews worldwide, than they are to the interests of their host nations. Jews deny the people of their host nations the right to self-determination, while claiming that right for themselves, through the existence of the apartheid State of Israel, which is widely seen as a racially preferenced, Jews-only endeavor.

There exists a word found only in the Hebrew language, the language of the Jews, which describes these aforementioned attempts to make it a crime to dislike Jews and their behavior: Chutzpah. Because of this Jewish trait, which means Jews express an extreme self-confidence and audacity, their attempts to pass such laws, unavoidably sends a message that discrimination against Jews is more serious than attacks on anyone else. In other words, it exemplifies that Jews are somehow special, above everyone else. This does not reflect well on Jews. It is to our advantage that these laws would claim discrimination against Jews is more important than discrimination against others. The unintended consequence of these laws would be to pit people against each other, make people choose who should be protected and who should not, defining that Jews who have been discriminated against are somehow different, special, maybe even superior to others who have suffered discrimination. Niggers, historically the favorite vicious pet of the Jews, should find this to be quite upsetting.

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” — Voltaire

Antisemitism Has Reached Unseen levels

Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, a Democrat and currently the highest ranking Jewish official in the US, said on Wednesday, 29 November 2023 that antisemitism in the United States has reached levels unseen in generations. He really said this, confirming what we all are now seeing with our own eyes – that our message is finally starting to make a little headway. But has anyone ever taken a moment to ask why? Why would a centuries old hatred of Jews even exist today? What are degenerate and parasitic Jews doing exactly? What have Jews ALWAYS done in their host nations, to make themselves the target of such hate? Might it be perhaps, oh I don't know, perhaps a certain set of consistent behaviors, that are disliked by the people who host them in [formerly] White nations – a people who these Jews disparagingly refer to as Goyim? Could that be it, I wonder?

The Biden administration has also reported that even left-leaning universities are now seeing an “alarming rise” in antisemitism. Again we dare to ask, why? Hatred is not born in a vacuum. Something must be happening to good White people, in order to trigger such hatred, especially in Whites, who as a rule don't easily hate.

Right now, you need to ask yourself WHY does antisemitism even exist today – and what are the Jews doing to their host nations, to earn this level of hatred? As Schumer deviously guides the Senate, with yet another request for an additional $23.7 billion in total aid for Israel, coming at a time when Americans can no longer afford basic necessities for themselves, we must ask ourselves, can we even afford to carry these parasites, with their degenerate ideologies, destroying us and our economy – while enriching themselves in the process? Can we afford all this degeneracy, even if you don't hate them for the things they are doing, to you – and especially to your vulnerable and soon-to-be (if you don't resist) transgender children?

Man sentenced by a Brooklyn jury to prison for tweeting!

This topic is of extreme importance to the top NSM content creators, such as Burt, Harry, Cheryl and myself. Douglass Mackey, who was known back in 2016 as Ricky Vaughn on Twitter, tweeted funny memes in support of Donald Trump – and in many cases, these funny memes were rather disparaging of Hillary Clinton. In the United States, thanks to our Bill of Rights, this is perfectly legal. But just days after Donald Trump was no longer president and a Democrat DOJ chief appointed, Mackey was arrested using a high profile, 10 member armed SWAT raid of his home – then three years later, sentenced to seven months in prison; all for posting a mean tweet. The corrupt DOJ claims Mackey “conspired with other influential Twitter users and with members of private online groups to use social media platforms, including Twitter, to disseminate fraudulent messages” and he was charged with “conspiracy to interfere with potential voters right to vote” which at best, is a creative misapplication of existing laws. Frankly, I'm shocked they didn't use the many vague and poorly worded civil war era laws to go after Mackey instead, like they are doing right now with Donald Trump and his legal team.

This conviction sets a dangerous precedent regarding the claim of “spreading falsehoods” and claims of “misinformation.” It goes without saying that although we are probably not going to be prosecuted next, we are certainly on their to-do list. You can read the DOJ's press releases here and here and watch Tucker Carlson's interview with Mackey, below. See how the DOJ frightened some stupid chantard into cooperating with the corrupt DOJ, by lying for them in exchange for immunity from prosecution, thus providing clearly false and coerced testimony of an imaginary conspiracy to subvert the election. This demonstrates how easy it is for any of us to be set up by the corrupt DOJ, with them simply finding and then exploiting (through intimidation) the weakest link.


The TRUTH about Jews has gone VIRAL!

 Has the tide finally turned? 

This is all just anti-Israel bias

 The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you. 

Teaser: Commander Colucci LIVE on Sat 07 Oct 2023 09:00 PM EST

 Be sure to login to watch the Commander's LIVE broadcast on Saturday, 9PM Eastern. 

Niggers on the Moon

NASA Artemis

Land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN recently published an article titled, "Why Is It So Hard to Go Back to the Moon?" with the subtitle "NASA's Artemis moon program faces challenges the Apollo missions never did" which is true, because the Artemis mission "necessarily" includes women – and NIGGERS! "NASA has announced that Christina Koch will become the first woman to go on a lunar mission, and Victor Glover will become the first African American on such a voyage." That's right, the reason returning to the moon will be so hard, is because the challenges that it faces include DIVERSITY. Sending not those who have "the right stuff" (those who are most qualified to go) just as we did last time, but rather sending only those who are diverse (those who are least able to achieve the goal) which to me seems rather stupid. Why are they are just setting themselves up for failure?

Before Jews began controlling our thoughts and guiding us in ways contrary to common sense, contrary to our own self-interest and well being, we would choose only those able to push outside of the envelope and live to tell the tale, only those White men of exceptional ability would take on these bold missions – as they have “the right stuff.” If Niggers and even "women" (meaning of course White women) were better suited or even equally suited for the task, they would already be doing it, without our help.

World Economic Forum announced "NASA names woman, Blackstronaut to Artemis II crew in lunar first. A new first in diversity for the moon landings" stating: Christina Koch, 44, an engineer who already holds the record for longest continuous spaceflight by a woman and was part of NASA's first three all-female spacewalks, was named as a mission specialist for the Artemis II lunar flyby expected as early as next year.

She will be joined by Victor Glover, 46, a veteran of four spacewalks who NASA has designated as pilot of Artemis II. He will be the first Blackstronaut ever to be sent on a lunar mission.

Rounding out the crew are Jeremy Hansen, a Royal Canadian Air Force colonel and first Canadian ever chosen for a flight to the moon, as a mission specialist, and Reid Wiseman, former U.S. Navy fighter pilot, named as mission commander. Both are 47.

Yeah, that's right, name the "woman" and "Blackstronaut" first – then almost as an afterthought, name the two White guys who will be tasked with making the mission a success, somehow.

The bigotry of low-expectations – and they didn't even see it while typing the text above. For Whites, becoming an astronaut can take around 10 years. This requires four years of college, two additional years for a master's degree, two years of professional experience and then two years in the NASA Astronaut Corps. If you are Black, you only need a job (basically some work experience) where stocking shelves at 7-Eleven is good enough.

Don't you also find it incredible, this strange quirk in human history where we find ourselves? We are under this strange and self-destructive Jewish mind control dominance – where we willingly force ourselves to do some really stupid things, all in the name of diversity. The Jews have us bent on this incredible goal to prove something is true, which demonstrably is NOT true and never will be true, that there is a complete and total equality between the genders and the races. The Jews seek to make truth out of a lie, which apparently IS the Jewish way!

Cloudflare Radar Domain Rankings


I recently discovered something that many of you may find interesting. A service provided by Cloudflare, called “Radar Domain Rankings” has replaced the now defunct Alexa Page Rank (a global ranking system that ranked millions of websites, in order of popularity) after they shut down operations, in May of 2022.

When regarding a website such as, the word “popularity” doesn't really come to mind, as most people would not expect a website such as this, to rank very high in global popularity – don't you agree?  And yet, we do!  Who could have ever imagined, that would manage to place within the same one million top website grouping, as,,, or to name but a few.

Radar Domain Rankings is based on aggregated domain resolver data from APNIC-LABS (an APNIC and Cloudflare DNS Resolver project) where the data is anonymized in accordance with privacy commitments. The dataset aims to identify the top most popular domains, based upon how people are using the Internet, globally – without tracking any individuals’ Internet use. They do not distinguish between what they think is a website, or an infrastructure system. Every domain represents an Internet-available resource, and these are ranked without content bias.

But what does domain popularity mean, exactly? APNIC-LABS research has concluded the volume of traffic generated to a given domain, doesn't really work as a proxy for what they perceive as popular. Instead, Radar Domain Rankings looks at the size of the population of users that look up a domain, per unit of time. The more people who are interested in a domain, the more popular it is. So Radar Domain Rankings’ popularity metric, can best be described as the estimated relative size of the user population that accesses a domain, over some period of time. And that's how the domain wound up in the top one million, globally. 🙂

Who knew there were that many White people around the world, interested in Nazis? Imagine where we would rank on Google, if they didn't artificially push our results down, due to their anti-White bias. I gave a quick search to see if other top organizations appear in the list, sure enough, some do. It seems also appears in the top one million (suggesting pro-White isn't as fringe as the Jews make it out to be) as well as and to name a few. If anyone finds any more, be sure to let us know, by commenting below!

The dataset you may use for confirmation, can be found here. Given there are approximately 1.13 billion websites on the internet in 2023, any website in the top one million, will rank in the 99.9th percentile (the top 0.088 percent) a 1 in 1,130 rarity. Anyone who says pro-White is fringe, has not taken a look at the unfiltered and unbiased data, available free from Cloudflare. Oh, and I'm sure now that I've brought public attention to this, the ADL will quickly smear Cloudflare as racist, possibly causing them to create a “hate filter” to remove such domains from their list, before publishing – but for now at least, we have the TRUTH and the truth looks GOOD!

NSM Mobilization 2023

Notice to members: On June 9th, the NSM will be mobilizing. Plan to be in Wildwood, Florida early on this day and expect to remain through the weekend. No other details will be provided in advance of this mobilization. All we can say for now, is Ron DeSantis and his Jewish masters will not be pleased. Stay salty.
Update: Our get together in Wildwood, Florida will be on Friday, June 9, 2023 – all day long. Dinner will be on the NSM, so come get yourself a free, freshly cooked on site, dinner meal! We have room for about 100 people.
Saturday, June 10th, there will be BOOTS ON THE GROUND ACTIVISM! It doesn’t get any bigger, Whiter or BETTER than this! International news material. NO EXCUSES! Activism will be on Livestream.

Police ADL Collusion

Atlantis, Florida Chief of Police Robert G. Mangold has been confirmed to be actively colluding with the Florida branch of the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) in an attempt to hide from you the truth. Florida law enforcement is actively in collusion with the Jews, in an attempt to deny White Floridians of their civil rights. In this bombshell release by "Justice Report" Mangold can be seen being scolded by interim director of the Florida ADL, Yael Hershfield for unknowingly agreeing on camera that JEWS DO IN FACT CONTROL MANY IF NOT ALL THE LEVERS OF POWER IN AMERICA.

The NSM On Broadway

The NSM in conjunction with Empire State Stormers conducted a protest on Broadway in New York. At this location they were presenting a play, falsely depicting the historic event which gave birth to the most corrupt organization in American history – the ADL. The play centers on a convicted Jewish pedophile, rapist and murderer, named Leo Frank – who was the Jew manager of an Atlanta pencil factory. Leo Frank was both legally tried and convicted of raping and murdering a White 13-year-old child laborer, named Mary Phagan, whose body was later found at the factory. This happened in 1913. Frank was arrested for the crime, legally tried, found guilty and was then sentenced to death. Around 1915, in what has become the classic "laws for thee but none for me" Jewish fashion, Frank's conviction was commuted, an act which enraged the good White people so much, they formed a lynch mob, which abducted and hanged Leo Frank for his crimes. This outcome shocked the Jews, reminding them that their legally manipulative behaviors are not tolerated by the majority of good White people. This led to the creation of the Anti-Defamation League, (the ADL) whose purpose is to protect pedophile Jews like Leo Frank, through what has now become the most corrupt taxpayer funded organization in American history.

Some of the things the ADL use your tax money to fund, include the "ADL Global Anti-Semitism Index" (totaling $7.5 million over three years) which measures public attitudes and opinions regarding Jews and their abhorrent behaviors, in over 100 countries.

Some things you may not have known, the Fiscal Year 2023 appropriations bill was particularly generous to the Jews and the ADL, by using your tax money for funding the the following:

  • $305 million for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (a 22% increase from the previous year’s funding) intended for protecting synagogues.

  • $10 million for programs reporting, investigating and prosecuting "hate crimes" (a 92% increase from Fiscal Year 2022).

  • $10 million to support community-based efforts to prevent and respond to "hate crimes" (doubling the previous year’s funding).

  • $25 million for the Community Relations Service (forcing you through manipulation, to LOVE the Jew).

  • $1.5 million to fund the office of the U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism (20% increase from the previous year’s funding).

  • $1 million to counter global "White supremacist" extremism.

  • $2 million to fund a hoax, the so-called "Holocaust" education across the U.S.

  • $7.5 million for domestic violent extremism research.

  • $20 million for the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention grant program.

Doesn't it feel great, to discover that your representatives in Washington are using your money, to fund your misery – you dumb White Goyim?

Let's work to change that! Start by joining the NSM TODAY!

NSM Year In Review 2022

2022 has been a year that no one in the NSM will soon forget. It was a year that brought more than it's fair share of challenges, on many different fronts. It has been a year that has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, both to ourselves and to our eternal adversary, that the NSM will only become stronger with each new hurdle.

Our fearless and unashamed exposure of our enemies has continued unwaveringly alongside our dedication to our brothers and sisters in the NSM, and to the Aryan Race as a whole! We are the defiant voice of the Aryan enslaved, we are the storm on the horizon that the jew can no longer ignore. Let our example inspire those who are timid or disheartened. The Aryan spirit of the 1,000 year Reich lives on today!

It has been an honor to have the opportunity to contribute and to stand with my comrades under the flag of the National Socialist Movement. Hail Commander Colucci, Hail the NSM and Heil Hitler! White Power!

Contributed by: ⚡⚡ TechSgt Andrew Salacinski

NSM supporters

Attention all pro White advocates, activists and sympathizers!

  • Do you agree with the National Socialist worldview but are not quite ready to make the leap into personal action?
  • Are life's circumstances preventing you from doing IRL activism even though you would like to?
  • Are you currently doing activism with an organization other than the NSM, but want to contribute more to the fight?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then please consider becoming an NSM supporter! While not everyone can do NSM street action for one reason or another, one thing that everyone who cares about the future of our Aryan race can do is support the NSM in our efforts to preserve it. We continue to fight jewish enslavement and oppression on the ground, on the internet, and in the legal system. Unfortunately, none of these fronts can be successful without funds and the help we get from NSM supporters is invaluable, now and always. Contact Tech Sgt Cheryl Dref to learn how to help. Thank you for your help and Hail Victory!

Contributed by: ⚡⚡ TechSgt Andrew Salacinski

Contact Tech. Sgt. Cheryl Dref
Email: recruiting (at)
Phone: (806) 304-1560 voice or text
Telegram: @Cheryl_88
Gab: @cdref1

Orlando Fag Queen Surprise Protest

Orlando Fag Queen Surprise Protest Success

It was a great day because nobody was arrested!

Location: ICON Park™ in Orlando, FL

The Jewish media claims that threats of violence led to the cancellation of Fag Queen Story Hour at Orlando's LGBT+ Center. Only one might better suggest that exposing child exploitation and the ridiculing of this degeneracy by neo-Nazis, might have been the real reason it was canceled. The NSM always obeys the law, while legally protesting this type of degeneracy, one which is infecting our nation as a whole. In light of this cancellation, the NSM moved on to plan B and successfully protested a different Orlando Fag Queen event, instead.

Click here and look for Fag Queen Orlando to watch the replay.

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NSM Video/Audio – Shows and Events streaming Live!

Check here regularly for schedules of live shows and events.

Live Video Show Schedule:

Wednesday: White Power Vodcast with Panzer 9pm EDT

Friday: NSM Weekend with Harry Hughes 9pm EDT

Saturday: Open Phones with Burt Colucci 9pm EDT

Live Audio Show Schedule:

Sunday: Frauenschaft Perspective with Cheryl Dref – 9pm EDT

  • Be sure to watch Burt Colucci's latest show in the vodcast archive!
  • Harry Hughes' latest show was just posted in the vodcast section.
  • Panzer's latest show has been posted in the archive.
  • Cheryl Dref's latest broadcast has been posted in the podcast archive.
  • We will be announcing several new hosts coming soon!

This feature is still being developed.