The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )


The NSM was protesting and LIVESTREAMING from Missoula MT on Saturday, June 18, 2022. We've improved our livestreaming software to support streaming directly from any smartphone, at any resolution up to 4k video. This particular event was streamed in HD (high definition). Because of this livestreaming improvement, such events will now become far more common! You may watch a recording of this event at the bottom of the main page, found in the vodcast archives section. And enjoy the show! ? It's a quality pro-White demonstration that shows just how awful and degenerate the anti-Whites can be!


Even the most minor "edgy threat" can result in hate crime charges these days.…

"A felony warrant was issued for Dinsmoor for civil rights malicious harassment with a hate crimes enhancement."

Read that a few times. Absorb it. Understand it. It means if you're White and/or Christian, you do not have a 1st amendment right to speak against the state religion or its degenerate apostles. You will be proudly hunted down as a domestic terrorist by militarized law enforcement if you do.

America has now reached the inevitable endpoint of "Civil rights." Civil rights, as a concept, was invented to curtail the constitutional rights of Americans by destroying freedom of association and granting special rights to favored groups. Originally, those favored groups given special rights were jews (who invented the concept) and blacks, at the expense of the White majority. But since "progress" never ends, Civil rights now means anything that isn't White/traditionally American and encompasses every degeneracy known to man. In other words, Civil rights is a bludgeon against "White supremacy."

White supremacy is defined as Whites having the nerve to still believe they have a say in their country, as the federal government and NGOs are in the act of orchestrating a holocaust against Whites in America as a matter of policy in the form of the Great Replacement. This holocaust is framed as a moral necessity by those in power because Whites are uniquely evil monsters whose existence is oppression to "marginalized people." This disease has taken hold of every institution of the country to the point that the nutcases in power believe the country can run on virtue signaling and sodomy as they destroy the country from the inside out.

And so America is dead. Weimerica lives. Normal White people are now barely 3rd class tax cattle, stripped of their rights in their own country, as sodomites, trannys, pedophiles, hostile foreign parasites, blacks, and jews all receive priveleged class status, protected from even the slightest criticism by government and law enforcement hellbent on spreading the disease of "progress" at any cost.

I hope todays protest goes well without any hate crime charges.


In reply to by White Makes Right (not verified)

As the webmaster of this, the second most hated website online (Daily Stormer likely still holds the top spot) I'm very aware of what you can and can not say online. We manually approve all posts, because we get death threats daily – but no charges can possibly be filed against the perpetrators, because they are Antifa scum and thus, currently above the law. But because we are free speech and don't require you to show us any identification (such as an email address) for your Constitutional Right to post here, we screen all posts for legality – many of "our guys" will sometimes post similar veiled threats (what a leftist and highly politicized law enforcement would deem as an actionable offense) from time to time as well. We either don't approve those posts or redact the illegal bits.

This message goes out to every White who loves his own race: Warning! You're just giving in to ZOG when you do what Tyler Dinsmoor did (according to reports). Zog is so filled with hatred for those who are not sick, twisted and degenerate like themselves, they sent seven law enforcement agencies, including two federal agencies, multiple armored vehicles, a negotiating team and a police helicopter to arrest just one Christian man. But why so much force for just one man? What did he do? He posted words and ideas on the Internet, which upset the evil diseased Jewish minds which are now in control.

This made-for-TV arrest with an oh-so-over-the-top nature is crystal clear – they are sending a message TO PEOPLE LIKE US! The fact that he is being held on one million dollars bond for an edgy and veiled (albeit indirect) THOUGHT CRIME (wrong think) makes that message VERY CLEAR. We, as moral, sexually normative and biologically healthy White people, have ZERO WIGGLE ROOM when it comes to the law, as even veiled threats, like what this man gave, are now over the line and will subject you to a VERY high profile (Roger Stone type) arrest (and assumed abusive, torturous incarceration, like what the January 6 political prisoners are enduring, including daily beatings without medical treatment).

The degenerates in charge aren't fooling around. They are trying to END this world and to bring about an end to all civilization, ushering in Jew World, a world comprised only of Jews living in luxury, with some number of dark skinned races kept alive by the Jew as slaves. Slavery, along with child rape, is something that is permitted in the Jewish Talmud. If you think I'm kidding, go look for yourself. Jews wish to bring about the end of civilization, using third world immigration and the sub-human Negro ape beast as their biological weapons, before the good White people, still in the slight majority, can (through political action) stop them! Only the most evil of people would destroy the entire world, so just they alone will rule over its ashes.

Do you think there were very many good people in this massive assault upon a single thought criminal, good people who questioned their excessive use of force, or the excessive and unConstitutional bail amount? Or do you think the few good people in law enforcement just keep their mouths shut – so this won't happen to them, because they realize how evil and powerful those in charge really are? Reports show law enforcement in Island and Skagit counties, as well as Homeland Security, were aware of Dinsmoor’s online posts on Gab. Users of Gab however, usually just see such trash as fedposting and ignore it. I'll bet Dinsmoor was being groomed on Gab by another fedposter – who was an actual FED. I've had my share of fedposters cross my path on Gab – and every time they start in with the fedposting, I block them.

For the words of Christ, echoed from the Bible – and a few modern, albeit edgy ideas that Dinsmoor shared online, he was charged with committing a hate crime, a felony charge. We hear a lot about hate and hate crimes these days, but never when a Nigger sucker punches a White man, knocking him to the ground and then begins stomping on his head until he either dies, or is left permanently disabled. Niggers call this polar bear hunting – or the knock-out game.

These are NEVER considered as hate crimes. We've all seen the videos online, on Telegram or Gab, hundreds of them, always the same – a Nigger perpetrator sneaks up behind an unsuspecting White victim, sucker punching him in the back of the head and then stomping repeatedly on his face after he goes down. The Nigger then always goes through the victim's pockets, conveniently giving prosecutors the option to label the case as a "botched robbery" rather than what it truly is, a racially motivated interracial hate crime (by their own definition). Niggers it would seem, are incapable of hate – comprising the most violent, aggressive and hate filled race on earth, somehow these days, they are incapable of hate. But less than 100 years ago, they WERE seen for just what they are – the most violent, aggressive and hate filled race on earth. What changed? Everyone 100 years ago was openly racist against the Negro beast. Today, less than maybe a few percent are. Negro behavior on the other hand, remains unchanged – or perhaps, is now far worse. Is Jewish TV brainwashing really all that powerful, so as to turn the master race upon itself? I guess maybe so.

So do heed these words and the comment before it, White man. The Hellmouth is now open wide, Jewish demons are in charge of the world, literally anything that goes against their transqueer prohomo anti-White genocidal agenda will draw their ire. If you are White, then YOU ARE IN DANGER! So do take heed.

ADULT CONTENT WARNING! Anti-White fool exposes himself, caught on camera.

Antifa faggots are always saying "make them famous" about us. This was recorded in public, the camera was not hidden, so it is perfectly legal. Montana Code § 45-8-213 (2011) states you are not legally allowed to secretly record a conversation, unless all parties are in agreement – but in some situations, recordings can be made without consent as long as this is not done covertly. Jamie and the subject were both in public, no attempt was made to hide the camera and at the time the subject was also committing a crime, so consent is not required as Jamie clearly stated to the subject that he was on camera and the video was currently being livestreamed.


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

What a couple of morons! Especially the guy who exposed himself.
And there was a cop (at least one) car someplace in that parking lot area I think you were talking about that. Well if so cops were only interested in arresting 'nazis' and just waiting for ANY excuse to arrive with sirens and lights ablaze! When the car took off, there was a clear shot of their license plate and I am sure it could be enlarged if law enforcement is interested in getting at those two, but I suppose not. Great job showing up perverts for what they are!!

Glad to see the comrades out protesting we need more men and women like them to engage in heroic activism not enough white people will stand up these days.. The old NSM flags look great and more American as well. Sieg Heil!

Much appreciated brother. I too dream of seeing NSM demonstrations, flier drops etc. become commonplace on the front lines of our struggle for survival. I believe that if people knew just how easy it is to set up NSM activism in their state, they would be doing it left and right all over the country. Command staff and the McBrides are very easy to talk to and very helpful, the security measures are top notch, no expectations of any activist to do something out of their comfort zone. There is no excuse White warriors! If I can do it then so can you, get off the couch and make it happen!


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Watching this video makes want be sick, cry, and scream with anger all at the same time! Its a world of difference when its black on white crime. You never hair them call that "Rascality Motivated"


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

That is very impressive! And I see Norse was in the interview also,
very well done! The Russian media people looked to be very
professional and very interested. Not like the ZOG media here which
hates anything and anyone in the NSM immediately. I would really like all three of you to be on a show soon and let us know all the details! I noticed they were making an attempt to rehash the "holocaust" crap (it is illegal to voice non-belief in the "holocaust" in Russia, I believe?) Well, hopefully you will do a show soon before it becomes weeks later. It should be a very interesting event. Please have it! Regards, Wes Hay

These, the most evil and hated of the Jews, the ones who support the damage that the Jews are doing to the West – with their demographic replacement and environmental (including biological and medical) warfare, are tacitly admitting that the tipping point has finally been met. THE GOYIM KNOW! These Jews are a tiny 2% minority that with their hive mind, control almost every facet of our government and finance, BUT they are losing the overwhelming mind control they once had, the control they had over the minds of the typical Goyim.

This message is intended to those Jew supplicants working for the FBI who are obviously monitoring this website. You need to understand, we are not the bad guys. We are not promoting degeneracy – the Jews are. We are not promoting transgender as a ridiculous lifestyle choice, to supposedly improve one's social status. We are not normalizing pedophilia and child rape. That disgusting behavior is purely Jewish. Jeffrey Epstein was Jewish. We are also not manipulating election results – in order to favor our chosen (meaning bought or complicit) candidates. Our hatred of the Jew and their violent pets (these feral sub-human Negro apes) is clearly not without merit. Clearly! You would need to be insane to think otherwise. Look, as a LEO, you are exposed to these violent apes daily, you know exactly what they are. Surely you see what we see for yourselves, clearly you are not stupid – otherwise, as a White person, you never would have been hired into such a select investigative body to begin with. And hopefully, you have not been corrupted and made evil, filled with evil intent – and can see this situation from our perspective (hopefully from YOUR innermost perspective as well). Not everyone under government employ could possibly be inherently evil. Not everyone could be a sociopath or a psychopath.

The NSM is exactly what you see, a non-violent (but responsive) political organization which exists to preserve (not replace) the White race and to preserve (not communize) our beloved Constitutional Republic. Do you really want your children living in a country these communist Jews are trying to create? A degenerate mixed racial cesspool full of violence, a violence which always comes when many competing races are forced to live together in a shared living space? Don't you want your children to be safe, happy and your family lineage to remain White and beautiful? That's all we are asking for, a return to normalcy, a return to sanity – and a return to conservative American values which promote life, liberty and happiness. Please tell me by clicking "reply" below, how I am wrong by wanting any of these things?

No matter what delusion and lies the Jews tell you about history or about Nazis, we are not evil and we are not terrorists. Surely you can see that. Our Commander would not have a concealed carry permit, otherwise. You need to realize that unlike the Jew who seeks global population reduction through unnecessary death, we do not in any way seek to physically harm the Jew, as they are a worthless parasitic minority – hiding in plain sight. We wish only to destroy them politically and to excise them from their monopolistic control over our media, our money and the levers of political power. Once they are fully exposed and the Goyim have become fully aware, they will hide in the shadows like the cockroaches that they are.

The NSM is a non-violent White civil rights organization which seeks a return of the America we all want – all of us, even you (unless you are diseased with Jewish ideas). If you are just as disgusted as we are of the transformation America is going through, at the hands of the Jews – then simply report what you know. Become a whistleblower! Contact any minority member of the House Judiciary Committee and arrange to privately tell them what you know. You didn't join the FBI to assist the enemies of humanity to destroy civilization, did you? Then do the right thing and become a whistleblower. Don't let your country and your White race down.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

"Tell our larger audience what the word, I think it's a yiddish term goyim means? Goyim means non-Jews." LIAR! Only a Jew would boldly lie about something that anyone can easily research on their own. Goyim is a slur, similar to Nigger. Read below a copy/paste from the Torah and decide for yourselves.

O Elohim, the goyim come into your inheritance - foul your holy manse - set Yeru Shalem on heaps; give carcases of your servants for food to the flyers of the heavens; - the flesh of your mercied to the live beings of the earth; they pour their blood as water all around Yeru Shalem; and no one entombs. We are a reproach to our fellow tabernaclers; a derision and ridicule to all around us. Until when, O Yah Veh? Anger you in perpetuity? Burns your jealousy as fire? Pour out your fury on the goyim who know you not; and on the sovereigndoms who call not on your name: for they devour Yaaqov and desolate his habitation of rest. O remember not our first perversities against us; may your tender mercies hastily anticipate us; for we languish mightily: help us, O Elohim of our salvation for the word of the honor of your name; and rescue us and kapar/atone our sins for sake of your name. Why say the goyim, Where is their Elohim? may it be known among the goyim in our sight by the vengeance of the blood of your servants which is poured. May the shrieking of the bound be at your face; according to the greatness of your arm may the sons of death remain; and return sevenfold to the bosom of our fellow tabernaclers - for the reproach wherewith they reproach you, O Adonay. and we your people and flock of your pasture - we spread hands to you eternally; we scribe your halal generation to generation.
“As a Jew married to a Jew by choice, I definitely see goy as a slur — seldom used as a compliment, and never used in the presence of a non-Jew,” wrote Nahma Nadich, the deputy director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston. “That’s a good litmus test: if you wouldn’t use a word in the presence of someone you’re describing, good chance it’s offensive.”

Genocide Advocated in the Talmud

Soferim 15, Rule 10: Tob shebe goyim harog ("Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed").

Sick Teachings in the Talmud

Sanhedrin 55b. "A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years and a day old)."

Sanhedrin 54b. "A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old."

Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

The kikes have their Babylonian Talmud as their Bible.
The jews love it as they pulled a big deception on all the
goy in the world! (they hate all non-jews but specially the
White race as it has stymied their goal for total Zio-globalist
domination. The big deception is as they have hi-jacked an identity
as a people. And "rabbis" have these scrolls they carry around so mysteriously. Stupid goy think they are scrolls of the ancient writings pf the Old Testament from OUR Bible, but NO, they are scrolls of the special parts of their bible, the Babylonian Talmud. These people are truly a sicko bunch and, as Christ Jesus told them, they are of their father, satan, the father of liars and for them to get away from him. (the scribes and pharasies) Yep. Lots about all that but too much for on here. Thanks for reading!


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

According to Burt's words y'all are VERY violent and don't care. Something about taking the jew on in his arena? ??? Wtf was that about? Anyways keep thinking that you're a non violent group when your pathetic commander keeps inciting violence wherever he goes (AZ, VA, and FL). He's a bitch and needs to be locked up. I hope he does! He deserves it. Hateful people like NSM and the leader don't deserve to exist in this world. I hope you like your Trial in October BITCH ASS BURT! ???

Burt your rep sheet goes back to 99 in Polk county. What was the domestic violence about? Always putting hands on someone. Maybe learn to keep your hands to yourself!

SLAP THAT BALD HOE WITH A HATE CRIME... 30 YEARS IN THE HOLE BURT! CANNOT WAIT! That's what violent retards get. Maybe should've played your cards smarter than that and not assault people for their differences and heritage. NSM is a bunch of racist retards. Burt is giving NSM a bad name and look.


In reply to by This one's for… (not verified)

The NSM is non-violent (but is not pacifist). The NSM is pro-Justice and reactionary, necessary to make sure justice prevails. As you can see in the video, nobody touched that Jew until he shoved Grandfather head-first into the ditch. That's when Burt sprang into action. Battery upon an elder seems to be ignored here. And consider for one moment as you list Burt's "long rap sheet" the fact that he is a current CCP holder. How on earth could that even be possible, unless each and every one of those prior charges, ENDED WITH ACQUITTAL?

Have you ever noticed that many of the Marvel comic superheroes are hated by the Jewish media, the prosecutors, the cops and the civilians they seek to help? They don't say it in the comics, but it's Jewish brainwashing that causes this hate – of anyone who is inherently good. Burt is hated for the same reason as Spiderman, the same reason as Donald Trump – because he is both righteous and good. It is the one trait everyone notices, the more they get to know him. Burt is as loyal and predictable as a really good dog. He is a most excellent leader of the NSM.

Cowards like you always remain unknown and unloved, because you are shit. In your core, you are nothing but shit – and you didn't need me to tell you that, you already knew it. You are a self-loathing biological waste product just waiting to die. I bet you even have a secret desire to be murdered by a pack of Niggers. And should you be so lucky as to get your wish, I bet your dying words will be thank you.

Meanwhile, Burt remains both widely known and widely loved. I bet the truth of what I just said makes you seethe with anger. Good. The more you suffer the brighter the world becomes. And lastly, Burt says 10-30 years is what he is facing with these bogus charges. And for him, it's all or nothing – no reduced sentence pleas, because he is not guilty. Burt has more balls than anyone I know – he's going to MAKE those filthy kikes sentence a good and innocent man to prison, rather than trick him into pleading guilty and sentencing himself for a crime he did not commit. We need more real men like Burt in this world and less like you, ya piece of shit. I do hope someday, you get your wish and meet your pack of Niggers. They tend to sucker punch from behind, then head stomp – causing anything from permanent disability to death. However in your case, I hope you live, in a severely damaged state, because the more people like you suffer, the brighter the world becomes. ?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

And I hope after the niggers that you love so much beat you half to death, and you are permanently disabled, you get a big fat CNHeeey (cna) sheboon that slaps you every time you shit yourself as IT sells your meds!??? WP!!


In reply to by LoneWehrwolf (not verified)

You really think anything you said really phased me, how cute! ??? Love to see your sad attempt yet again. Come on little bitch, bring it! You're nothing, will never amount to nothing like this pathetic ass role play party You're part of. Stay in your grand delusion. Hope your lineage ends with all of you stupid ass hats. Not contributing anything good to the world but spreading hate. Stay childless, freaks! May God look upon you helpless souls and deem you unworthy of reproducing.


In reply to by 14th amendment… (not verified)

This POS statue came down, so happy. Got all the racist nazis mad asf and in their feelings, crying about their "heritage". It's history, the confederacy LOST you bunch of whining bitches. History stays in books or museums. Losers don't get participation trophies! Suck my left nut bunch of batshit crazy racists!


In reply to by Good it came down! (not verified)

So some unimpressive Nigger mayor in a formerly White town (that is now predominantly Black) made himself famous for a day, by destroying a historic landmark that neither he, nor any member of his race, could have built on their own. How typically Black, is that?

Not long after this criminal act was made public, the State Bureau of Investigation announced they are investigating the illegal removal of this historic monument and could file charges against the jogger responsible. However, Black privilege says they won't.

In the end, nobody knows the name of this Nigger mayor, no statues will ever be built of him and he will never be remembered, except in generic terms, such as "some Nigger mayor who destroyed a confederate statue." Meanwhile, those in tribute on the statue ARE remembered, by name – and will continue to be remembered, long after the jogger responsible for the destruction of their memorial, is completely forgotten.


In reply to by Y'all are some… (not verified)

No his name is NOT known. You don't know it, otherwise you would have stated it. However when they dress him in orange and lock him up, I bet it becomes known then. And won't it be funny when he is charged with a crime, after the State completes its investigation and determines that the destruction of a historic landmark actually IS a crime? I think that will be funny. The State Bureau of Investigation admitted that it is looking into the destruction of the Confederate monument, as North Carolina law limits the extent to which objects of remembrance may be removed from public property and relocated. North Carolina law does NOT permit under any circumstances, a monument's destruction, including the many Confederate monuments found on public property across the State, like this one.

§ 100-2.1. Protection of monuments, memorials, and works of art.…

The famous for a day Nigger mayor will become even MORE famous by being charged with a crime. You see, Niggers don't ask, Niggers don't think, Niggers just do. They aren't concerned with laws or feelings like White people. However I don't see a fully cucked North Carolina state prosecutor doing anything about it. I only see Black privilege taking place, once again.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Keep crying whitey... Boohoo! My slab of concrete got destroyed. That's how you morons fucking sound. Yeah we actually DO something. All you guys can do is sit in chats, talk and bitch about how shit isn't fair. Grow tf up, y'all sound like little ignorant bitches. Go mourn in a history book, why Don you? ??? GLAD IT'S DOWN AND DESTROYED, NEVER TO BE PUT UP AGAIN! All things confederate, belong in the trash!


In reply to by Confederate Monument (not verified)

We don't bitch, we take action, which is why many of our top members are currently charged with hate crimes (pending trial, followed by acquittal). You see, whether you are an actual Nigger, or just pretending to be one, realize that Niggers are so inferior, so inadequate, they require special protections from the Jewish led government, just to barely get by. This unfair advantage is seen across the board, everything from unearned educational preference and grants, hiring mandates, contract award preferences and so on. White people just don't have any advantages at all, yet we still manage to always win. Niggers seem pretty weak and feckless by comparison, now don't they? A race which can not stand up for itself, yet commits most of the violent crime in America, at the behest of their Jewish masters – these Jews who promote every manner of degeneracy and social degredation imaginable. Pathetic. Niggers have become a bioweapon of the Jew. This hate crime handicap which is applied only to White people, only serves to make White people stronger, more resilient and more determined than ever to survive. A Jewish cheat, meant to hobble the White man, now becomes our greatest advantage, our greatest source strength.

„Weiße Rasse – Herrenrasse“

White Superiority has been irrevocably demonstrated!


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

9kay listen here dipshit, his name is known and I've spoken with him on Twitter. You're just a stupid retarded fucking racist is all. I spoke with him to thank him for his service and congratulating him on taking that trash out of our society. So yeah, I know who he is and as I said I've spoken to him personally. Sorry, I can't fix stupid. Which would be you.


In reply to by It is KNOWN (not verified)

And yet you can't say his name. You don't even know his name. His name is being kept secret, so the stupidity of his actions won't ruin his reputation.

You are such a liar, my guess is you are a racial mongrel, part Nigger, part White. The kind of creature that nobody wants to claim as their own.


In reply to by Y'all are some… (not verified)

Hey jackass, what about these wars this country
has fought and the outcome was not really positive?
Like the Korean WAR and the war in Vietnam?
So Veterans of those wars should be treated like garbage as well?
Tear down the @!#$ monuments to those Veterans? Erase them from history? You are one well-brainwashed moron dude!

So I printed the political warfare book off the website and noticed it’s said 26 lessons but only goes to lesson 8. Tried to look on the internet to see if it goes to lesson 26 but couldn’t find anything saying it even went past lesson 8. Anyone know if there’s more to this or not?


In reply to by Tabascolauncher (not verified)

I got that from Grandfather, so maybe he can answer your question. He will eventually read this comment and reply, I'm sure. ? He loves this site and loves to copypasta content over to telegram. But that said, what you have may be all that he has available from his collection.

I hardly remember if there were further chapters. If there are, you can probably track them down. I thought the book was complete. I think it was a pdf somewhere. The booklet was somewhat dated. Yet helpful. You can do well without it. Look at what our current Commander is going through. Our times are even more difficult to exercise our rights under.


In reply to by Grandfather (not verified)

Good may that be a lesson to all you stupid ass clowns to get a motherfucking LIFE because none of y'all have one. Stuck in this whacked ass mindset that you're the minority and you're Oh so helpless. NSM IS PATHETIC! Hope your group dies off and out by 2040, just like the white folks will pretty much all be gone by then! Have a nice life and remember, don't reproduce. Good God, we don't need more retards running around like y'all ???


In reply to by some faggot (not verified)

If Whites are gone, what will you eat? Who makes your EBT card work? When you loot and burn a store, who rebuilds and/or restocks it? If Niggerworld is so great, then why are they leaving Haiti to come to America?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

As if we really needed y'all from the beginning. No we do not! Why don't your do America a favor and pack your shit and leave NOW? Bye, didn't want you here from the beginning. Go back to Europe bitch! We don't need any of you milk crickets here. Just causing problems is all. Get back to them chats, gab, and other social media y'all use to just talk about your lame ass ideas. That's all you weak bitches can ever do! You're WEAK! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A SHIT STAIN ON THE AMERICAN FLAG. BITCH!


In reply to by Whites being g… (not verified)

Niggers can't survive without the help of White people.

Niggers know this. There is no distant future, with Niggers in it. Niggers are exactly what they appear to be – a failed hominid subspecies, unfit to survive, even in their own homeland.

Because White people are under an ethnomasochistic spell by the Jew, the Nigger survives and even thrives. Whitey pays for everything. But this is not sustainable, especially as the White population is being driven into extinction.


In reply to by some faggot (not verified)

Oh boy, Look at all the seething subhumans that decided to type away at the NSM today and im sure they didn't get here without typing in the url the subs must be tired of holding in all that angry, not surprised of how much of a big mouth they got either especially where they are naturally born shit talkers...

It’s a very informative book maybe out of date but I haven’t found anything in lesson one that doesn’t still apply. It’s real good too for people who don’t know anything ab the law or how court works. I know a little bit but this booklets filling in the blanks. I like it, highlighting everything.

consider this : The mere fact that the elites are using propaganda tactics on us proves that they are not unstoppable . If it truly were too late to stop them , there would be no need for them to convince us to go along with their agenda . They could simply force us into compliance , or kill us . The fact that their agenda still requires our willfull compliance proves that we are stronger than they are , as long as we work together and don't fall for their tricks .

A growing number of FBI whistleblowers are FINALLY coming forward to speak with Republican investigators in Congress. This was recently disclosed by Representative Jim Jordan from Ohio, who is the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee. He said there are now OVER 14 agents who have raised concerns with GOP lawmakers on the panel, over matters including the swat raids on anyone confronting school boards, arrests and unreasonable imprisonment regarding January 6 – and pressure to label all investigative cases involving White people as "domestic violent extremism." The FBI now scrambles to hide their more than obvious political nature, as well as the fact that, unfortunately, we do not and never did have a Department of Justice, at least not for as long as most of us have been alive. All we have had in reality, based solely upon the evidence – is a Ministry of Politics, which aims (through force and intimidation) to control every aspect of our lives, stripping from us our autonomy and choice, in concert with the Jewish-run communications industry, in order to serve the needs of the Jew and their supplicants, who are heading these organizations.

Remember: you will eat bugs, own nothing and rent everything you want from the Jews – and you will like it!

Is the NSM open to suggestions for their next rally, if so, I have a suggestion.


In reply to by Killpillow (not verified)

There won't be any more events, until the two pending "hate crime" cases against the Commander have concluded. However feel free to click "reply" below and let us know what you suggest.


In reply to by RE:There won't… (not verified)

The events are only on pause until after the trials are over, because we can't have Commader Colucci arrested and charged yet again with even more bogus "hate crimes." Once he is acquitted in both cases and once the restorative justice has been served, only then will those in highly politicized law enforcement allow our legal protests to continue, without their unlawful intervention.


In reply to by Killpillow (not verified)

How Constitutionally friendly are the laws within the district? My impression is that it would be impossible, it would not be permitted and protesting anyway would likely yield disastrous results. Any place that violates your second amendment rights (such as the district) would also violate your first.

What are you planning on doing once the Jews get this website shut down once and for all? Will you finally get around to having a family? Maybe start working out? Redpill some normies with the gigabytes of nazi memes you have saved? Fishing perhaps?


In reply to by Vysokopilia (not verified)

Step by step, the Jews have shown us every weakness we had within our infrastructure, with their valuable gift of only making us stronger. Just like an antibiotic-resistant disease, we have survived each and every one of their attacks and adapted, to now resist everything they have thrown at us – to remain online, in spite of their best efforts. This final outcome is EXACTLY what nature has intended. ?

Eventually the Jews will come to realize that even Nazis have civil rights. That Nazis are übermenschen, die Weißen Herrenvolk und die Herrenrasse. Der schlimmste Albtraum des Juden manifestierte. ?


In reply to by Vysokopilia (not verified)

As the webmaster said, eventually Jews will come to realise that Nazis are
Übermenschen, and eventually, the Jewish threat will be a thing of the past when we become the biggest party in America! :)

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Who was the leader of Germany during WWII? (just his last name)