The National Socialist Movement
Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung
( an American
Nazi party )

NSM Live Streaming Video

So far a smashing success!

UPDATED: 21 Feb 2022

Just a quick note to say that we have doubled the capacity of our vodcast server, due to an unusually high demand from a public, which apparently is hungry for the truth. This website has seen an unprecedented growth in traffic, a result of the blatant and obvious anti-White injustices, following the NSM Orlando protest. And as you watch what is happening online these days, where databases are being posted online, stolen from websites like Epik and GiveSendGo, know that these same top level hackers have given their all against us – and failed. I've watched them work, seen them in my honeypot and even learned quite a lot from them. It is worth noting, that before we were forced to build our own infrastructure, since we are deplatformed everywhere else, we actually used Epik as our so-called "free speech" hosting provider. But Epik apparently couldn't handle the truth about Niggers and gave us the boot. The NSM became their first deplatforming. So how did hiring Nigerians as cheap labor work out for them? Not so well, apparently – as Epik will now forever be remembered as having the largest data breach in Internet history, exposing more than 15 million personal records online, while unmasking the individuals behind some of the most notorious websites, including this one. About 180 GB of data was included in that leak alone. And believe it or not, Epik actually made a lot of money to do for us then, what we now do for ourselves. But the major difference of course is cost and security. Today we are far more secure than Epik and at a far lower cost. Never forget that Nazis are übermenschen and have built some amazing protections into this custom technology stack. Nazis don't need any help to remain online, in spite of what the Jews and Antifa want.
Nazis demonstrably are, die Herrenrasse. Never forget that.

The NSM has demonstrated many strategic new improvements in our media outreach, all thanks to the Jew. The gift that the Jew has bestowed upon us was simple – they got us deplatformed from BlogTalk Radio. This was the little push that we needed, in order to transition to a self-provided, live streaming video service, an upgrade which we most definitely needed.

Since we are no longer relying upon 3rd party platforms for media presentation, genuflecting to their arbitrary, politically correct and capricious rules, we now of course have NO RULES – meaning, we no longer must practice self-censorship, other than what is required under U.S. federal law. Free speech is the first enumerated right on our Bill of Rights. Jews need to understand that. 🙂 Nazis have rights too, these Jewish swine should remember that and stop attempting elaborate and unethical measures to deny the rights of others.

The vodcast distribution server is now finished, automatic vodcast recording software was tested during the last broadcast, with Burt Colucci and it worked flawlessly. The new technique is to capture HLS packets during the show, then transcode them into mp4 after the show is completed. This method works better than previous methods – in fact, it works flawlessly. 🙂 I have also cleaned up the CSS code related to the modal display of videos, now they display in 480p more accurately, this is mostly just a cosmetic improvement.

Features and technologies that we will develop next include:

  • A full replacement for BlogTalk Radio.
  • A live peer-to-peer real-time chat.

Our audio-only asset will provide higher audio quality (full CD audio quality) — double that of BlogTalk. This will be 24/7 continuous live streaming audio, compatible with ALL devices – about the same service as what you find at sites like infowars and others.

I'm trying to decide how best to deploy the live peer-to-peer real-time chat. Should it be a modal (pop-over) or a separate page? Should the media assets all move to their own page, rather than being at the bottom of the main page? What do you guys think? Email our media director EMcBride (at) and let him know your thoughts.

Long term, our plans are to continue adding additional new technologies, never before seen features on any White Nationalist or National Socialist website; continually striving toward our highest standards – and to show the world just what Nazis are capable of creating. These features will improve our outreach, ultimately toward becoming the most powerful political party in America. 🙂

Don't laugh, it happened once before in Germany. Everything that caused the rise of National Socialism in Germany is happening right here, right now, almost exactly 100 years later – all thanks to the Jews. Fate if you will, is clearly on our side!