The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )

Orlando Fag Queen Surprise Protest Success

It was a great day because nobody was arrested!

Location: ICON Park™ in Orlando, FL

The Jewish media claims that threats of violence led to the cancellation of Fag Queen Story Hour at Orlando's LGBT+ Center. Only one might better suggest that exposing child exploitation and the ridiculing of this degeneracy by neo-Nazis, might have been the real reason it was canceled. The NSM always obeys the law, while legally protesting this type of degeneracy, one which is infecting our nation as a whole. In light of this cancellation, the NSM moved on to plan B and successfully protested a different Orlando Fag Queen event, instead.

Click here and look for Fag Queen Orlando to watch the replay.



In reply to by Amelia (not verified)

Welcome to the approximately 3% of the White race who are naturally immune to Jewish mind control brainwashing and thought manipulation. Feel free to open up and share your thoughts anonymously, without fear of reprisal or social expulsion. ?


In reply to by Amelia (not verified)

Racial greetings sister! Hope you will check out our social media pages and the other videos of our activism over the last few years (if you haven't already). Some of that footage was what helped me decide I wanted to become an NSM member. Hope you like what you see as well! Hail Victory!


In reply to by Amelia (not verified)

Yes that is a very rare and beautiful thing. Even better is that you know that. I can speak as a young, single guy in the movement, women who are both pure and open to our beliefs often seem almost non- existent. I hope more girls follow your path and aren't afraid to stand by it either. 88

So I have a few questions regarding policies enacted if the National Socialist movment should gain complete power in the United States of American.

1. What about the Whites who are married to a minority in some way? WIll they be broken up, will special permissions granted, or will they be deported?

2. Regarding the expulsion of the Jewish population. I find it very diffucult to believe that the entire Jewish popuation especially those who are non-pracicing will be made to leave. They could just as easily adopt the patterns of the white man rendering them invisble to society. How would you plan to locate them.

3. Maybe the wrong place for this one, but national socialism only allows forms of catholicism and christianity to be practiced, and they both worship jesus who was a practicing jew. So this one has me drawing a blank.

4. We exist in a world much different than the one 89 years ago when the National Socialist movement gained power in germany. Specifically many nations have access to nuclear armament, including one of America's closest allies: Israel, a predominantly jewish state. So I find it difficult to accept that they would just sit back and let all of this occur. How would the Movement plan to deal with this?

Finally, I just want to clarify that all measures and policies will be non-genocidal. I hope that should the party come to power there will not be a second Holocaust. I should very much like to know the Movement's position on this.


In reply to by Friedrich (not verified)

> gain complete power in the United States

I'll give this a shot. Even though I do not speak for the NSM, I would still like to answer this, as it appears to be one of those stealthy questionnaires asked by the FBI (of potential terrorist organizations) to determine if they plan on killing people. Spoiler: we don't. WE are not the baddies. YOU are (if you are the FBI). You see, you serve your unelected Jewish masters, these Jewish usurpers of power, just as you were brainwashed to do. It's not your fault that you became an unwitting supplicant of the Jew, they are simply too powerful for you to resist, these mind control demons, you are no match for their deceptive power.

> Whites who are married to a minority

When you burn the coal you must pay the toll. Fortunately, there are not many Whites married to Niggers – they are either quickly murdered by their Nigger sires, about 80% are, or they are beaten so severely, that the Whites simply leave. Nearly all White women with Black children are single moms. I would suggest that those Whites who actually want to be with these sub-human apes so bad, that they can go be with them in Liberia (a land which was purchased just for Blacks, centuries ago). Because once you go Black, we don't want you back. Let the Niggers have them with our blessings. The Niggers can rip them apart and eat them cannibalistically if they want. Liberia is ruled by Niggers, ruled however they see fit – without any police.

> the entire Jewish popuation especially those who are non-pracicing will be made to leave.

I will compare the Jew with the smallpox virus, since they are both so very similar. Smallpox was once a scourge upon the White race. When it was finally possible to eradicate this virus, it was not debated if we should reserve some part of our homelands for the pox to live. There is no living with a pox. The smallpox virus is incompatible with a healthy and thriving, civil society. The only sensible alternative was to eradicate the disease entirely. Please realize that the Jew has their own home – Israel, bought and paid for with money and blood, then given to them, paid for again and again, over and over by the White people in America. The NSM will be more than happy to assist the Jew in migrating to their own homeland. Jews can take their degeneracy and go there, go to Israel, to behave however degenerate as they like there, away from us. They just can't be allowed to subvert and degenerate here, not any longer.

> only allows forms of catholicism and christianity to be practiced

The NSM (as is true of National Socialism) is not a religion, it is a political ideology and a political organization. However SS Himmler said, "We believe in a God Almighty who stands above us; he has created the earth, the Fatherland, and the Volk, and he has sent us the Führer. Any human being who does not believe in God should be considered arrogant, megalomaniacal, and stupid and thus not suited for the SS." He also said, "As National Socialists, we believe in a Godly worldview." However, Hitler himself had a negative view of the mystical notions which were pushed by Himmler. Albert Speer, Adolf Hitler's chief architect and urban planner, quotes Hitler as having said of Himmler's attempt to mythologize the SS, "What nonsense! Here we have at last reached an age that has left all mysticism behind it, and now he [Himmler] wants to start that all over again. We might just as well have stayed with the church. At least it had tradition. To think that I may some day be turned into an SS saint! Can you imagine it? I would turn over in my grave." — a quote by Adolf Hitler

> and they both worship jesus who was a practicing jew.

Jesus was a Samaritan (the good Samaritan) who was from Samaria, a land next to Persia, where the Aryans come from. Jesus had sandy blond hair and blue eyes. Jesus was therefore Aryan. He was not from Judea and was not a Jew. Jesus hated the Jews, just as he told them in John 8:44 after the Jews had sentenced him to death, that Jews were of their father the devil and were murderers and liars, just like their father the devil. In John 8, the Jews also confirm Jesus was not a Jew and that he was in fact a Samaritan. Read it for yourself in the book of John, chapter 8, where the Jews claim Jesus is a Samaritan and that he has a demon possessing him. Read it for yourself, as your pastor (the one who earns Jewish money avoiding John 8, in service to his Judaeo-Christian masters) never will.

> So this one has me drawing a blank.

Because you are simply ignorant of the truth. Jews have been clever to slowly over time, place themselves BEFORE Christ, above Christ, converting Christianity into Judaeo-Christianity and to claim that Jesus himself was a Jew (which he was not) and that Jews are "God's Chosen" people (a claim made only by Jews and not by God). The new testament of course, clearly says Jesus was not a Jew. So today, through this slow process, the Jews now OWN and CONTROL the Christians to a large extent, these Christians who are now willing to sacrifice everything and even die for the Jews. Anyone actually reading the bible will discover that Jesus in his time, was the premier enemy of the Jews, overturning their money tables and accusing them of leading people into hell, he referred to them as the synagogue of Satan. Jesus was therefore clearly an enemy of the Jews, the same as we are today.

> many nations have access to nuclear armament,

The more the merrier, because it forces détente. Just as every home should have a few automatic rifles and handguns strategically placed for security, every nation should have the rapid deployment of nuclear weapons (or they are no nation at all, but rather the slave of the ones who do). Ask any non-nuclear nation on earth this question TODAY. ?

> including one of America's closest allies: Israel,

Israel is not America's ally. America is Israel's bitch. A bitch is subservient, subordinate, a slave and not an ally. They achieved this through deception and mind control. WE are here to reverse all that.

> a predominantly jewish state.

An apartheid state, as what is good for the Jew is not permitted for the Goyim. We are denied what Israel has, an ethnic monoculture (an ethnostate, a land just for our own people). Ask yourself why Israel does not promote multiculturalism in Israel? Because they know it would result in the death of Israel – just as they plan for it to be the death of us! Multiculturalism is intended as genocide for the White race. The Jews will then wipe out the mud races with bioweapons, to which the muds are too stupid and unable to defend against. That is the Jewish plan for world domination, in a nutshell. Some of the surviving muds will be enslaved to serve the needs of the Jew. Yes, the Jews intend to bring back slavery – which is why the Jews must rid themselves of the White race, as the White race would never allow them to do this.

> So I find it difficult to accept that they would just sit back and let all of this occur.

Would they have any choice, other than to welcome their fellow Jews home to Israel? Must we give them a choice, given what they have done to us?

> How would the Movement plan to deal with this?

Through the intimidation of superior firepower, perhaps? America routinely throws its weight around militarily, this can apply here as well. They most likely will not reject their own people.

> Finally, I just want to clarify that all measures and policies will be non-genocidal.

Of course. Even as the Jew has launched a very effective and quite successful genocide program upon us, driving the White race down into the single digits worldwide, by their lab engineered transgenic viruses and vaccines, promotion of transgender, homosexuality, illegal immigration, suicide, feminism, abortion, depression, fentanyl or what have you, we don't recommend any in-kind retaliation, only expulsion – the same kind of response the Jews have experienced, from them doing this same kind of thing, in 109 other countries. Let's work to make America the 110th.

> I hope that should the party come to power there will not be a second Holocaust.

There can't be a second holocaust, as there never was a FIRST holocaust. You see, the word holocaust is a rabbinical term for a holy sacrifice, one performed by the rabbi to please Yhwh. There have been many "six million" holocaustions throughout history – the claim of one happening in WWII is simply another Jewish lie, just one of many. Truth said, since the Jews did not materially participate in the war, their casualties during the war were the lowest of any group, mostly caused by typhus. But by being the masters of deception, the Jews spun that truth around, into making themselves the greatest martyrs the world has ever known.

Jews now ride that pity wagon at high speed, to commit atrocity after atrocity with impunity (because they are the chief of the victim class and forever top of the grievance industry). This is only one of the many reasons why we hate them. They are liars and the king of lies (Jesus' own words). Jews were forced for the first time in their lives, to work in these work camps, a fate (to them) far worse than death. The Jews complained about everything while they were in the camps, even the beer which was served to them in the camps was not good enough. Yes, beer. Hitler was a very kind and compassionate man, even showing nothing but kindness toward the Jews. Perhaps for his own sake, he was even far too kind. The lies these Jews have told about dear uncle Addy are despicable, unwarranted and will be corrected over time.

> I should very much like to know the Movement's position on this.

And now you have my impressions, above. I hope the leadership of the NSM agrees with much of my assessment, however I don't claim to speak for the NSM. I'll just let the NSM leadership chime in with any corrections or omissions that I might have made. ?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

In your above answer to my query (Thank you for your insight by the way) you have compared the jewish population to that of numerous scourges on society. However I can think of one Jewish man who Adolf Hitler himself held in high esteem; that being Dr. Edward Bloch, his family physician. Hitler once said "Bloch is an Edeljude - a noble Jew. If all Jews were like him, there would be no Jewish question." This quote implies that the jewish people as a whole are not all alike, that there are good and bad. After all HItler protected Edward for many years. If the Jewish Race is in stark contrast to the Aryans, what would possess Adolf to view Bloch in this respect.

Also, No I am not an FBI agent, I am simply attempting to understand the political platform of the NSM in greater detail than that which has already been explained.


In reply to by Friedrich (not verified)

> In your above answer to my query (Thank you for your insight by the way) you have compared the jewish population to that of numerous scourges on society.

This is a very valid comparison, because Jews and Disease both provide the same parasitic purpose and function – with Jews actually being the world's APEX parasite. I've always been impressed with the Jewish understanding of their own rottenness – for whenever they wish to slur anyone, they simply call them Jew. Thus it should come as no surprise, that no matter where you look, regarding the maladies most afflicting us (the Goyim) you will always find Jews causing the suffering. Covid for example, is a Jewish creation, meant to cause population reduction, especially among elderly pensioners. The Jews wanted those who paid in, to die before they could receive benefits, thus freeing up the money for other purposes. The early release of it was designed to "stop Trump." The vaccines which are now causing a 40% increase in mortality among anyone who used them, is also Jewish and were created for the same reason. Inflation, or more specifically the cause of it, is Jewish (as Jews run the federal government, own both political parties, as well as the federal reserve – and they have owned and run it for your and my entire lifetime). The war in Ukraine is Jewish – as media Jews placed a homosexual Jew on television, playing the part of President (who was later ELECTED president in real life, as yet another case of Jews purposefully steering the dumb electorate). The prime minister of Ukraine unsurprisingly, is also a Jew. In fact, no country on earth, other than Israel, is more Jew-run than Ukraine – which is also said to be the most corrupt country in all of Europe. Now, is that enough, or shall I go on?

> However I can think of one Jewish man who Adolf Hitler himself held in high esteem; that being Dr. Edward Bloch, his family physician. Hitler once said "Bloch is an Edeljude - a noble Jew. If all Jews were like him, there would be no Jewish question."

I used to be gullible like that – back when I believed "not all Jews" and "not all Niggers," I would hold up the likes of Bill Cosby, often called "America's Dad" as exemplary; until I learned that Cosby was a serial rapist, having raped what was it, 80 or 90 White women over a 30 year period, totally protected from prosecution by the Jews. It wasn't until Cosby was no longer useful to the Jews, that they stopped protecting him, thus allowing him to finally be prosecuted by his LAST victim (who happened to be his first Black victim). Were she White, he might have gotten away with it, one last time. It's not just unsuccessful ghetto Niggers who are violent criminals, O.J. Simpson comes to mind. It takes a soulless demon to butcher someone like a hog, especially someone you were intimate with at one time.

Doctor Bloch left Germany the same year my mom's family also left Germany – in 1938, with both coming to America that same year. My grandfather was a member of the NSDAP and he was personally asked by uncle Adi himself to join the Kriegsmarine. You see, he had been a Reichsmarine Kapitän in the first world war. However, he said that he wanted no part of any more war, a war which he saw coming, saying he suffered far too much during the first world war. He graciously accepted the offer, but taking only what they could carry with them, they escaped to America by boat. Not really a proud story to tell among my NS friends, but one that if it had not happened, exactly as it had, I would not have been born, so my feelings about it are mixed.

> This quote implies that the jewish people as a whole are not all alike, that there are good and bad.

There are genetic outliers in everything. However we can't judge an entire race by the few hand-picked outliers, we must judge them by the mean. And the mean of the Jewish race is just awful, just as the mean of the African race is just awful.

For example, were I to hand you an apple that was 98% rotten (but 2% good) would you pick and choose the good parts to eat? Or would you throw the whole of it out as trash? I'm the same way. There's no way of knowing if Doctor Bloch was actually as good and kind as Hitler claimed, or if he was just more deceptive than usual (and able to better hide his evil, even from uncle Adi). Of course we will never know the answer.

> Also, No I am not an FBI agent,

Unlike most n00bz, I know the law and understand that undercover LEOs do not have to tell the truth, especially if asked about their real identity.

> I am simply attempting to understand the political platform of the NSM in greater detail than that which has already been explained.

Read the 25 point plan. All your questions should be answered there. But the gotcha questions you are asking, do continue to suggest that you are fishing for specific responses. Don't think for a moment that you've pulled anything over on me. ?

Note that I didn't write this, having only contributed two points out of twenty five. However mine are probably the most controversial points and certainly among the most talked about (I'll let you guess which two are mine). ?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

>Read the 25 point plan. 

The prime reason I am asking these questions is because I have read the 25 point plan and there are things that I still wish to know. As a scholar and a human it is my nature to question the world around me. I am not looking for specific answers. I have no one to report anything to, nor do I have any desire to do anything of the sort. I simply am looking for honest answers to honest questions, and I thank you for your time and consideration.

Furthermore, I have a question regarding the 25 point plan.

Point 9 states ‘All citizens must have equal rights and obligations.’ however point 7 says that ‘Voting rights are to be enjoyed by adult, White male land owners, alone. We also demand therefore that all official appointments are only granted to adult White male citizens. We oppose the corrupt custom of filling posts merely with a view to partisan inclinations, without consideration to character or capability.’

These points seem contradictory to me as bening able to vote is a right currently enjoyed by women, limiting that right to White male landowners seems to completely violate Point 9.

I look forward to your insight on this matter.


In reply to by Friedrich (not verified)

As everyone in America has now realized under this current administration, VOTING HAS CONSEQUENCES. Therefore, voting can NEVER be a right enjoyed by everyone. For example, people who live off the state (EBT, Section-8) they would vote for the candidates who promise the most freebies from the public treasury. Others will see this, join in and live the free and easy life, resulting in a collapse of the economy. Therefore, only those who have a stake in the country, should be allowed to vote (the same as only shareholders in a company, are allowed to vote). This is just common sense. If you want to vote, then buy some land (and have a vested interest in the country). If you vote stupid, you fuck up your own investment. If you don't have anything to lose, then you will vote for your own personal self-interest at the expense of everyone and everything else.

Women should be excluded, because they vote based upon emotion, rather than reason. This is why the voting issues among women are always stupid shit like transgender rights or the legal killing of unborn children (which is something women LOVE to do for some odd reason). Men tend to be more interested in issues that actually matter, like jobs, the economy, soaring inflation and the availability of energy at an affordable price.

Rights such as free speech have no tangible penalty, thus can not be abused, therefore they should extend to everyone. I hope I've cleared that up for you. Worth noting, the first Congress of the United States stipulated that only free White landholding men of good character would be allowed to vote or to become citizens in the United States. If we had held on to that, the Jews and their proxies (Women and Niggers) never would have been able to wreck America.


In reply to by Friedrich (not verified)

The Webmaster answered you well and I agree with almost everything he said but I just wanted to add a couple of things. Please note; I am not leadership, just a member, I only saw a couple of points that the Webmaster didn't get to so I thought I would chime in.
First off, don't worry about us being able to ID the jewish parasites when the day comes. There are ways of recognizing (((them))), rest assured of that. Remember that jews are a racial group not a religious order, they bear hereditary physical and behavioral identifiers just like any race does.
Second thing, your nauseating comment about 'muh hollow-kawst' is based on a misguided view of WW2 Era history that is not your fault. Look up the documentary 'Europa: The Last Battle' and watch it (I suggest taking small bites of it at a time) and give yourself a chance to see the truth. I can assure you we will not be beckoning in the second holocaust because there has yet to be a FIRST holocaust.


In reply to by Covenant Soldier (not verified)

> they bear hereditary physical and behavioral identifiers just like any race does.

Ashkenazi Jews may be identified due to a specific genetic mutation in the HEXA gene on chromosome 15. It is this mutant gene marker that they use in Israel, when employing DNA to confirm Jewishness, before granting citizenship or marriage.

> there has yet to be a FIRST holocaust.

If only uncle Adi had actually done what he was accused of doing (the final solution). Europe would not be corrupted today and over-run with Niggers. The fact that so many "holocaust survivors" existed through the 80's, each with 6 digit tattoos (meaning less than 1 million in total) confirms the story is a lie. These were work camps. They were not death camps, unfortunately for us.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

It's okay to denigrate lost brain-dead Whites cause we can't use them. Do you agree? NSWPP Commander Matt Koehl once stated that: "WE CAN'T SAVE EVERYTHING WHITE". Agreed? And sometimes we have to aggravate the Jew the way he aggravates us constantly. And since many Jews do really look White but denounce Whites, I like to describe them as: THE JEWS ARE WHITE EUROPEANS WHO STOLE ARAB LANDS (Khazaria is in greater Europe). But you have just stuck a big monkey wrench in their propaganda machine, and they have no way of fixing it or responding to everyone's satisfaction.

The NSM and other groups are constantly talking about overthrowing replacing the Jewish order sometime in the future. But when? The longer we wait, the bigger a grip the Jews get on our society, and the more time passes, the more white population keeps slowly going down as the non-white one rises, eventually until the blacks and Jews become the majority. After they become the majority, it's all over! And believe it or not, this will actually happen in like 20 years!!!

So, tell me, dear NSM, what is your overall plan ?
Because Organizing LAME protests like twice a year will do NOTHING to save the white race from the wrath of the subhuman black and their Jewish masters. If we want to save ourselves, then we should be pre
paring for [redacted].


In reply to by Whiteboy (not verified)

All I can speak for is my tiny piece of the NSM (this website) where I am doing all I can to bring awareness and media competition to the onslaught of contrary Jewish propaganda. This (what you see here) is pretty much the best I can do, but it is constantly improving. What I think will probably happen, is the White race as a whole will just allow themselves to become a minority in their own country, then expect to receive minority benefits from the ruling not-White majority, YET RECEIVE NONE. In fact, receive only even more abuse and forced reparations (the majority demanding money from the minority). Betrayed, it is only then that Whites fight back, but given that Whites are so much more superior to all the other races, even fighting as a minority, we will be successful. It is that sense of fairness which is being exploited by the Jew right now, that will pull us toward our success. So in time, our weakness, our vulnerability, will become our salvation. I bet the Jews did not see THAT coming.


In reply to by Whiteboy (not verified)

I have no idea why the webmaster even allows idiot comments such as yours. Tell us what you have done, besides trolling on the internet... "White-BOY".
Heil Hitler, Faggot.


In reply to by Sgt. BK (not verified)

His question is valid and we do give everyone a voice, when we can. What this commenter doesn't realize is the fact that many plans have been canceled because our Commander can not leave the state (for one) and the logistics issues (for another) as to why the number of campaigns have been severely curtailed. Simply put, the NSM can't do much if anything WITH the Commander, while he has these demonstrably bogus "hate crime" charges pending.

Worth noting, when we post the truths (seen on this website) on any Jew controlled website, which is practically the whole of the Internet, they are quickly deleted. We don't do that, because WE ARE SUPERIOR TO THE JEW! We don't automatically delete anything that rubs us the wrong way. If a post is not obvious stupidity or spam, I tend to publish it for public debate. The NSM is rather open and transparent that way. And by making this question open and public, others who have the same question (but remain silent) have that question answered. The answer is simple: a large, international organization like the NSM does have logistics issues, as well as these pending charges against our Commander. The most recent event in Orlando was orchestrated without the Commander involved, for that reason. Nationals was canceled, also for that reason. But eventually these cases will go to trial and be resolved, then hopefully at that point, activity will greatly increase. ?


In reply to by Whiteboy (not verified)

You are one of those guys who thinks talking about crazy shit with your buddies and maybe burning up a few rounds of ammo target practicing is 'preparing' and that's you are going to save the race? Here's a question; what have you done to wake up the White race and get our message out there? What have you done to draw our enemies out of the woodwork in public? When have you and your crew (if you even have one, kinda hard to meet solid NS when you don't do activism) ever gone to war with ANTIFAgs in the street or shut down an event where kids are being abused by perverts? What was the last time you planted a seed in the mind of an Aryan? I can tell you that the NSM has done all this and more time and again, it's what we do. So until your actions outweigh your opinions, keep them to yourself.

I’d like to apologize for asking these kinds of questions. After all I’m quite new here.
Another question I’d like to ask is why do you reject the Holocaust? It is pretty well-documented, and shouldn’t Neo-Nazis be proud of Hitler murdering 6.000.000 Jews? Aren’t the Jews our main enemy? I don’t understand the logic behind Neo-Nazi Holocaust denial.


In reply to by ? (not verified)

> I’d like to apologize for asking these kinds of questions. After all I’m quite new here.

No worries.

> Another question I’d like to ask is why do you reject the Holocaust?

Because it is a lie (war propaganda) used to give power to the Jews. The Jews convinced Truman that with their help, they could relieve him of the war crimes he committed by dropping atomic bombs in Japan, killing hundreds of thousands of enemy non-combatants, mostly the elderly as well as women and children. Facing his own possible tribunal and execution, he agreed. The holocaust was then made manifest. The Germans were then named as the ONLY evil of that war. It was a trick you see, the Jews manipulated Truman into an exchange of power, which would make the Germans "more evil" than himself. But in the process, it would give the Jews power over all the Goyim – power they wield against us TODAY.

> It is pretty well-documented,

Actually, it's the most POORLY documented historical event, with absolutely no records of any homicidal activity whatsoever, relying instead 100% on personal accounts of eye witnesses. One would believe that without records and with such ridiculous claims being made, that it is just Jewish lies – which it is. To show you just how purely evil the Jews are, Doctor Josef Mengele was the most favorite doctor in Auschwitz, the one who seemed to care deeply for the Jews. Now ask yourself, why would a "death camp" even have need for a doctor or hospital? In return for Mengele's kindness and compassion, the Jews remembered his name (the others didn't care as much and were forgotten by the Jews) but because Mengele was so kind to the Jews, they remembered his name – then they lied about him by name, which is what Jews will do. Remember, it was Jesus Christ himself who told us that Jews are not of Abraham, not of God, but rather – the Jews are of their father the Devil. They pay back kindness with cruelty and lies, they are of the father of lies. This is why we (like Jesus) despise the Jewish parasite. John 8:44.

> and shouldn’t Neo-Nazis be proud of Hitler murdering 6.000.000 Jews?

The six million figure has appeared many times throughout history, as this is a rabbinical number, relating to a Talmudic prophecy that states six million Jews must pass through burning ovens in a holocaustion.

> Aren’t the Jews our main enemy?

The Jews are a parasite, they are not worthy of being our enemy. Are fleas the main enemy of a dog? Are ticks? Humans have many parasites, Jews are just one type. The Jew is the apex parasite of their type.

> I don’t understand the logic behind Neo-Nazi Holocaust denial.

Because the holocaust is a lie. A well crafted lie, centuries old, used by they Jew to achieve a pinnacle victimhood status, which automatically protects them from any and all scrutiny. For example, a child whose dog was just struck by a car can do whatever they want without punishment. It is impossible for a White to punish a grieving child. Jews understand and exploit this vulnerability in the White race. Niggers on the other hand, believe the holocaust is real and laugh at what happened to the Jews. They think it's funny. White people feel guilty, they feel just awful. This is how the Jew parasite usurps power over their Goyim hosts.

Watch this video.

Even just the first five minutes will clear your mind of these lies.

Not all women vote on emotion at least I don’t. I vote based on what’s best for the country and I definitely don’t vote for killing kids or for trannies but I wouldn’t mind if only white men who owned land could vote because I know that the country would be in good hands and there wouldn’t be stupid people voting for things that go against the traditional values I hold.


In reply to by Amelia (not verified)

That is precisely the answer I would expect from a true National Socialist woman. Conservative pundit Ann Coulter said, “If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine,” and “Yeah, I’d give up my vote in a heartbeat as long as the rest of [women] stop voting...” she said. “Women see the government as their husbands. I mean when you look at the Democrats getting in there and spending $4 trillion... wherever women are given the vote in whatever state, in whatever country you see spending going through the roof.”…

You guys are hilariously special, and not in a good way. I mean the way in which you survive a near miscarriage with birth defects. Someone must have kicked your pregnant mother, and your brain must have been dented in the impact.

Now you guys are mad because the person who kicked your mother, who was pregnant, off the pregnancy-sanctioned seat on the bus, SAID EQUAL RIGHTS, EQUAL FIGHTS.

You guys are ALL illiterate and I'd love to disprove your clearly white supremitized, white fragile ideology in the hopes that you'll leave your mother's basement and stop watching south park.

One; Jesus is Jewish, and I don't know where you got Aryans being white from but they're from the middle east.

Two; White people are not 'going' to the promised land by breaking the ten commandments.

Three; You guys aren't creative. You promote yourself by using the US. Manufactured materials which, if you didn't know have a history of immigrants being a majority of the workforce.


In reply to by 0987654321 (not verified)

> You guys are hilariously special, and not in a good way.

It's all a matter of perspective. I personally find leftists like you hilariously special, because leftists take themselves out of this world, in such embarrassing and unbelievable ways.…

This stupid leftist forgave the Nigger who murdered her mother, befriended him while he was in prison, then once he was released, she took him home to the same house where he killed her mother – then he stole $14k from her and killed her as well. Simply put, Niggers are violent, sub-human ape beasts, the product of Satan. I know this truth, but apparently that leftist woman did not. And it's not like others weren't trying to warn her about Niggers and recidivism, her whole family tried to stop her. But to no avail, as she believed the Nigger's lies, proclaiming he was wrongfully convicted and that he was innocent. She effectively took herself out in such a spectacular way, that it makes you want to face palm with embarrassment FOR her.

How many leftist Whites get savaged by Niggers while standing with them in BLM protests? Savagely beaten and then robbed. Just about ALL of them! And yet, they continue to love Niggers and to make excuses for abhorrent Nigger behavior and justify their actions. HOWEVER WE DO NOT.

> I mean the way in which you survive a near miscarriage with birth defects. Someone must have kicked your pregnant mother, and your brain must have been dented in the impact.

Argumentum ad hominem is a rhetorical strategy where one attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument – rather than addressing the substance of the argument itself. This is what you are doing. Fallacious ad hominem reasoning does not work here, not on a censorship-free website where we focus on the validity of an argument, rather than on any attribute (be it true or false) of the person pushing said argument forward.

> Now you guys are mad because the person who kicked your mother, who was pregnant, off the pregnancy-sanctioned seat on the bus, SAID EQUAL RIGHTS, EQUAL FIGHTS.

If this is a jab at segregation, then you are a fool. You have probably lived your whole life around Niggers and believe that's just how life is – violent, filthy and full of squalor. But it has not always been like this. We are not required to live in an uncivil, zero trust society. You see, you can either have civilization – or you can have Niggers. BUT YOU CAN NOT HAVE BOTH. Everyone knows this, or should know this, even you (at some highly suppressed level I suppose).

> You guys are ALL illiterate

Clearly I am not, I graduated summa cum laude from my university.

> and I'd love to disprove your clearly white supremitized,

Feel free to try. I welcome you to disprove anything that I say. Go on. We're waiting. Meanwhile, White supremacy is an indisputable fact. White man walked on the moon. FULL STOP! And we did this in 1969. Other copycat races have recently achieved low-orbit space travel as well, but no other race has walked on the moon. This you should agree, is a demonstrable form of supremacy, thus White supremacy, as walking on the moon was 100% White.

> white fragile ideology in the hopes that you'll leave your mother's basement and stop watching south park.

But south park is funny as hell. ?

> One; Jesus is Jewish,

No, Jesus was neither Jewish, nor was he a biological Jew. Jesus was Aryan and Christian. YOU were lied to by the Jews who place themselves before Christ (with the phrase Judaeo-Christian). The Jews did this to take control over you. Apparently they have succeeded. Christ was an ENEMY of the Jews. According to the bible, Jesus was a Samaritan, of the tribe of Samaria. Samaria was next to Iran, home of the Aryan. Therefore, Jesus was Aryan, with sandy blond hair and blue eyes, just as the bible and every painting that I've seen, depicts him to be. He was not a big nose, black-eyed, kinky hair Jew from Judea.

48 The Jews answered him, “Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?”

The Jews themselves tell us Jesus was not one of them, but rather a Samaritan! However you will not hear that citation from any pastor who takes money from the Jews.

> and I don't know where you got Aryans being white from but they're from the middle east.

Even the Egyptians were White, at least for five or six thousand years.

Half of European men share King Tut's DNA…

> Two; White people are not 'going' to the promised land by breaking the ten commandments.

The ten commandments are not in the New Testament. They are in the Torah. Christians only follow the teachings of Christ, not that of the demon Jew.

Christ warned us to be wary of the Jews, who will lead us to hell.

15 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.

I am a theologian, having studied Christianity in depth – and I find these are among Christ's harshest words against the Jews. This represents the second of seven total statements of judgment Christ has made against the Jews. Here, Christ is declaring their impending judgment and labeling them as fakes, pretenders and hypocrites. The Jews of that time made extensive efforts to create converts. Scholars and historians understand this to be a literal form of missionary work, in which the Jews attempted to convert the so-called "Goyim" to Judaism. With the Jews successfully convincing others of their anti-Christian beliefs, this only creates more victims for hell. Jesus condemns what they are doing. They are promoting a belief system built around human regulations and the rejection of Jesus as the Messiah. These hypocritical religious leaders were literally redirecting people onto a path leading to hell, rather than to glory, God and Heaven. You my friend, are apparently among them.

The Jews follow the letter of a man-made law to the tiniest detail, but miss the real meaning of Scripture, of God's heart, of justice, mercy, and faithfulness. The Jew's outer appearance of righteousness hides the Jew's inner lives, which are full of greed, self-indulgence, hypocrisy and lawlessness. Jesus pronounces God's judgment upon the Jews, in a series of seven total "woe to you" statements, where he repeatedly calls them blind and hypocrites. He concludes with a lament for Jerusalem and her children, who rejected the protection of Christ. God's judgment is clearly coming for them (and apparently, for you as well).

> Three; You guys aren't creative. You promote yourself by using the US. Manufactured materials which, if you didn't know have a history of immigrants being a majority of the workforce.

We created this website, one of the most feature-rich in the world. It uses no immigrant labor whatsoever. You don't know what you are talking about. ?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I was just thinking the same as above comment. You trolls (Jews) are so obvious when you attack the person instead add to the conversation (which you are obviously not capable of) Which just proves the point of the white race is so superior and need to be separated from such petty and uneducated persons such as yourself!!! Lol?

Unlike my previous questions these ones do not delve into political ideology, instead they are general questions to which I am curious about.

1. Does the NSM have an anthem or official song, something that when heard you know exactly what it is, or do you use a an anthem from the '30s and '40s?

2. Is there anyone I can contact about attending a meeting? I reside St. Louis missouri and would like to see a meeting or rally in person.

I just watched the new video you added on your website...
It tells it all
They want "equality"?
They should be SENTENCED to live without us, the evil white man
From a francophone canadian frog

You guys should consider making some merch like supporter pins and whatnot like you had in the old days. Could do gab pay or cash transactions only to avoid censorship.


In reply to by 1488 (not verified)

Yes, Black males do have a history of violence against White females. This has been documented all the way back to when the first sub-human ape beast Niggers arrived at Jamestown in 1619, along with African water buffalo, both to be used as FARM ANIMALS. We still use the water buffalo (today known as a cow) on the farm, but allow the Nigger ape beast to go feral and roam, destroying everything in their path, just as any invasive species would do.

The Jews want us to believe this is all part of their plan, of progression toward "Black equity" and Black civil rights.

The savage beating this White girl received advances racial equity due to systemic racism and White supremacy, the Jews claim.

What the Jews don't realize is if they keep pushing, eventually the White race will have had enough and those who harm Whites will simply disappear from history. Deny it all you like, the White race truly is the master race on this world, eventually this debilitating TOLERANCE for Nigger behavior will end!

I will not drag any aspects of Christianity into the future with us.

As Himmler said, "We must remove the Jews root and branch."

Identity Christianity is a branch.

Identity Christianity is based on the Old Testament. Twelve tribes became the Aryans of Europe. The Identity Xians want to create a Semitic theocracy to rule Aryans. We are trying to defeat the Jews, and the Identity Christians want to become the Jews.

They have a Semitic god from a Semitic book with Semitic values and yet they want to define themselves as anti-Semitic.

As Nietzsche said, “The Jews are the most fateful nation in world history: Their after-effect has falsified mankind to such such an extent that today the Christian able to feel anti-jewish without realizing that he is the ultimate consequence of the Jews.”

Identify Christians are parasites, they come to Aryan events and bring conflict. They are a different Movement. They pretend they are White Nationalists, but their goal is not White Nationalism, it is Old Testament Judaism.


In reply to by Grandfather (not verified)

In the last book that Nietzsche (the philosopher of the Third Reich) ever wrote, titled “The Antichrist” he states in the final paragraph: With this I come to a conclusion and pronounce my judgment. I condemn Christianity; I bring against the Christian church the most terrible of all the accusations that an accuser has ever had in his mouth. It is, to me, the greatest of all imaginable corruptions; it seeks to work the ultimate corruption, the worst possible corruption. The Christian church has left nothing untouched by its depravity; it has turned every value into worthlessness, and every truth into a lie, and every integrity into baseness of soul. Let any one dare to speak to me of its “humanitarian” blessings! Its deepest necessities range it against any effort to abolish distress; it lives by distress; it creates distress to make itself immortal… For example, the worm of sin: it was the church that first enriched mankind with this misery!—The “equality of souls before God”—this fraud, this pretext for the rancunes of all the base-minded—this explosive concept, ending in revolution, the modern idea, and the notion of overthrowing the whole social order —this is Christian dynamite… The “humanitarian” blessings of Christianity forsooth! To breed out of humanitas a self-contradiction, an art of self-pollution, a will to lie at any price, an aversion and contempt for all good and honest instincts! All this, to me, is the “humanitarianism” of Christianity!—Parasitism as the only practice of the church; with its anæmic and “holy” ideals, sucking all the blood, all the love, all the hope out of life; the beyond as the will to deny all reality; the cross as the distinguishing mark of the most subterranean conspiracy ever heard of,—against health, beauty, well-being, intellect, kindness of soul—against life itself… This eternal accusation against Christianity I shall write upon all walls, wherever walls are to be found—I have letters that even the blind will be able to see… I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough,—I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race… And mankind reckons time from the dies nefastus when this fatality befell—from the first day of Christianity!—Why not rather from its last?—From today?—The transvaluation of all values!

I have probably confused some reading this. But In short, I have mentioned some possibilities on just who the first Americans really were. If they arrived from Siberia, they may have eventually mixed with other tribes arriving from that area. And there is the DNA 'evidence'. The sea-faring early Phoenicians, and the earliest Chinese who were White, may have explored overseas as we know Europeans DID in later centuries. The vast American land mass may have witnessed many migrations come and go.

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