The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )

Orlando Fag Queen Surprise Protest Success

It was a great day because nobody was arrested!

Location: ICON Park™ in Orlando, FL

The Jewish media claims that threats of violence led to the cancellation of Fag Queen Story Hour at Orlando's LGBT+ Center. Only one might better suggest that exposing child exploitation and the ridiculing of this degeneracy by neo-Nazis, might have been the real reason it was canceled. The NSM always obeys the law, while legally protesting this type of degeneracy, one which is infecting our nation as a whole. In light of this cancellation, the NSM moved on to plan B and successfully protested a different Orlando Fag Queen event, instead.

Click here and look for Fag Queen Orlando to watch the replay.



In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Leviticus 18:22 Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable. 23 Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.
29 Everyone who does any of these detestable things; such persons must be cut off from their people.


In reply to by Allen Peterson (not verified)

I had no idea the Lion asked the gazelle if he or she hated them before they eat them.

There is no tolerance in nature. Nature, if I take tolerance as a human concept, is the most intolerant thing that exists.


In reply to by Burt Colucci (not verified)

Something about what you said in your comment seemed familiar to me Commander. I remembered why- it's in the 88 precepts.

Precept 18: There exists no such thing as rights or privileges under the Laws of Nature. The deer being stalked by a hungry lion has no right to life. However, he may purchase life by obedience to nature- ordained instincts for vigilance and flight. Similarly, men have no rights to life, liberty or happiness. These circumstances may be purchased by oneself, by one’s family, by one’s tribe or by one’s ancestors, but they are nonetheless purchases and are not rights. Furthermore, the value of these purchases can only be maintained through vigilance and obedience to Natural Law.

Just wanted to share. Heil Hitler

Apparently Wikipedia condones Russophobia and antisemitism now:

“…everything in Ukraine belonged to the Ukrainians, so the Moskals and the kikes were not allowed to reside or have property there.”

Webmaster note: I believe this commenter is a bit whacked and doesn't understand context. Wikipedia was merely reporting what was said, they aren't endorsing anything. Kudos to them for not censoring the slurs, but Wikipedia is not truth nor is it free speech, unless of course, it somehow benefits the left.


In reply to by Fuck the nazis (not verified)

And you're posting this here why again?
'Russophobia' lol...nothing against Russian national socialists (i know there are some) but Russia is a jew controlled bolshevik state. Attaching the term 'phobia' to anything that disagrees with your narrative is quite jewish. But then again, so is attacking a platform for being considered 'fascist',
With that said, I'm not stuck in a jew paradigm, a hegelian dialectic of jewish creation... you won't find me cheering for either side on that war because the only ones dying are Whites, for the most part.
I find your perspective disappointing.

Fuck the tranny pedo cunts and Drag Queen subhumans. Day of the ████ can't come any sooner.

Webmaster note: I redacted this comment, as everything on the NSM website must remain legal. Even that which should be taken as obvious political hyperbole.

Was the third Reich free speech? Do you think they would tolerate disrespect of the Fuehrer to be published on their own platform?
Go back to the race mixing, homo-tolerant GDL, We don't want or need you here. We are not 'goyim' and the fact you choose to identify as one demonstrates your willingness for cuckery.
The NSM will never compromise by allowing jews, faggots, or any form of 'poc' in the movement, nor will we tolerate disrespect of our Commander. 88


In reply to by Sgt. BK (not verified)

Disrespect of the Fuhrer,really . It's hardly disrespect to acknowledge the truth. You have to twist my words and my position to fit your almighty narrative. That's what the media does,right?? If you did know anything about me,you would know that I have the utmost respect for Commander. I simply stated that it does not good to bash other movements that are supposed to be working towards the same goal . I have no idea who the fuck you are,other than Mr. Tough guy coming out of the woodwork to step on my character,and mold me into a fucking race mixing faggot ally of niggers. Did I get that right. Again,if you knew anything about me,you would know better than to spout off lies like that . That's an enemy list to me Mr NSM parrot boy . I stayed that whoever it be that will name the Jew the better,even if they happen to be our enemies. I didn't say stand in the ranks with this scum, I said whoever it be,call the jew out. Because, they need dealt with 1st,before we start taking territory from our racial enemies . You see,you are exactly the poison that keeps our people divided and fighting amongst each other,talking shit on the GDL. They are an ideology, a movement,not an organization. No one has brought more light recently regarding the Jew then they have,simply with flyers. Across the nation. I commend anyone shedding that light. And Burt himself in prior episodes has acknowledged thier banner drops and Name the nose tour. But then something happened,and they parted ways . I don't belong to anything, lone wolf. However I support all movements who get it done Now,why don't you go back to playing dress up and thinking thoughts of superiority. Get on your high horse and ride off into the sunset and take your lies ,smears and bullshit with you,Mr NSM tough guy. Woodwork . Instead of pecker wood,you're a woodpecker pecking up the wrong tree .


In reply to by Blue1eyed4devil (not verified)

"I don't belong to anything, lone wolf."

I would disagree with that. ?


In reply to by Blue1eyed4devil (not verified)

TBH, I'm quite apathetic to what some 'lone wolf White nationalist' thinks or says about myself or the movement.
You want a cookie for noticing the jew?
The only 'tough guy' act in this conversation is you.
Do something, ffs and stop projecting (like a kike) on the internet and our website.
It's not 'bashing' to speak the truth about other movements, especially those who attack us. You want to hang with race mixers or faggots, that's on you. You want to lurk in the shadows, wear masks, and never fly a Hakenkreuz, again that's on you.
You seem stuck on the cult of personality, it doesn't matter if you know who i am or not because this is not an internet popularity contest. This is a war for our children. Do you even have children?
Like i said earlier, the NSM has un-moving conviction when it comes to such things as tolerance towards non-Whites, degeneracy, and cowardice... which is why I am here.
Playing dress up? This comment alone shows how you feel about the NSM as a whole, and demonstrates your ignorant disrespect for what we are about.
If you had the 'utmost respect for Commander' (why you are calling him Commander is beyond me, since you're a GDL proponent and berate the NSM standards) you wouldn't be here showing your ass, you'd be joining the movement.
As for me being the poison, that's an awful jewish move to accuse/attack a fellow White Aryan brother who is actually part of an organized movement LEGALLY opposing the jew and their White genocide operation.
Any time you wish to communicate with me, i am available on T-gram in the evenings. Just hope your tirades are not as butt-hurt and long-winded as they are here, or it will be a short conversation.


In reply to by Sgt. BK (not verified)

So,what I need for you to do,is to prove to me with evidence the claims you are making against the GDL,that they promote race mixing and approve of faggots and race traitors, because I,despite what you called me,do not represent the interests of the GDL. Honestly, I only even visit the site maybe once or twice a week . However I usually visit this site daily. And when you say I disrespected Commander Burt, it was really only me addressing what he said on previous podcasts,which was the disapproval of many pro-white organizations, and also his opinion that the NSM is the most active and they stand above the rest of the organizations out there that are getting it done. Again,to set the record straight, I don't wear a mask,never have,never will,and your statement I am afraid to wear the swastika,is a joke. I don't really need a uniform,my skin is enough, with ss bolts on my neck,and my clothing is all pro- white skinhead bands, iron eagles carrying the Swazi, death's head shirts, Blood and Honor patches on my jacket,you get the point . So show me the proof of your accusations, because if you're right,then I cannot support them. And is no one allowed to have an opinion on what Burt has said in his podcasts, because to me he seems like the type of guy that would welcome opposing positions on certain topics. All without any disrespect or hostility. Other than that, I hope we can reach a mutual understanding of the issues of other organizations. Hail Victory my brothers,14/88


In reply to by Blue1eyed4devil (not verified)

i just know that some people in that crowd practice miscegeny.
I like HT and respect what he is doing for the most part. Personally, wish he didn't do the femboy routine on his shows, but it's neither here nor there.
Now, looking back at the thread when i replied to "Free Speech My White Ass' that was a different author entirely by the name of lonewarwolf0, so a bit confused why you replied in the first place.
With that said, i'll always disagree and defend against criticism when it comes to Commander. If you don't wear a mask, then i salute you. Still no need to mock the NSM wearing uniforms.


In reply to by Sgt. BK (not verified)

Handsome Truth is doing some great things, he's certainly high among those leading the name and blame the Jew movement. However some of his methods are a bit off-putting, like face altering to play a very convincing homosexual or negro. It does show his talent as an actor, however as they say, just enjoy the sausage AND NEVER WATCH HOW IT IS MADE. What he is doing is working, even if I/we do find it somewhat unsettling.

I'll agree regarding criticism of the Commander. Nobody (and I mean NOBODY) in this movement has "skin in the game" like Burt. He stands head and shoulders above all others regarding devotion to the cause. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm too much of a coward to risk what he has risked, so I will just do my thing quietly away from the boots on the ground. We each contribute to this movement the best we can – and my contribution is through information technology. I'm starting to see myself becoming like the Joseph Goebbels of the NSM, as a major propagandist for pro-White interests. I mean, the truth needs to be said and somebody has to say it, so why not me?

For much of my life, prior to doing this, I was a business professional, a corporate executive with senior management responsibilities involving a mid-size corporation, which I also owned. I required all our employees to wear a uniform, so I believe that I can address this matter effectively. Originally I decided to go with uniforms to give our fledgling corporation a professional image, but later I discovered that it provided much more than just that. Mandatory uniforms help employees to become cohesive and disciplined, as well as giving them a sense of belonging, trust and confidence. This is a strong benefit for the NSM. Wearing a uniform with rank insignia gives the NSM better exposure, recognition and publicity, it shows the NSM means business and is not fly by night. When the public sees the NSM, they know exactly who they are. These uniforms provide a great first impression, to anyone wanting to join the NSM. They see the solidarity and unity that these uniforms demonstrate. Compare any other groups out there with the NSM – which one are YOU going to remember? ? All the reasons uniforms were essential to the Third Reich, also apply to the NSM.


In reply to by Sgt. BK (not verified)

Webmaster, do have the balls to post my response to the Almighty staff sergeant?? Please realize, I had to defend myself against his ignorance. I'm willing to go with anyone who attacks my character with lies and disrespect . And understand, I will stand toe to toe with every member of the NSM against our enemies. But 1st we gotta get a few things hashed out here.

Webmaster's note: posting this message just once is enough. Posting it over and over is not going to motivate me and may even have the opposite effect. ?

Although I largely disagree with black culture, and find that their whining about concessions is a disgrace, I would not say they are inferior. After all, one of the great civilizations, Egypt, also the longest lived empire, originated in Africa. As for the mark of Cain and Ham arguments, Cain’s lineage died in the flood, and Noah did not curse Ham directly, but Canaan who who’s descendants would later become the Canaanites (who are not Africans). In fact, Moses married a Cushite with the LORD’s approval and Paul, in his epistles to the churches encourages diversity. Now what about keeping the blood pure as God told the Israelites to not mingle with the other nations? This is often misinterpreted as of race, but the LORD spoke of religion and marrying outside the faith as the idolatry of the other nations would corrupt Israel. Now any claims that people may have to prove that blacks are inferior are just as valid as saying the earth is flat. I think the issue with blacks is firstly the corruption that infests the African continent, and the ungodly culture that they raise here in the United States. The main point here is that nobody is born inferior, but people can be born into inferior culture.


In reply to by Joseph Knott (not verified)

> I largely disagree with black culture

Black culture is the product of Black people, while Asian culture is the product of Asian people and White culture is the product of White people. In recent times, mostly within the last 100 or so years, most of the Asian countries have now adopted White culture – a tacit acceptance that White culture is the superior culture. Meanwhile, approximately 98% of Blacks have never accepted White culture, as they despise education and work, the cornerstones of White culture.

> I would not say they are inferior.

I would, just as most people would – as Blacks ARE inferior, by a HUGE MARGIN. The African Nigger ape is the second most failed hominid species on earth, with the Aboriginal Australians taking first place. Aboriginals are so stupid, that they make their beds and go to sleep on smooth, flat highways – and then they get run over. Don't believe me? Here are a couple of old PSAs televised decades ago in Australia.

Imagine there exists a "people" so stupid, that they choose to sleep on the roadways, because they are smooth, flat and warmed by the sun. ?

The African Negro is almost equally this stupid, with a mean IQ of only 68 points. Everyone instinctively knows this is true, after just being around them and dealing with them, even for just a short time. No matter how much money White people pour into "uplifting" the Nigger race – the outcome always remains the same. The belief that it is poverty which causes Black problems is false. Simply flip it around. It is the many problems with Black people, which are the cause of poverty. If you also behaved like Black people, you too would be just as economically impoverished as they. This is just common sense.

The argument of Black equality was finally put to rest with the Kansas City experiment. Back in the 1980's one impoverished Black Kansas City school district was chosen for this experiment. They received more federal money per pupil, than any other of the 280 major school districts in the entire country. Over the course of 12 years, the federal government spent nearly $2 billion building the most magnificent schools the world had ever seen, in a Black community, directly benefiting the district's 37,000 Black students, who now enjoyed quite literally the finest and best funded school facilities in the country. Yet in spite of having the finest facilities and teachers of any school district in the country, nothing changed. Test scores stayed the same, the three‐grade‐level achievement gap between Blacks and Whites did not change – and the dropout rate actually went up, not down. Apparently you will be shocked to learn, genetics really does play a role in outcome. Apparently you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. ?

This of course was a major embarrassment and a huge setback for ideologues such as yourself – the backers of vastly increased funding for public schools to "uplift" Blacks. The Kansas City controlled experiment resolved once and for all, the philosophies of education and money. Today we know, after the 12 year experiment has ended, that Niggers are simply made of failure, Niggers are demonstrably a genetically inferior hominid that is mostly ineducable, where statistically 98% of them will NEVER fit or function well, in a civilized society.

> After all, one of the great civilizations, Egypt, also the longest lived empire, originated in Africa.

Awesome! Then you love White people the same as we. For you see, the Egyptians were White Europeans. Scientists at Zurich-based DNA genealogy center, iGENEA, reconstructed the DNA profile of the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, who ascended the throne at the age of nine. The results showed that King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group, known as haplogroup R1b1a2, to which more than 50 percent of all men in Western Europe belong, indicating that they all share a common ancestor. Among modern-day Egyptians it was found, this haplogroup contingent is below 1 percent. So according to iGENEA's research, Egypt is just more proof of White supremacy. Thus if you are White, you should be both happy and proud of this news. ?…

> As for the mark of Cain and Ham arguments, Cain’s lineage died in the flood, and Noah did not curse Ham directly, but Canaan who who’s descendants would later become the Canaanites (who are not Africans).

I'd rather argue behavior and outcomes, as that applies to all of us here and now, but the bible does claim that Ham had sinned against Noah, so God cursed his son Canaan and his descendants to perpetual servitude in Genesis 9:25–27 and that Cain had a mark on him (Gen. 4:15), where the Hebrew meaning of Ham’s name was "dark or black" thus the mark of the cursed Black people of Africa. Canaan was also uniquely evil, like most Black people and defiled the land (Lev. 18) and if you have ever visited anywhere Black, you know that Blacks do defile the land.

Thus the Canaanites were cursed because they were evil and thus marked with dark skin. This all according to the bible of course. I'm more inclined to think climate and sun exposure caused the dark skin, the same as we see in India and other places. Niggers are just stupid today, because they weren't subjected to the stresses of living on the glaciers of Europe, which forces one to become intelligent and cooperative, or die. That explanation works better for me, than these bible stories.

> Now what about keeping the blood pure as God told the Israelites to not mingle with the other nations?

Jews don't keep their blood pure anymore, they take Shiksa wives and mix with Whites, so they too can be pretty. Most Jews today are not nearly as ugly as they were in the past, for this reason. Jews clearly hate us, because they know they will never BE us.

> Now any claims that people may have to prove that blacks are inferior are just as valid as saying the earth is flat.

Your argument is a logical fallacy and is non sequitur, by simply stating (as a conclusion) something as fact that does not strictly follow from the premise. Black inferiority has nothing to do with flat earth ideology. When you test Blacks, they test poorly. When you test flat earth, by performing an around-the-world balloon trip, you discover a globe earth, held together by central gravity.

> I think the issue with blacks is firstly the corruption that infests the African continent, and the ungodly culture that they raise here in the United States.

Could it be that Niggers are simply corrupt by design? You do not explain why no matter where you look on earth where Black people exist, be it Africa (their home) or the caribbean islands, south or north America, much of Europe today, or even at any time period throughout history, Niggers are always made of failure. There are no exception. Equalist Whites will falsely point to Egypt and Timbuktu as the one and only shining examples of Black success, but both cases are now known to be false. Egypt was built by White Europeans. Timbuktu by North African Arabs. To this day, the Negro race really has nothing, no accomplishments whatsoever.

> The main point here is that nobody is born inferior, but people can be born into inferior culture.

I will prove this statement is false by asking one simple question. If genetic differences in behavior and ability do not exist, that all people can achieve the same (if only we alleviate poverty or racism) then can a short person, when gifted money, through hard work and study, can they eventually become tall? Or is a short person basically fucked by their own genetics, unable to ever change their height? I posit that the Nigger is equally forever fucked. The Nigger will always remain both stupid and violent, as the Nigger is a product of their genes, thus unfit for civilization. The short person will always remain short. A blue-eyed person will always have blue eyes and so on. Nature is not fair, there is no equality seen anywhere in nature. Be thankful that you are White, IF you are White.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I had no idea about the King Tut discovery. But that still doesn’t quite do it for me. I used to believe the same way you do. Very zealous and hardcore, but over numerous encounters with blacks that were just as if not more intellectual than I was, I began to question my thinking. I also began to realize, that the very blatant and hardcore beliefs we have is what is causing 90 percent of whites to be apologetic for things they had no control over. It is sickening, and we are partly responsible. In turn, people like us tend to enforce the narrative of blacks. Hitler didn’t say to hell with the Jews from the get go. This is what is repulsive to the public and it paints us whites in a bad light.
As much as I hate the lefts agenda and black culture, I wouldn’t go so far as to put a label on an entire race. That for me goes too far.
As for civilization building, if defining an individuals superiority or inferiority is by race, then by definition, the only inferior people would be Aborigines from Australia and isolated island peoples. Even North American Indians would fall into this category since South Americans had the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans. Even if you exclude Egypt from African history, there are still numerous other “civilizations” like Cush which was much like Egypt. In fact us whites didn’t have any civilization until the Greeks which is fairly recent in our Earths history. And this migration nonsense I simply can’t take seriously. The only reason why I’m saying this is because I think that this is a good cause but it has some issues and ideologies that simply don’t work in modern society.


In reply to by Joseph Knott (not verified)

> I had no idea about the King Tut discovery.

Obviously this is not the kind of scientific discovery that anyone on the left wants to even know, or if they do know – wants to be shared. Also, the discovery that Niggers carry Bonobo ape genes, while Whites do not – while Whites carry Neanderthal genes, which Niggers do not (proof that we are not even of the same species) is yet another such revelation.

> But that still doesn’t quite do it for me.

Of course not. Proof that Niggers have never achieved anything on their own, completely ruins your entire argument. However right now, during a period of record high inflation, near record high interest rates and a collapsing economy, the Biden administration has hired White men to put "trans women and POCs" on the moon. It's called the Artemis program, the first test flight of which took place on November 16, 2022. It's somewhat secretly happening, as there isn't a lot of reporting about it so far. However before the end of the Biden administration, every TV will show only Niggers, gays, women and trans people on the moon, placed there by White men of course. They won't mention that Whites did this FOR them. You see, these women, gay, trans queer POCs will all receive (but did not earn) all of the credit for this achievement "for diversity."

Most of us in the science community are quietly expecting a catastrophic failure, something like a chimpout on the way to the moon for example, where the sensitive interior of the capsule gets trashed by an out-of-control Nigger who is freaking out, then everyone onboard dies. And as you know, this kind of event IS a very valid risk when dealing with Niggers. In order to save costs, everything involved with the Artemis program is being downgraded. To save the weight of fuel, the trip to the moon will take many days longer than during the Apollo era, providing way more time for a chimpout. Imaging packing a bunch of trans queers and Niggers in a van, then welding the doors shut. What could go wrong? The last "diversity" mission launched by NASA also ended in disaster, when the Space Shuttle Columbia on mission STS-107 was destroyed upon reentry, killing the diversity crew, along with the White men who flew them to orbit. The diversity crew included the first Indo-asian (Indian) woman in space, a Negro male, a disadvantaged White woman who reached her goal in a man's world – and Ilan Ramon (the first and last Jew in space).

> I used to believe the same way you do. Very zealous and hardcore, but over numerous encounters with blacks that were just as if not more intellectual than I was, I began to question my thinking.

You are clearly articulate and polite, so this suggests you might be a Jew attempting to soft-sell a false narrative. Sorry, it won't work with me, nor will it work with anyone who has ever encountered a Nigger. Again, read this page (link below) and carefully find any mistakes. THERE AREN'T ANY. Niggers really are this abysmal. And I do mean ALL OF THEM, because you can't point to any rare, outlier high-profile Niggers like OJ Simpson, Bill Cosby or Jussie Smollett to disprove any of these arguments. for mobile users.

I have to do that, provide the second link, because mobile users are so fucking stupid – they can't read the huge button I provide (just for them) labeled "Tap Here for The Main Page" to skip over the comments. If anyone has a solution to this problem, other than simply removing the comments for stupid mobile users, I'd love to hear it. When I'm hired to build a commercial site, that's what I do, strip it down for mobile users. What I'm trying to achieve here (as best as I can) is an equal experience for both large and small screen users. However people still complain, because they are stupid and can't read or follow instructions. And because they must scan past 40 comments to reach the content pages, they don't and complain. Sorry for the rant. Back to what we were discussing.

> I also began to realize, that the very blatant and hardcore beliefs we have is what is causing 90 percent of whites to be apologetic for things they had no control over.

Nah, what's causing that is just Jewish exploitation of White vulnerabilities. Jews find our weaknesses, usually compassion and a sense of fairness and then they exploit the fuck out of it. It's what Jews do. Niggers are best described as absolute monsters – real-life monsters, no different from loosing wild grizzly bears in our cities. Niggers are a danger to everyone and to everything around them, including themselves. Every White secretly knows this.

> It is sickening, and we are partly responsible.

It's sickening, only to the Jews and to leftist liberal faggots who drink the Jewish kool-aid. White people could care less, we're quite happy to be greater than three standard deviations smarter than Niggers and way better looking to boot. See this page for more info. for mobile users.

Zero fucks given that the Nigger ape beast got a raw deal in the genetic lottery.

> In turn, people like us tend to enforce the narrative of blacks.

Blacks enforce the narrative of Blacks. I don't need to say or do a thing.

> Hitler didn’t say to hell with the Jews from the get go.

Yes he did. Thanks to the Jews, nearly every woman in Berlin was a prostitute, where they performed the first transgender surgery in then 1931 Weimar Republic Berlin, the most Jew-run and degenerate period in German history, just two years before Hitler rose to power, for no apparent reason whatsoever. Google Magnus Hirschfeld (that's right, a Jew) at Berlin's Institute for Sexual Research. The transgender fad started prior to world war two is once again making a return, all thanks to the Jew, who are re-enacting world war two, only this time with America as the new Germany. And yes, we lose world war three and become an occupied and defeated country, followed by a systematic White genocide, probably involving both biological warfare and murder through violence.

> This is what is repulsive to the public and it paints us whites in a bad light.

I tell the truth about Niggers on this site. Only those in denial reject these truths. Niggers are nothing more than feral farm animals, which were released from the farms to do damage everywhere they go (similar to feral pigs). There should be a program for dealing with both problems.

> As much as I hate the lefts agenda and black culture, I wouldn’t go so far as to put a label on an entire race. That for me goes too far.

Saying the entire Nigger species is made of fail is like saying the duck species can fly and quack. IT'S JUST WHAT THEY DO! It is fact and completely self-evident.

> As for civilization building, if defining an individuals superiority or inferiority is by race, then by definition, the only inferior people would be Aborigines from Australia and isolated island peoples.

There are winners and losers in everything. The only place where Niggers are the winners, would be running events and every form of crime imaginable, especially violent crime. That's where Niggers are King. The evolutionary winner on this planet is clearly the White European man.

> Even North American Indians would fall into this category since South Americans had the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans.

Are you yielding that which the south American natives built, to the north American natives? This is counter-intuitive. North American natives built and lived a nomad life in tents. Other than a smattering of mounds (burial mounds) they have built practically nothing at all and never developed a written form of their own language. The achievements of the south Americans are somewhat impressive, but remember they performed ritual sacrifice, literally cutting the heart out of living people. They were a barbaric people, likely related to Koreans by genetics. They were wiped out by a bird origin influenza virus, as best as we can tell from the records they kept.

> Even if you exclude Egypt from African history, there are still numerous other “civilizations” like Cush which was much like Egypt.

Every claim of Nigger achievement is false. We are talking about a people who have never developed a written form of their own language, have difficulty speaking and are incapable of reading and writing English, nor have they ever developed a system of numbers. The reason why is simple – their brains never evolved the ability for deductive, inductive or abductive reasoning. These traits only evolved in the White and to a lesser extent in the Asian races, due to necessity (of living on glaciers made of miles thick ice, during the last ice age).

> In fact us whites didn’t have any civilization until the Greeks which is fairly recent in our Earths history.

Are you forgetting what you just learned about the Egyptians? White Egyptian civilization began around 3000 BCE. Greek civilization began about 1,400 years later, at around 1600 BCE. So if you are a Jew trying to soft-sell your anti-White bullshit, it simply won't fly here, because I'm here – and you can't censor my responses. ?

> And this migration nonsense I simply can’t take seriously. The only reason why I’m saying this is because I think that this is a good cause but it has some issues and ideologies that simply don’t work in modern society.

Migration is simply replacing smart, innovative White people (which the Jew fears) with stupid brown people (which Jews can easily rule over). At any other time in American history, those approaching the border would have been met with machine gun fire, not given free hotel rooms and air travel to whatever cities they want to infest. Jews are simply taxing White people (both direct tax and inflation tax) and using the money to steal the West from the White people who created it, hoping to use these mud people as bioweapons to genocide the White race and bring back slavery and to live as kings (and even be worshiped by these mud slave races as gods). The biggest reason the Jews give for why Whitey has to die, is because they know Whitey would never allow the Jews to bring back chattel slavery. Without Whites to stop them, Jews are free to do whatever perverse actions on whatever subordinate people they like.

I've done my best to prove you are wrong on all points, now I'll let the readers see your arguments, followed by mine – then they can draw their own conclusions. ? Fair enough?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I like how you tend to slap a label on things you don’t agree with. I myself am a Christian so I don’t believe the Darwinistic nonsense that the left teaches. I believe we all come from Adam and Eve but overtime, different races either embraced or rejected God, thus the sad condition of aborigines. It was only after the West embraced Christ that the civilization truly flourished (primarily talking about the Nordic and Celtic peoples). Ethiopia, also a prominent Christian kingdom, thus was able to stay the hand of colonization. We obviously have history on our side, but to say we are another species? I am set on the fact that it is an issue of corrupted and immoral culture. As you said about the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas, human sacrifice was appalling. That’s why God cursed their wretched civilization to punish them for their great abomination, and the curse still lives with their people to this day. The same can be said for Africa, and all the other savages out their. India had an ancient practice of human sacrifice and widow burning. That’s why their peoples live in squalor. The only saving grace they received was from Imperial rule, when the British prohibited their abominable practices. But they still even to this day, cling to their miserable culture that is Satanic in its essence. Even the ancient peoples of Europe: Nordic, Germanic, Celtic and Gaelic peoples practiced human sacrifice and other pagan rituals which is why they lived in barbarity until their conversion to Christianity, which is where they began to flourish. This is why the left paints us Christians as evil, because we brought civilization and knowledge to countless peoples, but without their gratitude of course. Radicals would rather us return to paganism and lose all form of Godliness. That’s why they invented Darwinism. Don’t let them fool you. The reason why God has blessed the white race, is because we embraced him. All the other people were just too stupid and stubborn to follow suit. So the main point is, we should be fighting a war on culture, such as sodomy and ungodly morals that plague brown society. That’s the end of my rant. I hope this shows you my perspective.


In reply to by Joseph Knott (not verified)

> I like how you tend to slap a label on things you don’t agree with.

If you walk like a duck, quack like a duck – but claim that you are a swan, I will still call you duck. ?

> I myself am a Christian so I don’t believe the Darwinistic nonsense that the left teaches.

Given that for hundreds of years, we have manipulated our own pets, through selective breeding, to turn for example, what started out as a wolf, into everything from a Mastiff to Chihuahua – the evidence supports evolution rather than creation, as to how we came into existence. Turkeys did not start out as White birds weighing 30+ pounds. Pigs were not pink and they were not very big when found in the wild. Cows will still try to hook you with horns that they no longer have. This is man EVOLVING these animals to suit OUR needs. When Craig Venter purchased pure amino acids from a supplier, then assembled those amino acids into a living bacterium, one that continues to live and reproduce itself – even to this day – he became the demonstrable equivalent of God. He used raw ingredients and created life. In the process of doing this, he discovered that amino acids simply like to link up in ways which result in the creation of life, thus greatly simplifying the process of what he was doing – as he simply guided it, along the way.

> I believe we all come from Adam and Eve but overtime, different races either embraced or rejected God, thus the sad condition of aborigines.

Don't feel sorry for them. Feel sorry for the White race. Pity (and Christianity – which is the religion of pity) is why White people are a dying race, heading toward extinction. Pity was the major White weakness, exploited by the Jew, which leads to our own demise. Pity and kindness is likely what will kill us. And once Whites are gone, your lovely brown and black people will then be at the mercy of the Jews, who intend to exploit and enslave them once more. For you see, unlike White people, the Jew feels no pity – they don't feel anything at all, which is why you often see them jumping headlong into the various and disgusting, hedonistic pleasures. Jeffrey Epstein is a classic example.

> It was only after the West embraced Christ that the civilization truly flourished (primarily talking about the Nordic and Celtic peoples).

But the Nords and Celts didn't worship Christ until the religion was forced upon them by war. Nords worshiped Odin, Thor, Frigg, Týr – colorful and creative White gods, which were nothing like Christ. Celts worshiped Aengus Óg, Dagda, Áine of Knockaine and Eostre. The fact is, you have accidentally, probably through family indoctrination, become infected with Christianity – which is not unlike someone acquiring tuberculosis from a family member's cough. That said, Christianity has become the dominant religion in America, so if you want to thrive and be politically successful, you MUST at least PRETEND to be one of them. That's how I survive and thrive in the Republican party, as a ranking member of the Central Committee, while I slowly steer the party toward White Nationalism and possibly at some point, National Socialism. Most in the CC would claim I am the most devout Christian they have ever met, as I cite from the bible more than most – but in reality, I realize that Christianity was a work of fiction, invented by the Romans as a means of control over the slaves of Rome, a way to keep them both fearful and submissive, while remaining hopeful and obedient in their servitude.

> Ethiopia, also a prominent Christian kingdom, thus was able to stay the hand of colonization.

Niggers are made of fail. Do you recall the Ethiopian famine in 1983 to 1985 when White (admittedly Christian) Americans stepped in and saved them from being wiped out, naturally, from starvation? In Africa, starvation is natural. And now, what do we get from these "people" today, in return for that salvation?

> We obviously have history on our side, but to say we are another species?

We are. Compared to the Nigger, we are biologically separate, a separate species (which would be evident to your eyes, if you were not blind).

And if that meme was not enough to sell you, a few years ago some do-gooder Whites were appalled by the lack of adequate health care for Negroes. So they set out to find race-specific medicines just for Blacks, as human drugs were not working as well for them. They came up with this: BiDil, the first heart failure (HF) treatment specifically for African Americans.

If Blacks were actually human, then why don't human drugs work with them? Nature doesn't give a shit about your wants and feelings. Nature insists that I am right, that good or bad, Niggers are indeed a different species of hominid ape. ?

> I am set on the fact that it is an issue of corrupted and immoral culture.

Corruption and immorality are both genetic traits (or rather, a lack of traits found only in Whites and East Asians). Whites are averse to things only seen in those who did not evolve for thousands of years on the ice sheets of glacial Europe. Among the most corrupt of these are the Jews and their pets, the Niggers. Neither have evolved the traits we White people will point to, when we describe what it means to be human (humanity).

> As you said about the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas, human sacrifice was appalling.

Whites did it too, when we were barbarians. And unless we can once again channel that inner barbarian, something which we all have – we will soon be driven into extinction by the Jew and their Nigger pets. See how close we are, by examining this well documented chart!

Whites have maybe 20 years or less before the not-Whites vote for expropriation without compensation, the same as they have in Haiti, Rhodesia and now South Africa. And that's if we are lucky. My bet? They'll just start murdering us all and taking what they want from us. If you really loved Blacks as you say you do, then you would do everything you can to stop this White genocide, because once White people are gone, who will be there to protect them from being enslaved once again? Who will be there to provide their EBT and Section-8? How will they survive on their own, without Whites?

> That’s why God cursed their wretched civilization to punish them for their great abomination, and the curse still lives with their people to this day.

Regardless of WHY they suck, the bible agrees with me that THEY DO SUCK.

> The same can be said for Africa, and all the other savages out their.

Agreed. Only Whites and East Asians are capable of civility. A few other races like the indo-Asians (India) come fairly close.

> India had an ancient practice of human sacrifice and widow burning. That’s why their peoples live in squalor.

They live in squalor by choice. A friend of mine moved from Germany to India to escape a 10 year prison sentence for promoting the Third Reich. She ordered internet service to the home she was renting. The wire was routed by laying it on the roof of the neighbor's house then up to her balcony, stapled to the soffit they drilled a hole through her window sill (which now prevents the window from being opened). They then dangled the router crooked from a single nail above the window. I have photographic evidence which my friend sent me, as a fellow German, who could not believe this is an example of doing a proper job. This is not a curse by God, but rather a genetic lack of a proper work ethic.

Only Whites have the most developed work ethic of all hominids.

> Even the ancient peoples of Europe: Nordic, Germanic, Celtic and Gaelic peoples practiced human sacrifice and other pagan rituals which is why they lived in barbarity until their conversion to Christianity, which is where they began to flourish.

They were flourishing as barbarians. We languish as supplicants to the Jew. Anyone who is Judaeo-Christian (putting the Jew before Christ) is a victim of Jewish mind control, the subversion of a slave religion.

> This is why the left paints us Christians as evil, because we brought civilization and knowledge to countless peoples, but without their gratitude of course.

The left does not choose to live in Niggerworld. I've only known a few women who moved into Niggerworld to experience "diversity" and one was savagely beaten, robbed, raped, raped again, then set on fire. Her name was Andrea Nance.

And it's not just American Niggers, Amy Biehl was raped and murdered by a pack of Niggers who then stole her rental car in South Africa.

In both of these cases, excuses were made for the behavior of these Niggers.

> Radicals would rather us return to paganism and lose all form of Godliness.

Have you ever thought that maybe WE are God, but we just don't act like it anymore?

> That’s why they invented Darwinism.

Darwinism is self-evident – and anyone can reproduce the results.

> Don’t let them fool you.

Don't let a slave religion fool you, where the protagonist insists that you "obey your masters" which was something Jesus said many times. Never once did Jesus say "slaves, throw down your chains and be free" not once. Re-read your bible with the idea that this religion was created to produce more slaves and to placate the slaves they already had – and see if you don't agree with my summation. A 400 year older god named Mithra was born in a cave from a rock, who was visited by three wise men and so on. The story of Jesus was stolen from the Persians from 400 years earlier. If you're as much of a bible scholar as I, then you would know this.

> The reason why God has blessed the white race, is because we embraced him.

I don't and I'm doing fine. Christian churches have been the number one most often cited "super spreader events" during covid. Does your God not love his piety? Or perhaps, maybe that god of yours just isn't there? You need to examine everything from all angles to really discover the actual truth. The White man may be the highest level of intelligence in the entire universe. The White man may be God! And until we find other, more intelligent life in the universe, we will have to assume that the White man is the highest intelligence in the universe. Wouldn't it be awful if we let the White race be driven into extinction, by a befouled race whose only claim to fame is that of deception (of lying)?

> All the other people were just too stupid and stubborn to follow suit.

Re-read your bible with the question in mind, does this book benefit more the slave, or the slave owner? Keep in mind that slavery is condoned in the bible and even encouraged. Many displeasing things are condoned and encouraged in the bible.

> So the main point is, we should be fighting a war on culture, such as sodomy and ungodly morals that plague brown society. That’s the end of my rant. I hope this shows you my perspective.

I agree, we should fight the Jew who is promoting sodomy as a means of eradication and genocide. The Jew is giving Whites many choices, each of which ends with the extermination of our entire race. However you are never going to convince the Jew that what they are doing is wrong, because it benefits the Jew. And if you believe what Jesus said, then the Jews truly are the children of Satan.

Transgenderism, homosexuality, race mixing, drag queen story hours, the country turning into one huge slop bucket, all with the blessings of the powers that be?
We're in trouble boys and girls. The white race is in danger of extinction, and by design. Our own race needs to open their eyes and take the blinders off.


In reply to by William (not verified)

Good, you white vermin need to go extinct and that's exactly what's going to happen. There is no need for you pathetic assholes to keep living amongst the true gods and goddesses of this world. You area genetic mutation. You are not authentic, you are not superior in any way. Keep dreaming! Cannot wait until you stupid fucks are wiped out.


In reply to by BLACK GODDESS (not verified)

Your name cracks me up ?? nigger you ain't even a human being much less a goddess. You monkeys are a couple of generations from the plow in this country and all of a sudden you think you're people like us lol. The Webmaster hit the nail on the head with the picture of man on the moon- a nigger has never even built a ship much less something that flies.


In reply to by Covenant Soldier (not verified)

> Your name cracks me up ??

Just more of that "we wuz kanz" bullshit. No – not kangz, dick washers.

> nigger you ain't even a human being much less a goddess.

It's not surprising that Niggers hate us. Just put yourself in their shoes. Every time they look at us, they see an attractive, often beautiful human being. Then when they look in the mirror, a reflective device which they could NEVER fabricate on their own, they see an ugly, ape-like primitive creature, which is the same color as shit. Then whenever they are around us, they claim we flaunt our superiority by simply being able to both think and speak clearly, including our ability to read – something which they struggle to do. Niggers have never on their own developed any written form of their own primitive languages, because for them, such a task becomes an intellectual impossibility.

Niggers hate us, because they know they will never BE us.

> You monkeys are a couple of generations from the plow in this country and all of a sudden you think you're people like us lol.

Niggers are obsolete and discarded farm animals, no different and no less destructive than feral hogs. They should both be dealt with the same way. And if the White race is to survive and thrive, that's exactly what will happen in time.

> The Webmaster hit the nail on the head with the picture of man on the moon- a nigger has never even built a ship much less something that flies.

Niggers do try to create aircraft in Africa. It's like watching retards. Their biggest failure is weight. They don't seem to realize that airplanes MUST be light. Niggers have no natural understanding of physical laws, they are simply "monkey see, monkey do" as they try to copycat White invention.

Nigger GENIUS is on display. These represent the brightest of African minds!

The Nigger lives upon the largest continent on earth, with the largest coastline, yet never once dreamed of a ship and sail. I just wish White plantation owners never purchased these dangerous feral beasts from the Jews, as they have become a cancer upon our Republic and are the DEATH of all that is beautiful and decent, living as parasites in our White European civilization.

The most expensive undertaking ever in history, was the landing a White man on the moon. We did this at the peak of White wealth and prosperity in the 1960's. So the Biden administration, during a record poor economy, during a time of record high inflation, record high unemployment, record high deficit spending and record high national debt – all of which Biden himself has caused by undoing all the good that Trump had delivered, has decided to force White people to build (and pay for) the infrastructure necessary to fly Niggers to the moon.

The Artemis mission to land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon.

Before the end of Biden's first term in office, you will see all manner of degeneracy on the moon, creatures which never would have been able to get there on their own (yet they will be credited with the achievement, anyway). Things like trannies, Niggers and I believe an Asian, who in time might have gotten there without the help of Whites. This will be a sad time for White people, as Whites are being forced to put degeneracy on the moon, for all the world to see. All the effort, but none of the reward. However just for a moment, imagine sealing Niggers in a capsule for many days at a time. My bet is – this won't go very well. Chimpout is almost inevitable. A chimpout in a space capsule will surely mean the death of all onboard. If that happens early on, maybe the trajectory will be knocked off and this depraved decadence of White guilt will fly off into deep space, never to be seen again.

And zero fucks will be given.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

it was said long ago that the african peopole were half animal and half child.
when you look at their flying creations you can see that half child.
the mind of the african never develops beyond that of a pre-teenage whitte boy.
and the violence is evidence to their animal side.
how can we live in close proximity to this?


In reply to by enigma (not verified)

We can't. Which is why we need separation, not segregation.
Segregation is jewish in nature, whereas separation is a more humane way to allow other races to fail or succeed according to natural law. But at least they can retain their dignity.
Segregation is just a humiliation ritual, imo.

I live in argentina, a countrie full of niggers. All the time smoke cigarrettes, alcohol,make annoying noise, there are fucking animals. I wish USA, germany, sweden,Norway, invade that fucking countrie. AND the rest of the countries located on southamerica and central América.


In reply to by Eternal Pain (not verified)

As far as I know, Argentina is 97% White, mostly of Italian and Spanish descent. To quote Carlos Menem, a former Argentine President, "In Argentina blacks do not exist, that is a Brazilian problem." It has been reported that the Argentina president (1868 to 1874) Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, undertook a well organized ethnic genocide that wiped out the Nigger Argentinean population to the point that by 1875, there were so few Niggers left in Argentina, that the government didn’t even bother registering African descendants in the national census. It seems the near-total eradication of Niggers from the country, reflects the long-cherished desire of successive Argentine governments to re-create the country as an all-White extension of Western Europe, only in Latin America.

A google search resulted in, "European (mostly Spanish and Italian descent) and mestizo (mixed European and Amerindian ancestry) 97.2%, Amerindian 2.4%, African 0.4% (2010 est.)"

In Buenos Aires, daylight motorcycle robberies are common, usually perpetrated by Venezuelans and Argentinians the most, followed by Peruvians, Bolivians, Paraguayans, Chinese and Colombians. This is basically what it looks like.

Of course, as always, correct me if I am wrong. ?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

You are absolutly wrong. Argentina is full of black people. My grandparents came from italy to argentina and i WAS born in that horrible countrie. AND is full of black people. Who all the time are consuming drugs yelling like animals.


In reply to by Eternal Pain (not verified)

Please provide supporting evidence for your claim, as I'm just not finding anything but mestizos committing crimes and former presidents claiming they have eradicated the Nigger problem in that country.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

The EVIDENCE is empiric. Just for walking You can see all the black people and the behaviour. I don T know where You get those stadistics. But You are very wrong. I live since i WAS born. You comment is very weird.


In reply to by Eternal Pain (not verified)

Clearly you are a troll. Anyone can disprove what you have said, easily.
Ethnic Groups: White (mostly Spanish and Italian) 97%, mestizo (mixed white and Amerindian ancestry), Amerindian, or other non-white groups 3%
Censo Nacional de Población, Hogares y Viviendas 2010
2.1. Estructura demográfica y distribución espacialLa cantidad total de personas en viviendas particulares que se autorreconocen como afrodescendientes es de 149.493; es decir, un 0,4% de la población.

Translated to English: National Census of Population, Households and Housing 2010
2.1. Demographic structure and spatial distribution The total number of people in private homes who self-identify as Afro-descendants is 149,493; that is, 0.4% of the population.

Thus, using official census data from the Argentine government, you are demonstrably full of shit and a troll. So why are you trolling in this manner, when it's pointless?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

You are a prick for using those kind of words. Are You sure that you are a white person. That census is from a corrupt goverment. Argentina has one of the highest tax pressure in the world. A very close economy to trade. Is a socialismo country with a very High poverty. Tha census DOESNT count the undocumented people. You should visita that countrie and see all the niggers smoking and yelling. But appereantly You are not a white person. Just an uncivilized animal.


In reply to by Eternal Pain (not verified)

No it isn't. The greatest soccer player ever is Lionel Messi and he's as White as they come. Hope this image link comes through.

Webmaster note: I edited this comment to make the image visible.


In reply to by Eternal Pain (not verified)

Africans belong in Africa, they can slaughter each other there to their heart's content, instead of the inner cities in this country.


In reply to by William (not verified)

My Mom while watching the TV news used to shout, "Blaim Lincoln" !

Burt's show last night made it evident that there is real drama and dissension within the ranks of the NSM. Come on guys, get your sh*t together. You aren't going to accomplish anything with this petty bickering and infighting.


In reply to by Deutschland (not verified)

I have pretty much decided that this kind of thing is an inherent design flaw in the White race, meaning there is nothing we can do about it – at present. On one hand, it makes for great entertainment of the (((Jerry Springer))) type – something that apparently is attractive to a majority of Whites (but unfortunately, is NOT attractive to me) as I was left feeling uncomfortable and cringing, during most of the Commander's show. This may be one advantage of autism, that cringe is unpleasant, thus autists tend to steer away from it.

Also as you point out, on the other hand, it does cause internal strife and dissension. Personally, I would like to see more REGIMENTED behavior and media production coming from the NSM, something more akin to what we saw being produced during the time of the third reich. It is this sense of order, this regimentation that makes the NSDAP as a political party, SO DAMN DESIRABLE to me. It is this desire for beauty and for order, which is strong apparently, but only in those Whites who are of Germanic heritage (of which I am).

Although in the movies we see coming from the NSDAP and in general out of third reich Germany seem to be universally orderly, attractive and happy – I'm absolutely convinced there must have been a more seamy side to all this, something which we were not shown (as there is always a balance). But by the inherent design of National Socialism, there is a tendency to MINIMIZE discord and dissent, while promoting the welfare and happiness of the White people living under National Socialism. In other words, we probably only saw happiness and positive growth during the third reich, as this is an inherent design ADVANTAGE of National Socialism, whereas unfettered capitalism tends to promote mostly corruption and imbalance, thus great levels of discord and dissent among the majority, with happiness going only to the nearly invisible tiny few, those mostly in the parasitic minority.

We do see this universally TODAY in the USA for example, as the 1 to 2% Jewish population benefit greatly, by exploiting the 98 to 99% majority, for personal gain. Under National Socialism, it would be this majority who would then find satisfaction and happiness, with the small minority, mostly untermenschen like Niggers and Jews, who would then suffer. I am of course okay with this, as suffering should be maintained to a small minority in general – AND personally, I am neither a Nigger nor a Jew, thus as the NSM member known as Grandfather would say, I could give a shit what happens to them. Parasites can not and will not "do well" under National Socialism, which requires determination, hard work and enterprise among ALL its participating members. Parasitism simply can not become a major problem under National Socialism, the way it currently is under laissez-faire, free-market capitalism.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Listening to Burt and Mike go back and forth like that was pure cringe. It made me feel like I was back in middle school. I got nothing against Burt but there are times I feel like he needs to grow up. How can anyone take the NSM seriously when the Commander and a former member are at going at it like a couple of immature children? Speaking of which, why did Mike get demoted and kicked out? That wasn't really explained in the show. I'm thinking it had more to do with a battle of egos than anything else.


In reply to by Deutschland (not verified)

It isn't like that every show. One thing about the Commander though, he doesn't back down when people attack, instead hands it right back to them. If you listen to the show before this, even two or three shows before this and you'll see they weren't a shit-show. 88

Well, I suppose I should ask why when I messaged a while back praising HT and the GDL, I caught flack for that. Commander Burt,in both of his shows also acknowledged HT,and honestly he deserves the respect of everyone in the movement. Then he went on to put down, I am supposing the NSC 131, because they wear masks. They are well organized from what I see,Burt said that he is okay with some of his members wearing masks, because they have their reasons. Well,maybe NSC 131 members have their reasons too . I don't see a problem with the masks,it gives kind of a mystique to their organization. They work out and seem highly disciplined to me. The 1st podcast Burt did was very eye opening to the internal problems the NSM has. Throughout the show, I got the impression that between Burt and Eddy ,no one could live up to their expectations. The shit talk and disrespect was terrible ? 14 heart was put in his place,all about $,and then Mike was put in his place,all over contributions to the movement.$$$,sound a bit Jewish. HT has no problem getting donations,all throughout his podcasts. When everything comes down to $$$,then you lose people. I understand completely that people should support the movement,seems like no one is really into helping Burt with legal fees and a lawyer,and members monthly dues . So,figure it out. People need to want to help,they don't need it pushed down their throats every show. Maybe you push them away when all you do is bash other organizations and boast about being the best and the importance of ranks. Drop the ego a bit guys,make people want to join and support,quit making every show about being the best out there,when everyone can see that clearly there are other movements doing good things,masks or no masks . They are more appealing when you are drawn to their activism, instead of just claiming to be the best. Anyone can come to this site and see that there is no activity going on here,just people talking the talk.⚒️88


In reply to by Blue1eyed4devil (not verified)

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
"Anyone can come to this site and see that there is no activity going on here,just people talking the talk."
Watch the video on the main page and you'll see a re-cap of '22.
Just talk, huh?

After watching the vodcast It was long over due Burt has always said flat out if the organization does notget its act together then it will be purged even maybe brought right down to its non existence. So now this is the wake up call that i think really was what was being generated here? The slower ones will take longer to understand and the enemy will continue feeding this site its
evil vile garbage. Many tatics i have not agreed with and sometimes the in your face does more harm , but when your dealing with lemon heads that when given a stage they trip all over the lack of knowledge they only claim to have. There is strength in numbers and right now quality is going to make us lose so the sacrifice of carry on and hold up the ones that need your help WHiITES We are just gonna have to do the best we can ..Blood referred to the goal of a “racially pure” Aryan people. Soil invoked a mystical vision of the special relationship between the Germanic people and their land. Remember our people will always still be our people!

Where does the NSM stand on the NJP ?


In reply to by Bill (not verified)

Hi Bill,
I won't go in to comparisons or take pot shots at that organization.
My opinion might be slightly biased, but i think it's safe to say we do have a better website ; )


In reply to by Sgt. BK (not verified)

This website is certainly top rate, no doubt. And the fact it can not be taken down by the left, just because we say Nigger and Kike a lot – or speak these unpleasant or unwanted truths, is also a plus. However I would say it is our entire package – our entire MEDIA PRESENCE, both audio AND video, which is better by far, than anything else out there. And we are planning to continue to add new things, just as soon as we think of them and decide that we need them. Probably next up is a truly anonymous, fully encrypted live chat, similar to telegram. We probably should have this live chat in place, even if we don't use it, because sooner or later the Jews will be successful in taking telegram down for good (probably the same way they did VK, by simply printing scads of money and buying it).

I’m new here and just wanted to say it’s so refreshing to finally find like minded people who see the problems within our country

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Who was the leader of Germany during WWII? (just his last name)