The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )

TexasVet interview – Commander Burt Colucci on October 5, 2021



In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

We don't yet know with 100% certainty what Italy's Giorgia Meloni's actual political views might be. My first impression is that unfortunately, she is not a Mussolini, but apparently she IS likely another Trump, in that she's willing to fight the Jews on Jewish terms (using psychological warfare) which is the only way that Whites can actually defeat the Jews, since the Jews have such a very strong psychological hold over more than half of all White people, even more so of our psychologically weaker and thus more vulnerable, White women and children.…

Knowing where someone stands in a psychological war, requires you to ignore what they say to the Jewish press, instead learn what you need to know about them, by watching how their Jewish opponents treat them, this is especially true when dealing with a highly emotive group – like Jews. Jews can't hide how they really feel, Jews are TERRIBLE poker players. Have you ever heard of a Jewish poker shark?

You may have noticed for example, that on the surface, Trump appears to suck Jewish cock – I mean REALLY suck their cocks, with everything he has. It's disgusting to watch. But this is how he appears to everyone on the surface. Trump is both head AND SHOULDERS up the Jews' ass. But what is the Jewish response to this (what would otherwise be agreeable) behavior? The Jews respond by SLINGING SHIT at Trump, they call him "Hitler" and "Satan" and they bring law suits, not hundreds – but thousands of law suits. They seek to destroy everything he owns and destroy everything he's ever done. They want him in prison. They even attack his entire family. Jews clearly HATE Trump, no matter how much he appears to love them. So no matter how much Trump appears to you as their biggest sycophant, he is in the eyes of the Jew at least – A DANGEROUS ENEMY.

Trump has lived in New York around (and competing with) Jews his whole life. There's no way he isn't Jew-wise. Jews even purposefully stole his favorite daughter (and eventually, through inheritance, Jews will own everything he created). The trick played on Trump (stealing his daughter) was the same trick the Jews played on Walt Disney to make that company Jewish. Jews can't stand a smart Goyim like Trump living on their Jew island of Manhattan. Jews have always hated Trump, but he has (so far) always outsmarted them. Now they are out in a big way to destroy him. And yet Trump remains unbowed.

Jews also clearly hate Meloni, even before she's done anything but say how much she loves sucking Jewish cock. Imagine that. So the Jews apparently know what's about to happen – and they are NOT HAPPY about it!

Now before you write me off as an idiot, consider this: simply look deeper than the surface (as I describe the necessity of Trump and Meloni's offensive-to-us psychological behavior toward the Jews). So now let's imagine what would have happened if either Trump or Meloni announced from the start, that they were going to fix most of the problems in America and Italy by stuffing Jews into cattle cars and delivering them to gas chambers for mass execution. Well, on the pro-White forums, nothing but screams of joy and an undying political devotion to these candidates. That amounts to no more than 3% of the White population's vote. Would either of them have a political career after that? I know what would happen here in the USA to Trump if he ever said that. The Republicans would side with the Democrats in a nearly 100% vote to impeach – that's what would happen. Thus the necessity to use deception in a psychological war, is paramount.

Believe me when I say this: the Republicans do notice the Jewish treatment of Trump – and it is eroding their control over Republican leadership and Republican voters. This is an unintended consequence. But can these covert tactics to defeat the Jew work in the long run? I hope so. But only time will tell. Again, remember that nearly ALL of our Republican leadership is pro-Jew, thanks to effective Jewish mind control. This necessitates the use of psychological warfare that unfortunately makes Trump and Meloni look like enemies. Don't count either one of them out – not just yet.

Yesterday was the birthday of the amazing Reichsführer, Heinrich Himmler. Happy belated birthday Himmler, thank you for everything!

If you think America has a nigger problem, look at France. They are ruining the country… When I saw that video of those entitled nigger migrants storming a building in Paris demanding free housing, it pissed me off so much. Both nigger and muslim migrants dont even come in peace, they commit rape and murder against the local French population and no one is doing anything about it because they don’t want to be called “racist”.

My only advice to Americans is to not give up your guns, or else America will end up like France. Defend yourselves against non-white thugs (legally and self-defense only of course) show them America is not France. Someone needs to stand up to these subanimals.


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

In years past, I dated a cute little French gal who unfortunately believed the "it's only skin color" propaganda. France had few Niggers in those days. However, she felt my position on Niggers was extreme. I would bet today she has a better understanding of the stupid and violent, incompatible Nigger ape beast that is ruining her country.

Thanks for the great comment!

Along with so many others I STRONGLY UPHOLD MISTER BURT COLUCCI. To increase the strength of our people, we don't need any questionable OFF TOPIC comments about the British Monarchy, WE NEED TO DIVE DEEP INTO THE LESSONS WE CAN DISCERN ONLY FROM EMBRACING THE GREATNESS OF HIS HONOR BURT Colucci. There are so many distractions these days from sleazy Stormfront clowns, that don't understand that Burt Colucci has forged us into the most elite force we've seen in National Socialism in the 21st century. All that the pure in heart can exclaim is HAIL BURT COLUCCI-- HAIL COMMANDANT BURT COLUCCI!!! HAIL HIS ESTEEMED HONOR COMMANDER BURT COLUCCI!!!!


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

NSM Webmaster-- No doubt you're just another flash in the pan. Can't you see that NSM members need to instill confidence in Commander's Greatness?

BTW-- I don't think that I saw you back in 1998 in front of the St Paul MN Courthouse when the NSM was outnumbered ten one by a red scum horde consisting of the Jewish Defense League, the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee & the Anti-Racist action. Due to the excellent leadership of the honorable NSM Chairman Cliff, the enemy agents ended up with their heads bandaged, doing the boo-hoo thing on the evening news

I surely don't need any instruction by a JOHNNY-COME-LATELY, such as yourself


In reply to by Pro- Commander… (not verified)

The conversation I had today with Burt instilled confidence – but not in him, but rather in me (regarding the upcoming trials). I discovered that Burt is already confident and doesn't need any external help. It was a conversation without flattery or adulation, as I expressed my fears and doubts – and like the leader that he is, he was able to curb those fears. This is what a strong leader looks like. I am no great leader myself, nor have I ever claimed to be. I am simply someone who has a unique set of skills and the determination to be a thorn in the Jewish paw. The Jews have never silenced me for long – and lately it seems, they can not silence me (us) at all! I have finally mastered my craft (website uptime) to the point of quiescence. Nothing they are doing against this site right now is of any consequence. We stand, unbroken and unbowed. We continue to have a voice, but without the capitulation seen elsewhere. In the beginning, we relied on Epik for our hosting provider, but they eventually banned the NSM – making the NSM the first account they ever vacated (this was before they were hacked and destroyed by Antifa). Sites such as Daily Stormer (which is currently hosted on vanwanet, a division of Epik) have stopped using the word "Nigger." When I google search the site, the hits for the word "Nigger" go back to 2018 and 2019, but nothing more recent. You don't see that here, as we use the word Nigger on a daily basis (but not gratuitously). When we were asked to self-censor by Epik, we refused – and that's when our A record was deleted and we were asked to leave.

What you need to realize, the language and tactics you are using is very JEWISH, it's how Jews gain control over others. I don't know if it's intentional, or merely accidental – I don't even bother to look at IP addresses anymore to try to figure out who you are, as everyone is using VPN/Proxy services today. So I somewhat assume you are attempting some form of social engineering. Again, I can't express this more clearly, flattery will not work with the Commander, he doesn't like it and he doesn't need it. In that regard, he and I are the same. It may be key as to why he's not a Jew supplicant today, which is true of MOST White Americans. Jews are the masters of deception and as such, they have deceived most people. Never forget that anyone and everyone is free to comment on here (as no membership or authentication is required). This means that the enemy of humanity has likely posted comments on here and will likely post again. Deceptive comments, with ulterior motives.

As to your question, the answer is no – I have never participated in IRL activism of any kind, neither with the NSM nor without. As stated above, I have a unique set of skills which center around the Internet. I built this website and continue to add features that are unheard of elsewhere in the White Nationalist and National Socialist movements. I am very much German and as such, I am a perfectionist. Everything we have works very well AND is armored against attack. And as the Jews seek and find weakness and begin their attack on said vulnerability – I simply double it in strength. We started with just one exit node, which was quickly DDoS'd into oblivion. I doubled it to two nodes. Then they managed to take down both nodes with another massive DDoS attack, so we now have 4 nodes. When they tried to blast all four nodes, they managed to slow service just barely noticeably, but were unable to take the site down. They have not attacked since then. We have won, for now.

I'm not a "Johnny come lately" having been part of the WN movement since the early 1990's (a member of the National Alliance, where I joined after listening to their shortwave radio broadcasts for about a year). I don't know who you are and obviously I do question your motives and tactics. If you're attempting a dick measuring contest, my dick would be represented by this website, rather than any IRL protest (which apparently you claim to have attended). Here we say Nigger and Kike and still remain online. I don't know of many other stand-alone websites that can make that claim, as even free speech hosting providers like Epik will ban the use of those terms. Free speech with limits is not free speech. So I hope you can appreciate what we have here, this unique oasis on the Internet. ?

Many of us are tired of these lukewarm Stormfront types making off topic comments here when they should be 100% dedicated to references to the GREATNESS of Commander Colucci!!! Burt Colucci should be the focus of all true American Patriots. Commander Burt Colucci's intellectual capacity speakes unto ALL Aryan Generations. It's very heartwarming to learn of the pro-Colucci operations of these wonderful people, the McBrides. They are on the right track & helping our people move FORWARD. If the cry of your heart is not HAIL NATIONAL SOCIALISM'S 21st century great leader BURT Colucci, please don't post here. We want only to be LOYAL to Burt Colucci here!!!!!


In reply to by Pro-Colucci (not verified)

We are a free speech platform for anyone to say anything they want to say. Eventually all the off topic stuff will be cleaned out, I just haven't done it yet. I intend to go through and leave only the high quality comments at some point. Please note your comments aren't going to be included when this happens, as they are mostly worthless flattery to the Commander and not much substance. Burt doesn't need flattery, he knows exactly who and what he is. Nobody need remind him. Flattery is only for those who are NOT what they say they are. Burt is exactly what he appears to be. He speaks the truth and fears no one.

As we can see, the so-called NSM Webmaster is living in a make believe world. His first priority should be FUND RAISING for the legal defense of the spectacular Commander Burt Colucci.

If you're an energetic White Nationalist, please assist in FUND RAISING & work on Tumblr to fight against the fake NSM operation there.



In reply to by Pro-Commander … (not verified)

Make believe world? How so? We have a whole team working on content/images for the donation request, my contribution will only be the ticker code, which I already have (recycled from previous requests). I'm just waiting on everyone else to come through (because I suck at salesmanship). And just to be clear, I don't believe any members of the NSM have tumblr accounts, so unless the Commander says otherwise, anything going on Tumblr is fake and a scam. Real NSM folks are only on Telegram, sometimes on Gab as well.

Check the social media links on this website to find ALL the legitimate social media accounts associated with the NSM.

I believe that is what our webmasters are doing.

Burt Colucci is our Commander and Chief and he will lead us into victory
Make no mistake, we must lead, as examples for the 14 words

Heil Commander Colucci!
He's the lion of our defense
All true comrades cheer him on
For contributions so immense

Heil Commander Colucci!
Where the mountians touch the sky
He has given life to us
In National Socialism, he's our guide

Heil Commander Colucci!
He banishes the evil of the jew
March arm in arm till we previal
Take heed that you join his true crew

Heil Commander Colucci!
He's the lion of our defense
All true comrades cheer him on
For contributions so immense

Heil Commander Colucci!
Where the mountians touch the sky
He has given life to us
In National Socialism, he's our guide

Heil Commander Colucci!
He banishes the evil of the jew
March arm in arm till we prevail
Take heed that you join his true crew
(Edited to correct spelling error)


In reply to by Pro- Commander… (not verified)

"(Edited to correct spelling error)"

That's not what happened, as your edit actually INTRODUCED NEW spelling errors. "Heil Commander Coluccu" misspells Colucci and "Where the mountians touch the sky" misspells mountains. The first message only misspelled "previal" as well as "mountians"

Confirm you have seen this response and I'll delete this entire thread, leaving only your first message, which is syntactically identical to your second, but after first correcting your two spelling errors.

Thank you for lettering everyone know that the Gab NSM group promoted by "Reynolds" is FAKE!

With these imposters roaming around, someone could easily be diverted from the great accomplishments of the true NSM staff.

Here's another 100% fake Gab account, that claims to be National Socialist


In reply to by Pro-Commander … (not verified)

I didn't say the Gab group was fake, I said, "I don't think that group belongs to the NSM." which is true. It may be a real and valid group promoting NS and the NSM, it's just not under the control of the NSM. That doesn't automatically make it "fake" no more than any other fan site. I have no way of knowing for sure the intentions of that group. The only valid social media links associated with the NSM are the ones listed under "Social Media" on this (and every) page. Everything else one should use with caution.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I think the guy called "Pro Commander" is fake! One reason is that he doesn't know me. I'm everywhere if you look. I worked for NSWPP and was active again when I returned home to the Northwest. The NSM has all my stuff going way back. Secondly I've DONATED to the NSM (FBI, negroes and Jews DON'T send a cent) Many out there do know me. But when someone proclaims everything as "fake" and beware, what do you mean? Cause Gab is FREE and reaches a LOT of people (do you know of a better site?). Why would reading something and clicking "Join" suddenly make you suspect? That's paranoia. And that's why I suspect "Pro Commander". A Hasbara Jew troll will try to turn everyone against each other. By the way, Gab (under ADL and German government pressure) DOES shadow ban.


In reply to by reynolds (not verified)

This "Pro Commander" fellow may be attempting some elaborate form of social engineering – likely because the Jews have FAILED to take this site down using traditional techniques (exploitation of vulnerabilities and/or denial of service attacks). None of that works here, so literally the only option left for them is infiltration – to try and get buddy-buddy with Burt, by using the practice of servile flattery. Basically, you suck up to Burt and slowly try to earn the position of site administrator through favoritism. But tactics such as these simply don't work, as Burt is exactly like me in regard to sycophancy (he hates it). Sucking up only makes you look weak and feckless. Burt and I both prefer the physically and mentally strong. We are repelled by boot lickers.

As for Gab shadow banning – this is why I hardly ever go there anymore. At one time, it would let me search for and find all kinds of great groups, but not lately. Also, we too have been put under ADL and BRD (Germany) pressure to stop saying the things we say, which is why we ultimately built and own our own technology stack, so they can't get us deplatformed ever again. This is nice. ? This is how it is supposed to be. ? But it's not free – we need about $350/month to cover our costs, so if you like our site and want me to be able to add more features to it, please send Burt some donation money. Thank you.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

In this time of control and dominance over country and our people let's not burn bridges with the many that are supporting the NSM even behind the scenes let's not be a fool but wise and our enemies very own battle plans and for now take there fake paper money and spend it on the things we need to win and do not fall into there evil traps of seduction of wealth of garbage toys if our people did not create it then we can live without it

Conservatism has failed.…

Conservatives should claim the mantle of Nationalists, specifically National Socialists, invoking the Führer's view (as revolutionaries) of what he envisioned as a movement of fundamental transformation, a radical reshaping of social order, of economy and society – the creation of something new and unprecedented, a volksgemeinschaft with a true national and racial identity, a new kind of economy. ?

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