The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )


The NSM was protesting and LIVESTREAMING from Missoula MT on Saturday, June 18, 2022. We've improved our livestreaming software to support streaming directly from any smartphone, at any resolution up to 4k video. This particular event was streamed in HD (high definition). Because of this livestreaming improvement, such events will now become far more common! You may watch a recording of this event at the bottom of the main page, found in the vodcast archives section. And enjoy the show! ? It's a quality pro-White demonstration that shows just how awful and degenerate the anti-Whites can be!



In reply to by Noir (not verified)

What you mean to say is the whole world will actually see y'all for the circus that y'all are! Right? ? ? ? ? perform at the circus and that all you weak individuals are. As if unfit fat men marching around I scary... Oh no, I think I might piss myself. NOT! You're a joke and laughing stock. Your own insecurities are shown through this group even though you try to hide it with this fake front of, "We're tough and we're bad!" Well your not. Go play some more D&D and for heavens sake shut tf up! Unintelligent cock suckers. How many of you actually have a high school diploma? Probably not very many. If you did, you'd be working in a career that you went to school for. Not fantasizing and role playing about some ditzy ass group. No wonder the world is fkd. Men can never grow up and mature! No wonder the world is falling apart before our eyes, men did a piss poor job with leading. All of you are to blame for this shit. Thanks, not really! Men don think, nor are they mature enough too.


In reply to by Re: Oh but tha… (not verified)

And this shows how stupid and degenerate nigger lovers and kike lovers are. I do hope you are prepared for when the Reich returns, you’ll regret your comment when the Reich returns…


In reply to by Killpillow (not verified)

When the Reich returns, you'll be the first to be put down for embarrassing it. You have no value. You're old, useless embarrassments that are being shown up by youngsters, who are actually out there doing something. AND you don't see them begging for money all the time.


In reply to by LMFAO (not verified)

The NSM is not a front group for the FBI's disinformation and propaganda campaign. As such, the NSM is not federally funded. If you are part of a group that works for the feds to encourage billions in funding to the ADL to "combat hate" and to promote more White genocide, then that's on you – not us. We fight for the preservation and survival of the White race.


In reply to by Re: Oh but tha… (not verified)

It is just insane how wrong and stupid you are. It’s also insanely ironic how you’re calling us a circus when you’re just a pathetic Nigger loving clown who most likely lives in his mother’s basement. Now go suck George Floyd’s nigger dick and do something with your pathetic life.


In reply to by Re: Oh but tha… (not verified)

If we are nothing but a bunch of clowns then why do kikes and ANTIFAgs shit their pants when we come to town? You probably have some kind of nigger blood in you because this is the literal textbook example of an online chimpout. :) Keep seething nigger


In reply to by Vysokopilia (not verified)

How about stop acting like a Alt-Right, Gryoper, Weeaboo, Furry, Brony faggot and actually do productive shit and use effective strategies to appeal to the modern crowd of Whites who are comitted and dedicated to the NS Ideology. Not larp around like Anime Girls or other fictional characters and start shit just to injurous to oneself and to the rest of the members whom the person has associated with.

Why do you worship the Reich? It was a failed system of government, hated by everyone who had to live through it, and also lost the greatest war in history. It did nothing good during its existence, and it killed 30 million people. It aimed for over 250 million. Do you know of Generalplan Ost? They tried to kill that many.

Hitler did nothing good for the German people, he just brought them pain and suffering, and the loss of a third of their land. But these facts are hidden by the censorship on Twitter, which has an extreme pro-Nazi and far-right bias.

By supporting the brown plague, you advocate for the destruction of liberty and democracy.


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

> Why do you worship the Reich?

We don't worship, we admire – because it was the greatest German empire ever, combining the greatest nationalist, economic, and social achievements, in all of White European history. I've not studied Asian history deep enough to determine if they ever had a similar achievement – but the third reich is the greatest that the White race has achieved.

> It was a failed system of government,

Nazi Germany’s Economic Miracle Explained

Now of course this contains a lot of bullshit and half-truths (such as "Every unemployed man had to take up an available job, or risk being sent to prison." which is a half-truth. The disabled were exempt from mandatory work and one should contrast the third reich with England, where the disabled were begging on the street corner (where in Germany they were not). However it does cover most of what worked in the third reich and I'm sure you would agree, it would work here as well – but only if America were 100% White.

> hated by everyone who had to live through it,

> hated by everyone

> hated by everyone

> hated by everyone

Don't you feel silly now? You should. Silly and ashamed, for being so easily fooled by the Jews.

> and also lost the greatest war in history.

One country the size of Texas, took on the entire world. At their peak, they controlled all of Europe save for England, half of Russia and all of Africa. That's pretty amazing. Have you ever been that White kid who just won a fair 1-on-1 fight with a Nigger, only now you are being pounded on by EVERY NIGGER IN YOUR SCHOOL all at once? Well, that's what Germany was, in the end. It took the combined beating of everyone else on earth fighting dirty, to destroy them. Germany, while it was still winning, was simply amazing and inspiring.

> It did nothing good during its existence,

Building the German autobahn, nothing else in the world like it existed at that time. Restored prosperity. Suppressed communism. Agricultural prosperity. Technological achievements include the first deployed jet fighter (the Me-262), rocket fighter (the Me-163), ballistic missile (V-2), and cruise missile (V-1), as well as the first assault rifle (StG-44) all of which changed warfare forever.

We Owe it to the Führer

> and it killed 30 million people.

Don't you mean six gorillion? Don't you know they passed laws in most of Europe, stating that if you don't parrot the number correctly, that you face years in prison? Do you suppose the threat of prison is because that number might be a lie? I don't see any threat of prison for saying the earth is flat, or the moon is made of cheese. Those are lies. Just the six gorillion became a prison offense.

> It aimed for over 250 million. Do you know of Generalplan Ost? They tried to kill that many.

How many Chinese did the Japanese kill by beheading? So many, they wore out swords doing it.

> Hitler did nothing good for the German people, he just brought them pain and suffering,

Adolf Hitler: Man of the Year, 1938 Time magazine

> and the loss of a third of their land. But these facts are hidden by the censorship on Twitter, which has an extreme pro-Nazi and far-right bias.

Okay, show me ONE Nazi who still has a twitter account. Show me one! Twitter is the opposite of what you claim. Twitter is all leftist communists and faggots. Any pro-White or Nazi content is gone within at most, two days.

> By supporting the brown plague, you advocate for the destruction of liberty and democracy.

We fight the brown plague, where have you been? America does not have liberty, nor democracy (even tho we are a constitutional republic and not a democracy). We have crony capitalism where the government picks the winners and the losers. This is not even close to what our founders wanted.

The disgrace of Versailles is abolished,

Germany is free and strong, great and united.

Has a leader ever done more for his people?

One People, One Reich, One Führer!


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

All of their “achievements” and “economic miracles” only happened because they looted other countries for technology and enslaved their own people. Unemployed people were not sent to jail, they were executed. Those people in the images have to smile and raise their hand because the Gestapo would torture them to death if they did not.

The Third Reich was built on the blood of its victims. NO ONE benefited from its existence, least of all the German people.


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I wonder if this Nigger actually believes this bullshit coming out of his cock holster?

The level of ridiculousness is astounding. Possibly a troll.


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Generalplan Ost was just post-war Soviet propaganda, the same as the Holocaust was just post-war Jewish propaganda. The use of propaganda to demonize and dehumanize is just a part of war. These tales of atrocities were meant to dehumanize, a pattern of phony wartime propaganda that would last even until today. The image of Germans and Germany became replaced with every symbol of barbarism that people could think of, to be something where the war was the sons of light against the sons of darkness. And the reason for this was to muzzle dissent. Belgians and French were killed as the Germans invaded but this image wasn't good enough. It had to be amplified by children having their hands chopped off and women having their breasts chopped off. The problem is, it wasn't true, nor was another story from both World Wars that Germans were boiling down enemies to make soap. In hindsight, when today we know it's false, these ideas look over the top and outrageous. Only the Jews keep pushing this false narrative.


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I gotta say, you are really passionate about that disinformation about German people. You must watch a lot of TV. Might try picking up a history book and thinking for yourself if you get sick of regurgitating that (((History Channel))) history and want to check the truth out. Then again, ignorance is bliss if you're a mongrel or some other kind of sub.
By the way- the destruction of democracy is what we strive for around here, Hail the Einsatzgruppen. Hail the Fuhrer!


In reply to by Covenant Soldier (not verified)

I think we're dealing with a troll here. He likely knows his arguments are invalid, he's simply trying to incite rage. I call him out as being a troll with no response. That's quite telling.

You think I am a Negro? Then that makes you a fucking hypocrite. You said Negroes are not intelligent enough to operate a computer. And by failing to present an argument, you admitted that your ideology is stupid.

Admit it. You lost in 1945. Permanently.


In reply to by the cause of W… (not verified)

Look, I'm a chantard too, so I appreciate a good troll – but wouldn't it be more productive to JOIN US in preserving our people and preventing your replacement with people who hate you and want you dead?

The use of the term "Nigger" above was obviously metaphorical.

Isn't this group dieing or is it still pulling in members. I think this group needs to be more active and make motivational videos about the group and the benefits and thoughts on the group and have more fliers out to recruit and pull people into the movement. To get more members and fresh people and be more professional on things. Like you see the Patriotfront they got it right and pulling in members because there videos make you feel motivated to join and give more hype in there videos and professional on marching and staying in the movement in command. BUT THIS IS MY THOUGHTS. Don't take offense >> just tell Me what you think respectfully.


In reply to by Classified88_SS (not verified)

It may not be widely known (as of yet) but the NSM is exploding with growth right now. We are even expanding internationally, as I scramble to develop our international presence. Here is an example (in our sandbox) showing some of the countries we are involved with now, along with an example of the Finnish version of this website. If you thought I was busy before learning this, now you realize just what is on my plate.

So growth isn't the problem, keeping up with that growth is. Sorry if that wasn't made obvious.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Respectfully and no disrespect if this is true then why at protect and videos posted you don't have many members and only about 20 people. Why not 60 ot 100+ like the patriotfront has and actually be in order and command. I know this isn't a military group or militia but it should be more professional on March's and propaganda promotions and bring more hype. Atleast something that will drive someone to join and make then motivated .


In reply to by Classified88_SS (not verified)

There is plenty of evidence to suggest Patriot Front may be some kind of Democrat-owned political effort, operating in conjunction with Antifa and politicized Federal law enforcement, used to sully and dissuade the pro-White movement. This would explain the apparent number of paid event actors and seemingly unlimited federal funding to pay for what they do.

You have to admit that these Patriot Front arrests seem rather "made for TV" with local police collaborating with federal agents and undercover informants. This isn't the first time Patriot Front has been suspected of being a fake organization for the purpose of FBI-engineered false flags.

As for NSM numbers, it's hard for every NSM member to attend events, as most members are too broke or have to be at work.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I also would like to add to that comment that I find it incredibly suspicious that they are always doing things that push the envelope legally and even advertise this behavior online! Dubious forms of "activism" include stickers, graffiti and riding around in a moving truck 20 deep all the time.


In reply to by Covenant Soldier (not verified)

I have similar observations. No matter what the NSM does it seems, someone (usually Commander Burt) gets locked up and charged with a felony hate crime. The worst thing I've seen PF members charged with is incitement, a $300 bond. But that said, I'm not one to participate with in-fighting. Jews promote in-fighting among our groups by fomenting angst between us – and I try to stop it whenever I can. I may be NS, but I have cordial relations with KKK leaders as well. So long as we both pull in the same direction, I'm okay with whatever far right groups that are out there. ?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Webmaster, this is very exciting to me! When you say that these are the countries we are involved with, do you mean that the NSM functions in all of them? If I were talking to someone from one of these countries who was thinking about joining could I say that we have a chapter there for them to join? Thank you for clarifying.


In reply to by Covenant Soldier (not verified)

Every country listed in the sandbox page with a flag, right now has at least one person wanting to become a member – or is actually now a member. What we are doing right now is logistics, how to make this all happen. Australia and New Zealand are first up of course, as they are already formed and active. The rest are in the logistics and formulation stages. We have (one or more) Germans who want to join, but it is a crime in Germany – subjecting them to prison if they are caught. We haven't figured out how to move forward there (or even if we can move forward). But to answer your question – yes, the NSM is expanding to be the largest NS organization in the world, not just the largest (and oldest) in the USA. ?


In reply to by anonymous (not verified)

To say we are wrong about everything is illogical and highly emotive, which suggests you are the victim of Jewish brainwashing and are now accepting of the White replacement and genocide. How could anyone be wrong about everything? Isn't that statistically improbable?

As for racism, if we weren't all naturally racist, our race probably never would have survived until now. The understanding of in-group preference is well established in behavioral science and it has been documented in all animals. The fact is, the people of your own race are more likely to nurture you, to care for you and to protect you from harm, while the people from some other race are more likely to, well, to kill you. That's just a biological fact.


In reply to by anonymous (not verified)

No one here cares about your support traitor. We don't even care about the opinions of racist White people if they don't do anything to contribute to the fight for Aryan survival, how much less do we care about the opinion of a self- hating nigger lover like you. National Socialism has never had to worry about the sheep's vote, sooner or later things will get bad enough to wake you up, or not. Either way all remaining Whites will eventually have to fall in line.


In reply to by Covenant Soldier (not verified)

Covenant Soldier, let's take a moment and deep examine something you said above. You said, "sooner or later things will get bad enough to wake you up" but is that an actual (natural) trait found in the majority of the White race? Earlier I had said in a comment (and I hope you were able to read it, it's long but quite informative, detailing HOW and WHERE the Jew controls even "our guys" to achieve their goals, titled "Actually, accelerationism…"). In it I said, "making life even more miserable to an already beat-down and compliant White race. So what does the already beat-down and compliant White race do? Do they fight back? Do they burn down whole cities like the Niggers? No, they just whine and complain, then stoically accept the even worse conditions put upon them, just as White people will [do]" a behavior believe it or not, which is a survival trait of the ancient ice men, who once lived on Europe's glaciers and hunted the wooly mammoth, the people from which the White European race has now descended, long after the glacial period has ended.

White people can "put up with" a whole lot more bullshit than any other race on earth, we evolved that trait by living for tens of thousands of years on the glaciers of Europe. Niggers and Jews never saw glacial ice. This trait (the trait of not chimping out the moment things don't go our way) IS believe it or not, a powerful survival trait and necessary to survive in extremely adverse conditions. Chimping out on the other hand, is the absolute opposite of that.

Keeping a cool head and stoicism during adversity is why we will always out-survive every other race on earth. This trait unfortunately is also an abusable exploit, a weakness used by the Jews to drive us into a psychologically weakened state – to where the many other exploits used by the Jew will "take us out by our own hand" as commanded of them by their Talmud, or by our own bad choices – these choices given to us by the Jew. This is why Whites simply MUST live only with other Whites, because like poorly coded software that can't be patched (because we lost the source code) we are simply chock full of these types of exploits. White people generally don't use those exploits against fellow Whites, with only gullibility historically being used by fellow Whites the most. The Jew on the other hand, as a semite, is absent of all these traits – so they are able to identify and exploit these traits to their maximum delight in only White people.

So you're probably wondering why you and I are Jew-wise, while so many fellow Whites are not? That is even a bit of a paradox to me, but I think it has to do with epigenetic expression, we simply LACK the tolerance traits seen in more normative Whites. Either way, "Jew-wise" is NOT a normative trait in the White race, otherwise we wouldn't have a "Jew problem" today (as the majority Whites would never stand for it). No, this is a minority trait in Whites, affecting maybe 3% of our people (of which you and I are a part). And as such, it is up to us to save our people as most of them, unfortunately would never save themselves. Our ice man qualities in a period without ice is why we walked on the moon (while no other race ever has) and why we will soon put Nigger females on the moon (which no other race can do) mostly as an amusing indulgence for the Jew.

We are replicating the most expensive thing the White race has ever done (the moon shot) during our weakest economic period in all of American history, while dumping massive amounts of money in Jewkraine, all in an attempt to cause hyperinflation in 2023 (the same as the Jew caused hyperinflation in 1923 Germany). Yes, in case you haven't noticed, America has become for the Jew, the New Germany as they do-over world war two! The Jew gets a huge laugh out of this, of watching us bend over backwards for the Jew and for the inferior races who the Jews have chosen to inevitably replace us.

I said in that previous comment, "You do have to hand it to the Jews, the masters of deception. They actually have our guys helping the Jews to destroy everything we hold dear, in the false hopes to trigger a retaliatory action. But it won't trigger a retaliatory action. It won't trigger anything at all! White people are right now fully cowed, fearful of being called xenophobic, or racist." This trait in the White race for compassion, the trait that makes us the most human, is unfortunately the most exploitable trait in our race – thankfully one to which you and I are mostly immune. I did cite a few other Jewish tricks that the Jew uses against "our guys" such as accelerationism, moon landing hoax and flat earth to name a few relevant exploits. Also, about 10% of young White people have jumped on the Jewish bandwagon of transgender. The last time transgender reared it's ugly Jewish head was 1919 with the first transgender surgery performed in Weimar Germany, just prior to the ascension of Adolf Hitler – to end all that.

The biggest mistake that those of us in the 3% Jew-wise cohort make, is to assume that behaviors in the other races which affects us, also affects all Whites. Just because YOU see something and it pisses you off, doesn't mean EVERY White sees the same thing and will react in the same way. They don't, which is why the Jew is now winning. The only way we can stop this Jewish exploit of our people is to get the Jew OUT of our lives. But how do we do that, when the Jew pulls all the levers of power and influence around us? For that question, I have no answer. The Jew (and the Nigger) are like a cancer. Wait too long to treat it and you can not be saved. Intervene early enough and you can be saved. Jews believe they have already won – because statistically, the events they've put into motion thus far, can not be stopped. I don't wish to sound defeatist here – but I also don't want anyone to believe we have an easy solution for this, the act of saving the White race from our parasitic exploiters.

There exists an insect model describing what we are going through.

This wasp is also known as the Jew Wasp for a reason. The Jews are parasites, just like the maggots invading this caterpillar – they even bend the mind and the will of the White race to serve (and even die for) the Jew, the same as this caterpillar serves and dies for the Jew wasp. Watch this video and imagine these wasp maggots as Jews and the caterpillar as the White race. THIS is what's happening to us right now! This video describes precisely, what the White race is going through today and has historically gone through every time the Jew has gotten the upper hand.

The last time this happened was almost exactly 100 years ago. Will history repeat? Will we get OUR American Hitler? Will we then be able to save Europe, Canada and Australia as well?

You already know I disagree with you about the role of accelerationism in our people's return to power. That aside, I 100% agree with you on the alarmingly high pain threshold and stoic attitude towards the future that runs in the Aryan race. We can be slowly boiled alive which is what was happening before the Trump/Biden years. Or we can ACCELERATE with a totally divisive administration like the last two. Brother, we must rip the band-aid off and get busy building back! Your thoughts are appreciated as usual.


In reply to by Covenant Soldier (not verified)

> You already know I disagree with you about the role of accelerationism in our people's return to power.

It's okay to disagree, but please explain why? I went into great detail explaining the mechanism as to why I'm convinced the concept of accelerationism was actually invented by the Jews, in order to trick their Jew-wise enemy into actually helping the Jews. YES THE JEWISH POWER OF DECEPTION IS THAT INCREDIBLE! Never underestimate the power of the Jews to deceive. Also, never mistake deception for intelligence, as most people will. White people are the most intelligent people on earth, while Jews are simply the most deceptive. Jews simply use their mastery of deception to parasitically take credit, for everything we do.

So if you are absolutely certain that I am wrong on this issue, please go into great detail, the same as I, in explaining HOW I am in error. Do it here on for everyone else to join the debate, if they wish to do so. This is how we defeat the Jew – we winnow the truth from the lies. If you should prove that I am wrong, I will correct my position on this matter and make that position very clear. Did you watch the video I provided about the Jew wasp and its victim caterpillar? What is happening to White people now, is clearly NOT uncommon in nature!

> That aside, I 100% agree with you on the alarmingly high pain threshold and stoic attitude towards the future that runs in the Aryan race.

Tolerance and stoicism are attributes seen in the White race and to a lesser amount, the East Asian race, both of which needed these traits to survive living on glaciers for tens of thousands of years. Jews and Niggers never saw glaciers, thus never developed these traits. We demonstrate to the lesser races how we can tolerate the most incredible amounts of suffering, in places where the lower races "chimp out" when subjected to the same level of misery. This is how we as the former ice men of Europe, were able to survive for tens of thousands of years, living in an ice world, a perpetual winter.

So what does the Jew do, to exploit our natural ability and desire for tolerance? They ram it down our necks that we must abide by our own instincts and tolerate the behaviors of Niggers, tolerate our own genocide and tolerate the mass population replacement of our homelands. And because tolerance is instinctive in Whites, achieving this is actually not all that difficult for the Jew. So what do Whites do? As a whole, Whites do nothing but tolerate. Whites have tolerated everything we've been subject to by the Jews so far – and I assure you, Whites will tolerate a lot more before we are gone. Accelerationism therefore, only benefits the Jew! It delivers to the Jew what they want, only faster, leaving the White race puzzled as to how this all happened so quickly.

> We can be slowly boiled alive which is what was happening before the Trump/Biden years.

It isn't slow, this Jewish accelerationism under Biden is at warp speed. Thanks to Trump temporarily derailing their plans and bringing a short period of "adequate" prosperity, they have compressed maybe 10 years of Jewish incrementalism into a single year, with rampant in-your-face voter fraud (where Whites doing nothing, save for complaining) and massive open border migration (again, where Whites do nothing). Your tax dollars are actually paying for the airfare for these migrants and as a whole, the White race merely complains – but DOES absolutely nothing about it!

Mind you I'm saying as a whole, the majority of the White race does nothing – I am not describing the members of the NSM, who are mostly working in opposition to the wants of the Jew.

> Or we can ACCELERATE with a totally divisive administration like the last two.

We've seen this all play out before, in the Soviet Union where White European people were stripped of everyday comforts by the Jews. Where happiness was completely denied to the common man, where any and all hope within the political system was completely flushed from their minds. And the Whites of the Soviet Union just took it without a whimper. America is now the replacement for the Jewish Soviet Union – and in this coming world war, only we shall suffer both the indignities of the Soviet Union, as well as the hardships of the Germans. I'm sure you've noticed that the Jewish liberal left is leading our college indoctrinated children into totalitarian communism – the signs of this are literally everywhere. Every college graduate sings the "virtues" of communism today.

The Jews through gay and transgender, have destroyed any trace of masculine and revolutionary impulses within the White race, instead our instincts have been sedated by Jewish media propaganda, drugs, alcohol, video games and plenty of lifeless – soul crushing taxable labor. All for what? Apparently for the Jews, who continue to encroach on everything pure, beautiful and White. The Goyim, with each generation, are more defiled and degenerate than the last. And they have a name for their victims, the Jewish media calls them Karens and Kens. They laugh at Whites, because they know they will never violently assert themselves above their Jewish masters. If they didn't know this with absolute certainty, then they wouldn't be doing what they are doing.

> Brother, we must rip the band-aid off and get busy building back! Your thoughts are appreciated as usual.

I disagree with your simplistic understanding of accelerationism, because in the end, all you will do is hand the win over to the Jews (only faster than they would have gotten it otherwise). Jews are a disease and the NSM are the antibodies, but it takes time. Accelerationism robs us of that precious time, the time we need to educate and the time required to stop the Jews and to recover our Republic.

I am genuinely hoping you will put in the effort to explain how everything I just said above is wrong – do it as simplistic as you think necessary, treat me as though I were a 5 year old, as I certainly don't see things from your point of view. Thus, if I am wrong on this, then I am massively wrong at a fundamental (or core) level that needs FOUNDATIONAL CORRECTION!

I humbly look forward to your reply. ?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I appreciate your response. Perhaps I am the one who has some thinking errors which is a distinct possibility seeing as how I have less than a year of activism under my belt and perhaps a little more than double that in studying and learning what I would call National Socialist doctrine or theory. I must first correct a misunderstanding in your interpretation of my last comment- I was not implying that the last two administrations were non- acceleration years, and I am fully aware of the political impact of the current presidency.
I know that much of my understanding of NS political theory in general (including the topic at hand), comes from my mentors in the movement, many of whom are also my commanding officers and comrades in the NSM. l first learned of the idea of accelerationism from SS Cap. Eddie McBride who refers to his decision to vote for Biden because he is "a dumpster fire" as an act of acceleration. Commander Colucci further fostered this idea in me with his famous saying for the sleepy cuckservatives who are like the Russians you described and will take seemingly any oppression without objection: "Give 'em more they seem to like it." This made sense to me for one reason- I can already observe the effect of waking people up to the race question that living in an oppressive and occupied state like Florida or New York has on people, when the conditions are just bad enough and there is a known pro- White alternative, I believe that accelerationism can work.
This is the main flaw that I can see in your argument, please correct me if I am wrong on my facts: the Russians had no alternative to the oppressive jewish regime, they were used to having little freedom and no say in political matters, most never dreamed of making a political difference in Russia, they were uneducated and poor for the most part, distracted with trying to survive as were most Whites in post WW1 Europe. Also, they didn't have the benefit of having an easily accessible and well known alternative to blind acceptance, in short, standing up for themselves was no longer their instinct. You are totally right that this kind of population is easily enslaved and that an accelerationist approach will not work in this scenario. The current political environment is much more conducive to a favorable outcome from our point of view for a number of reasons. First, the American public of the 21st century is much more opinionated and confident in their ability to affect the political climate. This creates a much greater probability of their coming over to our side. Second, We have a viable and well- known path/method of resistance. Even if an American hasn't heard of the NSM or doesn't know of a pro-White group to get ahold of, they are aware of the existence of
such groups because of the news and social media, and with a little digging, can fairly easily get involved. I know this from personal experience. The third and last difference is this: people in America
today are more than ever politically opinionated and DIVIDED. Whereas the citizens of the Soviet Union were likely more susceptible to group behavior and following the herd due to their shared generational hardship.
In short, acceleration must be achieved from multiple angles. I am not advocating for blind support of every degenerate jewish policy or willy- nilly votes for every Democrat, my understanding of accelerationism is a calculated pressure on the already angry and divided American public, simultaneously paired with an obvious and well known alternative like National Socialism. That's why I fight so hard to raise awareness about the NSM, so that the increasingly infuriated and oppressed White man in America will have his front waiting for him when he finally reaches his breaking point. This is a totally different creature than the Soviet peasant or tradesman who wished only to scrape something out of life to keep his bloodline alive and was thus willing to take the path of least resistance, our average American White man is confident at the very least in his right to express his opinion and be heard, and to a certain degree, his right and ability to try and take action to change that if he wishes. Accelerationism is about DIVISION. Rockwell spoke of the power of 'agitating' and getting people talking about politics and eventually race. The NSM continues that legacy with it's street action, and spreads suppressed information and awareness via the flyer distributions and live shows. This is the true form of acceleration: a two sided approach. The more divided the country becomes, the easier it will be to draw lines and balkanize when the time comes.
Now it is true that my view and explanation of accelerationism is quite likely simple and probably is that way because much more of my time is spent figuring out how to apply political pressure to the system rather than pondering the intricacies of doctrine, but the street is my front so that is how it should be.
That is my best approximation of how I understand acceleration to work. 88.


In reply to by Covenant Soldier (not verified)

> I appreciate your response.

What we are doing here is far more than just you and I. Thousands of people visit this site and view these comments, these public discussions are paramount to reaching more and more people with our way of thinking. The Jews hold a monopoly on thought in this country – but here there be dragons, Jews have no power here! Suppressed truths are seen here for the very first time and hopefully, these ideas will take root. ?

> Perhaps I am the one who has some thinking errors which is a distinct possibility seeing as how I have less than a year of activism under my belt

All I ask is that together we winnow the truth. It's not about winning an argument – it's about discovering what is true. And by my estimation, this whole accelerationist movement is 100% Jewish and one of the most clever and insidious tricks the Jews have ever pulled on the Goyim. Certainly, it has given the Jews and their supplicants a 3% advantage in elections, a gain that they otherwise would not have achieved. Every tiny bit matters in elections won by a single percentage point. The less cheating they need to do, the less risk they personally must take.

> I am fully aware of the political impact of the current presidency.

Those who voted for, or those who didn't vote (thus their empty ballot was filled out Democrat FOR them) contributed to the hell we are in now.

> l first learned of the idea of accelerationism from SS Cap. Eddie McBride

I invite Captain Eddie Mcbride to join us here in the debate, as the only way to winnow the truth is to compile the greatest amount of informational sources. He may bring up points you or I have missed. Never forget that huge changes in human understanding normally come from just one lonely voice. And almost always that voice is immediately silenced, because what they say is usually forbidden by those in power to be spoken. And this isn't exclusive to politics. Take geocentrism for example. All the most learned people did agree that the earth was flat, with heaven above and hell below. The sun travels through the underworld at night, this belief goes all the way back to the Egyptians, taken from their book of the dead. Then along came Galileo, who with his telescope did find that the SUN and not the earth was at the center of our solar system. Galileo was of course imprisoned for his beliefs, which we now know to be true. This is no different from the American Jews wishing they could jail us for what we say, the same as they are currently jailing Whites in Europe for saying the exact same things we say. We can all be thankful that we still have a Bill of Rights! ?

> Commander Colucci further fostered this idea … "Give 'em more they seem to like it."

I recently sent an email where I was discussing this very topic with our own Lieutenant Colonel Harry Hughes. In it I said, "I push hard to force people to examine their positions. Jews offer easy, while I offer hard. Accelerationism is the easy path that "just so happens to benefit the Jews" which is totally coincidental, right? ? There are NO coincidences when it comes to the Jews. The laws of entropy guarantee that the correct path will ALWAYS be hard (just as the Jewish path, will always be easy)." To elaborate further, the Jews understand human nature and know what people will always choose – whatever is enticing and easy.

But my understanding of the laws of thermodynamics, the laws of entropy paint a different picture, where nothing in life is easy or without resistance. I think the Commander's quote is mostly said out of sarcastic frustration, not as a mandate to action. I happen to know he didn't vote for Biden. But with the elections being rigged in all these Jew-run crooked states; such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin, provided I didn't forget any, the Jews were able to completely circumvent the predicted massive red wave and turn it instead into a tiny red blip. The Jews thus cheated the American people, but saved their own positions of power, somewhat. And how do Republicans who witnessed this first hand react? Kari Lake has (like Trump in 2020) filed a lawsuit. That's it. That's the meaningless and futile reaction.

Meanwhile, Arizona has (or shortly will) certify a fraudulent election as valid. And that's it. The Jews have once again defeated the will of the American people. And because there is a slight Republican majority in the House – this tells us that if the vote were actually fair in the aforementioned states, it would have been an absolute mandate; a huge Republican majority by at least 2/3 if not more. But the Jews successfully prevented that. Again! You can't tell me that half the voters suffering under crushing inflation and a bad economy, went out and voted for more of the same. Bullshit! America was cheated!

> This made sense to me for one reason- I can already observe the effect of waking people up to the race question that living in an oppressive and occupied state like Florida or New York has on people, when the conditions are just bad enough and there is a known pro- White alternative, I believe that accelerationism can work.

Acceleration doesn't work, as people don't fight, they flee. The good people who could have stayed and fought, who could have saved New York, instead have left, leaving behind only the sick, the depraved and the degenerate. I have seen all this happen once before, it last happened in New York in the late 1970's.

> This is the main flaw that I can see in your argument, please correct me if I am wrong on my facts: the Russians had no alternative to the oppressive jewish regime,

The Russians were given no other choices. They could continue to live under the oppressive rule of the Czars, or they could beLIEve the Jews and thus fight for Communism. The Jews can be very convincing and since the Jews had the only voice heard by the people, that's the path they chose. Sound familiar regarding Jewish voices? So during the Russian Revolution of 1917, far-leftist revolutionary Marxists toppled the abusive monarchy, ending the Romanov dynasty and ushering in a Jewish bolshevik dystopia, which would end up not benefiting, but rather killing, millions. But life for the bolshevik Jews was spectacular, which for them is all that matters. And that's the trouble with Jews, they only care about themselves, which is why they should never be allowed anywhere near positions of power.

> You are totally right that this kind of population is easily enslaved

Whites are easily deceived, but they are NOT easily enslaved. Historically, Niggers have made the best slaves, as you don't even need to fence them in. Niggers stay put because you feed them. Whites on the other hand, simply escape from their servitude (eventually) whenever the opportunity arises.

> and that an accelerationist approach will not work in this scenario.

It can't work with White people, but it would work with Niggers, as when you put pressure on Niggers – they loot and burn whole cities.

> Even if an American hasn't heard of the NSM or doesn't know of a pro-White group to get ahold of, they are aware of the existence of such groups because of the news and social media,

However the Jews have already made the NSM toxic to most Whites, who see it as evil, based upon Jewish ideas. Jews as I've pointed out, sell only the easy, never the hard. The easy answers are: good versus evil, light versus darkness, there are no shades of grey when it comes to the Jews.

The hardest thing the NSM will need to achieve is to overcome the toxic memes associated with National Socialism and especially the Hakenkreuz (our symbol). The Jews do have a solid upper hand, here.

> The third and last difference is this: people in America today are more than ever politically opinionated and DIVIDED. Whereas the citizens of the Soviet Union were likely more susceptible to group behavior and following the herd due to their shared generational hardship.

Again, the Jews are behind this good versus evil, light versus darkness aspect of politics. The left sees us as evil just as we see them for what they really are (evil incarnate). But evil feels good man! And because the Jews have fed them and they grow fat on hedonism, there is no saving them now. Much of the White race is already lost (maybe 1/3).

> my understanding of accelerationism is a calculated pressure on the already angry and divided American public, simultaneously paired with an obvious and well known alternative like National Socialism.

Now here we go. ? It's winnowing time! There is by my reasoning, merit to this argument, but how can it be implemented? Some ideas that come to mind is to simply "become like a Jew" and employ Jewish tactics of deception and coercion on our own people. Trump has been doing this since the beginning of his administration, it was the foundation of his battle against the Jew. I am a high ranking member in our Republican central committee and I was elated when one of the committee members stood up (early in the Trump administration) and asked, "Why are the Jews such assholes?" This was in regard to the fact that according to appearances, Trump was the most pro-Jewish and most Zionist president in history. He appeared to provide more benefit for Israel than any president before him. And yet the Jews in America HATE him, smear him in their media, with nothing good to say, sue him, seek criminal charges to be filed against him and so on. The reason was simple, but remained unseen.

Just like the three stooges, every time Trump would help the Jews, he did more harm to them than good. But his act of helping made the brainwashed Zionist Goyim feel good and THINK he was pro-Jew. "Through deception thou shalt do war." This is the Jewish motto. Nothing pisses the Jews off more than when you use their tactics against them. ? Sun Tzu says in The Art of War, "If your enemies are in accord, put division between them." Essentially, divide and conquer. Prior to the Trump administration, the Jews existed as a powerful, globally monolithic hive mind. Today they are fractured in two, with the global majority divided between Israel (who loves Trump) and America (who hates Trump) thus dividing their global hegemony in half. JEWISH WORLD DOMINANCE AND POWER IS HALF WHAT IT WAS BEFORE TRUMP. Never before in world history has the power of the Jews been divided in half like this. American Jews now see Israel as racist – and even started backing Palestine in their conflict! Thus, in my opinion, this is Trump's greatest achievement (albeit nobody even noticed or talks much about it).

> That's why I fight so hard to raise awareness about the NSM, so that the increasingly infuriated and oppressed White man in America will have his front waiting for him when he finally reaches his breaking point.

I think the best way to do this is with the flyers, the NSM is placed on the flyers so they know who to contact to join. But we will NEVER be successful unless we regain control over the media and thus the hearts and minds of the White majority. Allowing the Jews to control what Americans see and think has been the most ruinous mistake we've ever made.

> Accelerationism is about DIVISION.

If you can do it in a way that never benefits the Jews, then I'm in! But currently, the methods of accelerationism only seem to bring more taxpayer money into the pockets of the ADL and more kitchen table discussions about how the Jews are the most oppressed people on earth. Never forget that with the Orlando protest that brought felony hate crime charges against three NSM members, the event is today remembered as "evil Nazis dragging innocent Jews out of their cars, beating, spitting on and pepper spraying them, all because of their religion." That's the Jewish narrative that stuck in the minds of MOST White people. If you ask them what happened, that's what they will tell you. Only a tiny percentage have ever seen the truth on this website, our unstoppable website, the website the Jews can not silence. ? Okay, so I do try to remain humble, but it's getting kinda hard. ?

> Rockwell spoke of the power of 'agitating' and getting people talking about politics and eventually race.

Agitation is different from acceleration. Also, Rockwell did many things that neither Commander Burt nor I would do – such as that time in Chicago, with 12,000 Niggers in attendance, Rockwell told the crowd of Niggers that their best chance for "Black uplift" was an alliance with Nazis. Niggers are and always have been the tools of Jews. Niggers are poorly controlled bioweapons at best. They are both violent AND unpredictable. They harm both friend and foe alike. Even as Trump tried to steal the Niggers from the Jews, it is by my estimation, best to just forget that they even exist, until the time comes to transport them away to Liberia, where a Nigger can be a Nigger without da po-leace ruining their amoral and unethical fun. Most Niggers are felons and thus can't vote anyway, so I don't know why anyone cares about winning the Nigger vote.

> The NSM continues that legacy with it's street action, and spreads suppressed information and awareness via the flyer distributions and live shows. This is the true form of acceleration: a two sided approach. The more divided the country becomes, the easier it will be to draw lines and balkanize when the time comes.

The more divided the country becomes, the happier the Jew. Jews foment discord, who do you think is behind this polarization? The Jews want Communists fighting Nazis, so that they can move about freely and sow their evil without anyone taking notice (as too much confusion is going on). Part of why the Jews love multiculturalism is because they know it will breed discord and foment disdain – but not for the Jews who deserve it, but rather the low-IQ immigrants simply lookin' fo da gibs. While we are busy fighting the muds in our own neighborhood, the Jews steal more and more power and money for themselves.

> Now it is true that my view and explanation of accelerationism is quite likely simple and probably is that way because much more of my time is spent figuring out how to apply political pressure to the system rather than pondering the intricacies of doctrine, but the street is my front so that is how it should be.

The right path is never simple and never easy. That's how to determine when you are on the right path. We know this through the laws of entropy, the laws of thermodynamics. If something seems too easy, you are being set up, every time. Never forget that Jews are lousy poker players. They are just about as emotive as their Nigger pets. So when they started attacking Trump, that hatred was real and uncontainable. They simply HAD to lash out! Know this trait about the Jew and exploit it, whenever possible.

> That is my best approximation of how I understand acceleration to work. 88.

Maybe we should shift more to agitation rather an acceleration, what do you think? Agitation also helps the Jews but nowhere near as much as accelerationism.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

So if accelerationism, fighting commies and agitating aren't acceptable in your eyes, what do you propose we do? You are starting to sound like a Nihilist or something? If I'm so misguided then tell me- how do you propose we fight? Or do you propose we fight at all?
Apparently picking apart my line of thought is easy enough for you to carry out but what do you propose we do to fight the jews? It's almost like no matter what I do out here you seem to think it helps kikes so lay it on me Mr. internet man. How does a lowly boots on the pavement STREET ACTIVIST like me fight to save his race in your opinion? Or should I rush to the polls and vote Republican lol give me a break.


In reply to by Covenant Soldier (not verified)

> So if accelerationism, fighting commies and agitating aren't acceptable in your eyes, what do you propose we do?

I said, "Maybe we should shift more to agitation rather an acceleration, what do you think?" That was my question to you. Agitation mostly harms, not helps the Jews. The only slight advantage the Jews can gain from agitation, is through spin. An example of spin is when the Jews reported Commander Burt dragging Jews out of cars and beating them. Spin only works if the Goyim trust the Jewish media completely and don't do their own research. The video on the website clearly shows that isn't what happened. And the Jews (initially) tried everything under the sun, to make that video disappear. It didn't disappear. I wouldn't let it.

Even today, the Jewish media and law enforcement both insist that the video does not actually exist. So when the Goyim see that video, they realize the Jewish media lies to them. This is a huge win for us. However the concept of just giving the Jews what they need most from us – through accelerationism – only helps the Jews and makes Whites even more miserable and discouraged as a result. To my point, accelerationism in 2022 gave Democrats perhaps a 3% greater advantage in the polls, a legitimate gain that they didn't need to rig. This is especially valuable to the Jews, when accelerationism happens in red states, where they have voter ID laws and where election rigging is nearly impossible. Now thanks to that accelerationist advantage, they might use their new found control over the Senate, to take our 2nd amendment rights away! Once Whites are disarmed, the Jews can then use their gay, mulatto, Negro, mestizo, tranny army to finish us off. Don't think this can't happen, as it might. All the Jews need are several RINO republicans voting with them in the Senate and we're done. How many new RINOs were just installed in the Senate by the Jews and their election-rigging machine, I wonder?

> You are starting to sound like a Nihilist or something?

I will admit my most favorite philosopher is Friedrich Nietzsche, who was nihilistic, but not a nihilist. He was also Hitler's favorite philosopher as well – so adored that Hitler gifted Mussolini the complete works of Nietzsche for his birthday. The Nietzschean ideals of anti-egalitarianism, the Übermensch and the Will to Power – this is actually what inspired the birth of the Third Reich, which is why Hitler anointed Nietzsche as the prophet of Nazi ideology. But to your question, no I am not a nihilist, perhaps I am more of an existentialist? I'm actually not sure. I'm not introspective enough to actually know.

> If I'm so misguided

I didn't say that. I suggested we toss all our ideas out there and from them we winnow the truth. This is how one finds the truth. Jews promote wrote teaching of THEIR "facts," while I promote actual winnowing of truths. Anyone who believes anything they are told without doing their own research, deserves the misery such behavior brings. Aristotle, as well as ancient commentators such as Alexander and Simplicius – as well as medieval thinkers like Albert and Zabarella all found Aristotle's discussions of strong dialectic as a method of winnowing true from false endoxic propositions, as the best method to establish truth independently. I am also a follower of the endoxic method – it's what we are doing right here, right now. As defined by the Greek philosopher Aristotle, this is a three-step procedure: first set the phenomena before us; second, discuss the difficulties; third, resolve those difficulties so as to prove the truth of the most and/or most authoritative endoxa (belief or opinion). ?

> then tell me- how do you propose we fight? Or do you propose we fight at all?

Just as I said, "I think the best way to do this is with the flyers, the NSM is placed on the flyers so they know who to contact to join. But we will NEVER be successful unless we regain control over the media and thus the hearts and minds of the White majority. Allowing the Jews to control what Americans see and think has been the most ruinous mistake we've ever made." This remains true, so long as Jews control the higher distribution of ideas. So long as the Jews control the greater narrative, we can never win. Therefore we should focus on one of two planks for this movement: supplant the Jews completely, or stand equal with the Jews (at least when it comes to the distributing of news and information).

This website is clearly a step in that direction. Anyone on earth can see what we report, uncensored by the Jews. But we are not exactly found on the cable lineup in the average American home, are we. Achieving what we have with this website required extraordinary investment and effort. And believe me, the Jews are progressing forward – seeking new levels of control, in order to stop this! Thus what we are doing is not permanent, what we need is our own ASN, but even that is not a panacea, since Obama gave control over the Internet to world Jewry years ago. Our own ASN will give us legal protections here in America where it matters. We will also need to create our own domain registrar. But for now, what we are doing will work – and should continue to work, for at least a few more years to come.

> Apparently picking apart my line of thought is easy enough for you to carry out but what do you propose we do to fight the jews?

The overarching gist would be to END accelerationism as it is currently defined, followed by asserting ourselves higher in the information chain, right along side (or better yet, supplanting) the Jewish media. The Jews have a leg up on us there, as they control nearly if not all of the news and information seen by most Americans. It will not be cheap and it will not be easy – but also, it is not impossible, nor is it unheard of. Punching the gas feels great, which is how you know it's the wrong thing to do. Our path is necessarily arduous, pain is how you know you're on the right path.

> It's almost like no matter what I do out here you seem to think it helps kikes so lay it on me Mr. internet man.

Mr. Internet Man? ? It appears you either didn't read what I wrote completely, or you didn't fully understand what I wrote. You also maybe misinterpret my "beating up your ideas" with "beating YOU up" which is not the case. I'm simply trying to winnow the truth – which is best done in the public forum. Like the ancient Greek philosophers who hashed out truths the same way, so should we. Anyone can join in, I invite everyone who has anything to contribute to join the discussion, just click "reply" below. Now granted, I may be wrong here, it is impossible to know for certain – but based upon my arguments, I am convinced that accelerationism is NOT the best method for our movement.

> How does a lowly boots on the pavement STREET ACTIVIST like me fight to save his race in your opinion?

Exactly how you're doing it right now, through flyers and through AGITATION (rather than sensational and detrimental accelerationist tactics).

> Or should I rush to the polls and vote Republican lol give me a break.

You should. Voting Republican merely slows our descent into hell, while voting Democrat hurries it along. Not voting at all is a Democratic vote, since any uncast votes at the end of the day, are pushed into the fraud pile and cast supporting Democrats. Punching the gas may seem romantic and "in your face" but it actually does more harm than good. The White race is designed by evolution to BE miserable and to tolerate that misery with a raised chin and a stiff upper lip. You speak of boiling the frog, well from what I've seen after turning up the heat (the Jews and the Democrats accelerating things themselves, with election after election of in-your-face, turd-world-tier voter fraud) seems to have changed nothing. Accelerationism SEEMS TO WORK FOR THE JEW! Kari Lake and before her Donald Trump – they have both filed a lawsuit. That's it. In a Jewish court, this becomes a meaningless and futile act.

Watch as like with Trump, Lake's lawsuit is simply thrown out with the generic reason of "lack of standing." Jews do what Jews want in their own courts. Trump did hurt the Jewish court badly, by replacing a record number of Jew judges – he eradicated hundreds, but he did not get them all, he simply didn't have enough time. And not every state is completely Jew run. The states which are and which employ voter fraud techniques to our detriment, are making a huge difference in advancing Jewish ascension. The states we must focus on are the states which would be red, if it weren't for rampant voter fraud; states like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin, hoping I didn't leave any out. Solid blue states like New York, California and shockingly Colorado are just lost, since they really are majority leftists. We can never fix those states, but we don't have to. All we have to fix are the aforementioned states and we can belay the Jewish ascension and final White genocide, until we can achieve our goals and put a stop to it once and for all. ?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I did misconstrue that comment Webmaster, apologies. I appreciate your work here on the website. I am always bragging about this website to people in the movement. I will continue my war of agitation out here and try to do my part. Hail Commander Colucci and Hail Victory. 88!


In reply to by Covenant Soldier (not verified)

> I did misconstrue that comment Webmaster, apologies.

That's okay, I'm glad we were able to apply Aristotle's endoxa to hopefully reach an agreement on which path we should take moving forward. If I am correct regarding accelerationism – and I'm not saying that I am, as more arguments should be heard before we reach a conclusion; but if I am correct, we may have just removed one of the Jews' most stealthy and most impactful tools in use against "or guys" – we removed one of their most stealthy weapons, one which WE use against OUR OWN self interests!

Everyone in the pro-White, White Nationalist and National Socialist movements should read and if they are so inclined, respond to these arguments. We should hear from A LOT MORE voices, with the final results of these discussions, widely disseminated. Let's put an end to all forms of Jewish deception.

> I appreciate your work here on the website.

As I appreciate what you (and all of those in the NSM) are doing with your IRL boots on the ground activism. ? You are really making a difference, especially those who have been singled out as martyrs (such as our Commander) by a vengeful Jewish legal system. The Jews' greatest strength is fear, intimidation and deception, as they seek to trick all Goyim into plea deals, which are just lesser confessions of guilt, for crimes they did not actually commit. Never forget what happened to lieutenant general Michael Flynn, who was tricked into accepting a plea deal of making false statements, in order to protect his family. Today we know without any doubt that he is innocent, eventually a divided federal appeals court ordered the dismissal of the criminal case, but guilt or innocence usually means nothing, once you sign a plea arrangement. Flynn's case clearly spotlights the politically motivated and pernicious role of coercive plea bargaining in our criminal justice system – a manifestly unconstitutional practice.

As I have argued many times, Flynn from the beginning, always asserted his innocence. Flynn's attorneys pressed the prosecutors from the Special Counsel's Office to turn over the 302s which SCO prosecutors continued to withhold, as they increased the pressure on Flynn to plead guilty in exchange for a recommendation of no jail time. Why withhold the 302s? Because the two FBI agents who conducted the interview with Flynn on which the subsequent false‐statements charge was predicated, reported to their superiors that they did not think Flynn had been deceitful during the interview and that any inaccurate responses to their questions were the result of a memory lapse, not a deliberate attempt to deceive. Learn from Hillary Clinton in these attempts at perjury entrapment. Never lie and always say "I do not recall" a lot!

The release of the 302s to Flynn and his defense, would not only have strengthened his resolve to continue fighting the charges against him, it would likely have made it all but impossible to convict him of those charges, since intent to deceive is the most important element of the false‐statements crime and must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury. So to secure the plea, the SCO leaked to Jewish reporters, that a guilty plea from Flynn would ensure that Flynn's son, who was also under investigation as Flynn senior's business partner, would not be prosecuted. This is the sort of despicable tactic one associates with tyrants and turd-world dictators; but it appears to also be a routine feature of American prosecutions as well. This is a shameful practice and hopefully, regarding the Commander, will wind up becoming a costly mistake for the prosecution in Orange county. This is something we shall eventually see.

The plea intimidation tactic is perhaps the most stealthy Jewish trick used against a scared Goyim, to maneuver them into placing their fate into the hands of a Jewish judge alone, rather than a jury of our peers. Unfortunately in most cases, the Jews are successful with this deception. Our legal system still allows a jury of our peers (as well as Jew judges alone) to impose sentence. This is still OUR CHOICE. If you are actually guilty and are favored by the Jews, because for example, you are not White and your victim was White, a bench trial is your best option. If however you are innocent, a jury trial is likely best. This is because jurors have more compassion and reason, than biased Jew judges. Not all jurors have swallowed to toxin of "Nazi bad!" permeating the media. That said, some jurors _can_ be unpredictable and will behave too emotional, locked into their Jewish brainwashing and may convict a demonstrably innocent man, for purely emotive reasons, "because he is a Nazi."

Never forget that Jew judges are profoundly biased and are significantly more inclined to let their Jewish supremacism affect the outcome of a case brought against a Nazi. This is just common sense. It is their tribal responsibility to put all Nazis behind bars, regardless of the law or the facts in the case. Jew judges have a full understanding of the law, including every subtle nuance. Unlike most jurors, Jew judges fully understand all technical terms that are used in the courtroom and can make use of this knowledge to confuse and to deceive. Also at trial, the Jew judge ultimately decides what evidence will be admitted and seen by the jury. The jury for example, never sees prejudicial evidence, as it is excluded by the judge. This is the likely tactic that will be used in Orange county (to strike the exculpatory evidence, seen on this website). You can probably imagine how detrimental this would be to the Commander's defense. The Jew judge will simply rule the video evidence has a tendency to unduly influence the matter in an improper way. It is not uncommon for a Jewish court to exclude relevant evidence by claiming its probative value is substantially outweighed by its likely prejudicial effect. In time, we shall see if this rings true.

> I am always bragging about this website to people in the movement.

It is my greatest desire that this website becomes a cornerstone, a starting point from which all will come, to attain the truth – any truth, free from all forms of Jewish influence. We do have something special here, something to be proud of. It is the ever evolving product of Aryan minds, of übermenschen, der Herrenrasse (of the master race) – we are demonstrably the pinnacle of human racial hierarchy. Andrew Anglin self-proclaims that The Daily Stormer is the most censored website in history – and some might argue that is true, because every time you turn around, Daily Stormer is down, again. And this is true even after Anglin stopped using the word Nigger (per the request of their hosting provider, the same provider that booted us, because we wouldn't stop using it). But unlike Anglin, our site over the past many months, hasn't gone down and doesn't go down, due mostly to herculean efforts to keep it online. Some of the "most offensive" truths in print, are seen only on this website, such as "Black behavior" found in the main menu. This represents my magnum opus, it details everything I know about the behavior of the Nigger beast.

We have more levels of protection on than on any website that I know of, certainly more than any website that I manage – exactly double that of the most protected websites in the world. This may sound excessive, but it was a promise I made to our enemies. I said if you attack us and win, we will simply double our defenses. We went from one node to two nodes, then to 4 exit nodes on our custom crafted CDN, which Antifa and the Jews have mostly ceased trying to take down. As they can't. We also went from 2 to 12 nameservers, scattered all around the world, too many and located too far away to effectively brute force attack. We seem to have reached a point of quiescence, the Jew can no longer do us any harm. And yes, I realize the Jew and their supplicants are reading these words. Jews have no power here.

> I will continue my war of agitation out here and try to do my part. Hail Commander Colucci and Hail Victory. 88!

And if you agree that accelerationism does more harm than good, that agitation is probably better, then share this idea with everyone you know. Share this comment. Right click on "permalink" above and paste the direct link wherever it might do some good. Point by point we must dismantle the Jewish web of deception that affects even "our guys" as well as all the normative Whites who fall victim under this Jewish spell.

Why the National “Socialist” Movement? You are the same person who boasted that capitalism always wins. And Hitler very clearly did not understand what socialism was.


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Because NSM members are starting to complain, without themselves responding to this comment – then I guess it's up to me to respond. I do encourage ALL NSM MEMBERS to participate here, as this is YOUR forum, more than it is those who come to sow discontent.

Marxist Communism is NOT the same as National Socialism, indeed they are polar opposites. The Marxists have purposefully coopted the term to confuse its meaning. Socialism is an ancient Aryan and Germanic tradition. Germany's ancestors for example, held and farmed unoccupied lands in common. The same happened in the USA in the west, with branded cattle sharing the same vast grazing lands. Marxism was attempting to beautify its image by simply disguising itself as socialism. National Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not forbid the private ownership of property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no forced removal of personal ownership, thus unlike Marxism, it is quite Patriotic. The owners of Third Reich Germany businesses were allowed unprecedented powers to control their workforce, as abusive and selfish collective bargaining was abolished and wages were frozen at a relatively low level. Business profits rose very rapidly as a result, as did corporate re-investment. The Nazis privatized all public properties and public services. Hitler believed that private ownership was useful, in that it encouraged creative competition and technical innovation, but insisted that it had to conform to national interests and had to be productive, rather than parasitic like Jew-run industries.

Remember that Hitler was also dealing with a youth who (like today) were brainwashed by Jewish educators who endorse Bolshevism, a Marxist/Leninist political idea, associated with the formation of a rigidly centralized government ownership of everything. Bolsheviks order the complete confiscation (expropriation) of all private property from the rightful owners. Conversely, the economic policies of the Nazis were for the most part, a continuation of the policies of the German National People's Party, which was a nationalist conservative party. While other Western capitalist countries strove for increased state ownership of critical infrastructure during this period, the Nazis transferred public ownership into the private sector and handed over public services to private organizations, as long as they were affiliated with and loyal to the Nazi Party. It was an intentional policy with multiple objectives rather than purely ideologically driven – and was used as a tool to enhance support for the Nazi government and the NSDAP. According to historian Richard Overy, a British historian who published on the history of World War 2, the Nazi economy was basically a mixed bag, that combined free market capitalism, with some central planning. I hope this explanation has cleared things up a bit. ?


In reply to by Harry L Hughes (not verified)

I just want to add an addendum to Harry's post. I feel it important to add crystal clarity to his sentence, "Our Socialism is national." Yes, our Socialism is not derived from Marxism. We are not Bolsheviks. We care ONLY about our Nation. Our nation is OUR people. Our people are White, the people who originate from Europe. We care only about the health and well being of White people of European descent. We do not share this want, with anyone else.

Marxism and Bolshevism does not care about race, they only care about the party. They only care about the party, because from the party, the Jews derive their power. Notorious communist Jew rat and mass murderer, Leon Trotsky (real name: Lev Davidovich Bronstein) invented the idea of "racism" in the 1920's as a part of his scheme to increase Jewish power. Jews seek to destroy racial unity, so that they might rule (as a minority) over the majority. No group in America today opposes this idea more than the National Socialist Movement (The NSM). If you oppose Jewish power and fear that America is slowly (or maybe not so slowly) descending into Communism, then join us. Click "Join the NSM" at the very top of this page to begin your greatest adventure and calling, the greatest achievement of your lifetime.

You guys are pussies. You former “leader” Jeff Schoep pissed his pants when he finally was facing charges. You will do the same!! Hahaha!!


In reply to by Chris Smith (not verified)

Our Commander Burt Colucci is the bravest man I know – facing what could be decades behind bars, all for exercising his civil rights and for doing what is right. Whoever you are, you are not even half the man he is. It takes guts to be a Nazi. The states of Arizona and Florida have each made a plea deal that is super sweet – hoping he signs a confession of guilt (which is what a plea deal is) so they can then use that confession of guilt to file federal charges for violating the civil rights of a pack of feral Niggers – and a Jew. So this risky plan of "all or nothing" by going to court and possibly losing, isn't even a choice – it's being forced! And if he should lose even one of the two cases, that will bring the federal hammer down on him for even more prison time, decades more, in a federal prison for civil rights violations.

Contrast what Commander Burt Colucci is doing, with what Jeff Schoep is doing (selling out his own race as an "anti-racist" former Nazi). Remember, there is no saving our White race once we reach the 50% mark in this country, as the mud races will side with the Jews and majority vote Whitey straight into the cooking pot (as Harry Hughes would say). That is precisely what will happen. We saw this happen in Rhodesia. We saw this happen in South Africa. The Niggers didn't even bother voting in Haiti, they just slaughtered all the Whites. And you can bet your life, it will happen here too. Because you WILL be betting your life – if the NSM should lose.

Where is this all coming from? All of this? Why are you advocating for the rights that most white people already have? Especially white males. If you're trying to establish yourself as the dominant race on planet earth being oppressed, then why are you using the word Aryan, which is meant to describe linguistics in the Indo--Iranian Branch of Linguistics, as a word to describe white people.
This isn't a hate comment, but more a genuine question, to understand where you're coming from

The irony here is that right now, while the White race is still producing, but dwindling in number, will be the point in time when the Nigger race will look back and claim it was their high point. Because once the Nigger population becomes the voting majority, or even just CLOSE to the voting majority, that's the beginning of their own misery, through starvation, poor sanitation then followed by death. Why? Because they will vote to take the very last of everything Whites have away from us, the same as they did in Haiti. The same as they did in Rhodesia. The same as they did in South Africa. And closer to home, the same as they did in Detroit, Flint, Miami gardens, Camden, Oakland, this list is actually quite long. The Nigger you see, is its own worst enemy.

Anyone who thinks White people have rights under ZOG is a liar (or are not White themselves, thus taking advantage of the anti-White policies).

Where is the chat during livestream? I'd like to read and comment.


In reply to by Judy Stroyer (not verified)

The trolls must not be using your VPN provider. I debated whether or not to remove that useful information (useful to the trolls) from your post, but left it in (because I loathe censorship). Now the trolls know they can switch providers and begin trolling again.

Warning to the trolls: I now ban not by IP, but by provider. You will only be able to make ONE troll attempt per provider. I hope your credit card has a high limit, if you choose to go that route. It will get expensive.

The Star of David? Nowhere in the Bible or the Talmud is this referenced as the star of David. However, the Bible does reference this to be The Star Of Remphan belonging to Moloch (Satan).


In reply to by Woody (not verified)

Just out of curiosity, I searched to see if this was true, as the hexagram and pentagram are both known to have been used by, and as a symbol for evil.

The Jews claim: The Star of David originated in antiquity, where it was not only a Jewish symbol but also found in a variety of alchemical and other writings. It began to appear in Jewish writings and artifacts during the Middle Ages. During the 17th century, the Jewish community in Prague adopted the Star of David, and in 1897, the Zionist movement put it on their flag.

The claim of "alchemy" is a mild way of saying, what you said above is true. But to be fair, the Nazis also took their symbol from antiquity, then simply spun in 45 degrees, to make it uniquely theirs. But to be accurate here, even Jesus said (in John 8:44) that the Jews are not of Abraham, but of their father, the devil. Take that for what it's worth.

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Who was the leader of Germany during WWII? (just his last name)