White Unity Conference
Longview, Texas
September 25, 2021
The White Unity Conference will be an indoor event, starting at 11:00 AM.
We will have many educational lectures, Aryan folk music, and Racial Unity among different organizations and individuals from all across North America. The White Unity Conference is being hosted by the staff of White-Power.org of the Aryan Freedom Network. We welcome all White Patriots from all across the movement. If you are a member of an organization that is planning on attending, you must contact us for further instructions. Any individual that is not a member, or has not been vetted with a background check by a White Racialist organization, you must first contact the Aryan Freedom Network at the link above, to apply for proper vetting. This event is not open to the public, but rather a private event, held for White Racialists to enjoy a day of fun and unity with like minded kindred.
卐 ࿕ Our own Commander Burt Colucci will be speaking at this event. ࿕ 卐
For more information:
Remember: everyone MUST BE VETTED first.
? Don't just show up with someone else who was vetted! ?
Click here and ask for further instructions on the vetting process.
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