The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )

TexasVet interview – Commander Burt Colucci on October 5, 2021



In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Did you now? That's cute! Idk why you blocked names out. I already seen all the court documents. lmao! It's public record, clowns! You really think you're hiding shit Webmaster? Aww, how adorable! State of Florida vs Burt Colucci. Plantiffs: Christopher Smith and Justin Budde rep David Newstat. Ofc there's Michael Nielsen rep Burt Colucci. Yeah, you act like i dont already know all of this. How dumb are you fuckers?

The commander gonna come sit on me? Ohhh noooo!


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I was discussing the Arizona case. I wasn't talking about Orange county. I wasn't redacting names. Jury selection has not begun for any trial in Orange County, so when you ask "How dumb are you fuckers?" the answer would be: demonstrably NOT as dumb as you. ?

In the beginning, there were three defendants. Charges have already been dropped against Jason Brown. Now there are only two.

CASE NUMBER: 48-2022-CF-001348-O
DATE: June 3, 2022
CHARGE(S): 1. GRAND THEFT 3RD DEGREE (>$750, <5,000)
From the investigation which has been made, it is the opinion of the writer that this case is not suitable for prosecution.

» not suitable for prosecution «

Read it and weep. This is EXACTLY what White men WINNING looks like. ? And there will be even MORE winning – and even some explaining, such as why does a video exist showing a young Jew shoving a 74 year old veteran into the ditch head first; and yet no charges have ever been filed? This is a felony in Florida. Yes, a complaint has been filed, or rather was attempted to be filed – but Orange county wouldn't accept ANY complaint filed against a Jew. Orange county will now have to explain why they broke the law and why they violated the civil rights of a 74 year old veteran. It WILL get interesting. ?

If I were Newstat at this point, I would be plenty nervous (however he IS a Jew and thus above the law). It is worth pointing out that Jews can only get away with shit like this, just so many times – before "it happens again" just as it already has, in 109 other countries. Yes, currently Jews ARE above the law, as one will discover there are no Jews in American prisons. But just how much longer can this remain true, BEFORE THE GOYIM KNOW?

<As for our Commander I believe he has every right to say what he wants when he wants. He is smart enough to say what needs to be said and not say what shouldn’t be. >

Well he better be ready to suffer the consequences of having a pending trial and charges against him and thinking he has the 1A right to say whatever he wants. Not how that works. As I said, we'll see come October/November if his 1A right isn't a factor in this. If he were smart he'd learn to keep that donut shoving hole of his closed, if he knows what's good for him. I said what the fuck I said! Whether I be a kike or nigger or both. At least ik my laws and what not to do and say online. You guys are just a dumb ass group of hateful retards and rejects. No wonder you founded this group because no other group or people would accept you. Sad and lame if you ask me.

So you founded this trash ass shit! ?? Eww!


In reply to by A jew to you (not verified)

Grandfather is not a fat ass, he's skinny. Grandfather is the one being pushed head first by the Jew into the ditch, as seen in the video. I believe you are confused.

"thinking he has the 1A right to say whatever he wants" So you think you know and understand controlling law in this case?

"At least ik my laws" Confirmed, you are a Nigger. Of all the people on earth, the only race who consistently believe they know and understand controlling law, are the Niggers. Ask any public defender, they will tell you it is this one aspect alone, which frustrates them the most.


In reply to by A jew to you (not verified)

I find it even more funny that you have spent so much time on this website. Doing your homework faggot? Just wait till all you niggers and kikes are expelled from the fourth reich. There’s not gonna be any time for apologies when that time comes. I don’t think the National Socialists are evil, mean, violent, or hateful at all. In fact it’s actually kikes that are that way…..don’t believe me, go read the the Talmud. FUCK THE JEWS


In reply to by Chris Oates (not verified)

You do know not only Jews are hateful but niggers too, right? It shouldn't be new to you that niggers have grown to be more, hateful, ignorant, overtly expouse Afrocentric/Black Supremacy, openly descriminate people who aren't Black (Whites amd Asians Especially), even engage an racist acts of violence upon them, amd even spread nonsensical "research" to justify their hatred and right to violently attack non-blacks whilst stealing their culture at the same time as well. You can find these things on social media, nigger's video hosting sites, wordpress pages, blogspot, etc.I can go one about but I just want to let you know that Niggers are also the enemy as well. Not just Kikes and Kikes alone.


In reply to by C18 (not verified)

Keep that same energy when you're face to face with God, mkay pumpkin! Straight to hell y'all will go. Majority of you follow the religion of a Jewish person, God/Jesus. How can y'all hate jews but follow Christianity? That's an oxymoron/ironic asf! ?? The dumbest shit I've come across today. Then it seems like some of y'all need to back tf away from the Bible then bc God's word is originally written in Hebrew.


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

> How can y'all hate jews but follow Christianity?

By hating them the way Jesus hated them, for being not of God.

John 8:42 Jesus said to the Jews, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.” 48 The Jews answered him, “Aren’t we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?” 49 “I am not possessed by a demon,” said Jesus, “but I honor my Father and you dishonor me. 50 I am not seeking glory for myself; but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge. 51 Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death.”

So here we learn many things. Jews are not of God, but are the children of their father, the devil. Jews are liars. Jesus was a Samaritan, from Samaria and not a Jew. Samaritans were genetically identical to modern Iranians, and thus, Aryans. Heaven is reserved only for those who hate the Jew. There are no Jews in heaven.

> God's word is originally written in Hebrew.

"The New Testament, however, was written in Greek. This seems strange, since you might think it would be either Hebrew or Aramaic. However, Greek was the language of scholarship during the years of the composition of the New Testament from 50 to 100 AD." Greek is of course, a White language. ?…

You simply MUST be a Nigger, as you are as dumb as fuck (to say it in your vernacular).


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

So basically you mean to say is that: you're in a cult. Ohh okay, I understand it now. Jesus was in fact Jewish, so imma let y'all be the ones to answer to God for that because never said to hate his son. Kinda retarded don't you think? Cause white supremacists are retards.

I'm black and Jewish. I love who I am and I'm proud. ✊?✊?????????????


In reply to by Re: I hate the Jews (not verified)

"Jesus was in fact Jewish" Not according to Jesus himself. I will take the word of Jesus as written in the bible, over anything an online idiot might say.

I provided the link to the bible quote, you can read it yourself. And you call ME a retard. Look who is actually mentally deficient.

"I'm black and Jewish." Bullshit. You clearly are a dumb Nigger, that's evident. But Jews OWN their violent Nigger pets. Niggers can never be born Jewish. Jews care more about race than anyone.


In reply to by A jew to you (not verified)

This is coming from a dumb Pseudo-intellectual leftoid who thonks he is smarter than Neo-Nazis/White Nationalist but in reality you are a fucking retarded pussy who talks shit but won't be able to confront any of the members due to the fear of getting the shit beaten out of your sorry ass. Get lost, queer.

Of course I am and will. Dude looks like he can put away 2 dozen donuts by himself. ??? Tf you punks gonna do? Not shit! Keep on being keyboard warriors. We'll see come October tho, won't we? ????


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

He says key board warriors as it sits in its parents basement talking shit to National Socialists. You’re a fucking faggot. Come on up to RI and find me I’ll show you that we are not key board warriors as you call it…..fucking faggot! Oh yeah and…..FUCK THE JEWS

I will tote whatever white supremacy I wish asshole. This is my home state and I’ve watched it go from mostly white to mostly shit skinned within 15 years. I live in probably the whitest area of RI on the island. You must be a liberal fag or kike. I grew up in WW but got out once the niggers started invading and taking over the schools.


In reply to by Chris Oates (not verified)

Yeah maybe next time I should pay you a visit ? You stay in Coventry right? If not Coventry, then Jamestown. People like you make my state a fucking disgrace and you need to go back to Europe with that BS! I promise you [threat of violence redacted by Webmaster]. African American student's excel in every subject and course you can think of. It's mainly poverty stricken whites who are drop outs, addicted to drugs. They aren't doing anything useful with themselves as well.


In reply to by Chris doofus (not verified)

If this were at all true, that "African American student's [sic] excel in every subject and course you can think of." then why the need for special treatment (affirmative action, waiver of SAT/ACT requirement for admission, quotas specifically for Niggers and Niggers alone, special grade point advantages ONLY for Niggers and so on) if this were at all true? The special treatment that Niggers receive in college, suggests the opposite is true, that without all these special advantages, those which are not offered to Whites and Asians, THAT NO NIGGER WOULD EVER BE ABLE TO GRADUATE FROM COLLEGE! I invite actual employers to tell us their stories, tell us how these on-paper "highly qualified" Niggers don't even come close to Whites and Asians in real-world employment performance. Truth said, an artificial reality has been created in the West and this artificial reality is applied only to Niggers. This artificial reality is delusional and detrimental, as only Niggers are given approval as adults, for achievements that Whites would only apply to White children. Yes, it is evident to everyone that an adult Nigger has the mind, behavior and impulse control of a White child. This trait is genetic, it is immutable, Niggers will NEVER fit or function well in White society because of this and as they increase in number, eventually America will resemble Brazil, but evidently, without White people controlling the Nigger population by shooting them from helicopters (the way ranchers control the feral hog population) civilization would collapse. Yes, it's true. In Brazil where Niggers are the majority, White law enforcement indiscriminately shoot them from helicopters (youtube features many video reports). This is the only way they have found to control the incredible levels of Nigger violence in places like Rio de Janeiro. When the truth is said about Niggers, the picture it paints is not pretty. Niggers are sub-human ape beasts, they are dangerous and at best a detriment to the advancement of civil society.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

White people are just the genetic mutations from black folks. Nothing more nothing less. Y'all were out casted by Africans and it still hurts and affects you today. Look at all that anger you have towards us still? It'll be okay though, this world belongs to African people and POC. Natural order is being restored, since white folks are dying at 5-7K people per MONTH! I know white people are not the chosen one's. Y'all are a disgrace to the human population! Have you ever stopped to think, this white nationalists BS is what is leading to your downfall? You pray to a God that's Jewish. In which you hate. You really think God/Jesus will really be on your side and continue your lineages? You hate him and wish death upon him. If I were to, I'd wipe all of you crazy mfs OUT! No exceptions. You people are evil and belong to Satan. Good that the white population in one the decline, maybe white supremacy will finally be eradicated, once and for all! God is resetting the white population. You and your families will not reproduce, your families will die off and be a forgotten memory. Remember what I said when it happens. Only those worthy enough of carrying the white population on, will. Through the Jewish GOD. He will decide that, you are only mere men. God has the final say in everything.


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

The White race is the oldest and most evolved race. And as such, White man walked on the moon, back in 1969. Niggers can't even feed themselves or build housing for themselves TODAY. "When the first hominins (human ancestors) began hunting and gathering on the open savannah, they lost their body hair, likely to keep cool amid the strenuous exercise of their lifestyle. These early humans probably had pale skin, much like humans' closest living relative, the chimpanzee, which is white under its fur."

The idea of Black people wiping out White people in the inevitable coming civil race war is ridiculous. Here's a Nigger who is smart enough to realize this fact. Even little White girls, this video shows, are superior to Niggers with a gun. And White people have 300 million guns. Niggers only have the scant few guns they steal from Whites and almost no ammunition.

According to the Bible, God turned Niggers black as a curse. "Studies of the Curse of Ham, the belief that the Bible consigned blacks to everlasting servitude."

So everyone should now realize that you are a moron and wrong on all of your beliefs.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

The white race is NOT the oldest. But keep thinking that. Funny how all of you want to call me stupid and unintelligent but I must've gotten under your skin bc y'all are lashing back with so much anger, it's actually hilarious! How cute, a bunch of small ? men who can't keep their shit together? Then when I question your foundation/origins you deflect by calling me stupid instead of actually doing research. You'd rather spew lies and opinions than rather factual data. Which is okay, I understand. If I were wrong. I'd be mad and defensive too ??????


In reply to by Re: The white Race (not verified)

You are not the arbiter of truth. I provided links (supporting evidence) for everything I said. The evidence refutes the claims you are making. You have yet to provide anything other than opinion and hyperbole.

You are diminishing your own arguments without my help.


In reply to by Chris doofus (not verified)

Wow you’re a fag making threats surprise surprise. You must me Jewish. First of all blacks do not excel in anything except maybe African hand ball. I would love for you to try and confront me faggot. This is my state and I will fight for my people being replaced by street shitting apes. You are part of the problem and need to go back to Israel where u belong…..or a volcano either one works


In reply to by Chris Oates (not verified)

This faggot makes the claim "I'm black and Jewish." and since Jews expel Niggers from Israel, we know they don't see their violent pets as equals. Therefore the only logical answer would be; this thing is a self-loathing obese White male incel, who wants to troll.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Jews don't keep people as pets.

The Black Hebrew Israelites were not recognized as Jewish, but it wasn't because they're African! How do I know?

Because they were NOT expelled. Some of them said,
"Fine, I'll convert to your Judaism. Whatever."
The rest entered as foreign nationals and were eventually naturalized.
I can't comment on what the criteria are, but they're certainly not LESS
arbitrary than the taxonomy you use.

Ethiopian Jews, for example, who practice Judaism proper face no such impediment.

I have no dog in this fight--well, not a jewish or Israeli dog, at any rate.
I came to this site, ironically, because it is common these days for people to say that Trump and the Republican Party are crypto-nazis. This is wrong, in my view. Fascists/National Socialists had an entire political-economic philosophy that the Republican Party does not embrace. They were in favor of heavy state intervention in the economy across the board. There was also a fairly generous welfare state. Franco and Mussolini were not Hitler. For you, I suppose that's a downside. But they did have a lot in common with other socialists. It's a matter of internationalist vs. ultra-nationalist, broadly speaking.

I came here looking for an actual platform, as national socialism/fascism/etc is not inherently some great evil. There is a rational case to be made for it.

Instead, I found "j00z r cockroacheZ" and even more disinformation (or sheer willful ignorance). Your ideology contains within itself the seed of its own destruction: you need enemies. Should you expel or liquidate them all, you'd have to find some other group to mobilize the public against. National socialism was deployed as an emergency makeshift.
Beyond that, its vision is just as sober as what the communists promised.
What will you do if you win after decades or centuries of war? What will galvanize the people then? *crickets*

With no other enemies to fight, your society would splinter into factions and fight itself. It is very much like what an alcoholic's liver does when the alcohol runs out: it begins to metabolize itself because it is used to processing all that alcohol.

I'll raise a glass to that!


In reply to by Ron Mead (not verified)

> Jews don't keep people as pets.

Correct. Jews don't keep people as pets. Jews keep violent sub-human Negro ape beasts as pets. They use them as bioweapons against their host, to create the chaotic environment necessary for the Jew to thrive. It's as if someone had gathered polar bears and loosed them in our cities. The outcome is the same. It should be evident to everyone that Niggers are at best maladapted for living in human civilization. It is wrong to keep them from their bliss, preventing them from "chimping out" in the jungle where they belong. We have actually created a place for Nigger kind, a place where they can be free from da po-lease, a proper home for these uneducable and violent sub-humans. It is a land called Liberia (meaning liberty) and it is a U.S. possession, bought and paid for long ago. It was created as a homeland for these violent apes, a place where they can do as they please, segregated away from Whites, where they can do us no harm – a place where they can live without a care in the world.

It is not taught in school, but Lincoln was in favor of migrating American Negroes to Liberia, when he addressed his own solution to slavery at a speech delivered in Peoria, Illinois: "I should not know what to do as to the existing institution [of slavery]. My first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia, to their own native land." Lincoln believed that emancipation and deportation was the key to a peaceful United States. He supported a bill in Congress that provided money "to be expended under the direction of the President of the United States, to aid in the colonization and settlement of such free persons of African descent now residing in said District, including those to be liberated by this act, as may desire to emigrate to the Republic of Liberia, or such other country beyond the limits of the United States as the President may determine." Lincoln understood that Whites and Blacks cannot coexist and that separation is the most expedient means to peace. Four days before his death, speaking to General Benjamin Butler, Lincoln insisted deportation was the only peaceable solution to America’s race problem. "I can hardly believe that the South and North can live in peace, unless we can get rid of the Negroes … I believe that it would be better to export them all to some fertile country." All we need to do is re-start the Lincoln plan, for a happier and more prosperous America. Violent crime in America would be reduced by nearly 80% and every member of law enforcement reading these words today KNOWS IN HIS OR HER HEART that what I just said is true, while of course, you will simultaneously condemn me for saying it, because it is "hate" and "intolerant bigotry." How can anyone live like that? The mental gymnastics you go through, it must be pure torture.

Please understand, I back the blue more than most members of the NSM. Obviously, I am an intelligent and rational White human being. I understand and agree with the need for laws and police officers to keep the peace. But that is not what you are doing, when you pretend America does not have both a Nigger problem AND a Jewish prosecutorial problem as well. These violent Nigger thugs, with their long felony records, are loosed upon decent White people. We pay taxes to keep us safe and you are not doing what we want, because you don't want to end up like Derek Chauvin, a police officer (just like you) who was sentenced to 22-and-a-half years for literally doing his job BY THE BOOK, the same as you would have done, if you were in that position. You watched the trial the same as I. You saw his defense present a solid case. Everything he did was by the book. Chauvin is an innocent man. George Floyd was NOT an innocent man, who died from a self-inflicted drug overdose that was completely covered up during the trial. We can not let these criminal Niggers win! I have several friends in law enforcement and they all agree, it's not worth losing your pension and possibly facing prison, so they simply let Black criminals go. And thus, the problem only exacerbates. This is how America turns into Brazil, which is currently a living hell.

> The Black Hebrew Israelites were not recognized as Jewish, but it wasn't because they're African! How do I know? Because they were NOT expelled.

Oh? You better tell the Times of Israel then, because they got their reporting wrong (about something that happened in their own back yard). It's so good of you to catch their mistakes, being at least over five thousand radial miles away from Israel, with no idea of what you are talking about.…

Mind you, I'm all in favor of this, as Niggers aren't safe around Jews or anyone. Niggers are not even safe around Niggers! I'm all in favor of Israel keeping themselves safe, ONLY I WANT THAT TOO! Don't you want yourself and your family to be safe as well? You can't possibly be a psychopath, can you? Unlike in America, racist comments from state-paid rabbis aren't exactly a rarity in Israel. Israel's chief rabbi, Yisrael Lau, used "the N-word" to describe Black athletes on his very first day in office in July 2013 for example. Again on March 17, 2018, another of Israel's chief rabbis, Yitzhak Yosef, called Black people "monkeys" (which they are) and "shvartze," the Hebrew equivalent of "the N-word" in his weekly sermon. Then on March 19 of the same year, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a public speech that the arrival of African refugees was "much worse" for Israel than "severe attacks by Sinai terrorists." I can't seem to find it now (damn Google for censoring their search results) but there was a poll in Israel which proved that the majority of the Israelis that live in proximity to the African refugees, in the Greater Tel Aviv area generally and around the slums of South Tel Aviv specifically, oppose having African refugees in Israel. So you see? I am NOT insane! Quite the opposite in fact. To date, the Israeli government has expelled approximately 40,000 African refugees, mainly Christians and Muslims from Eritrea and Sudan. So why can't we follow their lead and do the same?

This (link below) is what "members of the Israeli security forces, prison officials and soldiers both in uniform and in civilian clothes" think of Blacks, but don't let me spoil your narrative if that's what you want to believe. The video shows what one Black was subjected to by some nine random Israelis, who can be seen shooting, kicking and beating him for his abhorrent Negro behaviors.…

A year after this took place, two Israeli teens killed another African refugee, Babikir Ali Adham-Abdo, by beating him to death right outside of the city hall of Petach Tikvah, a Tel Aviv suburb. This retaliatory attack of course, was not unwarranted. The anti-African sentiment held by Israelis who live in relative proximity to the African refugees, demonstrates the extent of the damage done to Israel by these Africans. The Israelis have become convinced that, like Palestinians, the Africans behave in ways to be despised and must be expelled to preserve Israel.

> I have no dog in this fight--well, not a jewish or Israeli dog, at any rate.

Then why push these clearly false narratives? You sound like law enforcement (possibly high ranking, but not so high as to actually BE Jewish yourself) who appears to be suffering from cognitive dissonance, which is a common affliction among those in law enforcement. Cognitive dissonance describes the mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting ideas at the same time. People tend to seek consistency in their ideas and perceptions, so this conflict causes feelings of unease and discomfort. The inconsistency between what people believe (or are told to believe by the Jews) and what they actually see with their own eyes, motivates them to engage in actions that will help minimize these feelings of discomfort, such as by rejecting the truth, explaining away Black violence and abhorrent behavior, or avoiding any new information presented by me and those like me, which causes them discomfort.

> I came to this site, ironically, because it is common these days for people to say that Trump and the Republican Party are crypto-nazis.

Unfortunately no, DJT may be a Nationalist, but he is NOT a White Nationalist.

> This is wrong, in my view.

You are correct, but DJT is the closest thing we've ever had to what America needs to save itself from the erosive and detrimental effects of Jewish memetics. DJT is himself quite the meme-maker, which is why the pro-White crowd hate him so much. He (appears) to be both head AND SHOULDERS up the Jewish ass. He has been described as the most pro-Jew president in history and yet the Jews despise him. The Jews are a highly emotive people, therefore you may trust their hatred (which they can't hold back). Trump (so far) is the worst thing that has ever happened to American Jewry. Their reaction toward him, reflects this.

> Fascists/National Socialists had an entire political-economic philosophy that the Republican Party does not embrace. They were in favor of heavy state intervention in the economy across the board.

Wrong. The claim of "heavy" state intervention is wrong. Minimal state intervention is right. Don't confuse Marxism with National Socialism. Nazi Germany remained capitalist, but it had also undertaken state intervention in the economy heretofore unprecedented in capitalist societies. The Nazis supported free higher education, family and child support, retirement pensions, health insurance and an array of publicly supported programs that Americans now receive as well. Hitler once noted, the Third Reich has "opened the way for every qualified individual, whatever his origins, to reach the top if he is qualified, dynamic, industrious and resolute."

Although the Nazis did pursue a level of government intervention in the economy that would anger most free marketeers, their "socialism" was at best a secondary element in their appeal. Most supporters of Nazism embraced the party, precisely because they saw it as an enemy of (and the alternative to) the political left. America currently is comprised of "crony capitalism" where the State picks the winners and losers, giving taxpayer funded monetary rewards to the winners and huge tax liabilities to the losers. As an example, I give you Solyndra, a now bankrupt, government-funded (to the tune of half a billion dollars) solar-panel firm which the Obama White House backed completely (but only for partisan reasons, I assure you).

> It's a matter of internationalist vs. ultra-nationalist, broadly speaking.

Correct. Hitler hated the idea of international Jewish communism.

> I came here looking for an actual platform, as national socialism/fascism/etc is not inherently some great evil. There is a rational case to be made for it. Instead, I found "j00z r cockroacheZ" and even more disinformation (or sheer willful ignorance).

So you let the cognitive dissonance win. How unfortunate for you. But your misfortune can be used to educate others, thus my response here today is not for you – but rather, for them. ?

> Your ideology contains within itself the seed of its own destruction

I disagree. National Socialism is just like family, it extends from what nature has created and what has existed since the beginning of human kind. Every member of the NS party is like family, genetically and behaviorally familiar to one and all. This allows for a high level of cohesion and trust, something we are sorely lacking in America today!

> With no other enemies to fight, your society would splinter into factions and fight itself.

I will only partially agree, that a curse exists within the White race – and that curse is in-fighting. This of course is exacerbated to a great extent by the actions of the Jew. Jews take each and every one of our weaknesses and exploits them to the fullest (for their own gain). This is unfortunate for us AND A REMINDER AS TO WHY WE MUST REMAIN RACIALLY PURE, as Whites never (or rarely) do this to fellow Whites. Whites simply want to be happy and prosperous, our weaknesses become attributes around our own kind. We are currently living without trust, in a trust-free society. We live like this because the Jew requires chaos to live parasitically off of others. We do not want a zero-trust, high-fear society (which is what we now have, thanks to the Jew). What we want is a high-trust, zero-fear society. We will never achieve this by forcing a bunch of incompatible hominids to live together and share resources. Nature abhors biological mixing. Show me bacterial colonies which are not genetically pure. Show me herd animals who allow other species into their herd. Show me birds who flock with foreign birds. You can not, because nature abhors this (and so do we). Only Jews love this aberrant behavior and the chaos it brings, as chaos and entropy serves their needs (as a parasite).


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Webmaster: you quoted from the web which doesn't include the whole quote. After appealing to Butler for logistical advice on black removal, Lincoln laid bare the root of his fears. "I fear a race war, and it will be at least a guerilla war because we have taught these men how to fight." Historians are naturally reluctant to include Butler's whole quote, but recent scholars have found good reason to accept the whole conversation. Butler had no conceivable motive for lying in this instance, and Herman Belz, Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Maryland, has found that the basic thrust of Loncoln's comments was in accord with views he expressed elsewhere concerning reconstruction. If Butler's recollection is substantially correct, as it appears to be, then one can only conclude that Lincoln continued to his dying day to deny any possibility of racial harmony and equality in the United States and persisted in regarding colonization as the only real alternative to perpetual racial conflict.


In reply to by iron pill (not verified)

Thank you for your insight and knowledge on this matter. To my credit, I'm basically limited to learning only that which is available to me on the web. I'm not a great historian and I own zero history books (my book library is more practical, everything from mathematics, physics and chemistry – to medicine, geology and even metallurgy). I understand the basics of Lincoln's opinion on Niggers from his campaign speeches (available unedited and uncensored from the National Parks Service website).

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

What we can gather from this is that Abraham Lincoln was the same as we – he wanted the Nigger scourge gone from American soil and he accepted the undeniable FACT of White supremacy. America belongs to the superior, not the inferior. This is why Lincoln and others purchased West African land and created the country known as Liberia – as a home for these mostly disgusting feral ape beasts, which are incompatible with human civilization.

All they're trying to do is get a rise out of you by typing words don't let words get to you... 88!

It must be hard to be nigger, forced into our world, the world we created. It was made for us, and the niggers and the Jews and the Indians don't belong in it. We will forever be superior in every way. These people were created to be and still are slaves to us. To work hard day in and day out for us as we own them. They're not humans; they're scums, with blood filled with this poison and diseased for life. We are the white and the cream, made to be superior. We are the humans in this world, and if we could eradicate all others, I'd be so excited, but until then, we must protect every one of us and show the world that we are superior, have always been, and always will be forever as god created all of us for this world. Every one of us has to protect our kind, as we need to tell the truth.


In reply to by Kill the other (not verified)

Let me elaborate on what you said by quoting Kai Murros, a Finnish intellectual and patriotic activist from Helsinki.

For us Europeans defeat is not an option–we have created the greatest civilization on earth, we have always crushed our enemies, we have explored this planet, reached the moon, split the atom and accumulated scientific knowledge far more than all the other races together. Even today, at the moment of our weakness, we are still admired and envied by the entire world.

Our enemies, the vile alien masses herding in our streets, attacking, extorting, robbing our people, abusing our hospitality, laying claim on our soil have not yet even grasped what absolute and total violence in massive scale means. They seem to think that they can intimidate us into submission by using terrorism and petty gang violence, but they forget that once us Europeans turn violent we wipe out races, we destroy entire civilizations, we desolate continents and we start world wars.

Europeans are masters of violence. The nature has endowed us with courage, patience, resilience and a systematic mind. We will use these gifts to the fullest in the coming years. We will declare a total and radical war of destruction on those who wish us harm and we will not stop until we have destroyed them completely.

The NSM does not condone violence, but the rational man watches and observes our elected and unelected leaders use violence and only violence to exert their will. Ultimately, it is violence, not voting which serves to decide who lives, who dies, who rules and who serves. Ideally, it would be better if we could vote our way out of any situation, but voting is not natural and clearly is not effective (as clearly it is not fair). Only tooth and claw is both natural and effective, as the final arbiter. It is impossible for any living creature to escape the laws of nature. Just as Kai Murros has said, this violence is inevitable now, as the White race will not go quietly into extinction, exploitation and servitude. White people are the most tolerant people on earth, but tolerance has its limits and eventually the White race will rise up like a lion and tear the shit out of everyone and everything. This is now inevitable and an immutable truth that frankly should scare the ever loving shit right out of each and everyone reading my words here today. History has shown what White people can (but generally don't) do. The White race learned to split the atom in order to defeat and subjugate an entire race of people. Eventually, the sleeping lion will rise up and show the jackals just who he really is.

As you all know, Elizabeth II recently passed away. And look at how people are reacting, the whites are reacting with respect and showing sympathy towards Elizabeth and the royal family. But the Niggers and other untermenschen scums are laughing, mocking her, insulting her, etc. It truly shows how terrible and disgusting the untermenschen scums of the world are…


In reply to by Elizabeth, forever (not verified)

Didn't this queen preside over her kingdom, her empire and commonwealth during the time while it transitioned from White to not-White? From a kingdom of proud White conquerors and colonialists, to now become among the defeated and the colonized by the turd world? And just what has she done to stop all this? NOTHING! Is there not now a mulatto royal duchess within her own family? Did she not care? So, by surrendering to the dark hordes, who arrived in England to consume public benefits and live off the taxpayer by having large families, turning Britain dark, did she not actually EARN their scorn? The Queen's coronation in 1953 marked the beginning of a great period of renewal, a time when Britain moved from post-war austerity, into a beautiful period of affluence and peace. But where is Britain now? Where was queen Elizabeth as her empire crumbled? Britain is not Britain anymore.


In reply to by Elizabeth, forever (not verified)

It’s very illuminating to see so many black people on Twitter and other social media platforms celebrating the death of the Queen and claiming that they want to dance on her grave.
When Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926 London was almost completely white, it was a homogenous city that represented the indigenous people of the British Isles. By 2022, the year of her death White Britons were a minority in London, the city had been claimed by migrants and its character, culture and the daily life of its residents had totally changed, becoming foreign in many ways.
Queen Elizabeth never made any protestations against these changes, in fact, on multiple occasions, she welcomed them and even told White Britons to embrace them.
Yet now, in the aftermath of her passing, the people she watched colonise London, the people she welcomed into Britain, the people who she smiled upon and told White Britons to accept, many of them are celebrating her death, condemning her and wishing the vilest things upon both her and her family.
I think there’s a lesson to be learned somewhere here…

To any untermenschen scum that is thinking of attacking us in any way, just know we’re ready for you and we are ready to fight. We are here to stop our beautiful white race from being replaced by filthy untermenschen’s


In reply to by Noir (not verified)

Some truths are self-evident. The untermensch scum which you describe, have taken the bait and allowed themselves to be used as pawns by the (((master deceiver))) and thus have essentially sealed their own fate. The lure of an easy parasitic lifestyle appeals to the untermenschen. This brings the struggle of evolution to an ultimate climax. There are only two possible outcomes now. First and unfortunately the most likely outcome (due to inaction) the White race quietly moves into a period of extinction, the same as has happened to us before with the Neanderthals, of which we (and we alone) are all a part. It may actually be the expressing of these Neanderthal genes as our weakness, our downfall, that which gives the Jew the needed advantage to destroy our entire race by deception. We are the greatest race the world has ever seen and most likely will never see again. What a horrible thought, of our own extinction, caused by our own inaction, just as we are at the precipice to migrate to and colonize the stars. The other outcome is of course, White people eventually snap out of this Jewish spell and fight back.

Not all Whites are under the Jewish spell of course, this website and organization stand in testament to this. However, the majority of Whites ARE under the Jewish spell, with the relentless persecution of neo-Nazis (and even mere conservatives) as proof: majority Whites refuse to fight this civil race war, which we are already in and have been since 1964. The impression to be made of this is clear, the White race has already given up. The Jew has convinced the White race to collectively commit suicide. The White race has become a suicide death cult, we see this everywhere. The Jews freely provide many means of immolation for Whites to choose from, most common of which is depression and suicide with fentanyl, homosexuality, transgender, nonbinary or intersex, followed by incel, mgtow, miscegenation, abortion of White children, birth control used only by Whites, mass immigration of mud races exclusively for demographic replacement and so on.

George Lincoln Rockwell tried to nip this Jewish plan in the bud, just when it began, but he didn't live long enough to succeed. The NSM now stands as a direct descendant of that movement, where only time can tell the final outcome. It is now up to the NSM alone, as the survival of our race rests squarely upon our shoulders and none other. Truth is never pretty. I know this looks bleak and it is not intended to seem defeatist, however truth must be spoken, just as a wake up siren must sound for all to hear. Wake up! Time is short, for in most places, Whites have already become a minority on our own lands.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is now out to get us, for not thinking what he wants us to think – or for not believing the Jewish lies he wants us to believe. More accusations, now taken down to the level of the individual American citizen, as being "radicalized online" by "an ideology of hate" and thus, "a domestic terrorist threat." He claims this in spite of allowing Niggers to loot and burn with impunity, for two years, during a pandemic – where none of these offenders were ever charged with terrorism, many never charged with anything at all, but rather "given plenty of room to protest" instead. Does he not see the disparity between how he perceives the far right, versus the far left? How are we to take this accusation? [video below] Is this simply political hyperbole in an election year, or is it more than that? Never forget the (thankfully failed) DHS attempt to impose a censorship agency in the form of a "disinformation board" which might rightly be called "the ministry of truth" from an Orwellian dystopian novel. We are Americans. We will uphold the suppressed truth and reject popularized Jewish lies if we choose to. See amendment 1 of the Bill of Rights for more information, regarding what rights we have as American citizens.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Let's take a moment and rationally dissect this video, to analyze exactly what this clearly politicized DHS Secretary is actually saying on MSNBC, the most radically leftist news agency in the world.

He speaks of Americans radicalized to violence by an ideology of "hate." Our love of the White race and a disdain for Black behaviors is not simply "hate" or "some kind of emotional problems." You can't write off half of all Americans so easily. Later he names a few cases as examples – all of which were perpetrated by Whites, none of which were motivated by either ideology OR hate. These attacks were motivated by FAME. These actors were seeking fame. When a Nigger kills a White, a common occurrence all across America on a daily basis – do you ever discover the name or even just the race of the perpetrator or of the victim, or (in most cases) that it even happened at all? Aren't these stories ROUTINELY SUPPRESSED in the media, so as not to alert the plebs as to the true nature and COLOR of violent crime? It is impossible for a Black offender to become famous through violence, as these offenders are treated with kid gloves. For example, the media reports that "a sport utility vehicle (SUV) killed six people and injured 62 others by hitting participants and observers at the annual Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin" without mentioning the race of either the suspect, or the victims. However if the races were reversed, it would still be in the news today. According to the media, it is not just implied that the SUV killed people, it is literally worded as such – not that some hate-filled Nigger was seeking revenge for Kyle Rittenhouse being found not guilty (the actual motivation for his crime, as stated on the perpetrator's own facebook page).

He speaks of "cyber security threats" of "false narratives," false by whose standards? We validate our narratives with supporting evidence, which those on the left do not. The left only validates their narratives by getting angry when we prove they are full of shit. We know what's going on, we see their hidden and radical agendas – and we call them out.

He speaks of all these things they are doing to "make sure that the American people are safe and secure" without realizing he had named a number of instances of fame-seeking violent actors, who the DHS was clearly, UNABLE TO STOP. What they won't say (or won't admit to) is that it is impossible to stop random, high entropy cases such as these. The only way for Americans to be truly safe from random acts of violent crime, whether from fame seeking Whites or violence seeking Nigger thugs, is for each and every American to be adequately trained AND ARMED at all times, just as our Bill of Rights allows. A well regulated militia is NECESSARY for the security of a free State! In every case, if only just ONE armed individual was present to return fire, these situations would have been completely different. What I said just now, is an example of these "false narratives" of which he speaks (id est, what we know to be truth). What I said is of course true, inconvenient though it may be.

*** MORE guns, not less, is what will make Americans safe! ***

He speaks of domestic terrorism as the greatest threat we face, without addressing the violent crime rates associated with just ONE (minority) race of people. Talk about having an elephant in the room – the focus on White radicals is absurd, when literally the majority of homicides committed in the USA are committed by minority Blacks. So this becomes literally the elephant in the room. Not one mention of Black violence in America by this DHS Secretary, even as it amounts to THE MAJORITY of cases of violence. If you've ever watched this stuff on worldstar hiphop, Niggers recording and sharing their own violent crimes, you will agree this is undeniably terrorism.

He then claims the DHS exists to uphold the law, as millions of illegal aliens pour into America. He speaks of "humanitarian relief" which the USA is in no way legally authorized to offer. Yes, there is an asylum system, but less than 1% will qualify. And even that system is biased and highly politicized. Eligibility for asylum or refugee status must fit one of these criteria: persecution must have been based on at least one of five grounds, either your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. Huh, imagine that. All the NSM members qualify on all five criteria. So what happens if a White South African applies for asylum? He is sent home, where he is killed the moment his plane lands. This has actually happened. What happens if a White German Nationalist applies? He is returned and is sent to prison for having the wrong political opinion. NO ONE in CBP can name even ONE German, British or any other nationality who was kept in the USA for being a Nazi, as being a Nazi was persecuted in his own home. Meanwhile I can name many that I knew personally, who were denied asylum and sent home for political persecution. The hypocrisy is astounding. The arrest and deportation of these nationalists usually involves unnecessary violence. Even the arrest and deportation of Hendrik Möbus (a German neo-Nazi underground musician) resulted in his arm being broken. Hendrik met the criteria for asylum perfectly – on multiple levels and yet he was denied even without hearing, arrested in both an unnecessary and violent, high-profile manner – expressly to send a political message by OUR rogue government. He was sent home to where he was sentenced and imprisoned for something which is NOT illegal here. Hendrik Möbus met the very definition of persecution under 8 U.S. Code § 1158, a fact which was completely ignored, due to his far-right political leanings.

And lastly, what he said regarding the border states sending migrants to blue cities "causing a humanitarian crisis" – look, it's also a crisis for the border states. The attempt is clear. Abbott and Ducey are DEMONSTRATING to the Democratic leadership in these blue cities that these migrants are a real problem, by putting them in their own back yard. If the Democrats want them so bad, then LET THEM DEAL WITH THEM! We don't want them. Enforce the laws on the books already by enforcing our border!

I was fortunate to have seen the Australian NSM practicing
and getting rid of some of the bugs there a few days before
the 'real deal'. And then Chris's show from Australia was one big
WOW! I am so proud of this young man! Way to go Chris! A very smart, articulate young guy (well hell, much younger this old bird!), who also is willing and open to taking advice from other NSM officials and whatnot without needing an ego check! And apparently
NSM Australia is also, just like here in the USA, gaining smart and dependable younger people to swell the ranks! Just a bottom line, this; It was sort of a short show, but so inspiring and what another demonstration of how Commander Colucci does his job so well by this type of thing, getting like minded people in other countries like Australia to join up and be part of what shall indeed be the greatest White Racial victory the world shall ever see. Watch Chris's Australian show, you will love it! Looking forward for more news and shows and so forth from this young NSM Leader and his people "down under"!

So basically, this antifa member attempted to question my believes and support for the Reich but something she said really stood out to me, it was the pure stupidity of it that stood out to me. She called Nazis “socialist” Like… socialism and national socialism are two completely different things… it’s funny how dumb antifa is ?

I agree that the queen certainly did have her flaws, but she only had very few flaws. Other than that, she truly was an amazing woman. God Save The Queen ❤️

I’ve been wondering this for a bit, what is the NSM’s opinion on the Confederate States of America?


In reply to by Noir (not verified)

This is only MY opinion, not the official opinion of the NSM corporation. Personally, I would rather have seen a dissolution of the union – forming a North United States and a Southern Confederacy. This would have been far superior to what we now have, a preserved union which the whole of it is run by Jews. That is not to say the Jews would not have taken the levers of power over both the North and the South, as likely they would have. Jews operate with a hive mind that works in concert over many generations to get what they want and please their master, Satan.

There will be a second civil war, this is now inevitable. I'm not even in favor of separation anymore – with a Coastal America and a Central America. No, the only solution is the one that seems most reasonable as Es ist Zeit für Säuberung. Diapers need changing. Toilets need flushing. America is past due for a cleansing. This will be the natural outcome of the now unavoidable civil war two. Only the very best should be called Americans.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

I would like to see the union break up too. The Fed has become a bully. Forcing southern states to takes hordes of illegals, refusing to protect the border. The Fed is directly responsible for the brown/black take over of America.

I recently found out that on Sunday, Italians are going to vote for the next prime minister and it seems like Giorgia Meloni is the favourite canadite. The thing about her is… that her party has links to neo-fascism! It also seems likely that she will indeed become the next prime minister. This is a great thing! This is a step in the right detection!


In reply to by Noir (not verified)

There is a strong reason why this could happen. Italia is LOUSY with Niggers! And if this does happen, how they deal with their Nigger problem might actually encourage other countries to do the same. The cancer spreading through White countries and all across Europe may actually find a cure and her name is Giorgia Meloni. Not to mention, she's not hard on the eyes, either.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Fascist far-Right Giorgia Meloni WINS! This gives America hope for a political resolution (rather than what the radical Left is pushing for, civil war). This win is a huge breakthrough for Europe's survival. Parties marginalized by the Jew, with accusations of Nazi or fascist heritages, are finally entering the mainstream in Europe and they are winning elections, all across Europe! How soon should we expect members of the NSM to start winning elections here in the USA? We do have member candidates, currently running for office (albeit without much hope).

Italy and perhaps all of Europe is now reborn, by electing a hard-right majority, a right-wing coalition to Parliament, led by Giorgia Meloni, whose long record of exposing the Jewish European Union, run by a clique of Jewish international bankers, who use migrants as a bioweapon, has sown FEAR among the Jews of the West. THEY MIGHT BE NEXT! Meloni's strong showing, with about 26 percent of the vote, the highest of any single party in this election, makes her the favorite to become the country's first female prime minister. Maybe that's just what it takes? Italy needs their very own Joan of Arc.

Earlier this month, Sweden Democrats, a party founded in 1988 as a veiled neo-Nazi movement, won 20.5 percent of the vote in the last election, giving it the second-highest number of seats in Parliament, right after the center-left Social Democrats. At least this is a start.

Italy is the birthplace of fascism and is a founding member of the European Union. This has sent strong shock waves across the left-leaning Jew-run continent. Meloni's victory shows us that the allure of White nationalism, perhaps even national socialism, of which she is a strong advocate, remains undimmed among our people, despite the incessant brainwashing by the Jew. Just how and how deeply this right-wing coalition in Italy, led by Meloni could strengthen the pro-White movement, must now be the foremost concern of the Jewish European establishment. Grab some popcorn and let's watch these Jews squirm.


In reply to by Webmaster (not verified)

Giorgia Meloni Said that “Israel’s existence is vital”
She seems to be another controlled opposition figure among the right, after all ZOG wouldn’t allow any real opposition to the Jew World Order to win elections that (((they))) control, as (((they))) are responsible for getting the votes.

At this point our only hope is Putin, democracy in the west is led by jews and Putin is the only one who actually poses a threat to international Jewry. We should back him 100% in his crusade against the Jew world order.

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Who was the leader of Germany during WWII? (just his last name)