The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )

You've seen the lies – THIS IS THE TRUTH!

This individual told reporters “I’m literally Jewish and I got attacked, assaulted, pepper-sprayed, spit on, you name it.” … “Called disgusting slurs just because of my religion,” but does that claim match what you see in this video? The actual victim was an elderly veteran, 74 years old, who was shoved head first into a ditch by this person, because he didn't agree with his political commentary. This individual, who lied by omission to reporters (as to his role in the altercation) should actually be charged with aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older. But you and I both know, this will never happen! We all know about the extreme anti-White, pro-Jewish bias in the so-called justice system – currently owned and controlled by the Jews, which is only one of the many reasons for our protest and political activism that day.

Feb 4 2022 · The Orange County Sheriff's Office has published a tweet, detailing the arrest of Commander Colucci, along with two other members of the NSM.

They claim, “We will not stand for hate,” a statement which completely confirms the POLITICAL NATURE of these high profile made-for-TV arrests. Hate is purely subjective and varies from person to person. Finnish professor Kai Murros reminds us, the greatest achievements of the human race, have all grown out of hate. Hate without violence is also legal; Americans have a legal right to hate anyone they please, especially in the case of the NSM, where we cite the many reasons for this hate. The Orange County Sheriff's Office effectively confirms they have become a political (rather than a law enforcement) agency, one which does not exist to uphold justice – but rather to further their own liberal political agenda; of granting ever increasing privilege and rights to those who did not earn, thus do not deserve extraordinary rights and privilege. This clearly is not true of everyone within the office, but is certainly true for those at the top. How far they will take this injustice, is yet to be seen. However I stand on my previous assertion, that no charges will ever be filed against the Jewish individual who instigated the violence, when he perpetrated the violent assault upon an elder, an act which was motivated by political grievance and racial bias, clearly depicted in the video above.

We have been waiting, now ? days for the Sheriff's Office to take action against this Jewish instigator of violence, as depicted in the video above. So far, they refuse to charge this Jew with any crime. The Sheriff's Office contemptuously declines prosecution. So why would they do this? Speculating such motivation with an unethical preference to Jews is easy. The office of Sheriff is an elected position. Jews control all major aspects of news and information. As such, Jews and Jews alone, decide the probable outcome of most elections, by steering the electorate to vote the collective Jewish will, through the use of their hive-mind media control. This explains why every politician, regardless of party affiliation, places the Jews and their needs above everyone and everything else, both during their campaign for office, as well as after. So how does this sit with the oath of office, where a Sheriff swears never to betray personal integrity, character, or the public trust? Where they will always maintain the highest ethical standards and uphold the values of the agency in which they serve? Not very well, unfortunately. But really, what choice do they have? Without the full approval and support of the Jews, they will never serve any community as an elected officer of the law. This is the situation that every elected official, not just the Sheriff, must deal with. Maybe now you understand this slavish devotion to Jews and Israel, that ALL our elected officials seem to share.

The reason there will be no charges is clear. The instigator of this violence is Jewish and everyone in the world knows that Jews Rule America – and as such, Jews are above the law, as they OWN the law. Everyone on earth knows this, but no one ever dares to say it. The NSM recognizes the incredible hypocrisy of our government, proclaiming the absolute equality of all their citizens, while granting unconditional power and privilege, to an elite minority of Jews.

On Saturday, January 29th, deputies interviewed David Newstat (the Jew shown assaulting the senior citizen above) and after listening to his claims, were all set to arrest several NSM members, until they reviewed the video you see above and concluded that no arrests of NSM members would be made. We know this to be true, as no arrests WERE made, that day. They also said they were likely to charge David Newstat with battery of an elder, as they had inadvertently become witness to a felony (and thus were compelled by law to act). Six days later, the tables have turned. With the help of the Jewish media, the criminal is now the victim. Three members of the NSM have been arrested, charged with a hate crime and are pending trial, yet David Newstat has never been charged with any crime. This is what Jews Rule America looks like folks. If one of the intended goals of this NSM protest was to prove Jewish hegemony, we have achieved it. Apparently, politically desirable injustice is all that Orange County will deliver, for now. The purpose and scope of this webpage, is to call them out on it! We provide the sunlight needed, to disinfect this unjust leftist corruption, which is ruining our Republic.

Be sure to download this video and share it everywhere.

Because the Jewish media is not going to share or promote this truth. So it is totally up to you.



In reply to by Joachim (not verified)

Unlike Whites and Asians who sometimes kill themselves. Blacks NEVER commit suicide. Instead, they tend to commit homicide (killing others). I've never understood what drives Blacks to kill each other – maybe the fact they can't stand one other is the explanation? Maybe it's their form of collective suicide? Blacks aren't sophisticated creatures, so the simple answer stands. Blacks hate Blacks.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Blacks are like rats in a cage . They kill each other and hate each other. Just as you see in any of the sewers they live in.
They don't have enough courage to kill themselves.

The Jews, despite your hatred of them, have at least LET me into this country with equal rights. The whites, according to this website, want to go back to the pre-1950 shithole known as Jim Crow Land in the fucking Unazi States of AmeriKKKa.

Even I think that ANY amount of skin color and having narrow eyes is a fucking STD plaguing the world. They also speak strangely.

I do have a slight skin color, and I know that as a patient of this hereditary melanin disease, I have to stop it from spreading, but I would MUCH rather side with the other nonwhites because at least they don't act like barbarians who have to kill everyone who is not like them, unlike whites.

I am not Jewish or a fucking albino sapiens. I also hate gays and I only want to marry someone of my race, DEFINITELY not a white because I do NOT want their defective genes in my bloodline. Also, different races DO behave differently because whites are the only race that would find pleasure in torturing and killing other races.


In reply to by Fuck nazi shits (not verified)

> The Jews, despite your hatred of them, have at least LET me into this country with equal rights.

You just cited the MAJOR reason why we hate the Jews. They let you in. They let you into OUR country to use YOU as a BIOWEAPON against those who founded and by labor or taxation, maintain this country. You are a parasite, not with equal rights, but one with superior rights and privileges over the Whites that you did not earn and do not deserve. What do you think the Jews have planned for you once you have served your purpose and have driven the White race into extinction? Will the Jews then take up the reigns and work hard to serve your needs, the same as the Whites do now? Or will they create and release yet another Jew-made disease, one ethnically and genetically engineered to infect ONLY you, to wipe you out? And without White medicine to stop it, what the fuck are you going to do about it, other than to suffer and die a miserable, cowards death? Because what I just described is EXACTLY what the Jew has planned. Jews are the masters of deception and you have just been deceived.

> Also, different races DO behave differently because whites are the only race that would find pleasure in torturing and killing other races.

Do not confuse Whites with Jews who DO enjoy exterminating the other races. Whites seek only expulsion back to your own native lands. Just look at Israel and Palestine for proof. If Whites were like what you describe, don't you think rather than acceptance at the Southern border, you would instead see mass killing, just like at the Israel/Palestine border?


In reply to by Fuck nazi shits (not verified)

Return to 1864 era idiots, pre 14th Amendment that was created by tyranny and a coup against the citizens of the USA, but colored people have their head so far up their asses they k ow nothing, maybe this is why their skin is shit brown.


In reply to by Chris Oates (not verified)

Maybe we should eliminate y'all before y'all start becoming a problem. That's fine, you can think whatever you want about African Americans but truth be told your numbers are falling and I think it's about time we help that decline go faster. Mkay? I sick of you fools, you all are nasty disgusting inbreds with NO morals or ethics. You are the scum of the Earth and I cannot wait until there's barely any of you white demons left in America!

Long live America....Without whites!


In reply to by Eliminate whites (not verified)

When Whitey is gone, what will you Niggers eat? I've never heard of a Nigger farmer, have you? Not here, not even in Africa! This experiment (Niggers eradicating Whites) has been tried before: Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe) and is ongoing now in South Africa as well. What happened when Whitey was gone from Rhodesia? Starvation happened, followed by disease. These Zimbabwean Niggers now pour across the border into South Africa where a handful of Whites still exist, still able to feed them. But that doesn't change the fact there is not enough for the incredible number of Niggers to eat. So what do they eat? Niggers call it "Muti" which is literally killing your Nigger neighbor, cutting them up and eating them. Yes, cannibalism. Google Muti killings to learn more. That will be your fate in America, if you get your wish. Your Nigger ass will be killed by a bigger Nigger and you will be eaten by them. And to see you say "Long live America....Without whites!" made me laugh out loud, because without Whites, this would no longer BE America, it would become something else entirely. A savage place, without clean water, electricity or even heat in the wintertime. It would be a place where nobody would want to live. And without Whites, it would be a place where Niggers would freeze to death the first winter! But since White Flight precedes White Genocide, examples of Nigger demographic majority are everywhere in America today and every one of these places is a hell hole, with high murder and high crime rates, all because it is infested with a majority of Niggers. If you can name ONE majority Nigger city where this is not true, I would love to hear that name, because even the most affluent Black areas America, have higher crime rates than the poorest White areas. And everyone knows this, even you!


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

The Jews and big business control more and more creating a giant mixed rat race of a country, this is similar to European countries, France liberal and mixed nasty place, people of color want this also because it is still better than their countries of origin, Asia, Africa, Middle East , Hispanic countries, so they do not complain they want this to lower White western countries to their level so they do not feel inferior to the supremacy of white western countries.


In reply to by Eliminate whites (not verified)

You're laughable. Blacks make up only 13% of the population. The Hispanics have already surpassed you as the largest minority in this country. They hate you as much as we do. Don't believe me? Look at Los Angeles and the murders there.
You will continue to dwindle in numbers thanks to liberals and programs.
We continue to have children and teach them the truth.


In reply to by Eliminate whites (not verified)

As much as I hate whites, they have to make up at least 50% of the population for the country to hold together. An "America without whites" would be an America that no longer exists as a nation.


In reply to by I speak the truth (not verified)

The White population needs to remain much higher than just 50% otherwise the non-Whites will vote their best interests, further driving the White race into flight or extinction. White people need to win elections. SANE (meaning not leftist) Whites need to win elections. Otherwise, all is lost, even for the parasite.


In reply to by I speak the truth (not verified)

Well it seems to me, you silly FOOL, that you have your head up your butt, or you are actually either a mixed race shithead, a stupid White moron or a 'jew'. You cited a sort of statistic. The whole problem with people like you, is, you either don't care or you just are too lazy to have checked on reality FOR QUITE SOME TIME! The truth is that White people are being bred out of existence moron! It doesn't matter how many TOTAL WHITE PEOPLE are currently alive, Many of them ARE GETTING OLDER AND DYING, NOT HAVING PRODUCED EVEN AT LEAST ONE CHILD!! And not only that....MANY WHITE PEOPLE CHOOSE TO HAVE NO CHILDREN, MAYBE ONE, "SOME DAY", OR EVEN WORSE, MARRY UP OR SHACK UP WITH A NON-WHITE, A NIGGER, A "LATINO" (oh the mex boys just love those White "senoritas" they hook on dope and do other horrible things to them.) Many "latino" guys these days are as evil as the niggers when it comes to savaging and destroying White girls and women! And those White couples who do have "one child", there is an inequity and a quantity SHORTAGE BECOMING A HUGE DIFFERENCE IN THE COMING FEW DECADES! More and more children attending public schools are NON-WHITE and what White kids will still be "around" will NOT BE ABLE TO FIND A WHITE SPOUSE SOON when they become of age to start a family. So jackass, why don't you think people who love their White people and the best that comes from it, are not taking this lying down! Any White person who is fit for anything, once he or she is 'woke; up about all this and does nothing (because once one knows, A white person cannot 'unknow') is WORTH NOTHING MORE THAN SLIME AND DESERVES TO BE IN A SEWER WHERE THEY BELONG!


In reply to by Eliminate whites (not verified)

Hahahaha. I love reading these posts from the niggers. I don’t want violence wished upon you, I just want you to go back to Africa where you belong. Or even better than that, let’s just say all the whites left America. I’ll give it one year before America becomes just like Africa. We all know niggers cannot survive without white people. How else will you get your electricity or buildings to live in without them falling down? Also none of us are inbreeds like you claim. I have an all white family and aim to keep it that way. You on the other hand are most likely the inbreeds. Monkeys fucking monkeys oooo oooo ahhh ahhh ooga booga fucking dirty ape


In reply to by Eliminate whites (not verified)

A great way to explain that buddy! Love the hood lingo and the aggressive monkey noises...Just remember, when the gibs are gone the American Nigger will weaken and disappear. Your feral sub- Saharan brethren are used to eating their relatives or hitting the ol' landfill, but your kind will be paralyzed and lost, you will be unable to survive without European American care.

On the other hand; me and my brothers belong to one of the most self- sufficient and potentially dangerous communities in the World. We can solve problems and have the IQ required to work as a tribe.

Being an African living in my country is actually kind of a shitty deal for ya'll. Maybe you should go back to being kangz.

I support the National Socialist Movement. Unfortunately, I am concerned about your low activity. I believe that if you want to get serious into politics, you have to be more active. You should organize more demonstrations, pickets, marches and rallies. You should also seek interviews on television stations.


In reply to by Michał Rosłon (not verified)

The NSM has had two public protests in the past 13 months, both of which ended with Commander Colucci and others being arrested and (as we have conspicuously demonstrated on this website) being falsely charged with "hate" crimes. Clearly, this type of behavior by senior members of law enforcement is meant as a form of coercive intimidation against a political movement, with the ultimate goal of producing a chilling effect upon anyone wishing to support National Socialism. And to some extent, this practice has obviously resulted favorably for the Jew, as NSM activity at all levels is clearly way down. Congratulations to the oligarchical Jews, who rule over this formerly great and no longer Constitutional Republic.

This move by the parasitic Jews, early on during their infestation of our Republic, in order to take absolute control over all key aspects of administration in America, has clearly paid off well for the Jew. All senior members of law enforcement and all members of the JEWdiciary are either themselves Jewish – or completely under duress by powerful Jewish political pressure, to consistently violate the law, in favor of the Jew. Everyone sees this and everyone is afraid to speak out about it, knowing what happens to anyone who does. The NSM has become the proverbial canary in the coal mine, exemplifying this fact.


In reply to by Michał Rosłon (not verified)

So good of you to share your thoughts on our org! How many street demonstrations have you crossed off your calendar so far this year?
How many have you designed and organized?
I'm not very confident that you have ever touched your boots to the street since the other brilliant tip you have for us is a TV interview..... since you appear to be pretty green I'll give you a hint;
We ain't real big on jews in this neck of the woods if you haven't noticed. you can go to Bitchute and see what real race warriors look like.... or keep acting brand new.


In reply to by Covenant (not verified)

Cause y'all are cowards is why! Y'all haven't done shit, won't do shit, and never will accomplish SHIT. Have y'all ever thought for once it's because y'all ARE SHIT! All of you pretend, fake wannabes are a the laughing stock of America. There is no place for you here and funny how you all have to remain hidden and use fake usernames to chat on here. I guarantee you if you all used your government names, NONE of you would have jobs by next week. As I said you all are wannabe cowards, hiding your hate under the guise of this stupid Website. Keep playing pretend from Mom's basement. Got something planned for y'all coming up soon too. Cannot wait!


In reply to by BLACK GODDESS (not verified)

> y'all are cowards

It takes a lot of BRAVERY to speak the forbidden truth. Now I don't know if you are an actual Nigger or a White troll pretending to be a Nigger, but actual Niggers generally aren't intelligent enough to use a computer, so I imagine you are either a mulatto or an anti-White White. Either way, you are disgusting.

> if you all used your government names, NONE of you would have jobs by next week

Government names? You mean like Kunta Kinte who used the name “Toby?” And you're right, not only would users here lose their jobs, many would also lose their homes, their bank accounts, credit cards, post office boxes, cell phone accounts, internet access and so on.

Do you think that's right? Do you think that is JUST that something like this could happen to anyone? And to make matters worse, these things would happen ALL AT ONCE. Do you know why? Because the evil Jew has usurped power over the White race, very slowly over time and now uses that power to harm any White who does not repeat the White genocidal lies Jews tell us to repeat, lies which ONLY benefit the Jew. And Whites DO repeat those lies, for the reasons given by anchorman Howard Beale in the prophetic 1976 film "Network." In that movie, he prophesied the following: I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth; banks are going bust; shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter; punks are running wild in the street, and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. And we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be! It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out any more. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials, and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone." – And this is how the White race dies. The Jewish prophecy of that movie has come true. It is because of this Jewish evil that the NSM even exists in the first place, to fight this Jewish tyranny against the very survival of the White race.

> hiding your hate

We don't hide our hate, I think our hatred for the sub-human Nigger ape beast is quite obvious. Our hatred of the amoral and evil Jew demon is also very evident, throughout this website. You see, hatred without action is legal and good, as hatred is our strength. Professor Kai Murros tells us Hate gives us structure to our lives, hate gives us a reason to exist, a focus, something to strive for, hate gives us our identity. Hate is energy, pure energy provided by mother nature herself. Hate enables us to see through the lies and pretenses, hate helps us to concentrate on the essential. Even the rich and the powerful cannot hate more than their slaves and subjects – and soon, hate may well be all that we have left. The greatest achievements of the White race have all grown from hate and our ability to control hate. How can we know what love is, if we refuse to understand and recognize hate? Love and hate are two opposite sides of the same coin. Hate separates us from the weak and docile masses. Do not fear hate, do not deny or reject hate. Accept hate, embrace hate. Learn to know it, learn to use it. Hate is your most powerful weapon, a hidden source of your inner strength, do not deny it from you. What the liberal elite Jews fear most in this world is our ability to control hate, because White hatred is the most revolutionary force on the planet. Our hate can destroy and create empires!

> Got something planned for y'all coming up soon too. Cannot wait!

Threats are illegal, but since when does a Nigger follow the law? Historically, they never have – I don't think they even can, for immutable biological reasons. Lately, laws are no longer being enforced upon the Nigger ape beast, because the Nigger beast has become just one of several biological weapons being deployed by the Jew to destroy Western civilization. Destroying the beauty created by Whites is the only thing a Nigger is actually fairly good at. We've defined in great detail the deleterious genetic behaviors seen in the typical Nigger ape beast here.

After reading this treatise, most Whites will agree, there's not much hope for civilizing such a sub-human animal. The Nigger has become the cancer that will kill the White race – followed by the starvation and death of the Nigger itself, because who makes your EBT cards work? Who makes the food your EBT buys? Who supplies the fuel and energy you need? Whitey does. It's not Nigger kind doing any of that. So the White revenge for the Pyrrhic victory of the Nigger destroying Western civilization is that the Nigger will quickly follow Whites into the grave, due only to our absence. Only a stupid Nigger is dumb enough to bite the hand that feeds it – then starve to death.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I agree with both Professor Murros and yourself. I also had something to say about hate, how it is impossible to love something without hating that which is trying to destroy it. This point of view was laid down by Lane in the 27th precept and is in my opinion, inspired by the laws of nature and divine design. It reads:
27. It is not constructive to hate those of other races, or even those of mixed races. But a separation must be maintained for the survival of one’s own race. One must, however, hate with a pure and perfect hatred those of one’s own race who commit treason against one’s own kind and against the nations of one’s own kind. One must hate with perfect hatred all those People or practices which destroy one’s People, one’s culture, or the racial exclusiveness of one’s territorial imperative.


In reply to by Covenant (not verified)

The Jews fear the White race, because only the White race is capable of stopping them. This is why Jews are doing everything in their power to transform us from what we are, into what they want us to become (while they slowly drive us into extinction through various forms of dysphoria, resulting in homosexuality, transgender, abortion, contraception, MGTOW, Incel, miscegenation and so on). This meme image shows what we are now – and what the Jews want us to become, through behavior modification via their media monopoly and through anti-White hate crime laws.

Well the Jews are in for a shock. They need to better understand both accelerationism and blowback, as their best laid plan is only driving White people in droves toward the NSM for relief.

This page (link above) explains precisely why they have failed – and their failure gives us hope.


In reply to by BLACK GODDESS (not verified)

Our inability to accomplish or achieve anything must be what keeps your mud chicken ass coming back to talk shit. Must be doin' something right. Who's hiding? the commies have full files on all of us for public viewing pleasure, this website surely isn't misleading lol. We wipe our ass with your empty threats and imaginary power. You are just another whiny monkey who would still be stretching a plow line in Dixie or rooting around in a landfill in Uganda if it wasn't for some kike using your ancestors to poison my culture. Your blatant threats and menacing comments do not discourage us either. We are all leaders here and take the ultimate risk every time our boots touch the asphalt, you will not deter or slow our momentum.


In reply to by Covenant (not verified)

I don't know what to think about this troll. It's probably a brown Nigger (some blend of Nigger and White) due to where it lives in Jacksonville, the demographics there are 30.7% brown Nigger mulatto – just your basic common pavement Nigger, the kind you see everywhere in the south. It appears to be harmless and powerless, as it uses an Android phone and not a computer, so it's not a threat, no matter what it says. I've seen no exploitative behavior from this user. The real cyber security threats don't seem to engage us in conversation – they just go to their work, in an extremely stealthy manner. I see them in my public honeypots, but not on my critical APIs, as they have no clue how to access and exploit those. Everything here is fairly robust, as demonstrated by the fact that we made it through international publicity in early February, with every noteworthy hacker in the world trying to penetrate and deface our site, just to make a name for themselves. They all failed, but it was fun to watch them try, often in real-time. ? They had no clue that I was watching them. I actually saw a few exploitative techniques being used that I'd never seen before, so it was a bit educational at least.


In reply to by BLACK GODDESS (not verified)

Laughable. Blacks have become third in the population of the United States. Being only 13% of the population and viewed as the primary criminal group in the country . If any violence broke out , it would reinforce the need to imprison the majority of blacks for public safety.

The rats use law enforcement as their attack dogs to come after anyone who questions them. I just got done doing 27 months in one of Z.O.G.'s zoos after peacefully protesting. To Commander and others that were charged I hope to see a victory in court the kikes use antifa and their terrorist pet monkeys have all potential jurors scared shitless to exonerate someone who is innocent. 88

I just saw on GoyTV an article with all the lies of course about what happened in Orlando in January. And it wouldn't take my comment about people coming onto the NSM website, to see for themselves the beginning of the little weasel Newstat's baiting and taunting the guys, him assaulting "Grandfather" and so forth. The site would not allow my post. So in order to get SOME KIND OF REMARK posted, I tried another and said, "I love 'jews' and I hope Newstat GETS EVERYTHING THAT IS COMING TO HIM!" And 'they' accepted that (well at least for now, LOL). And the subject of that article was to tie the NSM INTO WHAT HAPPENED IN BUFFALO LAST WEEKEND! I really believe this insane Zio-globalist (ZOG) outfit INTENDS TO INTER WHITE PEOPLE who (or who are not....) are part of a movement like the NSM or are suspected (or not) OF BEING A WHITE SUPREMACIST.....interring White people like Roosevelt did with the Japanese back in WW2! And if you don't think that could happen, maybe you should begin a little self education. Start reading good books, like Mein Kampf, and the other very helpful, informative books we NSM people should all be trying to read and study! Don't let that 8 second attention span get to you, I know we all can do it!


In reply to by Wesley Hay (not verified)

GoyTV? Did you mean GoyimTV? I don't see what you are talking about there. And I don't know what they are using for their comments, as I need to create an account first. It may be some third party provider that censors. Here however, you can say anything you want, so long as it's legal, as we provide our own platform for comments. ?

Faggots it seems, have tied Daily Stormer to the Buffalo shooting in some way and got their domain placed on clientHold – their dot cn top level domain didn't last long, just over one month. And they paid for the renewal up until 2027, which is now a big waste of money. So now I wonder what top level they will use next? Since Anglin trolls here, let me recommend dot moe just for fun. ? I checked, it's not yet registered. Meanwhile, we are still using the dot com since 1998, which redirects you to the preferred dot org since 2005, as we refuse to play those stupid whack-a-mole domain games that the Jews force Anglin to play. Anglin should just recover his dot com and STICK WITH IT as it's the first, oldest (since 2013) and the best. You can't beat a great dot com domain! Except maybe with a dot org.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Yes, excuse me. GoyimTV is what I meant.
And I am referring to an article they took from
some media outlet I now can't find. Perhaps I cannot
find it maybe because they doln 't keep some things very long.
And i am in a hurry because I must leave for work soon.
Anyhow the comments I made still stand and are my opinions from
observing what is going on, and I do appreciate the correction. GoyimTV. Thank you.


In reply to by Wesley Hay (not verified)

During world War 2 , Japanese, Italians and Germans were arrested and held in camps . This government already has these camps waiting for people. They are under FEMA control and have cremation facilities on site. The government is already controlled by the one world government. The Rothschild family has installed their Jewish cabal in our federal government. Be prepared for their lies and deception.

The 'new' NSM website is a big improvement, and surprisingly can even be accessed on all search engines. But I'm getting tired of scrolling down and seeing first thing, the Jew in the toque getting out of his car (re Feb 2022 incident).


In reply to by reynolds (not verified)

Thanks for the positive review. ? The NSM was manually pushed down 1000 places in the algorithm, which means we had to improve the SEO by 1000 to bring it back up. We've done that, or at least come really close. By having the latest technology stack, 12 private nameservers and four A records, you can't help but rise to the top. Also, I'm really busting my ass to keep this thing up and available, given that at least 95% of the populace wants it gone and are doing everything they can think of to make it go away. I've seen professional hackers working their penetration magic against my logging busybox (or honey trap) very aggressively trying to break in. Someone is spending serious money, since highly skilled hackers are usually on OUR side (meaning green face anonymous, rather than faggy Guy Fawkes anonymous). However we do kinda need to keep the showcase evidence front and center, so everyone sees it (so nobody new misses it) at least until the Commander goes to trial.

Law enforcement is being quite cavalier regarding this incident, like they know they have it in the bag. A recent news report released a video of I believe the only one of the three defendants who consented to an interview with detectives. As expected, the detective twisted his words and created a new narrative which may lead to his conviction, which is why I say – NEVER TALK TO COPS. Tell them only one thing, I WANT A LAWYER and then shut your fucking mouth. Everything you say WILL be used against you, period. You are not smarter than they are. This is especially true when the case against you is 100% politically motivated and their asses are in a sling for wrongful arrest. They arrested those who defended the victim – not the agitator, not the instigator of the violence. They have never arrested nor charged the attacker, because he is a Jew and thus, above the law. The videos clearly show us what happened. A vociferous but LEGAL protest. The only aggression and violence was at the behest of the Jew. And yet law enforcement could care less.

The court has in the past (especially in politically motivated show trials such as this one) excluded relevant evidence of probative value, by claiming there is a danger of "misleading the jury" – you see, the Jews expect you to believe what they tell you to believe as a juror – they don't want you to believe your lying eyes. So we want that video to be as obnoxious and conspicuous as possible, at least until after the trial (when everything pinned to the top of the main page, will bump to page two or whatever, based upon creation date). I'm betting that the video showing the Jew attacking Grandfather will be ruled inadmissible for some reason, which is why as many people as possible must see it – so they can't get away with their kangaroo court, without thousands, hopefully millions of people knowing about it. The NSM is a political organization and one of the major goals of the NSM is to root out and eradicate this type of Jewish corruption in our courts.

Yes, the prosecution is reading these words. The prosecution obviously reads everything going on this website, looking for anything they can use to advance their Semitic, leftist goals – if only to save their own asses, as well as please their Jewish masters. Law enforcement in America is now third world, shit-tier, indistinguishable from any large organized crime gang run by Jews. Citizens are tried before a Jewish judge, by a Jewish prosecutor and a jury who is poisoned by Jewish propaganda. Do you think a Nazi can get a fair trail in such an environment? We need all the advantage we can give ourselves – especially when those charged are obviously (demonstrably) innocent. Court is two or three months away, once we are finished with it, we'll start posting relative, new content once again.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Thank you Webmaster for commenting on a little of what
is going on. I think also everyone should try and understand
why Commander Colucci isn't doing shows or perhaps shall do one
again at some point soon, I have no idea. He needs to be careful I am sure his attorney has advised him not to say much about the upcoming probable trial. Also I believe he needed to get another job after the January flag display events and what happened there. So probable others needed to also. It's the way our enemies work. When we stand up and fight for our rights, and, as in this case, defend a comrade, especially an older member who was seriously assaulted by a degenerate who knows no fear because his people, the ZOG control so much in every aspect of life these days. I guess every time these human termites will be there trying to instigate something. So bottom line, what I am saying is, because Commander Colucci, Lieut. Eddie McBride, or whomever, hasn't been on here doing a show for a time, means nothing other than they are very busy. AND WE SHOULD BE ALSO! Perhaps to do a little reading and studying Mein Kampf and other fine works by other intelligent National Socialists. Also one can watch GoyimTV, look for interesting videos on Bitchute for example. Since we are adults and should really try some discipline. I know some of us have a hard time reading a book, getting through one and so forth. But National Socialists should really try and form better mental discipline. If we can just make a goal of reading TWO National Socialist based, White Racialist books PER YEAR. Make Mein Kampf and at least one other as one's first goal that would be a good start. I'm just shy of having read 1/2 of Mein Kampf myself up to now. And I can tell you, the Fuehrer wrote an actually fairly easy to read book. It is in two volumes, and the second volume in the book (all copies of Mein Kampf I know of have both Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 together.) deals with political philosophy of NS and so forth. While Vol.1 the Fuehrer describes his early life and his experiences, largely of his young years in Vienna, Austria. He didn't talk about himself to much in Mein Kampf of his war years experiences, as many soldiers do avoid that. He was a modest man when it did come up (the subject) in conversation, and made as short of a discussion of it as he could without being rude. Adolf Hitler was a very brave soldier, a risk taker in battle and a true German Patriot. He first won the Iron Cross Second Class, and then won what very few plain frontline soldiers achieved in that war, the coveted Iron Cross First Class. He was very proud of that and also humbled as he was very aware of all the other brave German soldiers just like himself, who unfortunately fought so bravely, but lost their lives or were horribly wounded. Anyhow, reading Mein Kampf shouls really be the goal of all of us National Socialists. And we all can still get it (so far) so I advise getting your copy as soon as you can! Also there are many other great books. Josef Goebels wrote an extensive diary. I suggest making the effort of obtaining all of Doctor Goebels diaries as you can. There is much wisdom and flat out adventure and true history that the genius shared for all of us to learn from. I know of other great books as well. And I would be glad to make up a list per your request!

::signals batallions 106 & 506:: also can someone explain the symbolism on the new NSM flag please?! Merci!


In reply to by Joachim (not verified)

This Nigger shoots someone and is bonded out? Reverse the races and would the shooter be able to bond out? "Police have identified the shooting suspect as Nikki Brown, 45. He has been charged with aggravated assault with a dangerous weapon. Bond was set at $15,000 surety bond, and Brown has been released, according to the Waxahachie Police Department. A probable cause affidavit states as the argument continued, Brown shot the victim in the stomach at close range. It states after Brown shot Post he walked back into his unit saying, “That’s my spot. Get out of my spot.” Post had parked in his spot and his coworker that followed him to the complex parked in Brown’s spot to unload some things. Just another gleaming example of cultural enrichment, providing undeniable proof that diversity is our strength.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Apparently we aren't the ONLY ones who think this clear case of NiggerPrivilege™ stinks, as Texas sadly takes a hard left turn to become a liberal blue state.

Two Waxahachie judges are out because of a "lack of confidence"…
The Waxahachie City Council on Monday voted to terminate the employment contract of Municipal Judge J. Damon Fehler and to accept the resignation of Associate Municipal Judge Cody Beauchamp, effectively immediately.

At least there are those who are fighting back. "Among those was the decision by the bench to set the bond at $150,000 for Nikki Brown, the man suspected of shooting his neighbor, Shane Post, on April 19 in the parking lot of a townhome in the 100 block of Kaufman St. Brown posted 10 percent ($15,000) the next day and returned home with no bond conditions."

As America more and more resembles the many turd-world Nigger countries, our courts reflect that same lawlessness with their uncaring, anti-White attitude. There is already a petition requesting justice in this matter.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

This is a perfect example of the war on white America. These vermin shoot whites and are released faster than if they committed drunk driving. The jew news won't let this get out . We are at war for the survival of our race on this continent. The bolshevik jews have convinced the black vermin that communism will make everything better. Just like in south Africa.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

The mention of this as a website sends the jews and blacks into violent rage . They want privilege status along with the LGBT crowd . This is all by design of the bolshevik yids . They have infiltrated the government at all levels and will destroy this country.

19% of sub Saharan DNA is traced to homo erectus and homo habilis - two archaic early apes. Some even retain Australopithecus robustus DNA in small quantities. Niggers are completely different than Caucasoid or even mongoloids.

How is it that the Jews got 500 million of our countries Covid stimulus plan yet Americans only got $600

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