The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )

You've seen the lies – THIS IS THE TRUTH!

This individual told reporters “I’m literally Jewish and I got attacked, assaulted, pepper-sprayed, spit on, you name it.” … “Called disgusting slurs just because of my religion,” but does that claim match what you see in this video? The actual victim was an elderly veteran, 74 years old, who was shoved head first into a ditch by this person, because he didn't agree with his political commentary. This individual, who lied by omission to reporters (as to his role in the altercation) should actually be charged with aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older. But you and I both know, this will never happen! We all know about the extreme anti-White, pro-Jewish bias in the so-called justice system – currently owned and controlled by the Jews, which is only one of the many reasons for our protest and political activism that day.

Feb 4 2022 · The Orange County Sheriff's Office has published a tweet, detailing the arrest of Commander Colucci, along with two other members of the NSM.

They claim, “We will not stand for hate,” a statement which completely confirms the POLITICAL NATURE of these high profile made-for-TV arrests. Hate is purely subjective and varies from person to person. Finnish professor Kai Murros reminds us, the greatest achievements of the human race, have all grown out of hate. Hate without violence is also legal; Americans have a legal right to hate anyone they please, especially in the case of the NSM, where we cite the many reasons for this hate. The Orange County Sheriff's Office effectively confirms they have become a political (rather than a law enforcement) agency, one which does not exist to uphold justice – but rather to further their own liberal political agenda; of granting ever increasing privilege and rights to those who did not earn, thus do not deserve extraordinary rights and privilege. This clearly is not true of everyone within the office, but is certainly true for those at the top. How far they will take this injustice, is yet to be seen. However I stand on my previous assertion, that no charges will ever be filed against the Jewish individual who instigated the violence, when he perpetrated the violent assault upon an elder, an act which was motivated by political grievance and racial bias, clearly depicted in the video above.

We have been waiting, now ? days for the Sheriff's Office to take action against this Jewish instigator of violence, as depicted in the video above. So far, they refuse to charge this Jew with any crime. The Sheriff's Office contemptuously declines prosecution. So why would they do this? Speculating such motivation with an unethical preference to Jews is easy. The office of Sheriff is an elected position. Jews control all major aspects of news and information. As such, Jews and Jews alone, decide the probable outcome of most elections, by steering the electorate to vote the collective Jewish will, through the use of their hive-mind media control. This explains why every politician, regardless of party affiliation, places the Jews and their needs above everyone and everything else, both during their campaign for office, as well as after. So how does this sit with the oath of office, where a Sheriff swears never to betray personal integrity, character, or the public trust? Where they will always maintain the highest ethical standards and uphold the values of the agency in which they serve? Not very well, unfortunately. But really, what choice do they have? Without the full approval and support of the Jews, they will never serve any community as an elected officer of the law. This is the situation that every elected official, not just the Sheriff, must deal with. Maybe now you understand this slavish devotion to Jews and Israel, that ALL our elected officials seem to share.

The reason there will be no charges is clear. The instigator of this violence is Jewish and everyone in the world knows that Jews Rule America – and as such, Jews are above the law, as they OWN the law. Everyone on earth knows this, but no one ever dares to say it. The NSM recognizes the incredible hypocrisy of our government, proclaiming the absolute equality of all their citizens, while granting unconditional power and privilege, to an elite minority of Jews.

On Saturday, January 29th, deputies interviewed David Newstat (the Jew shown assaulting the senior citizen above) and after listening to his claims, were all set to arrest several NSM members, until they reviewed the video you see above and concluded that no arrests of NSM members would be made. We know this to be true, as no arrests WERE made, that day. They also said they were likely to charge David Newstat with battery of an elder, as they had inadvertently become witness to a felony (and thus were compelled by law to act). Six days later, the tables have turned. With the help of the Jewish media, the criminal is now the victim. Three members of the NSM have been arrested, charged with a hate crime and are pending trial, yet David Newstat has never been charged with any crime. This is what Jews Rule America looks like folks. If one of the intended goals of this NSM protest was to prove Jewish hegemony, we have achieved it. Apparently, politically desirable injustice is all that Orange County will deliver, for now. The purpose and scope of this webpage, is to call them out on it! We provide the sunlight needed, to disinfect this unjust leftist corruption, which is ruining our Republic.

Be sure to download this video and share it everywhere.

Because the Jewish media is not going to share or promote this truth. So it is totally up to you.



In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I hate white "people" and I believe that they are inferior to black people. They are clearly retarded from the fact that they just whine about "being replaced" instead of actually noticing their worthless lives.

Additionally, "the Aryan race" is the most degenerate mongrels of any race on earth and have an IQ lower than that of a monkey. Gaydolf Shitler was a crack and opiate addict who was Jewish just like the rest of the NSDAP upper command. They were such hypocrites that they actually collaborated with Leon Trotsky, another Jew and a communist.

As I said, Whites/Aryans are severely mentally disabled. They only steal their scientific achievements from colored people.

White "people" are also sadists. They enjoy torturing and murdering people of color as a form of entertainment. They also want to exterminate nonwhites, as evidenced by the existence of this satanic website.

I am an Asian that immigrated to the United States and I absolutely hate all white "people".


In reply to by I hate white people (not verified)

> I hate white "people" and I believe that they are inferior to black people.

Come on, don't make yourself look ridiculous here. Again I cite that White man walked on the moon. Asians are only just now starting to enter space for the first time – let alone walk on the moon. And everything you use to get into space, was first innovated by White people, decades ago. You steal technology from Whites and pretend that you created it. Pathetic. White superiority is beyond question at this point. White American men even invented the Internet that you are using right now, to tell me how inferior White American men are. Does this not seem ridiculous, even to you? And that superiority claim is being made over Asians – not Niggers (your claim).

> I am an Asian that immigrated to the United States and I absolutely hate all white "people".

So, you emigrated to the USA because you hate White people? Or did you come here to be closer to White people, to have access to White people, so you could suck wealth away from us, eat the crumbs that fall from our table so to speak – because even YOU realize that you are better off being with and around Whites, than being with or around your own (less intelligent) fellow Asians. Truth hurts, so suck it up. Claiming the White race is not the master race at this point is ridiculous – since the White race is as much superior to you, as you are to a dog. And to be frank, most dogs are demonstrably superior to Niggers. Back when Whites ended the enslavement of these Nigger ape beasts, we didn't move forward to make pets out of them – we didn't even want them, as they are disgusting. Prior to mechanization, they were moderately useful as farm animals. Today they have largely become a cancer that is consuming and slowly destroying our Republic.


In reply to by Joe Mama (not verified)

You're laughable. Whites have built every successful country in the world. Look at any city with a black majority and it's a crime infested sewer with high murder rates. Black superiority is a myth . Stop believing the Jewish propaganda.


In reply to by Joachim (not verified)

Here's a fun fact. Every majority Black shit hole city in the world, was NOT created by the Blacks now infesting it. These cities were created by Whites – the Blacks simply moved in and as the parasites that they are, lived off the largesse of the Whites and out-reproduced the Whites, to become the dominant race. The Whites then always leave, due to the horrid living conditions created by parasitic Blacks. Whites however do continue to provide EBT to the Blacks, so they can continue to reproduce in huge numbers, spilling out into outlying White areas and thus repeat the process forever. Clearly, White people are altruistic to a fault!

Oh wow, your "superiority" shows in the fact that you have the vocabulary of a five year old, using the word "nigger" continuously. Do you know that it is a Southern corruption of the word "negro"? Your mental illness is even more apparent now that everyone knows that you are a racist pile of ape shit.

And I am not Asian, I said that to dissect your retarded ideology.

Back to the conversation, so you think that the 1969 moon landing was proof of white superiority? No, the Soviet Union was actually closer. They would have done it first if it wasn't for Sergei Korolev's death.

Destroying your second shitty claim, I try to stay as far away as possible from the degenerate mongrels that are white "people". They are a disgusting plague to the planet and would be far better off as an extinct species wiped from the history books. Even a stray dog is more worthy of life than you.

Also, if you think I am a Jew, I am not, so go fuck yourself.


In reply to by Fuck you (not verified)

> Oh wow, your "superiority" shows in the fact that you have the vocabulary of a five year old

Projection: the mental process by which people attribute to others what is true of themselves. Everyone clearly sees that I have a vast vocabulary, probably someone who is well read, college educated, in a STEM field and employed as a professional – possibly even ███ ███████ ███ ██████ ███ ██ █ ███████ ███ ████ ███████.

> using the word "nigger" continuously.

You are allowed to use that word here, also in our video broadcasts – but maybe you would prefer we use sub-human ape beast instead? That is more descriptive of what we are dealing with. I work my ass off to make sure this website is (and always will be) 100% free speech. Use whatever words you want here, even "forbidden" words. And if you don't like it, then don't read it. IT'S JUST THAT SIMPLE.

> And I am not Asian, I said that to dissect your retarded ideology.

Then you are a troll and a self-confessed liar. You lack morality. If you are White, then you are an enemy of your own people. You are sick, clearly very sick. White people are the smallest minority on earth and you help to advance their extinction? What the fuck is wrong with you?

> the 1969 moon landing was proof of white superiority?

Both the American and the Soviet space programs were 100% White people. Or do you think Russians aren't White? Either way, White superiority was shown, as the first man in space was White and the first man on the moon was White – regardless of the fact they came from two different competing countries.

> No, the Soviet Union was actually closer.

Bullshit. YOU are among the uneducated, as it remains as impossible for the Russians to achieve a manned landing on the moon today, as it did then. If they could have done it, they would have. Second place finish is not that bad, but if they don't get their shit together and soon, second place will go to the Chinese and not the Russians. And because the Chinese likely are going to beat them, this suggests that the only reason the Russians have not gone to the moon – is because they can't. Russians are White and just as intelligent as Americans, the only thing holding them back is financing. Everything the Russians have in their space program, even today, looks old and primitive, because they can't afford to modernize. They simply don't have the resources they need to redesign beyond what they had developed in the 1960's. And that's why the Soyuz spacecraft look the same today, as the did in the 1960's.

> I try to stay as far away as possible from the degenerate mongrels that are white "people".

When we are gone, whatever race you are will be gone with us – as White people feed the entire planet. Without Whites, starvation will become the norm.

> Also, if you think I am a Jew, I am not, so go fuck yourself.

You're probably a Mexcretion, or a self-loathing White. But you ARE a proven liar, so Jew it is then.

Webmaster note: Redacted because TMI. Stuff Antifa doesn't need to know.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I vastly overestimated your intelligence. Somehow, against all odds, you proved to be even dumber than I thought you were.

Who is "everyone"? "Everyone" who can clearly see your "vast" vocabulary of words that have to be shorter than ten letters long for Reichtards like you to understand them?

I did not think I could find an animal dumber than a rock, until I found you.

But here I am.


You say that eventually blacks will educate me, without clarifying or justifying that statement.

You seem to be proud of being too stupid to spell the word "negro" correctly, on the basis of "free speech". What "free speech"? The comments have to be checked, so this website does not have "free speech". I know this because my first attempts to submit comments here were rejected.

You say that I lack morality. You say this, when you openly advocate the genocide of all people of color. I am not sick, unlike you. You think that the existence of whites is good. Give me one fucking reason to justify the existence of these animals. I myself am not white, so why the fuck should I have any good feelings for them?

It is a fact that the Soviet Union was closer to landing on the moon. They had far more resources than their successor states. They also had the money for a functional space program. They did redesign their technology multiple times. The Soyuz spacecraft has barely changed since the 1960s because it is such a reliable and versatile design. It is also a fact that the Soviets were extremely intelligent. Russia, as a state, (the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, or Russian Federation) has not existed since the 1991 dissolution of the Union. There is only an anarchic warzone where there was once a country. They cannot develop any new technologies anymore. Above all else, the Soviet Union would be the dominant world power if it wasn't for traitors and corruption in their government.

If whites feed the world, why did they need to force blacks to work on plantations, and how do other nonwhite countries sustain their populations?

You still think that I am Jewish, despite me telling your fucking stupid face that I am not a Jew. You are also too retarded to say the word "Mexican" (which I am not), so you have to compare them to yourself (aka. excretion) by using the word "Mexcretion".

I will say this again: I vastly overestimated your intelligence.

Fuck Nazis, they can go to hell.


In reply to by Fuck nazis (not verified)

Before I begin, let me note that I understand you are simply ad hominem trolling me for whatever reason and that's fine. But because your perceived sentiment is very Jewish, common among many Whites, you make an excellent sounding board. Other people will see these arguments here and perhaps come to a better way of thinking. Jewish anti-White brainwashing is a treatable form of mental illness, although I know you (of all people) don't have that problem, however you are mimicking it quite well. I also know exactly who you are. You are A████w A████n and I am perplexed as to why you are trolling someone who is fighting for the same cause as you. Very strange behavior, but trolling is actually a competitive sport on 4chan, so let's begin. ?

> You say that eventually blacks will educate me, without clarifying or justifying that statement.

Whites who hold your sentiment are often confronted by the infamous "pack of three" Niggers out in the wild. What happens next is often brutal. The White casually walks past the pack of three, pretending not to be afraid, because fear is racism and White supremacy. Then it usually begins with a sucker punch to the back of the head, followed by a savage beating, then a solid and repeated head stomping, often resulting in permanent brain injury. Then they steal anything in their pockets. You see, Blacks don't want you to live a single day without remembering what they did to you (provided you survive the attack, many do not). They want you permanently fucked up. This is why they bray like jackasses with laughter as they are stomping on your bloody face. Niggers are literal monsters, of which everyone should be afraid.

> You seem to be proud of being too stupid to spell the word "negro" correctly, on the basis of "free speech".

Obviously I can spell Negro and Negress correctly. I often use those terms copiously, because they infuriate the sub-humans even more (as it is the taxonomic term for their sub-species). They may not understand any of what I just said, but reminding them that they are not human, pisses them off. Here I use the word Nigger because you and people like you say that I can't. So then I use it anyway, as they attempt to deplatform me, any way they can. So I watch what actions they take and take counter-actions to overpower them, then they come back for more, until one-by-one they show me all my weaknesses. I am evolving like an antibiotic resistant pathogen, growing stronger with every attack. In this process, I have been literally forced to learn how to build the most resilient websites in the world. And I have done just that, this website is proof. Do you think this is a marketable skill? You tell me. ?

Secretly, even YOU are impressed, as you are watching what I am doing and following suit (after your recent clientHold issue with Eranet). Even Rob Monster is impressed with what I have achieved – but clearly out of pride, neither you nor he will ever admit this. He probably fears competition, as I could way undercut him and still make a profit. Unfortunately, what you are expressing is the biggest failing of the White race (in-fighting, individualism, a lack of team work – when we should all be working together). I'm doing for the NSM what Rob Monster does for you, only at a fraction of his price to do it. Not that he would even accept the NSM to begin with, he says he finds this stuff to be way too offensive.

I personally think he's only making excuses, the likely real reason is his credit card processors have threatened him. The NSM was the first website ever that he deplatformed without explanation, other than out of the blue, we suddenly violated their terms of service. It appears maybe his credit card processors were involved in the decision. We used him for both CDN and registrar services and admittedly, it was causing him nothing but trouble. So I was forced to build my own CDN, one capable of taking brute-force DDoS at incredible levels and it turned out to be better than his, with at least double the efficacy and twice the nodes of Cloudflare and at a fraction of the cost (not that Cloudflare would even take the NSM, as they won't, we tried).

> What "free speech"? The comments have to be checked, so this website does not have "free speech".

Early on, we have had people posting illegal content, literal death threats to high ranking government officials – as well as links to CP. There is no way to combat this behavior, aside from queueing all posts for review. Yes, we are subject to 47 U.S.C. § 230 so in a fair and just America, fed posting should be safe, so long as we promptly find it and delete it – but we are not living in a fair and just America; we are living in a Jewish America. It's better for us NOT to take any chances, especially with our Commander facing felony charges plus hate crime enhancement in two separate states, all for performing legal protests supporting his political movement (National Socialism).

> I know this because my first attempts to submit comments here were rejected.

Stupidity and obvious trolling, shit posts which do not benefit the NSM and are only intended to make us look repulsive are rejected. Eventually they stop and quality posting begins. I almost rejected this obvious trolling, until I realized we could benefit from it (as a teaching moment). I clearly posted on the index page (in red) "I will begin cleaning the comments section of this website soon, looking to retain only higher quality content." I go into more detail about the quality of content that I'm looking for, you should read it. Sometimes I will allow low quality posts in the name of free speech, knowing I will eventually purge those, along with all the rest of the crap comments, when I have time. The comment section should be positive, uplifting or at least educational. And when I say free speech, I mean you can say whatever you want. There have been posts with the word Nigger over and over, I rejected those as well. If you make a quality argument, it will be published. If you make troll posts, sometimes they will be rejected.

> You say that I lack morality. You say this, when you openly advocate the genocide of all people of color.

Citation please. Calling for genocide is a federal crime, where are you seeing criminality on this website? Expulsion, yes – not genocide. Abraham Lincoln used American taxpayer money to buy an entire country in West Africa, just for the Niggers – it's called Liberia (for Liberty). However he was executed before they all were transported there. That's where American Niggers belong, on their own land, doing their own thing, and if they choose to do so, making their own laws. Advocating for genocide is illegal and the NSM does not commit any illegal acts. We are also NOT against people of color, as Whites are the most colorful of all hominids, with natural hair colors of black, brown, yellow, orange, red, silver or white – and eyes of black, brown, hazel, amber, blue, green, gray, violet or red. Whites are the true people of color, the rest of the hominids are all monochromatic (people who are various shades of brown, the same color variations we see in shit).

> I am not sick, unlike you.

Neither you nor I are sick, you are a troll, doing this for what, sport?

> You think that the existence of whites is good. Give me one fucking reason to justify the existence of these animals.

To feed and care for Niggers? Look, you know that without Whites bringing food to Africa, the Niggers do starve. Without EBT in America (where heat is required to survive in the winter) how comfortable will the Niggers be without Whites? The Jews want Whites gone and are using the Nigger as a bioweapon to achieve that goal. Niggers are so stupid, they have been tricked (in Europe, America, as in South Africa and Rhodesia) to "get rid of Whites" for the utopia the comes after – when Niggers can take all of Whitey's stuff. But then what? Ghettos and poverty? Ghettos and poverty still requires section-8 and EBT. No Whites and there will be no EBT (just as there will be no food or fuel).

So how is the Nigger take-over working out in areas where Niggers now have all of Whitey's stuff? How is Zimbabwe, South Africa, Detroit, Chicago doing?

> I myself am not white, so why the fuck should I have any good feelings for them?

Nah, you're just a liar and a troll. You've always been a troll. Your behavior here however is quite odd. We really should work together, obviously you could use my help. This website is not wordpress, it's better than wordpress and boy does it have sizzle and glitz. ? Our Commander gave me two instructions before building his new website: make it fancy, no wordpress. The rest was up to me. The security features were added mutatis mutandis, as I learned how and where we were being attacked. It's been a valuable education, one that can NOT be learned in any other way. I have inarguably become the GOD OF UPTIME as the NSM website is now the most attacked website in history and would also be the most deplatformed, if it weren't for my forward thinking. Few people (especially those trying to take us down) will argue that point. But how does one sell this unique skillset, without exposing HOW it was obtained? A true catch-22, if ever there was one. I have this amazing skill that I can not market. How fucked up is that?

> It is a fact that the Soviet Union was closer to landing on the moon.

Give it up. They didn't land on the moon, not in 1969 and not at any time since. Why? Because they can't. They have had plenty of time to get across the finish line in second place. Going to space is easy, they did it first, Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961. Then we did it one month later, Alan Shepard, on May 5, 1961. Big whoop. Russia (if it was possible) should have landed on the moon in the following month, year, decade – but they did not. Why not? Because they CAN NOT. Going to the moon is physically hard. We did it first BECAUSE it was hard (to quote JFK). Our first achievement in space had to be one for the history books, because Russia would forever have title to the first man in space, mostly due to America not paying attention rather than not being able. Shepard could have been launched into space 6 months sooner, if they didn't think the Russians were way behind. However, landing a man on the moon and returning him to earth was simply too much for the Russians to afford under a system of Communism (which promotes sloth rather than achievement). No Communist nor Socialist (read: Marxist) country will ever achieve greatness in space. None ever has. Why? They simply can't afford it, socialism will always come first. Listen to this Nigger, he knows what Marxism is all about. It's all about da Gibs meh dat.

> They had far more resources than their successor states. They also had the money for a functional space program.

Dick measuring competition. Put up or shut up, citing reasons above. If it was possible, it would have happened. Therefore it was and is not possible for them, mostly due to a lack of capitalistic incentive.

> The Soyuz spacecraft has barely changed since the 1960s because it is such a reliable and versatile design.

And in Communist Cuba they drive 1950's automobiles for the same reason. Yeah, sure, modern electronic fuel injection is too difficult and thus stupid. But I agree the Soyuz is a reliable (albeit inefficient and expensive) design. But what about Dragon? Musk supersedes the Russians and NASA when it comes to fuel efficiency, reusability and reliability. Even I am blown away watching his falcon 9 launch, the incredibly clean burn of the Merlin 1D engines, which have an unprecedented vacuum thrust to weight ratio greater than 150:1 and a vacuum specific impulse greater than 309 seconds. Nobody, not even NASA can make that claim. Capitalism always wins! ?

> It is also a fact that the Soviets were extremely intelligent.

I don't disagree with that. I play chess with Russians, I'm friends with Russians, I love the Russian people. Moscow is WAY Whiter (29% Whiter) than MY city! By keeping Russia Christian and White, Putin is a hero of the WN movement of which I am part.

> Above all else, the Soviet Union would be the dominant world power if it wasn't for traitors and corruption in their government.

Imagine where America would be without traitor Jews in government? Mars colonies come to mind. And the Jews are winning, America likely will be destroyed by the Jews – as the Nigger cancer prevails, until by its own hand, even the Nigger goes extinct on a land which they are not suitable to survive on their own. But to be accurate, Niggers aren't even surviving on the land where they ARE evolved to thrive (sub-Saharan Africa). Niggers are just another failed hominid species, waiting to go extinct, along with an estimated eight now-extinct species of hominids.

> If whites feed the world, why did they need to force blacks to work on plantations, and how do other nonwhite countries sustain their populations?

When slavery was active, Whites did NOT feed the world. World populations were low, mostly due to starvation and disease. Then Whites invented mechanized, industrialized agriculture and suddenly – they could (and did) feed the world, just as the current population numbers clearly show. Food exports ONLY from majority White countries such as Russia, United States and Brazil (though Brazil is turning Brown the fastest). Yes, Brown (but not Black) countries do feed themselves, but they largely also import food from White countries, while they export cheap, mostly useless crap in exchange.

> You still think that I am Jewish, despite me telling your fucking stupid face that I am not a Jew.

Jews lie, they are chameleons. They are a Jew when they want to be and White when they need to be. But no, now that I know who you are, you are not a Jew, just a troll.

> You are also too retarded to say the word "Mexican" (which I am not), so you have to compare them to yourself (aka. excretion) by using the word "Mexcretion".

Oh, so you LIKE that term. You may have it and use it if you want. ?

> I will say this again: I vastly overestimated your intelligence.

This website is a fully customized, mostly proprietary technology stack, which the best hackers in the world have tried to take down. Repeatedly. These attempts are ongoing, even now, as I type these words – I'm watching hackers probing nodes 78 and 240. And yet they fail. Why? Because of my lower intelligence? You say I am dumb, stupid even, yet this impenetrable website exists as a testament to my what, stupidity? Demonstrating what, just how stupid and incapable I am? Huh. Weird. Most would logically say just the opposite was true.

Don't expect me to indulge any further in your trolling, as I may not.


In reply to by Fuck nazis (not verified)

Haven't you looked yourself in the mirror lately "fuck nazis"? I think you meant you say fuck commies.


In reply to by Fuck nazis (not verified)

Setting aside issues of morality, please keep in mind that calls for revising the demographic (what you say is "genocide") is protected speech under the first amendment of the United States of America. In fact, the Great Replacement is genocide, and media world wide regularly endorses it.


In reply to by Fuck you (not verified)

I think you worry on worshipping Jews as you are one yourself, don't pretend to act white because you aren't fucking communist scum. Now if Burt Colucci were around, he would get a kick out of watching you rant off like an Antifa faggot. Aww...commie gonna cry? ACAB (All Commies Are Bastards).


In reply to by Fuck you (not verified)

I love it when you sickly little snowflakes get yourselves all worked up! Apparently, your best defense against the subhuman invaders you are so fond of, is the deep understanding you possess of the origins of the slang we use to describe them. I wish I could see the scene when they realize that they are no longer in need of the self -hating mental midgets like yourself and literally cannibalize you.
If you libtards could turn away from the beautiful scenes of multicultural fantasy on TV, you would see cities created by my folk, turned to ugly, dangerous seas of animals by yours.
Our patience is not endless!


In reply to by Covenant (not verified)

Beautiful comment, highly appreciated by me – and let me further add that you were not exaggerating when you said, "literally cannibalize you." Today in South Africa, the 9% minority White population is no longer afraid of being robbed by Niggers or even of being murdered by them. Today they are most afraid of being EATEN by them, because Niggers eat White (and Black) people, while they are still ALIVE. This is African tradition, the lion doesn't always kill their prey, before they begin eating it.


In reply to by Fuck you (not verified)

You try to stay as far away as possible from the degenerate mongrels that are white "people". But here you are on a White National Socialist website interacting with White "ARYAN" People. It's as if you can't help yourself but to be a little envious of what's happening here. Why else would you be on a site of a White Civil Rights Organization? Seems kind of hypocritical to me.

You've never stated a reason why you hate black people or what turned you into a nazi


In reply to by sparklefingers? (not verified)

The general consensus among members of the NSM is the same. We saw where Germany was in the 1920's and what Germany became through Hitler, under National Socialism. Every member of the NSM when asked, agrees that they too want what Nazi Germany had as well – here in America. Who wouldn't want that?

Nobody should need to explain why Black people are universally hated worldwide, just go be around them for a minute (that's all it takes) and learn what they are like. Even Black people hate Black people – whenever they get access to money, they move AWAY from fellow Blacks and go live with Whites. We have prepared a long and sobering list of reasons why Blacks are hated by everyone and everything (such as dogs and cats) for you to review here. Be sure to watch the Blacks braying with laughter, as they brutally kill cats in three separate videos, three separate events. We have access to over 150 of these videos which we are planning to add to the website, as soon as we discover the legalities of doing so. They were lifted from worldstarhiphop, the site where Blacks love to post their violent crime videos. These include everything from simple Black violence and stupidity, Black cruelty to pets – all the way up to several videos of packs of Blacks gang raping White women, tying them up, then burning them alive. The horrid screams as these women die is what haunts me the most. However I find normative White people sympathize more with cats being tortured, than with fellow White people, so that's what we have featured on the website (link below) for now.

And here's an article or two from today's news for you to review as well.……

Profiteering off the death of George Floyd. This is not an isolated incident. And I believe the reason it happens so often with Blacks is the Dunning-Kruger effect, which is much more pronounced in Blacks. You see, equally some White people would think about stealing the money, then give up on the idea out of fear of being caught. Blacks on the other hand, believe they are highly intelligent and will cover their tracks and get away with it. What Blacks don't realize is that they are actually the least intelligent people on earth and ALWAYS get caught. And personally, this video below explains best, why I (personally) hate Blacks – not for the color of their skin, but for their VIOLENT AND EVIL CONTENT OF CHARACTER, gleefully destroying lives everywhere they go, just like a wrecking ball. Black people are literally demons in human form and there is no place for them in a safe and civil society.

Imagine yourself as one of these victims, how would YOU feel having your face stomped on, until you suffer permanent brain injury, or even death?


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Thank you webmaster! Happy Easter from myself and my family. Also thank you for always putting this info out there. No matter what these niggers say it’s always bs or stolen from someone else like they always do and claim it for themselves. Fuck these troll nigger kikes. White fucking power and seig heil 88


In reply to by Chris Oates (not verified)

George Orwell described a nightmarish future for us all – where he said, "In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act." He was right, the truth itself these days is most despised, as the majority of Whites wallow in Jew-inspired self-deceit and delusion. Truth IS revolutionary and try as they might to stop me from speaking the truth, I will never stop. I will always circumvent their tricks to silence me and continue speaking the truth. The NSM website has become the first ever hard-hitting truth site about Niggers, we hold nothing back. The American pavement ape is nothing more than a discarded farm animal, a feral beast, parasites which have become weaponized by the Jew into a bioweapon at their disposal, now used to eradicate the Jew's greatest fear – the White race. I must not let that happen.

Charlotte Despard once wrote, "Truth has to be sought in tears, in sorrow, in desperate revolt; here a little and there a little gained, and when gained held against all comers for the sake of humanity and sometimes at the cost of life itself." I could not agree more with her words. I am willing to do whatever it takes, to speak the truth – just as all of those who seek to censor me, have thus far witnessed.


In reply to by sparklefingers? (not verified)

What kind of retarded ass name is that, how about what made you into a bigot? Fucking MLP stan.


In reply to by sparklefingers? (not verified)

Anyone who can crack a couple of books, shut their mouth and listen, and think for themselves will eventually see nature's laws reveal themselves in absolute clarity.

Happy early birthday to Adolf Hitler as we praise him for fighting for the white race. The fuhrer shall forever remain a legend in our hearts. Get your swastika cakes ready folks! Even you too webmaster!


Ok, i really as a white, christian American, worry 'bout our white-founded nation. All because of this sick, shitty liberal agenda we're facing right now!! We are seeing the destruction of our white stock in our own soil, perpretaded by fucking third world jungle niggers that come here illegally emboldened by the jews supremacists all across our wide-open border. Really, i'm really sad to see our country falling apart. We have this soaring inflation, we have this great replacement going on, we have no serious-minded person who cares for the European-American majority of this land in the GOV. This crisis is made just for squeezing and strangling the white people. That's what the multiculturalism stands for. Just look at nigger HUNGERzuelans, completely failure of humanity, no more than all mixed-up monkeys that have no pinch of purity in their shithole of a country. Oh, and have you ever notice that if we don't carry out actions, soon, maybe America, Canada, Europe, Australia will look like a fucking jungle, just filled with Sandniggers, negroes, kikes, etc. So, the only thing i can do by now is write this for y'all. Please, white people need to open eyes and realize who's the real anti-white, anti-christian puppet masters in this world. I don't really give a fuck being called "racist" for this, this page stands for the real free speech. Whites will survive!!! White power!!!

Look at Africa and tell me again about black superiority.
The only cities were built by Europeans. The only buildings over a story tall were built by Europeans.
Now the Chinese will overtake Africa and enslave these halfwits . Then the world will certainly change. The ones here will be brought under control and they will work for the government.

Using occams razor, the evidence appears to prove that what is happening today is the result of the defeat of Nazi Germany.

The Bolshevik Jews won WW2 and they have succeeded in spreading their jewish globohomo degeneracy across the world.

I wish there were Nazis in this world today, I truly hope they will return because if they were here, we wouldn't be experiencing this, any of it.

Anyone comparing Jewish Bolshevism to Fascist German National Socialism does not understand what it stood for and knows nothing about it.

On this day, April 20, 1889, in Braunau am Inn (a town in Upper Austria, on the border with Germany) Adolf Hitler was born. A charismatic man who, after being elected Reich Chancellor in 1933, set in motion the restoration and prosperity of Germany, bringing an end to a Great Depression, which had suffocated the German economy as much as it had the United States. In his inaugural address via radio, Hitler vowed to “achieve the great task of reorganizing our nation’s economy” through “a concerted and all-embarking attack against unemployment.” Hitler’s government tackled unemployment by initiating great public works projects such as the autobahn, railroad, housing and more. His plan worked! Within four years, just as he had promised, unemployment was virtually ended. It’s been said among many leaders, including JFK that, had Hitler successfully defeated world Jewry, he might today be remembered as the 20th century’s most admired leader (which he was then and is still today).

Happy Birthday mein Führer!
Your actions are an inspiration.
And you will NEVER be forgotten.

Adolf Hitler it's your day, your 133rd birthday! For years you fought for us and now we stand up to fight for you even on your special day. Mein fuhrer we love you so much brother, keep resting sir. Heil Hitler! And a happy birthday to you our glorious German leader! ??


In reply to by Fascismforever1488 (not verified)

Happy Birthday to my Fuhrer. Seig heil and 88
We will have a 1000 year reich. Your memory will live on forever

On this day, April 20th, 1889. An amazing person was born, that person being none other than the wonderful Führer, Adolf Hitler. Happy 133rd birthday Hitler!! You’re amazing!! ? ? :)


In reply to by Erie (not verified)

Hello Erie;
I agree. It was indeed an amazing day!
Adolf Hitler saved western Europe from being over run
by the zio-globalist government of the jew controlled USSR.
If it hadn't been for National Socialist Germany, The entire civilized
world would be reverting back to the dark ages. What the Fuhrer accomplished DEMANDS WE finish! And it is no laughing matter what decadence, what disgusting events have been unfolding before us WHO KNOW for the last few decades, And zio-globalism is for now getting everything it has been striving for, and more! So, yes. April 20 of each year should perhaps be a benchmark for ALL dedicated National Socialists TODAY! Are we doing all we can (legally and non-violently, of course) to defeat the enemy? Adolf Hitler sacrificed everything, and he knew that it is going to come to pass, WHEN THE WHOLE WORLD (that which matters) WILL KNOW HE WAS AND WE ARE RIGHT!!

Yet marxists jews and their black useful idiots really want to provoke
A white aryan chimp out it seems like. I wish they would stop radicalizing us...


In reply to by reynolds (not verified)

I'm generally not going to edit comments – and when I (rarely) do, I make note of it at the bottom. One commenter was posting URLs which appeared to possibly be harvesting user information from whoever clicked on it – before sending you on to a legitimate yahoo news or what have you. There was no need for this odd and unheard of redirect service, so I simply used a VPN to find the final destination URL and swapped it out on their posts, giving them nothing but one instance of harvested information for one user (me) which was of course, bogus (even the browser ident string). This could have been Antifa doing this, or the Feds or whatever. I did this for the safety of our visitors and members. Eventually they quit posting, after I did that a few times. If there's any content you don't want to read on here, just don't read it. However when I reply to them, I often quote what I'm replying to and then make my case. If you prefer to just read my responses, that's one way to only see a pared down version of the original.

It’s your day Hess, your birthday! Happy birthday Hess! You will never be forgotten! ??

I couldn't agree more; the one and only piece of evidence that we need to prove negro inferiority, is the fact that we have, in my way of believing, used just as much time building what is undeniably our planets' greatest civilizations over and over, as the negro has used to become the most disease-ridden and least- evolved race on Earth. The story told to our kids in the classroom is that the negro had coherent control of their homelands and that there were huge african empires there before the evil Whitey came in and stole half of the population in a matter of years. Reality, according to anthropology and the cultural situation in places that negros inhabit today, is the opposite. It is debated that the only real empire on the african continent that has stood the test of centuries, ancient Egypt, was the result of contact with migrating Aryans. It's comical to anyone who has two brain cells to rub together that a creature which has not, in the entirety of its' existence, managed to grasp the most basic hygienic requirements for comfort. The negro who is completely untouched by Aryan conquest is a total savage, incapable of advancement. The ancestors of the so called 'oppressed' slave negro are making millions of dollars running after a ball or producing toxic propaganda for our children. It is true that the White Race has been guilty of gullible altruism, but the one thing about us is: we learn! Our altruism is almost gone, the subhumans had best enjoy their welfare and access to indoor plumbing while they can.


In reply to by 1488IsMyUnluck… (not verified)

> I hate neo-nazism and white supremacism,

White supremacy is simply a fact of nature, it can't be helped. It's best just to accept that which you can not change, rather than bemoan the fact that random chance did not give you something you wanted. Every non-White wishes they were White. Why? Because every non-White accepts the REALITY of White Supremacy. Do you hate pretty women? Should a pretty woman live in shame, because she was born pretty? Being born White and thus superior, is no different from being born pretty, or tall, or whatever. White Supremacy is simply a foregone conclusion. White man walked on the moon. This happened back in 1969. White Supremacy is thus manifest. No other race has ever achieved the same.

> but differences aside I have a genuine question. If you woke up and suddenly you were black, what would you do?

Probably steal a cart filled to the top with thousands of dollars worth of meat from the grocery store, then let most of it spoil, because I didn't plan ahead for what to do with it after I steal it, because now that I am Black, I would have low intelligence and no abilities for planning ahead. This is of course, based upon a true story, it happened in Temple Texas on Good Friday of this year. And once the meat started to stink after a few days of sitting in the trunk of my car, I would go around da hood, trying to sell this stinking meat to ghetto dwelling Hispanics, because I no longer wanted it, but I would still try to get something out of it, because even though I did nothing to earn it, I still think I deserve to get something for it. This is the typical plight, of the common pavement dwelling sub-human Nigger ape beast.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

>White supremacy is simply a fact of nature, it can't be helped.

Well, we can't know that for sure. We don't truly know if God or some higher being exists, and even if he did exist we wouldn't know what God thinks since he never comes down from the sky to tell us what skin colors mean. Rather, us humans have to decide for ourselves what they mean. Many people including me believe in racial equality, but some people believe that certain shades are better.

>It's best just to accept that which you cannot change.

I agree with you on that one.

>rather than bemoan the fact that random chance did not give you something you wanted.

I'm white just not a white supremacist.

>Every non-White wishes they were White. Why? Because every non-White accepts the REALITY of White Supremacy

Not at all. A lot of people are proud to be black, and they think white supremacy is BS. (I agree with them.)

I don't know where you got this idea from. What makes you think that all non-whites hate their skin tone?

>Do you hate pretty women? Should a pretty woman live in shame, because she was born pretty?

No and no.

Like I said earlier I'm white, so I wouldn't want to live in shame just for being white. However, I don't want fellow white people thinking they are better than someone else purely based off skin color. (Can't really prevent that from happening, but oh well.)

Similarly, I wouldn't want a pretty woman to bully someone just for how they look like.

>No other race has ever achieved the same.

People from all races have achieved great things.


In reply to by 1488IsMyUnluck… (not verified)

> We don't truly know if God or some higher being exists,

Yes we do. Venomous snakes, bushes with thorns, respiratory viruses all demonstrate that nature exists – but a loving god does not. A loving god would not have created these things – but natural selection surely would have.

> to tell us what skin colors mean.

The various religions do tell us what skin color means, but my concern is not with skin color, as much as with typical racial behavior. Blacks (meaning Africans) are demonstrably prone to sudden acts of extreme violence, they are unpredictable, DANGEROUS and they are exceedingly stupid. If you are ever murdered, there is a 3600% greater chance you will be murdered by a Black, than by any other race. Blacks act without thinking, often violently. The Black murder rate is the highest in the world and NOT by a small margin. This is true everywhere where Blacks are found in large numbers. Meanwhile, the exact same skin color in someone from India (an Indo-Asian) is none of those things. I wouldn't be as afraid, say, needing an operation in India, as I would be in Nigeria. The same goes for you.

I would much rather be locked in a prison cell with a Pajeet criminal, than I would a Nigger. I'm sure the same goes for you. Remember, you are anonymous here, you aren't winning social justice credits by lying, so be honest. Race denotes behavior the same in humans as it does in animals. You are way less afraid of climbing over a fence guarded by a yellow lab race of dog, than one guarded by a pit bull race of dog. Race denotes behavior. The yellow lab may bark, but it will not bite. The pit bull will both bark AND RIP YOU TO SHREDS. If you disagree that there are behavioral differences between the races, then go for a walk in South Chicago alone at night and if you should survive, THEN give me your answer.

The Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 5 [21] And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them. [22] And thus saith the Lord God: I will cause that they shall be loathsome unto thy people, save they shall repent of their iniquities. [23] And cursed shall be the seed of him that mixeth with their seed; for they shall be cursed even with the same cursing. And the Lord spake it, and it was done.

I believe the author of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith in 1830, had plenty of experience with Niggers and what they called "Coloreds" in those days (mulattoes) to have written such a factual account of their behavior. But again, it is clear that Joseph Smith had more of a problem with Black behavior, rather than simply skin color. Personally, aside from behavior, I find Blacks to be physically unappealing to the max. They have primitive, ugly, ape-like faces – Pajeets are the same color, but far less physically unattractive, as their facial features are more like Whites. Intelligence and genetic politeness in a Pajeet is also a huge plus. Blacks are loud and obnoxious, as a general rule.

> Many people including me believe in racial equality,

Do you mean all races are defacto interchangeably equal in every way, or do you mean races should all have equal access and equal opportunity?

> > It's best just to accept that which you cannot change.
> I agree with you on that one.

Thank you. Because typically here is where the ad hominems begin, thank you for not doing that. ?

> I'm white just not a white supremacist.

Like it or not, you are supreme, a part of the apex of hominin evolution and development. If you are White and European, your people evolved on glacial ice, this is why you are White, why you are smart, why you work well with others – as these are traits necessary for survival on ice for tens of thousands of years. This remains true, even if you don't agree with this statement.

> Not at all. A lot of people are proud to be black,

When they sky punch and say "Black Power," everyone smiles. So, how do they react if I do the same and say "White Power?" Well, they react quite badly of course, in fact, violently and with anger. Why? Because I am flaunting my White superiority. If you have a better explanation, I'd love to hear it – but when it comes to Niggers, I'm probably the foremost expert in the world on their properties and behaviors. Niggers are a product of stress based evolution, the same as we. Whites evolved on ice in Europe. Niggers evolved on the plains of Africa. We are clearly NOT the same sub-species (or race) of hominid ape.

> and they think white supremacy is BS. (I agree with them.)

Blacks are emotive on this issue, because they can't stand seeing how easy life (in a civilization we created for ourselves) is for Whites. For example, reading is easy for Whites – it is NOT easy for Blacks. Thinking clearly, without confusion is impossible for Blacks. Problem solving, planning ahead, Blacks fail at these tasks. So when they see how easy life is for us – they become upset and rightfully so, Blacks see this and call it exactly what it is: White Supremacy. Blacks are clearly unhappy living as a parasite among Whites – which is why I advocate getting them OUT of civil White society (where they are clearly maladapted) and putting them in Liberia, a country purchased by White Americans, specifically for Blacks to live in their own habitat, to live and play however they please. ?

> I don't know where you got this idea from. What makes you think that all non-whites hate their skin tone?

They don't hate _their_ skin tone, they hate ours. As much as we see them as ugly, they see us as ugly too. And we stink. Blacks claim Whites smell like wet dog. I think Blacks smell like bad cheese or sour milk. That too (pheromones) is a product of evolution. Pheromones are supposed to keep us segregated. But equally, they so much wish they were more like us, because they are jealous of us, they sometimes take drastic action. Black women will appropriate White hair colors and styles, straightening and coloring their black, woolly hair to make it more like ours. Michael Jackson even used a chemotherapy drug that is never used with Blacks (Temodar) to destroy the melanin production in his body, converting him into an albino, just because he wanted so badly to be White. But changing his skin color did not make him White. Of course he never came out and said he wanted to be White, but what other explanation would there be for a Black to take a drug which is NEVER used on anything but Whites (to treat melanoma)? Blacks biologically never need to worry about melanoma, they are naturally immune.

> Like I said earlier I'm white, so I wouldn't want to live in shame just for being white.

You've heard of systemic and structural racism, right? Everything in America is racist, the inequalities are baked in, the Constitution is racist, police brutality continues, ineffective policy solutions, structural policies affect Blacks differently, inequitable distribution of wealth and so on. To Blacks, being White is the problem, so you must disappear completely for Blacks to be happy. But how is that working out in Chicago, the most violent city in the world which is also mostly Black? Well, it's the most violent city in the world (which is not at war) for starters.

> However, I don't want fellow white people thinking they are better than someone else purely based off skin color.

Nobody thinks skin color is the only difference between the races. You focus on color, I focus on behavior. Police disproportionately affect Blacks more, because Blacks are more involved in violence and crime. Yes, it's just that simple. YOU start committing crimes on a regular basis and see if you too become more involved with cops.

> Similarly, I wouldn't want a pretty woman to bully someone just for how they look like.

I'm sure like me, you went to high school in America. I'm sure you remember the evil but beautiful girls who treated those below them with contempt. Pretty girls bully ugly girls. It's the same with boys. And we see this across all species of mammals, as each gender fights for dominance and breeding rights. This is EXACTLY how positive evolution works.

> People from all races have achieved great things.

But no other race has achieved more than the White race. No other race has ever achieved the apex achievement of leaving this world and walking on a different world. That is the most difficult challenge ever undertaken by any hominin, with Whites being the only race to actually succeed. All the while, Blacks in America were complaining that NASA Apollo money should be given to them as welfare payments. It would be better put to use that way they said, singing songs like the one titled Whitey on the moon.

White achievement is everywhere you look. Black achievement is largely a MYTH. And this should be expected, when you look what Africans have invented in Africa – a mud hut no different than that built by a beaver and lip plates. Blacks never invented a rock point spear, or metal. Read everything at the link above and tell me what you think. I hope you've actually seen the movie Hidden Figures, so you have a basis for our calling them out. Black accomplishment in America is purely athletic. This is for genetic reasons (big muscles, small brain). And as successful as Blacks have become in many sports, they will NEVER be successful swimmers, this too is purely due to genetic difference (apes simply can't swim for immutable biological reasons).

Literally every invention attributed to Blacks is a lie, even the most famous – George Washington Carver, supposedly inventing peanut butter, but the patent belongs to J.H. Kellogg of cereal fame (U.S. Patent 580,787) in 1897. Carver began his "research" in 1903, six years later. As far as I can tell, Carver invented NOTHING that was commercially successful. When you search for actual patents, despite all the claims to the contrary, Carver held only three patents (U.S. Patent 1,522,176 1,541,478 and 1,632,365) granted between 1925 and 1927 – one for a pomade cream made from peanuts and the other two for a process of producing paints and stains from clay. None were commercially successful.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

>Race denotes behavior the same in humans as it does in animals. You are way less afraid of climbing over a fence guarded by a yellow lab race of dog, than one guarded by a pit bull race of dog. Race denotes behavior.

You're correct about dog breeds having different behavior. A yellow lab dog is far less aggressive than a pit bull.

However, from my experience, black people don't act that differently. There may be subtle behavior differences, but those differences are so minuscule that they don't matter. I live in a mostly black neighborhood and the neighborhood is peaceful. I have know many black people throughout my life, and they acted just as nicely as white people.

I'm not exactly sure about crime rates between races, but even if crime was higher in black people, it wouldn't be so bad that I have to hate the entire race. There would still be so many innocent black people. The 3600% statistic sounds exaggerated.

>To Blacks, being White is the problem, so you must disappear completely for Blacks to be happy.

There are some people who think that way, but definitely not everyone.

>I'm sure like me, you went to high school in America

Yes, and I'm in high school right now. At the moment there is very low animosity between the students and we all get along nicely.

>When they sky punch and say "Black Power," everyone smiles. So, how do they react if I do the same and say "White Power?" Well, they react quite badly of course, in fact, violently and with anger. Why? Because I am flaunting my White superiority. If you have a better explanation, I'd love to hear it

The reason why black pride is acceptable in society is because black pride is all about saying "We're not inferior to you. We all deserve equal rights" Black pride is not about tearing anyone down, but rather giving everyone a fair chance.

On the other hand, white pride is saying this: "We're the best race, we deserve to be treated like kings, and niggers are subhuman." White pride is about tearing others down, and giving the white people an unfair advantage.

>For example, reading is easy for Whites – it is NOT easy for Blacks. Thinking clearly, without confusion is impossible for Blacks. Problem solving, planning ahead, Blacks fail at these tasks."

Too much of a generalization.

>Do you mean all races are defacto interchangeably equal in every way, or do you mean races should all have equal access and equal opportunity?

All races should have equal access and equal opportunity. There are some differences between races, but it's not anything to worry about.

I'm sorry that I responded to your comment out of order, it was just really long.

One other thing, thank you for staying respectful. Even though we disagree on a lot, I'm happy to have a respectful conversation.


In reply to by 1488IsMyUnluck… (not verified)

> You're correct about dog breeds having different behavior. A yellow lab dog is far less aggressive than a pit bull.

Correction, yellow lab RACE of dog. A yellow lab and a pit bull are biologically almost identical – just as the left CONSTANTLY points about about Blacks and Whites. If you can breed with them, then you are biologically similar. However yellow labs and pit bulls are actually biologically CLOSER in genetics, than Negroes and Europeans. You can't for example, transplant Black organs into Whites. Otherwise, the high murder rates among Blacks in Chicago (about a dozen or more fresh teenage human hearts and kidneys being made available every day) would have a positive benefit. This would EASILY supply the organ shortage we face in the medical industry. However none of these Nigger organs can be used, which is why none of them ARE being used today. Pause and let that sink in. This statement of fact becomes a "makes you think" moment for most people. Race matters a lot in organ and tissue transplants.

And this genetic predisposition toward behavior between races is seen in ALL mammals, even all the way down to bacteria and even viruses. You may have heard them say that the Omicron race of coronavirus is less aggressive than the Delta race of the virus – both are genetic racial variants of the same coronavirus; and yet one is deadly, while one is not. You can equate the same, to the races of humans.

> However, from my experience, black people don't act that differently.

And here is where I finally figured out what you are up to. Since you people can't shut down this website (and believe me, you have tried) you are now trying psychological tricks to poison it, instead. Well, it's not going to work, because the NSM truth site has a distinct advantage of having one highly intelligent Aspie on board, an Aspie testing in the high 99th percentile. And when I say high, I mean place many nines after the decimal point. ? This Aspie believes in THE TRUTH and FREE SPEECH and enables the NSM to finally have a voice, which otherwise they would never have, due to Jewish deplatforming and censorship. Nearly ALL other far right voices have now been permanently silenced – but not this voice. A bright and determined Aspie has taken on the challenge of giving this singular group (the NSM) a voice – and this Aspie will never back down. This Aspie believes deeply in the U.S. Constitution, which says even Nazis have the right to free speech, the same rights that YOU have. ?

> There may be subtle behavior differences, but those differences are so minuscule that they don't matter.

The differences are NOT SUBTLE! I live two miles from a "hurricane katrina" refugee camp, so I know precisely what Niggers are all about. Yes, it's been 17 years since they converted the barracks section of our old WWII training camp (now a museum) into "temporary housing" for these "refugees." They brought nearly two thousand Niggers here, to my formerly 98% White city, promising us that it was only temporary housing and that they would all get jobs and apartments, blending perfectly into our society. BUT THEY ARE STILL THERE TO THIS DAY! Few if any have found jobs, and as they increase in number, whole formerly White apartment buildings in outlying areas are being taken as section-8 welfare housing. EBT feeds these Niggers, who do nothing but increase their numbers at an unsustainable rate. The only thing they give in return for all our gifts, is violence and crime.

Prior to their arrival, I didn't think much about Niggers – I didn't even call them Niggers at that time. I was respectful, failing to understand why they are universally hated around the world (especially by their chief victims, Whites and Asians). My lessons on Black behavior came VERY quickly. Foremost, I noted that in a compass circle drawn on a map, there quickly became a dead zone, extending about one mile in every direction. Niggers killed everything within this zone! Somehow, they managed to kill all the trees, it appears they peeled off the bark by hand – they even somehow killed all the grass. They also uprooted all the bushes and left them lay there to die. Everything in this zone is now dead, all the businesses in this one mile circle are now boarded up and the boards are covered with graffiti.

The one grocery store within this zone was quickly closed after the manager was murdered by a Nigger, who was stealing a carton of cigarettes. He stabbed the manager in the chest, as he was trying to stop him at the door, then the Nigger walked on his body like a floor mat. We all saw this surveillance video on the evening news. The building was later converted into a welfare center (where you can sign up for "benefits" and can pick up free cheese, free honey and other "gub-mint" items). I think they also provide some limited health care offerings as well.

> I live in a mostly black neighborhood and the neighborhood is peaceful.

Bullshit. There is no peace, wherever there are Niggers. Chicago for example, has a higher death rate than did the whole of Iraq during the war. Anywhere where Niggers are more than 20% of the population, you hear gunfire at least twice a week, more often with higher populations. And the burglary rates are through the roof – it is through burglary of White homes, that Niggers acquire their guns and ammunition. Niggers were at one time in America, banned from owning firearms, as they have child-like minds and poor impulse control, thus can not safely use them. One ER doctor friend of mine who treats Nigger gunshot victims on an almost daily basis, confided in me that he does not believe Niggers are even self-aware. That was a VERY bold observation! And I agree, I don't think Niggers are self-aware.

> I have know many black people throughout my life, and they acted just as nicely as white people.

Bullshit! Niggers are savages and they behave like savages. Only about 2% of all Blacks don't always behave as savages – but just as Will Smith showed us; even the top millionaires will become savages from time to time. In truth, you probably live in an all White, gated community, just like me. In truth, you are likely a Jewish psychologist, attempting to poison this website with your Jewish deception. Jewish mind poison only works when Jewish mind poison is the only thing being offered (through censorship of the actual truth). We don't censor here – you will be allowed your say; but then I also get mine (uncensored). We then let people parse your ideas and then mine, then they are allowed to draw their own conclusions, based upon their OWN experiences with Niggers. There are NO White people in America today, who are unaffected by the Nigger beast. This Nigger cancer has metastasized EVERYWHERE. Everyone now knows first hand, that Niggers are an unintelligent, unmotivated and violent race. Everyone now knows this. Anyone who says otherwise, is either lying or delusional.

> I'm not exactly sure about crime rates between races,

Everyone knows Blacks are the chiefs of violent crime. The murder rate alone is 36 times that of ALL the other races COMBINED. Niggers are the number one victims of murder, nearly always at the hand of another Nigger. This of course never gets reported, for obvious reasons.

I'm pretty sure it's nothing more than tribalism that causes Blacks to accept the high Black on Black murder rate – but freak the fuck out whenever a White kills a Black. Conversely, when Blacks kill Whites, nobody really cares, because Whites are not tribal like Blacks.

> but even if crime was higher in black people, it wouldn't be so bad that I have to hate the entire race.

I hate them for the wide path of destruction they cause. I fear them because of their unpredictable violence that can strike at any time, without warning. Whites almost never see justice where I live, as the largely Jewish courts coddle these savage Nigger beasts. Most Niggers here are allowed to murder at least two or three times before they are locked up forever, after always being quickly released after the first one or two murders.

> There would still be so many innocent black people. The 3600% statistic sounds exaggerated.

The murder rate is 36 to 1, which is 3600% higher than all other races combined. Of course this truth is highly suppressed in this Orwellian hellscape that is modern America – but most people do trust The Brookings Institution, so here is one of their charts, but it is not current. It clearly shows how astronomically more dangerous a Black male can be. Prior to Obama, I could also send you a similar chart from the Department of Justice, or the Bureau of Crime Statistics, or one from the FBI, but all those charts were removed and never replaced under Trump.

> > To Blacks, being White is the problem, so you must disappear completely for Blacks to be happy.
> There are some people who think that way, but definitely not everyone.

Then why do we have a White genocide program both active and accelerating? Why is the White race (and ONLY the White race) swirling the drain? Why are we talking about a White minority and how this will somehow be a good thing?

> Yes, and I'm in high school right now.

You don't write like a high school kid. You write like a middle-aged Jew, with a background in psychology. I think everyone can see that.

> At the moment there is very low animosity between the students and we all get along nicely.

Bullshit. I have bookmarked a collection of hundreds of videos shot inside high schools, of Black on White fights that happen EVERY DAY, all across America. And in almost every case, when the White starts to win or the Black goes down, 3 or 4 other Blacks jump in and start punching the White from behind. Blacks are evil, cruel, sadistic and dangerous. Blacks think tribally, which means if YOU don't think tribally as well, then you are doomed to extinction.

> The reason why black pride is acceptable in society is because black pride is all about saying "We're not inferior to you.

Blacks demonstrate their inferiority DAILY, everyone sees this. No, it's about Blacks imagining they are superior, because the government yields to their delusions and whims – bending over backwards FOR them. Blacks you see, can do nothing wrong – in the eyes of a left leaning government.

> We all deserve equal rights" Black pride is not about tearing anyone down, but rather giving everyone a fair chance.

Then why the butt hurt when I say White Pride, if not for the fact that everyone knows Whites are demonstrably superior? The butt hurt only begins when Blacks are reminded that everything they believe about themselves, is a lie. Blacks HATE having White Supremacy flaunted before them. They hate being reminded of the truth!

> On the other hand, white pride is saying this: "We're the best race, we deserve to be treated like kings, and niggers are subhuman."

Niggers ARE sub-human and primitive savages who claim, "we wuz kangz." Everyone sees this on a daily basis. Only about 2% of Blacks are NOT savages on a regular basis, but become savages whenever provoked (i.e. Will Smith). Kudos for using the word "niggers" here – suggesting you may be more of a troll, than purely a psychological dose of poison by the Jew. ?…

> White pride is about tearing others down, and giving the white people an unfair advantage.

White pride is about being proud of White achievement. Whites today HAVE no advantage, as Whites are last in line for everything! White people achieve, because White people have an immutable genetic advantage – the ABILITY to achieve (as well as the desire). The only way to make Blacks and Whites perfectly equal, would be to give every White a lobotomy, damaging their brains, making them unable to think – and cutting the leg tendons of Blacks, hobbling them, making them unable to run very fast fast. That's the only way to achieve true equality.

> > For example, reading is easy for Whites – it is NOT easy for Blacks. Thinking clearly, without confusion is impossible for Blacks. Problem solving, planning ahead, Blacks fail at these tasks.
> Too much of a generalization.

No, not so. Everyone can peruse the world's only academic treatise on Black behavior, found only on this website. You can read it right here.

Read through that document and parse the information against your own experiences. I've never met anyone who didn't agree (when the evidence is this well presented). There is TRUTH in the treatise. No one has ever put to paper such a compilation before this one, even members of law enforcement who read it, reluctantly agree that it is in fact the absolute truth. It is the result of an exhaustive study, spanning more than a decade.

> All races should have equal access and equal opportunity.

This is what we have now. In fact, with government preference for all things Black, indeed it is WHITES who are pushed to the back of the line these days. Blacks are (by law) given preference in ALL THINGS today, such as first choice for scholarships, college admissions, contract awards, employment, job promotion without merit, pay raises without merit. In my industry, Blacks are ALWAYS appointed to the lead role, but it is Whites who actually do all the work (as it requires intelligence). It is this appointed Black (usually female) who then takes credit for all our efforts. Corporate management then uses this impression, to promote their corporate wokeism, in order to qualify for government contracts (which are always awarded Black-first).

> There are some differences between races, but it's not anything to worry about.

There is a high probability that you will be murdered by a Black – so yes, it IS something for you to worry about.

> I'm sorry that I responded to your comment out of order, it was just really long.

Thank you for showing us who you really are. Remember that you must be 18 to use this website, so I'm assuming from your writing, that you are an 18 year old high school student (held back a year or two I'd imagine). If you are NOT at least 18, then stop responding, as you are not permitted to be here. Probability is high however, that you are an adult Jewish psychologist. We will not knowingly engage with minors here – even if it is quasi-legal, down to the age of 13 I believe.

So in truth, you write like an adult, suggesting someone with training in psychology, attempting to poison this well of truth. ? It won't work of course, the only way it can work, is if everything YOU say is made public, while everything I say is deleted. That can't and won't happen here. We provide BOTH sides of every argument, then let the readers draw their own conclusions. I do believe that most healthy and sane people will (after a lifetime of experiences around Niggers) side with the NSM – that savages are savages, even if they live in 40 million dollar mansions in Calabasas (i.e. Will Smith) as genetics are immutable.

> One other thing, thank you for staying respectful. Even though we disagree on a lot, I'm happy to have a respectful conversation.

Well, at least you're not expressing cognitive dissonance, which usually precipitates into argumentum ad hominem – such is quite common here. The fact you hold the position that you do, while NOT expressing cognitive dissonance, highly suggests that you are Jewish, I'm just pointing that out, so that our readers may conclude the same and know your claims are simply an attempt to help further the ongoing Jewish White Genocide project. The NSM exists to thwart this ongoing genocide of my people – and if you are a Jew and if you are using psychology to weaken and destroy the White race, then you really can't fault us for not wanting to be driven into extinction. Our extinction you believe, will usher in a time of great power and prosperity for the Jew, as you rule over the savage brown masses you then enslave. I'm here to warn you – it's not going to work out as you have planned. Jews helped South African Negroes overtake and overpower the Whites who built that country, stealing it from them – then the Negroes murdered the helper Jews. I'm pretty sure what you Jews want and what you are going to get, are two completely different things. The hubris of the Jew is astounding.


In reply to by 1488IsMyUnluck… (not verified)

This is a typical stupid question, asked by a typically stupid
White (presumably) indoctrinated self-loathing anti-White race
traitor! I cannot stand you and people like you! You make me so sick!
You piece of garbage are of no value! You do not merit an answer to your ridiculous ignoramus question. Go ask these idiot 'conservatives' something moronic. Go bother them and stay away from the Party. Go ask a fatass 'conservative' something stupid, like, "how much money would you need to lose before you wouldn't be conservative anymore?" Or something as stupid. Go bother the kissers of 'jew' ass and bug off!


In reply to by Wesley Hay (not verified)

I'm white. I'm perfectly comfortable with my skin and I don't hate myself.

I'm not anti-white, just anti-racist. I know this is a racist website and I am being a bit obtrude by sharing my differing views here, but isn't there a difference between being anti-white and anti-racist?

>You piece of garbage are of no value!

Well I guess I'll just work hard and build value for myself then?


In reply to by 1488IsMyUnluck… (not verified)

Unless you support the preservation of your race, you are in opposition to your race. It is what it is. You've been inculcated by the Jew and have joined the suicidal death cult.

Now let's define the meaning of the word "racist". First, what is a scientist? Someone who knows a lot about science. What is a machinist? Someone who knows a lot about machines. What is a psychologist? Someone who knows a lot about psychology. What is a racist? Someone who knows a lot about race.

Are you against knowing a lot about race? Yes. Therefore, you are as you claim to be, anti-racist.


In reply to by 1488IsMyUnluck… (not verified)

You certainly are anti-White. You play silly little games
using stupid 'what if's'. And it's obvious you have been
conditioned and indoctrinated by the zio-globalist establishment.
To you and all the rest of the dumbed down goy rest the strange
belief that 'racism' is from White people projected out to all the "people of color" . And in your reply to my comment about your
stupid question, you say, "I knew this is a racist site." Darn tootin'
this is a racist site! It is pro-White, which makes it "racist", as we all know, only all the other races of the world have a right to be proud of their ancestry and heritage, but not 'ole whitey', nope, not us. We are racists. No other race, no other people of any other race, certainly not 'jews' are racist whatsoever! And supporters and members of the NSM LOVE OUR WHITE PEOPLE, it's history, heritage AND WHAT GREAT THINGS WHITE PEOPLE HAVE BROUGHT TO THIS WORLD! If it wasn't for the people of the White race, modern civilization would not exist. So you damn right we are racists, and proud of it!

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